Louis Cha

Louis Cha

Nascimento : 1924-06-02, Haining, Zhejiang, China

Morte : 2018-10-30


Louis Cha Jing-yong (Chinese: 查良鏞) (10 March 1924 – 30 October 2018), better known by his pen name Jin Yong (金庸), was a Chinese wuxia novelist and essayist who co-founded the Hong Kong daily newspaper Ming Pao in 1959 and served as its first editor-in-chief. He was Hong Kong's most famous writer.


Louis Cha


Qiao Feng é o líder respeitado de um bando itinerante de artistas marciais. Depois de ser injustamente acusado de assassinato e posteriormente exilado, Qiao Feng foge em busca de respostas sobre sua própria história misteriosa de origem - e os inimigos desconhecidos que trabalham para destruí-lo das sombras.
New Kung Fu Cult Master
Wudang master Zhang Cuishan who lives in the Shangri-La Ice and Fire Island with his family, away from the dissension and bloodshed, ambushed and leaving his young son Zhang Wuji orphaned.
Cinzas do Passado Redux
Outrora caçador de recompensas implacável, agora o espadachim Ou-yang Feng é dono de uma estalagem no deserto onde passa o dia suspirando pela esposa do irmão. Entre seus funcionários está seu amigo Huang Yao-shi, cujas visitas anuais são um de seus raros prazeres.
The Maidens of Heavenly Mountains
Legend has it that in a faraway place beyond the edge of the earth, there exists a broken-hearted man with infinite power. Abandoned by his loved ones, the inheritance of the old man's chi power becomes a battleground for evil outsiders.
Zhang: O Bárbaro
Ele carrega a cruz de seus pais... Ele é um rebelde que luta para limpar o nome de sua família. Seu nome é Zhang, o neto do Grande Mestre do Tai Chi. Destinado à glória, mas o destino tem seus próprios caminhos e Zhang se transformou no alvo da "Escola dos Seis Grandes". Por pouco Zhang conseguiu escapar da morte certa quando foi envenenado, e agora está nas estradas à procura da cura acompanhado por seu avô. Em sua jornada cheia de aventuras, o jovem Zhang é treinado por Grandes Mestres e se transforma num verdadeiro guerreiro, poderoso e inteligente. Agora ele se sente apto para realizar sua missão... limpar o nome de sua família... assim nasce um Grande Herói !
The Sword Stained with Royal Blood
After the death of Marshal Yuen, a princess is arrested by a constable whilst training with her kung-fu teacher. They are soon drawn into a conflict which centres around the mysterious man with the golden snake sword - an incredibly powerful magical weapon. Golden Snake Man is seeking revenge on the castle of the Wan family, but Wan has married his former lover. The Five Poison Sect of fighting (and flying) women have entered into an uneasy alliance with the forces of the Manchu Master Wu to steal the golden snake sword. Wan's daughter is torn between her father and her love of the constable. The constable must decide between his brotherly love for the Golden Snake Man and his sense of justice. Meanwhile a blind old man seeks to return the powerful Sword Stained With Royal Blood to the son of Marshal Yuen.
The Sword of Many Lovers
A fantasy film based on Louis Cha's novel "The Other Tales of the Flying Fox". Leon Lai plays the swordsman Wu Fei who is hunting down Master Fung who is responsible for killing his uncle Ping and their friend Chung. During his travel he gets caught between the two women Yuen (Sharla Cheung) and Ling (Michelle Reis) one whom he has fallen for an another who wants him.
Swordsman III: The East Is Red
A royal official accompanies a Portuguese warship to the Black Cliffs to see the site of the defeat of the evil Invincible Asia, who attained supernatural abilities by following the sacred scroll and castrating himself.
The Eagle Shooting Heroes
A power struggle between the Queen's treasonous lover and a princess occurs amid musical numbers, slapstick battles, and martial arts acrobatics.
Royal Tramp 2
Following on from the Royal Tramp I, after discovering that the Empress is actually Lone-er, a member of the St Dragon Sect, and that she imprisoned the real empress. Lone-er is bent on eliminating the person who disclosed her true identity, Wilson Bond. But more complications ensues when Lone-er is assigned to protect the Prince, whose servant is none other than Wilson Bond.
