Emilia Fox

Emilia Fox

Nascimento : 1974-07-31, London, England, UK


Emilia Rose Elizabeth Fox (Londres, 31 de julho de 1974) é uma atriz britânica nascida na Inglaterra. Emilia é filha dos atores Edward Fox e Joanna David. Ela fala francês e alemão, e é especialista em artes marciais [carece de fontes]. Além disso, toca violoncelo e piano,Cônjuge: Jared Harris (de 2005 a 2010) Filha: Rose Gilley Filiação: Joanna David, Edward Fox


Emilia Fox
Emilia Fox


War and Justice: The Case of Marine A
In Afghanistan, 2011, Royal Marine Alexander Blackman shot an unarmed Taliban insurgent in the chest. What's the true story behind one of the most controversial events in the war on terror?
Alexander Pope: Rediscovering a Genius
Docudrama that recounts the astonishing life story of a forgotten genius, English poet Alexander Pope, who lived from 1688 to 1744.
Blithe Spirit
Violet Bradman
O romancista policial mais vendido, Charles (Dan Stevens) sofre de terrível bloqueio de escritor e está lutando para terminar seu primeiro roteiro. Sua nova esposa perfeita, Ruth (Isla Fisher), está fazendo o possível para mantê-lo concentrado para que possam realizar seu sonho de deixar Londres e ir para Hollywood. A busca de inspiração de Charles o leva a convidar a excêntrica mística Madame Acarti (Judi Dench) para realizar uma sessão espírita em sua casa. Ele consegue mais do que esperava quando Madame Acarti invoca inadvertidamente o espírito de sua primeira esposa: a brilhante e fogosa Elvira (Leslie Mann). Pronta para retomar sua vida exatamente de onde parou, Elvira fica chocada ao descobrir que a afetada e adequada Ruth está agora casada com seu marido e administrando sua casa. Charles se encontra preso entre suas duas esposas e suas tentativas cada vez mais exageradas de superar uma à outra nesta comédia letalmente hilariante.
Jack the Ripper: The Case Reopened
Herself - Presenter
Emilia Fox and Britain’s top criminologist, Professor David Wilson, cast new light on the Jack the Ripper case. Together, they examine the Ripper’s modus operandi using modern technology to recreate the murder sites to help understand the extraordinary risks the Ripper took to kill his victims. Using the Home Office Large Major Enquiry System (HOLMES)—a bespoke computer system used by the police to help detect patterns in criminal activity—and evidence uncovered within the investigation, results strongly indicate another woman was, in fact, the first Ripper victim.
The Snow Wolf: A Winter's Tale
A dramatized tale of how wolves recovered in Europe after almost going extinct.
The Ghost
Sandra White
When Spurs legend John White was killed by a bolt of lightning in 1964, the football world was rocked by the tragedy. He was just 27 years old. His son, Rob, was only six months old and never knew his father. The man who was revered by hundreds of thousands of football fans across the country was a stranger…
Mum's List
The story of Singe and Kate, a couple from North Somerset, whose lives were turned upside down when Kate was diagnosed with an incurable breast cancer. Over her last few days, she created her list: writing her thoughts and memories down, to help the man she loved create the best life possible for their two sons, after she was gone.
Kew's Forgotten Queen
Herself - Presenter
Within Kew Gardens stands an extraordinary gallery, celebrating the work of one of the most prolific botanical artists of the Victorian age. At a time when women barely left their parlour rooms, Marianne North's globetrotting exploits defied convention as she travelled alone at the height of the British Empire. From Borneo and Brazil to Japan, South Africa, Australia and India, she fearlessly navigated the world twice over in her pursuit of capturing every living plant on canvas. Actress Emilia Fox tells the story of how this Victorian rebel changed the face of botanical research, propelling her to the top of a male-dominated world of science and exploration, gaining the admiration of Charles Darwin and even Queen Victoria. Retracing Marianne's footsteps and her passion for the natural world, Emilia revisits the awe-inspiring locations of some of her greatest experiences.
A Cuidadora
Quando Dorottya, uma ambiciosa jovem atriz húngara, assume o emprego, nada invejável, como cuidadora do outrora grande ator de teatro, Sir Micheal Gifford, os dois confrontam-se de imediato. Ele, cheio de pena de si próprio e rabugento; ela, teimosa e frontal, como ninguém mais se atreve. Para surpresa de ambos, oposição e luta era exatamente do que eles precisavam. Impulsionado por brigas e pelo amor de ambos por Shakespeare, o seu relacionamento é vivo e cada um encontra no outro uma inspiração.
A wartime photographer takes the last photograph of his career in Palestine, and later uses it to save his own life...
The Wipers Times
Kate Roberts
