Nahuel Viale

Nahuel Viale


Nahuel Viale


The Rabbits' House
Argentina, 1975. Laura is only eight years old, but she knows that to survive you have to keep quiet. She shares her days with her mother and the other activists in a house where the clandestine printing of the Evita Montonera is hidden.
Procura-Se Um Filho
Martin quer adotar um bebê, mas seu parceiro, Leonardo, que foi adotado, tem suas dúvidas. Martín entra em um grupo de apoio aos pais imersos no processo de adoção, mas sua determinação altera a estabilidade do casal.
Pool Sweeper
In the midst of an inclement summer, Tavo works as a pool in a country town in the Buenos Aires suburbs, forming a silent part of a landscape and a community that keeps him at bay for class reasons.
El aprendiz
Pablo Dalesio
The Town-Sick Ones
No centro de Buenos Aires, os mensageiros Roble e Tripa são roubados e perdem um importante pacote. Depois de perceberem que foram traídos por seu chefe, Filo Mendoza, eles decidem se vingar com a ajuda de um simpático vendedor ambulante, Patricio Rey.
Los mareados
Regimiento 7 regresa a casa
Deep knowledge of a person can be overwhelming. Even in the most trivial situations it is possible to find peaks of tension that appear from the underground. Vidrios intends to explore the universe of interpersonal relationships through a series of scenes of isolated appearance, with anonymous characters that are constantly updated and dialogue with each other until they burst a moment in the absurd.
Nacho was a happy 21-year-old guy, with a great family, friends and girlfriend. But a year later he's not the same guy: he lives alone and he doesn't care anymore about anyone. He's lost and desperate, tortured by what happened a year ago.
A group of adults is interviewed about their past love relationships.
The Watch
Juan Pablo
Pablo offers Javier a taxi ride to his place and once there, invites him in. After watching television with his cousin, Pablo asks Javier to sleep over. Once in bed, almost naked, they get ready to go to sleep.
(How) To Be Dead
A young man decides to self-examine. He escapes from school and meets two friends who do not know his plan. They spend the whole day wandering around the center of Buenos Aires. Finally, the young man leaves his friends in a train while they sleep. The young man, alone, wanders through the city through the night. Security cameras monitor the city, but the young man disappears.
Retrata as férias de Verão de um trio de adolescentes, centrando-se especialmente na figura de Lucas (Nahuel Pérez Biscayart), um rapaz franzino de 16 anos cujos desejos e angústias são os de qualquer outro adolescente: a relação com o corpo, a exploração da sexualidade, a solidão, etc. O filme abre com uma frase de Lucas que espelha bem o solipsismo adolescente: "Pode ser-se órfão mesmo quando se tem pais - se não tivermos nada em comum com eles."A habitar a solidão de Lucas, que aqui tem também um correlativo na paisagem desolada da Patagónia, estão, porém, os amigos Nacho (Nahuel Viale) e Andrea (Inés Efron), acabando os três por encontrar a felicidade num triângulo amoroso.