Peter Jordan

Peter Jordan

Nascimento : 1967-04-26, Dortmund, Germany


Peter Jordan was born on April 26, 1967 in Dortmund, Germany. He is known for his work on The International (2009), Ausreisser (2004) and Soul Kitchen (2009).


Peter Jordan


When his grandmother Ella becomes increasingly confused and his grandfather Sönke simply doesn't want to part with his pub, the Dorfkrug, 47-year-old Ingwer Feddersen sees the time has come to return to his home village Brinkebüll. The village tavern isn't what it used to be - but that's also true for the whole village. Ingwer wonders when exactly was the point in time when the village of Brinkebüll went downhill? Was it in the 1970s when the hedges disappeared after the land consolidation and then the birds too? When larger and larger farms were built so that smaller ones had to give way? Is it perhaps his fault because he left his grandfather alone with gastronomy to study in Kiel? Based on Dörte Hansen's 2018 novel of the same name.
A Conferência
Dr. Alfred Meyer
Em 20 de janeiro de 1942, representantes de alto escalão do regime nazista alemão se reuniram em uma idílica vila no Great Wannsee, no sudoeste de Berlim, para uma reunião que ficou para a história como a Conferência de Wannsee, por causa de seu alcance, fatalidade e consequências, talvez a conferência mais terrível da história humana. Eles foram convidados por Reinhard Heydrich, chefe da polícia de segurança nazista, para planejar o assassinato em massa sistemático de milhões de judeus em toda a Europa.
A E I O U – A Quick Alphabet of Love
Anna is 60 and her acting heyday is now behind her. She lives on her own but has a friend and confidant in her downstairs neighbour Michel, who is also single. Reluctantly, Anna accepts a job as a language coach for 17-year-old Adrian who has a speech impediment and is something of a misfit. She recognises him as the boy who recently snatched her handbag in the street.
The Girl With the Golden Hands
East Germany, in autumn 1999. Gudrun Pfaff is about to turn sixty when she finds out that the orphanage she grew up in is being sold to turn into a hotel, and she is willing to do anything to stop it.
My Son
Love and loss are closely linked in MY SON, an emotional drama about a teenager and his mother who go on a journey together after nearly having lost one another.
É Apenas uma Fase, Amor
O casamento de Paul e Emilia não está funcionando. Quando os dois se reencontram em um aniversário após a separação, a situação se agrava.
As Confissões de Félix Krull: Cavalheiro de Indústria
Bank Employee #1
Adaptação literária: um belo jovem de origem humilde ascende na sociedade por meio de suas conexões feitas como ascensorista de um hotel de luxo.
Cloudy Clouds
Per-Ulrich Nebe
17-year-old Paul likes strange things: stealth trails and abandoned buildings, whispered conversations and left-behind bags. Besides that, he seems to be a young man without qualities. His mysterious nature catches the eyes of his classmate Dala and his art-loving teacher Mr. Bulwer, both seemingly driven by hidden desires. Then a boy’s dead body is discovered in the forest...
Dengler - Brennende Kälte
Und wer nimmt den Hund?
After 26 years of marriage there is a divorce on the way between Georg and Doris. While Georg is having some fun with a much younger co-worker, Doris want the divorce be silenced. Thats why the couple is taking a separation therapy and there will be some rough sessions.
Uma Cidade em Alerta
Baseado em uma história real. Em meados da década de 1980, na cidade alemã de Wackersdorf, o governo planeja construir uma usina nuclear para reverter o crescente desemprego da região. Inicialmente a favor da construção, o político local Hans Schuierer começa a duvidar da verdadeira intenção do governo. Ele percebe que a usina pode causar graves riscos à população e passa a ser um dos maiores críticos do projeto, arriscando sua própria carreira.
Endlich Witwer
Richard Jonas
LOMO: The Language of Many Others
Karl, a 17-year-old boy who spends most of his time collecting pictures and videos for his blog, finds a new purpose when he falls in love with his fellow student Doro.
O Banqueiro da Resistência
Herbert Oelschlägel
Arriscando a família e o futuro, um banqueiro na Amsterdã ocupada reduz a marcha da máquina de guerra nazista criando um banco clandestino para financiar a resistência.
Frank Tenholt
When Stefan's father dies, the theater actor has to return to his hometown Bochum. But it is not easy to get rid of his parents' house, a monument of his life, when he meets Charlie with his old friends, acquaintances and his childhood sweetheart.
