Christopher Marlowe

Christopher Marlowe

Nascimento : , Canterbury, England, UK

Morte : 1593-05-30


Christopher Marlowe (1564 – 1593) was an English playwright, poet and translator of the Elizabethan era. Marlowe is among the most famous of the Elizabethan playwrights. His best-known plays are: Dido, Queen of Carthage (c.1585–87), Tamburlaine (c.1587), The Jew of Malta (c.1589–90), Doctor Faustus (c.1588–92), Edward II (c.1592), and The Massacre of Paris (c.1593).


Christopher Marlowe


Theatre Play
Fantástica versão da obra de Goethe, o filme mistura atores humanos com marionetes, personificando o mito de Fausto em um homem comum contemporâneo.
Eduardo II
Theatre Play
England, 14th century. King Edward II falls in love with Piers Gaveston, a young man of humble origins, whom he honors with favors and titles of nobility. The cold and jealous Queen Isabella conspires with the evil Mortimer to get rid of Gaveston, overthrow her husband and take power…
Edward II
Theatre Play
The reign of Edward II, King of England, is troubled from the start when he brings his male lover, hated by the nobles, out of exile.
Doutor Faustus
Theatre Play
Faustus is a scholar at the University of Wittenberg when he earns his doctorate degree. His insatiable appetite for knowledge and power leads him to employ necromancy to conjure Mephistopheles out of hell. He bargains away his soul to Lucifer in exchange for living 24 years during which Mephistopheles will be his slave. Faustus signs the pact in his own blood and Mephistopheles reveals the works of the devil to Faustus.
Theatre Play
Fausto, um velho alquimista, vê a sua cidade assolada pela peste. Com medo da morte, pena dos que sofrem e revoltado contra Deus, evoca Mefistófeles. Nesse dia, o tentador dá-lhe todos os prazeres e, deslumbrado, Fausto vende a alma em troca da juventude. Passado um tempo, todavia, apaixona-se por Marguerite e a bondade desperta novamente em si. Pode o amor vencer o próprio Diabo?