When Captain Fred Roberts discovered a printing press in the ruins of Ypres, Belgium in 1916, he decided to publish a satirical magazine called The Wipers Times - "Wipers" being army slang for Ypres. Full of gallows humour, The Wipers Times was poignant, subversive and very funny. Produced literally under enemy fire and defying both authority and gas attacks, the magazine proved a huge success with the troops on the western front. It was, above all, a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity. In his spare time, Roberts also managed to win the Military Cross for gallantry.
Trap for Cinderella
A young girl, suffering from amnesia after surviving a house fire that takes her childhood friend's life, begins a tormented road to recovery.
Suspension of Disbelief
Claire Jones
Martin is a screenwriter, who finds himself in one of his own plays: A young woman is found dead in the Thames and no one really knows, what has happened to her.
A Mil Beijos de Profundidade
Mia é testemunha da morte de uma idosa no prédio onde vive. A partir desse momento, algo estranho acontece e ela começa a viajar para diferentes momentos de seu passado para evitar que seu conturbado ex-namorado possa machucá-la.
Ways to Live Forever
Amanda MacQueen
Sam loves facts. He wants to know about UFOs and horror movies and airships and ghosts and scientists, and how it feels to kiss a girl. And because he has leukemia he wants to know the facts about dying. Sam needs answers to the questions nobody will answer.
The Man Who Married Himself
Oliver has a mid-life crisis, and decides to get married - to himself. This is the story of his relationship, and how he discovers some truths about life and love on the way.
O Retrato de Dorian Gray
Lady Victoria Wotton
Dorian (Ben Barnes) é um belo jovem privilegiado que deseja que sua imagem em uma pintura envelheça em seu lugar. O que ele considerava uma vantagem, se torna uma maldição, e quanto mais velho e corrupto Dorian fica, o retrato guardado no porão se torna um monstro.
Ben is delighted when he rips open his present and finds a penguin inside. “Hello, Penguin!” says Ben. Penguin says nothing. Ben tickles Penguin; he pulls his funniest face; he puts on a happy hat, sings a silly song and does a dizzy dance. “Can’t you talk?” says Ben. Penguin says nothing. It isn’t until a passing lion intervenes that Penguin finally speaks ... and when he does, Ben discovers something that was really worth the wait.
Owl Babies
Three baby owls, Sarah, Percy and Bill, wake up one night in their hole in a tree to find that their mother has gone. So they sit on a branch and wait. Darkness gathers and the owls grow anxious, wondering when their mother will return. But, at last, she does, and they bounce up and down with joy, welcoming her home.
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
When Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury's family go on a bear hunt, they are full of the bravado and confidence that the knowledge of failure brings: We're going on a bear hunt, We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We're not scared. Caves, mud, rivers, forest … whatever obstacles the family encounters, they overcome with reassuring ease. But when their quest is successful, they decide bear hunts are not to be repeated.
Consuming Passion
Three intertwined stories to celebrate the the centenary of romance publishing house Mills & Boon. The first concerns Charles Boon's tempestuous relationship with his wife Mary, and is complemented by story lines set in the 1970s and the present day.
Dançando Para a Vida
Sylvia Brown
Baseado em obra homônima de Noel Streatfeild, é ambientado na década de 1930 em Londres. É a história das órfãs Pauline, Petrova e Posy Fossil, que são adotadas pelo excêntrico explorador Professor Matthew Brown, e criadas por Sylvia, sua sobrinha altruísta. Quando o Professor desaparece, Sylvia tenta dar conta das despesas alugando quartos para hóspedes cujos atos mudarão suas vidas para sempre. As garotas são matriculadas na escola de teatro e começam a trabalhar nos palcos. Isso combina com os desejos da ambiciosa Pauline, que está ansiosa para atuar, e com a vontade de Posy, uma dançarina nata, mas Petrova, que deseja ser aviadora, sofre com a frustração e o desapontamento. As irmãs juram “colocar seus nomes nos livros de história” e esse desejo mantém a família unida a qualquer preço. A vida no mundo do show business é bem-sucedida, mas corações são partidos e lições aprendidas nesta encantadora história.
Reflexos da Inocência
Sister Jean
Um antigo astro do cinema, cada vez mais irrelevante em Hollywood, decide acompanhar o funeral de seu melhor amigo, na cidade onde viveu sua juventude. A ocasião será uma dolorida oportunidade para revisitar o cenário de suas maiores aventuras e olhar para trás para o tempo de sua juventude.
A newly married couple, en route to their honeymoon, stop at a service station in the middle of the night. When Zoran disappears to make a phone call and fails to return, Dawn begins to wonder just how well she knows her new husband.
