Sadie—a young female novelist—and an enigmatic woman named Francesca, are enticed by an ex-lover to join him at his Italian villa for a weekend celebration being held to honor the release of Sadie's latest book. Once there, Sadie begins to fear his true intentions as she and Francesca become embroiled in a dangerous game of moral and sexual discovery.
Forced to deal with the impending menopause Eve has to relive his life up to that point. With the 'help of Angelo (a real and clumsy guardian angel) she is also going be able to take off a few pebbles from her shoes.
O poeta e professor universitário Attilo De Giovanni (Roberto Benigni) vive num mundo distante da realidade, em meio aos sonhos de conquistar a mulher que ama. Em 2003, logo depois de lançar o livro de poesia "O Tigre e a Neve", a realidade do mundo finalmente o atinge quando descobre que a mulher de seus sonhos foi ferida num dos primeiros bombardeios americanos sobre o Iraque. Ele consegue achá-la em Bagdá e se envolve então em inúmeras dificuldades para conseguir encontrar, em uma cidade destruída, os medicamentos de que ela precisa.
Achille, nine years old, intelligent, sympathetic, and stutterer. The parents decide to treat him and entrust him to Dr. Aglieri, who begins the therapy. Meanwhile the child knows other patients
Março de 1945. Asolo, Itália. Um carro aguarda do lado de fora. Livia (Anna Galiena), a sensual esposa de um oficial militar do alto escalão, entra sorrateiramente e o carro parte para Veneza, uma cidade devastada moralmente pela guerra. Lá, pretende encontrar seu jovem amante Helmut (Gabriel Garko), um tenente alemão atraentemente pervertido. Enquanto seus olhos percorrem a estrada, sua mente percorre excitantes lembranças de seus encontros secretos e sua violenta paixão. Quando chega a Veneza, porém, outra surpresa a aguarda...
Lino lives in Turin with the family of his sister. He doesn't have a good job and never enough money. But in a day his life changes: he wins 1 billion dollars in a lottery and... everyone becomes a friend, the girl who he liked becomes his girlfriend and his sister begins to love him. He leaves Turin with his friend Parola and, in a Casino, he looses all money! But luck returns...
For a long time, psychoanalysis failed to make inroads into Italy. Idealism, Catholicism and fascism each regarded it as a pseudo-science, while Marxism saw it as a bourgeois ideology. It was only after 1968 that the situation gradually began to change: numerous groups were founded who took their bearings from Lacan, such as the Milan collective Semiotica e psicoanalisi, who organized an international conference on the subject of madness in 1976.