Royal Tramp
The story of Wilson Bond, a pimp who after saving Chan, the leader of the Heaven and Earth society, a revolutionary group, is made a member. After a botched first assignment for the group, he is made a servant to the Prince, the very person the Heaven and Earth society want to overthrow. What follows is plenty of mayhem and laughter.
Swordsman II
Na Dinastia Ming, 22º ano do reinado do Imperador Sun, a guerra entre generais japoneses leva um grupo a esconder-se no sul da China, onde planeiam a rebelião. O líder da Seita Sol-Lua, Wu é derrubado pelo irmão, Fong, autoproclamado Ásia Invencível. Fong une-se a um grupo de renegados japoneses para cumprir o seu objectivo de domínio da China, planeando fazê-lo com o auxílio dos poderes místicos revelados num texto chamado “Pergaminho Sagrado”. A obtenção desses poderes tem, no entanto, um preço a pagar - a castração - e Fong transforma-se gradualmente numa mulher. Entretanto, Ling (Li) reune-se com os seus companheiros, planeando em conjunto retirarem-se do mundo das Artes Marciais. Antes que tal seja possível, vão encontrar-se com Ying (Kwan), filha de Wu, supostamente aprisionado por Fong, que Ling irá conhecer sem saber que se trata do seu inimigo.
When a scroll containing valuable martial arts secrets is stolen from the Emperor, an army detachment is sent to recover it. It is based on the novel The Smiling, Proud Wanderer by Jinyong.
Princess Fragrance
Princess Fragrance is a 1987 Hong Kong film based on Louis Cha's novel The Book and the Sword. The film is a sequel to The Romance of Book and Sword, which was released earlier in the same month and was also directed by Ann Hui.
The Romance of Book and Sword
The story is based on the popular novel developed from folk legend. It goes that the Manchurian emperor Qianlong of China (circa 18th Century) was actually the son of a Han Chinese, the subject ethnicity. His brother of blood, Chen Jialuo just happened to be the chief of the Red Flower Society, an anti-Manchu secret society. Chen, a learned scholar, thought he could get his brother turn his back on the Manchu and restore the Han Chinese reign. But the story was ended by brutal clearence of the society members. It reflects one of the dark pages in Chinese culture, that ethics and humanity always become impotent when countered with power.
The Romance of Book and Sword
The story is based on the popular novel developed from folk legend. It goes that the Manchurian emperor Qianlong of China (circa 18th Century) was actually the son of a Han Chinese, the subject ethnicity. His brother of blood, Chen Jialuo just happened to be the chief of the Red Flower Society, an anti-Manchu secret society. Chen, a learned scholar, thought he could get his brother turn his back on the Manchu and restore the Han Chinese reign. But the story was ended by brutal clearence of the society members. It reflects one of the dark pages in Chinese culture, that ethics and humanity always become impotent when countered with power.
New Tales of the Flying Fox
In the great tradition of Hsu Tseng Hung's The Silver Fox and Chang cheh's Lengend of the Fox comes this exciting adventure, where the only thing between all the clan leaders and certain death is one young woman.
Little Dragon Maiden
Seeking to improve his combat skills, a young man falls in love with a woman with mystical powers but his past stands in the way of their union.
Ode to Gallantry
Kuo Choi (Phillip Kwok) interpreta um ingênuo e simples camponês chamado "Bastardo" por sua mãe. Ele é a cópia idêntica do líder de uma clã criminosa que está sendo perseguido por um mestre de artes marciais que castiga sozinho as clãs por suas faltas. Bastardo é sequestrado pela gangue para substituir o líder desaparecido na esperança de que ele se culpe por suas faltas quando o mestre aparecer e sofrer a punição sozinho salvando os demais membros da gangue.
Lovers Blades
Meng Yuen Man and Hui Ying Hung (My Young Auntie) team up in a mixture of comedy and great sword play. Wang lung Wai plays the natorious White Haired Fox vilian as usual.
