Music fairy tale
It explores what happens to a group of long-term friends one night when, during their annual get-together to celebrate a birthday in a villa by the sea, they discover that the world might be ending within the space of a few hours. From that moment on, the time separating them from the possible end of their lives seems to flow differently, both speedily and never-endingly, over a summer’s night which will change their lives forever.
A teleplay about the exciting adventures of your favorite heroes of Soviet animation in the magical land of Multi-Pulti. One day, three Robbers (Doobie, Coward, Experienced) and the Wolf unite under the leadership of Shapoklyak and decide to avenge their past failures by kidnapping Cheburashka. Positive heroes of fairy tales go to his aid.
Jeanne is a fifty—year-old self-made woman who went through a lot in the 90s: poverty, betrayal, the death of loved ones. Now she has her own trading company, a luxurious apartment and a handsome young lover Andrey. It seems that Jeanne has everything except youth. But the idyll collapses in one day — Andrey announces to Jeanne that he is leaving for a girl Katya, who is expecting a child from him.
In the midst of the pandemic, Inga, a well-known actress, finds a Central Asian migrant courier on her doorstep. Нe is unconscious. At the risk of falling sick, Inga allows the youth to stay at her place, but on one condition.
Tonya is a bus-driver in a village on the outskirts of Nalchik, a modest city in the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. Together with her daughter, Tonya is eagerly awaiting the return of her only son, who is fighting for a Russian private military contractor in Syria. When Tonya is told that he has been killed in action, she refuses to believe it. She is sure that there was a mistake and her son is alive. She begins a grueling public battle with the contractor and the authorities, demanding the return of her son. When it becomes obvious that all efforts to silence Tonya are fruitless, a strange young man arrives on her doorstep...
A fight en route to an airport leads an ordinary Moscow couple to split on a whim. With Nikita ending up in Thailand and Zhenya in Berlin, both find themselves in two separate love triangles, inadvertently causing chaos in others' relationships as they attempt to fix theirs. But even continents apart, their lives turn out to be more intricately connected than they realize.
On a rainy day, driving a burgundy car, a woman decides to face her destiny.
Maia Corapi
Brilhante advogado de defesa que vive em Milão, na Itália, Fernando tem uma mancha no passado familiar: seu pai foi um implacável mafioso. Fernando tem de enfrentar esse passado em meio às investigações de uma fraude.
Masha is a young girl from the suburbs from an extremely poor family. She lives in her reality, where she cares for her grandmother and her younger brother, and dreams of her own family and a husband; she badly longs for warmth, love and care. She knows nothing about her serious illness. Her life abruptly changes after a meeting with Matvei Sergeevich, a cardiologist who saves her life.
Representatives of the Danish and world intellectual elite, the best minds of our time are going to a conference in Copenhagen to discuss the urgent "Iranian problem" — violation of rights and freedoms, daily executions, torture and military conflicts in the middle East. An orientalist, theologian, political scientist, military journalist, the wife of the Prime Minister (formerly a well-known TV presenter), writer, priest, famous conductor and Iranian poet — winner of the Nobel prize in literature take turns on the stage.
Ksenia Rappoport’s shrill monologue about the horror of a beautiful woman growing old, which turns into a lyrical and light story about love.
Depois de anos ausente, um escritor retorna à casa da família em Israel para cuidar de seu pai doente e deve enfrentar seu irmão mais novo amargurado, que assumiu toda a responsabilidade pela padaria da família e se casou com a mulher a quem ambos amavam.
In 1976 a famous American writer Nathan Zuckerman is challenged by Czech immigrant Sisovsky who implores him to retrieve valuable manuscripts from communist Czechoslovakia. The writer accepts this dangerous mission, where his every step is observed by secret police. Once in Prague, he meets Sisovsky‘s flamboyant and wild ex-wife Olga who is in possession of the manuscripts. The evolving relationship between the hot-headed Olga and Nathan is a confrontation between two worlds - the repressed East and free West. But, Olga won‘t give up the manuscripts to Nathan so easily…
Lora - Volodya's wife
Odessa, August 1970. A heat wave. The city is full of tourists. Boris, a journalist and foreign affairs specialist, and his eight-year-old son Valeri arrive from Moscow to visit Boris’ in-laws, Grigori Iosifovich and Raisa Irovna Davidov. But on the day of their arrival, Odessa declares a quarantine due to a cholera outbreak, and the city is closed off. Having come for a few days, the son-in-law is plunged into a world changed by serious danger. Family secrets will be disclosed, improbable events happen, and a great forbidden love starts.