Born Equal
Four characters living in one neighborhood in London - all living dramatically different lives, all of them on the edge - see their stories unfold.
Cashback, Bem-vindo ao Turno da Noite
Sharon Pintey
Após uma separação dolorosa, Ben desenvolve insônia. Para ganhar tempo, ele começa a trabalhar no turno da noite no supermercado local, onde sua imaginação artística corre solta.
Free Jimmy
Bettina (voice)
Quatro maconheiros, cinco vegans, três mafiosos, quatro caçadores e um milhão de razões para libertar um elefante junkie!
The Moving Finger
Joanna Burton
Troubled war veteran Jerry Burton and his sister Joanna rent a cottage in a seemingly tranquil English village which is plagued by a spate of poison pen letters... and murder.
De Bico Calado
Rosie Jones
Walter Goodfellow (Rowan Atkinson) é o vigário de uma pequena cidade do interior da Inglaterra. Walter é uma pessoa íntegra, que se dedica ao máximo ao seu ofício, o que o faz muitas vezes ser ausente como pai e marido. Sua esposa Gloria (Kristin Scott Thomas), cansada desta situação, mantém um caso com Lance (Patrick Swayze), seu instrutor de golf. Holly (Tamsin Egerton), sua filha, é uma ninfomaníaca que tem um namorado novo a cada semana. E Petey (Toby Parkes), o caçula da família, apanha todo dia de seus colegas de escola. A situação muda após a contratação da excêntrica Grace Hawkins (Maggie Smith) como governanta. Sempre acompanhada de seu misterioso baú e usando métodos pouco convencionais, Grace muda inteiramente a vida dos Goodfellows.
O Tigre e a Neve
Nancy Browning
O poeta e professor universitário Attilo De Giovanni (Roberto Benigni) vive num mundo distante da realidade, em meio aos sonhos de conquistar a mulher que ama. Em 2003, logo depois de lançar o livro de poesia "O Tigre e a Neve", a realidade do mundo finalmente o atinge quando descobre que a mulher de seus sonhos foi ferida num dos primeiros bombardeios americanos sobre o Iraque. Ele consegue achá-la em Bagdá e se envolve então em inúmeras dificuldades para conseguir encontrar, em uma cidade destruída, os medicamentos de que ela precisa.
Things to Do Before You're 30
A smart, sexy and poignantly accurate comedy drama about a group of twenty-something friends desperately resisting the inevitable - adulthood and responsibility.
The Republic Of Love
A thrice-divorced radio DJ meets the woman of his dreams but can he convince her of the truth of his feelings? An exploration of love, adapted from the novel by Pulitzer prize winning author Carol Shields.
Ben is an art college student in London, whose imagination runs wild as he works the late-night shift at the local supermarket. What do he and his colleagues do to pass the long, endless hours of the night?
Three Blind Mice
Claire Bligh
Thomas is a talented computer programmer living in a vibrant, urban metropolis. Lonely and unsure about life, he finds solitude in the world of internet chat rooms, webcam sites and virtual communication. One evening, Thomas witnesses the brutal murder of a webcam friend and in a vain attempt to protect her he becomes the prime suspect in the homicide. Determined to prove his innocence, Thomas teams up with Claire, a specialist in internet crimes to uncover the truth. To expose the murderer, Claire and Thomas decide to set up their own webcam site using Claire as the cyber bait. Somewhere down the line the truth becomes blurred and Thomas no longer knows where to turn or who to trust. As his life starts to spiral out of control, he has to face the terrifying reality that he could be the next victim.........the virtual nightmare has only just begun.
The Soul Keeper
Sabina Spielrein
Zurich, 1905. 19-year-old Russian Sabina Spielrein is put by her parents in a psychiatric hospital, suffering from a severe form of hysteria and refusing to eat. A compassionate doctor, Carl Gustav Jung, takes her under his care and, for the first time, experiments with the psychoanalytical method of his teacher Sigmund Freud. Thus is born a sweeping story of love and passion, of body and soul, soaring to the utmost heights, but also plunging to the darkest depths of the 20th century.
O Pianista
Em 1939, quando a Polónia é invadida pela Alemanha Nazi, o pianista Wladyslaw Szpilman interpretava peças clássicas numa rádio em Varsóvia. O jovem pianista irá então partilhar o drama do povo judeu, testemunhando a sua transferência forçada para o gueto de Varsóvia e, depois, para os campos de extermínio. Determinado a sobreviver, foge do gueto dias antes da grande revolta que os alemães esmagarão com sangue. Com a ajuda de membros da resistência polaca, viverá uma existência de fome, solidão e medo, entre os escombros de um mundo que colapsa ao seu redor.
Bright Hair
Ann Devenish
A solitary schoolgirl, prone to sudden blackouts after she's stumbled into a murder scene, gets involved with her English teacher. Then, when his wife is also murdered, questions about what's real and what's made up start haunting her.