The Brave Archer and His Mate
Guo Jing and Huang Rong return to Peach Blossom Island and are shocked to see that Guo's first martial arts teachers, the "Seven Freaks of Jiangnan", have all been murdered except for Ke Zhen'e. Guo Jing is tricked into believing that Huang Rong's father, Huang Yaoshi, is responsible for the murders and he attempts to avenge his teachers by fighting Huang Yaoshi. The intelligent Huang Rong eventually uncovers the truth and reveals that the murders are actually part of a plot masterminded by Ouyang Feng and Yang Kang. Ouyang and Yang want to make Guo Jing and Huang Yaoshi kill each other and Yang can learn Ouyang's newly mastered skills from the fake copy of the Nine Yin Manual.
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils
A rather standard costume action/drama set in medieval China with a few fantasy overtones.
The Brave Archer 3
Guo Jing and Huang Rong pursue Yang Kang to Iron Palm Peak, where Qiu Qianren and the Iron Palm Sect is based. Huang is injured by Qiu in a fight and she escapes with Guo Jing's help. Guo brings her in search of a cure to heal her wounds and they stumble upon a house in a swamp, inhabited by a woman called Yinggu. Yinggu tells them that the only person who can save Huang Rong's life is Duan Zhixing, the former ruler of the Kingdom of Dali, who has become a monk now.
The Knight of the Dazzling Scimitar
A mysterious masked venom clan wreak havoc in the martial world as feuds erupt over a the coveted dazzling scimitar. Superb Taiwan swordplay action Venoms style.
The Emperor and His Brother
O Imperador Qianlong não é o legítimo sucessor do trono, pois desde o nascimento ele foi trocado com a filha recém-nascida do Imperador Yongzheng. Ele aprende a verdade quando dois membros mais antigos da Sociedade da Flor Vermelha, uma organização secreta anti-governo subversiva, contatam-no anos depois, esperando que o imperador os ajude a afastar os manchus.
A Espada Manchada de Sangue
Após seu pai ser traido pelo Imperador e sentenciado à morte, o jovem Yuan Cheng (Phillip Kwok) entra para a escola de Artes Marciais do Mestre Lung Yau. Apos crescer e desenvolver uma grande habilidade nas artes marciais, Cheng parte em busca de seu destino e acaba encontrando o esconderijo de um importante manual de treinamento das artes marciais, a espada e uma coleçao de dardos que pertence ao já falecido grande mestre Hsia Shiue, conhecido como a "Serpente Dourada".
Legend of the Fox
Chin Siu Ho plays a young man who believes himself to be an orphan. Until one rainy night when he and three different men find themselves taking shelter from the storm in the same place. Here the man who raised him tells him at last the story of who his parents were. His father (Lu Feng) was a great swordsman trying to dispel rumors of a wrongdoing and return a lost sword to its rightful owner. Kuo Choi and Chiang Sheng (also master swordsmen) are the parties that Lu Feng is trying to rectify things with. Through cowardly trickery on Chiang's part, a duel ensues and it all winds up with Lu's death. His son is taken to safety by a servant (the man who since raised him). Now with the truth told, Chin Siu Ho seeks out Kuo Choi's aid and seeks vengeance for the wrongful death of his father.
A Deadly Secret
Uma caça ao tesouro desperta a violência contínua neste filme de ação da Shaw Brothers. Um jovem estudante de kung fu é preso sob uma acusação falsa. Ele divide uma cela com outro condenado, Ting Dien que é repetidamente torturado pelo magistrado para revelar "o segredo mortal". Uma quantidade de bandidos aparece para arrancar o segredo mortal de Ting. Acontece que Ting acabou de dominar uma técnica de kung fu muito poderosa e ele mata qualquer um que entre na sua cela. Enquanto isso, do outro lado do pátio está à mulher que Ting ama e seu pai, o perverso magistrado, que não hesita em usá-la para descobrir o segredo mortal. Além disso, existem três mestres de kung fu interessados no segredo que está em poder de Ting.
Swift Sword
Para vingar a morte de sua família, o espadachim Bai Yipeng, mata muitos membros da família Leng e promete acabar com todos os outros. Ele sequestra a filha de um líder da família Leng e toma Qiuxia como refém, mas acaba ferido gravemente em combate. Qiuxia por gratidão resolve cuidar do famoso espadachim e o romance floresce. O pai de Qiuxia descobre que Bay Yipeng possui um mapa de tesouro e oferece a mão da filha a Mestre Bay, mas antes do casamento ele prende Mestre Bay e o mutila, para obter o mapa. Seu objetivo apresenta grande dificuldade e ele resolve matar Mestre Bay jogando-o de um precipício, mas ele sobrevive e ensina sua técnica da "Espada Veloz" ao Jovem Xiahou Xiaotong para que ele possa achar o tesouro.