Contemporary Moscow. Svyatoslav, a poor boy, falls in love with Asya, a rich girl, and wants to marry her. To support her in the manner in which she is accustomed, he opens an upscale restaurant. But he soon discovers he has a unseen enemy.
The monologue of a grown-up woman, whose husband is leaving her for his young mistress. The viewer does not know until the final frames whether the heroine is actually speaking with her husband or simply rehearsing a future conversation, in which she thanks her husband for the time together, assures him that his decision is the right one, confirms his honest choice of heart, and remembers the touching moments of their past, releasing her husband and promising to cope with loneliness. And only the unexpected finale uncovers for the viewer the woman's true desire in this moment.
The monologue of a grown-up woman, whose husband is leaving her for his young mistress. The viewer does not know until the final frames whether the heroine is actually speaking with her husband or simply rehearsing a future conversation, in which she thanks her husband for the time together, assures him that his decision is the right one, confirms his honest choice of heart, and remembers the touching moments of their past, releasing her husband and promising to cope with loneliness. And only the unexpected finale uncovers for the viewer the woman's true desire in this moment.
Mat Nadi
Depois que Nadya (Aglaya Tarasova) é hospitalizada devido a uma grave lesão, ela desiste do seu sonho de infância de ser uma patinadora campeã e resolve deixar tudo para trás. Mas quando conhece Sasha (Alexander Petrov), um peculiar jogador de hóquei que a ensina a acreditar de novo na sua força, a vida de Nadya sofre uma grande mudança.
Four stories about Saint Petersburg through the eyes of ordinary guys who have seen a lot on their path, but have not betrayed themselves. The film casts famous Russian hip-hop band KASTA.
Three years later Michele (The Invisible boy) meets his mother and his twin sister. Both have stories and superpowers but their intentions may not be what Michele thinks.
Based on a real case in Siberia, a woman lost in the taiga is forced to wander with several families engaged in hunting.
A comedy inspired by legends and myths of Ancient Greece, and by the biographies of the most trendy and popular characters of Moscow’s social Olympus. The film’s hero is a Greek, who decides to repeat Odyssey’s journey but accidentally sails the wrong way. He finds himself in modern Moscow, where he gets acquainted with well-known personalities. These celebrities unselfishly perform incredible nonsense, while the Greek immediately fames himself as a problem-solver. And his advice always works, even if not quite the way the customers want. But the main problem which the Greek must solve is his own. He falls in love with Maria, the wife of Moscow’s “Zeus”. And to conquer her, the Greek must first rescue all the “gods” on the Moscow Olympus.
Sofia Mayer
Um homem fica intrigado com a história da mulher que perde tudo em um jogo de cartas e recupera tudo de volta.
Yuli Ivanovich Blok is a music lover and enthusiast of early sound recording, who in 1889 was the first to bring Edison's phonograph to Russia, came up with the idea to record the great pianist Anton Rubinstein's playing on a phonograph. But the pianist flatly refused to sign up. Then those present, among whom was Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, just started messing around with the device, recording everything that comes to mind. The film is based on a famous case that occurred in January 1890.
Since the morning, the entire population of the planet has been concerned about one news: a red comet is approaching the Earth. A year ago, scientists only assumed this collision, a month ago they tried to establish the exact date - and finally, it was just announced by all communication sources: the end cannot be avoided. Moreover, it will happen tomorrow. There is one day left until... People of different classes, nationalities and faiths in different parts of a large country - each in their own way - are trying to spend this last day of their lives.
Managing position at Nastenka Cleaning Service, whose employees are migrant girls from Asia, comes at the Muscovite Kirillov out of the blue. The situation is complicated by the fact that Kirillov is planning to leave for Norway and expecting his bride, a typical European with a rather rigid interpretation of freedom and tolerance, to come visit. The idea that she will learn about the exploitation of "women of the East" terrifies him and makes him prevaricate in order to hide his "harem"...
