Mitch Mitchell
Set against a backdrop of early '60s London, Telstar is the story of the world's first independent record producer, Joe Meek. A maverick genius who enjoyed phenomenal success with Telstar – the biggest selling record of it's time – before bad luck, depression, heartbreak and paranoia led to his downfall.
A recém-viúva Karen Tunny e suas duas filhas, Sarah e Emma, se mudam para uma casa numa remota montanha herdada por Karen que pertencia a família de seu último marido. Todavia, ela não tem consciência de que a casa fica perto de uma velha mina onde, no início do século XX, uma tragédia fez com que várias crianças morressem queimadas vivas...
Gang Boy
A teenage girl, Jessica, befriends a teenage boy called Tom, who is bullied by a local gang. She is abused by Jack, who is both her neighbour and school teacher, and Tom is sexually abused by his father. Together they bond in the woods, creating a private reality that no-one else can enter.