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre II
The thrills continue in this second part of this cherished adventure, created by the renowned director Chu Yuan and ingenious novelist Chin Yung. Only the union of the title weapons can save the six remaining martial arts sects who are vying for mastery. So just sit back and enjoy the movie event which spawned a legacy that continues even today with a long-running, internationally loved television series, a role-playing game, and even collectible replicas of the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre themselves!
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Director Chu Yuan's titanic teaming with respected, inspired author Chin Yung created this unforgettable saga. Set during the Yuan Dynasty, it tells the fascinating story of the "Sacred Fire" sect, the Wu Tang swordsmanship clan, the disciples of the O Mei group, The Book of Chu Yang, and the destruction of Shaolin - complete with a killer cliffhanger. And that's just the start of the fascinating intrigues and ingratiating characters found here.
The Brave Archer 2
Our hero Kuo Tsing is winning the hand of fair maiden Huang Yung. However, almost immediately, clan rivalries in the "Martial Art World" lead to Kuo being wounded by Ouyang Feng and Huang being named the new leader of the Beggar Clan. All this is mounted with sparkling energy by three kung-fu choreographers and a star-packed cast.
The Proud Youth
Sun Chung had made a name for himself directing satirical comedies and modern day crime thrillers when he started exploring the kung-fu genre with this fascinating tale which mixes music and martial arts. Revered choreographer Tang Chia leads a great action cast in a tale of conflicting clans and a mysterious song called "The Proud One" which leads to slowly blossoming love as well as sudden death.
The Battle Wizard
A brother who loves books and a sister who loves swords must face a yellow-robed warrior, the Red Python, a sinuous snake-charmer, and a silk-masked beauty (who must kill or wed the first man to see her face) before they can bring peace to their battle-addled family.
The Brave Archer
Guo Jing and Yang Kang are the sons of two rebels. The rebels are killed by imperial soldiers and the boys are rescued by six pugilists later. The pugilists agree to separate the two boys, tutor them separately in martial arts, and let them meet again when they have grown up, to determine whose abilities are better. Guo becomes the student of the "Seven Freaks of Jiangnan" while Yang Kang becomes the foster son of a Jurchen prince inadvertently.
Iron Bones
Iron Bones, about a young lad that learns a secret Tai Chi type of style called the Wind Palm, where you can kill with chi blows. Sure, it's a little crazy, but the acting is a big cut above most martial arts movies and the sword fights are pretty good. And Sam the Seed shows up, sans wig, as a dirtbag Shaolin monk after the book. Han Ying Chieh, the big boss, is one of the thugs in the background.
The Bride Hunter
The Bride Hunter
Story of the Vulture Conqueror
Yeung and Kwok are best friends whose wives become pregnant around the same time. Yeung's wife, Pao Sik-yeuk, finds a wounded man hidden in the barn and secretly helps him. He turns out to be a foreign Prince and disaster follows. The sons are then scattered with one growing up in the Prince's kingdom and the other in Mongolia. Now grown, they go out into the world and discover the secret details of their lives.
The Three Loves
Li's direction and Jin Yong's script always go hand-in-hand with each other. This time, their collaboration sparks again as the film seamlessly brings three short stories together through three different segments of flashbacks. Yin Zhaozong (Bao Fong) is an amour fou falling in love with a girl much younger than him. Instead, Yu Baicheng (Fu Che) is a playboy trapped by his three girlfriends. The bartender (Chiao Chuang), however, tells them how he and his wife are blessed by true love. The film not only displays Li's sensitivity to narrative structure but also his ability to cast the most suited actors for their respective roles, as such Mao Mei had a chance to demonstrate her dance talent for her debut in this movie.
The Peerless Beauty
This is a story of how Ru Ji, a farm girl of Chao Kuo, who sacrificed her own life to save her country and people in the year 257 B.C.