O filme estrelado por Michael, um adolescente aparentemente como muitos que vivem em uma cidade litorânea tranquila. Ele não pode dizer que é popular na escola, não brilha no estudo, não se destacam nos esportes. Mas ele basicamente não importa. Michele faria de tudo para ter a atenção de Stella, a menina de classe que não para de admirar. No entanto, a sensação de que ela simplesmente o ignora . Mas um dia a monótona sucessão de dias é interrompida por uma descoberta extraordinária: Michele olha no espelho e verifica-se invisível. O mais incrível aventura de sua vida está prestes a começar.
Twenty years old Slavik confronts a big problem: who to support - his Mom or his girlfriend Zhenya who are in a constant fight.
The world is going absolutely crazy when the giant meteor is approaching Earth...
Uma forte nevasca está prestes a cair, um técnico jovem chega a uma cidade de altitude elevada para fazer reparos na usina de energia elétrica da cidade. Logo, ele descobre que ela é usada para fins sinistros.
By My Side is a poetic meditation on our inability to notice the most important thing in live: love. It is an exploration of our tendency to hide from love and bar it from our lives; to unknowingly push it away, bewildered by our own feelings, even when it appears in the guise of a regular, flesh-and- blood woman. And yet, it always comes back...
James prepares for his eighth grade oral exams while his family is going through different times.
A true story about an 11-year-old girl named Maria who makes her way back home to Lithuania from Siberia.
A set of novels about children and their parents.
Adam’s first wife Lilith is mentioned in the ancient Oriental legends, in Talmud and in the medieval books of Cabala. According to these sources, she was not created from Adam's rib like Eve but from clay like he himself. Nevertheless Lilith was not recognised by Adam as his equal and left him after a quarrel heading for Babylon. She has no soul, and she is immortal. Lilith assumes different names, can change her appearance, and takes possession of men against their will. Once it's accomplished, she leaves her victims forever, marking them for either spiritual, or physical death. Whatever she does it is neither Good nor Evil. She is made of an altogether different matter. Inspired by the works of French writer Anatole France, Yevgeny Pashkevich‘s GULF STREAM UNDER THE ICEBERG consists of three dramatically interwoven stories with the immortal Lilith stalking through time and space with her demonic mission.
Every year, 25,000 people die on Russian roads. You could say a whole city is disappearing from our planet. And about a third of its "residents" were involved in an accident due to speeding. Many drivers do not consider acceleration even at 30 km / h a violation, but statistics show that they are wrong. Five different stories combined in movie almanacs will make every viewer, at least, think about the right choice of speed. Both on the road and in life.
Maria Golovina
A group of Russian noblemen want to maintain the monarchy and plan to kill Rasputin.
A two days from the life of Pyotr Drozdov, a highly ranked official from Moscow, which he spends with young museum employee Masha.
Femme d'Amro
When Paul dies, he leaves his wife Eve with a mountain of debt. As the police begin their investigation into Paul’s death, Eve is supported by a lawyer named Chollet, a friend of her husband who generously helps her to clear the debts she has inherited. Eve and Chollet become close, perhaps too close, and their intimacy soon begins to arouse the suspicions of the police..
"Six years ago, I was sitting in my office at Mosfilm and working. My assistant Nastya asked me to answer a call on the city phone: - Listen to these people, these are the parents of a girl who urgently needs a bone marrow transplant operation. I called Chulpan Khamatova, and her Foundation helped transport Alina to Moscow and put her in a hospital. My wife Sveta then arranged an auction, we collected the money and gave it to Chulpan. After a while, Alina had an operation. Before falling asleep under anesthesia, she said — " If I recover, I will try to become an actress. Alina is now healthy. Before the New year, I shot her with a digital camera in the short film "Sasha" for a charity auction, which was once again held by Svetka.
O filme conta a intrigante história de Sonia, a camareira de um hotel. Quando ela conhece Guido, um ex-policial, em um “speed date” (uma espécie de agência de encontros), ocorre uma atração mútua e aos poucos começam a se conhecer, bem como desvendar as próprias feridas. Estão a ponto de se apaixonarem, quando Guido morre inesperadamente em um assalto. Sonia se vê sozinha, vivendo um luto onde não consegue encontrar sentido. Enquanto o passado de Sonia é revivido, com todos os seus nós não desatados, a realidade que a circunda começa a entrar em colapso. Quem é a verdadeira Sonia? E, sobretudo, é mesmo Guido aquele que ela continua a ver, além de qualquer lógica plausível? O que fará quando lhe for oferecida uma segunda chance?
Two stories of Italians abroad: in Dubai, a truck driver who smuggles Ferraris for a living teaches the tricks of the trade to his young disciple; in Russia, a clumsy dentist experiences the consequences of sex tourism.
Somente as mulheres podem sofrer por um abandono ou os homens podem viver as mesmas emoções? O filme mostra a fragilidade masculina diante da perda da mulher que ama. Roberto é um homem que sofre, chora e que vai ao fundo do poço por amor. Assim como seu irmão, Carlo, que é gay, demonstra um lindo amor pelo homem de sua vida.
Lyubov Vasilyeva
Before leaving Russia and moving to Western Europe, famous opera singer Lyuba travels to her hometown to say goodbye and show her teenage son around. But Andrey, Lyuba’s son, disappears and she must stay in the place she hates the most to search for him. A piercing exploration of identity and transformation, against the backdrop of a Russian hinterland, surrounded by Orthodox churches and snow.
Inna Maksimovna
The life of a characters of this movie can be described as a swing - up and down, up and down; each day, each week...
For a whole her life Olga knew that she's going to meet her prince charming on New Year Eve. So today is December 31st and she's ready and waiting...
Irena, a Ukrainian woman coming to Italy looking for a job as a maid. She does everything she can to become a beloved nanny for an adorable little girl, Thea. However, that is just the very beginning of her unknown journey.
Жулики похищают из музея картину Айвазовского и решают обмыть удачную операцию. Однако, прибыв на место, в дом шефа, компания застает любовницу главаря с одним из сотоварищей. Ночная попойка превращается в кавардак с участием переодетых актеров. В этой кутерьме никто не замечает, как украденная картина исчезает…
The last three days in the life of Elizabeth of Austria before her assassination
In pre-Soviet Russia, Boris Savinkov leads a terrorist faction of Socialist-Revolutionary Party members responsible for the deaths of governors and ministers.
Almost cloudless family happiness of spouses Vadim and Lyuba, it seemed, nothing can threaten. A bolt from struck suddenly. The only and beloved eighteen-year-old son Ilya decided to marry. So in love, and bride, Anastasia, already in position. Being people of modern views, the couple were ready to give their blessing, but Vadim, from questioning in a conversation with Nastya, understands that she is his illegitimate daughter. The forgotten short-term novel returned in the form of a pretty, innocent, girl. Under the blow was all: family, work, relationships with his wife and son.
Maria (uncredited)
Anna Karenina é uma mulher jovem e elegante que é casada com Alexei Karenin, um homem rico e nobre, e 20 anos mais velho que ela. Ela se sente infeliz na relação matrimonial, e vive apenas para o seu filho. Uma noite, durante um baile, Anna conhece o charmoso Conde Alexei Vronsky, que logo se encanta por ela e começa a perseguí-la. Inicialmente ela recusa suas investidas, mas depois cede aos sentimentos, e se torna sua amante. Eles são felizes juntos, mas a relação dos dois desanda quando Anna aborta o filho que esperava de Vronsky.
In Russia at the turn of the century, a wealthy Jewish merchant enjoys the best of relations with his Russian neighbours, while his respected home forms the obvious social centre of the entire community. However, the atmosphere grows more tense as the local authorities come under pressure to fall in line with the officially sanctioned anti-Semitic policies of the Tsarist Government. The village elder is one of our hero's best friends and together they seem to find a way to outwit these evil intentions but unfortunately they fail to understand what forces they are dealing with in a country where anti-Semitism is state policy.
A film about the drama of a talented doctor who fell into a chain of tragic accidents - the death of his wife, psychological trauma that led to the loss of his voice, imprisonment, his daughter's drug addiction and a suicide attempt - but who found the strength to turn the tide, not lose heart and save himself, his daughter and granddaughter .
The plot is based on the story of a village demented youth. He is a local fool, living in a poor hut with a sick mother. His neighbors are the Jewish family of the local blacksmith Mendel, and he is secretly in love with his youngest daughter Sonya. When the war starts, the Germans quickly occupy the village. Panic begins among the Jews, as well as in the Mendel family, and they try to equip a shelter at home, which the young man becomes aware of. Hoping to get the blacksmith's house, he reveals this secret to the Germans, but the German military police take him to their headquarters. The protagonist finds Sonya in his garden and wants to save her life, not imagining what difficulties this decision will turn out to be for everyone.
The first Russian female thriller to investigate the topic of persecution and psychological pressure on women by the so-called "incels."