Então na terra
Volker Reiche
Johannes Klare é o pregador carismático de uma igreja autónoma situada em Stuttgart, auxiliado por sua dedicada esposa, Lydia e seu primo Bernd Trampe. Ao encontrar Simon Rützel, um rapaz sem-teto e viciado, o casal sem filhos o leva para sua casa e começa a pensar nele como um filho perdido. Descobrindo a natureza homossexual de Simon, Johannes decide não expulsá-lo, mas na ausência de Lydia, durante um fim de semana, Simon acredita, com razão, que Johannes reprimiu sua própria homossexualidade por anos.
Ein schrecklich reiches Paar
Pepe Benning
The unorthodox millionaire's wife Eva Klüber raves when her husband Rainer divorces her and she should keep according to the marriage contract nothing of the common assets. Eva fictitiously her own kidnapping, in order to come to what they see as more than earned money. But her perfect plan is backfiring in several ways.
Familie ist kein Wunschkonzert
Life is not a pony farm - even if it started there. The experience of three unequal sisters in the young comedy : They learn shortly before the silver wedding of their parents that there is a dark chapter in their picture book marriage. On their trip to the family celebration, this provides additional explosives in the already exciting girl's triangle. Gro Swantje Kohlhof, winner of the Günter-Strack-Fernsehpreis, and Claudia Eisinger and Karin Hanczewski play the leading roles in the tragicomic road movie.
Apropos Glück
Simon Says Goodbye to His Foreskin
Rüdiger Kugler
Simon Grünberg (12) never cared for his Jewish heritage, while his divorced parents bicker whether he should to his bar mithzva as father Frank wants, or save his foreskin as mother Hannah holds. When he falls in love at first sight of the new 'rabbi' Rebecca, Ben decides to join the preparatory religious class hoping to win her.
Der Verlust
Uli and Nora share an intimate, late love. But Uli always avoids the decision to stand on the common relationship. One morning Uli suffers a stroke during a tour of the harbor on the Elbe. He fights his way through the city to the reading room of the library where Nora works. At the last minute, an ambulance takes Uli to the hospital. In this situation, Nora is overwhelmed. When, on the initiative of her friend Eva, she fetches a few things for Uli from his apartment, a cell phone rings. At the other end there is an unknown female voice that sounds strangely familiar ...
Amour Fou
Adam Müller
O filme conta a vida e a morte do poeta alemão Heinrich von Kleist (Christian Friedel) e sua parceira na morte, Henriette Vogel (Birte Schnoeink). Os dois amigos, amargurados por tragédias pessoais, planejam cometer suicídio juntos. O objetivo é compartilhar essa experiência, mas, assim como o amor, a morte é inconstante e ambivalente, sendo uma sensação impossível de ser dividida.
Inexperienced guardian angel, Buddy (Michael Herbig) arrives to assist Eddie (Alexander Fehling) with getting his life back on track, but instead only causes more chaos.
Die Kirche bleibt im Dorf
Dieter Osterloh
Green meadows, blue sky in Swabia: Actually, the world of the two villages Oberrieslingen and Unterrieslingen should be in perfect order. But she is not. Why? Because the two hostile villages have had to share a church and a cemetery since the Middle Ages, which has caused squabbles and squalor to this day.
Dr. Hendrik Schafmon
A social satire in which a chauffeur accidentally becomes the editor of an online newspaper.
Das Ende einer Maus ist der Anfang einer Katze
Rainer Sonnenberg
Amigo - Dead on Arrival
Teufel / Guter Gesell
Der gestiefelte Kater
Once upon a time there was a miller who had three sons. When the miller died, the three sons shared the inheritance. The oldest, Hermann, got the mill, the second, Hubert, the donkey, the third, Hans, the tomcat Minkus.
Ein Schnitzel für drei
Zoodirektor Glottner
The unemployed salesman Wolfgang practices optimism, his friend Günther realism: The situation is shitty! But then zookeeper Günther finds a few hundred thousand Euros from his demented neighbor. The mates take the money but also the care for the old man.
Roddys Vater
It is the summer of 1984 in Schmalenstedt, in the middle of Holstein Switzerland, directly on the Baltic Sea. The 17-year-old Malte Ahrens, who calls himself Roddy Dangerblood, lives with his elderly parents in a farmhouse, is trained as a potter and has discovered for himself the punk that has made its way into Schmalenstedt with some delay.
Soul Kitchen
Zinos Kazantsakis é proprietário do restaurante Soul Kitchen. O negócio não anda bem, pois os clientes não aprovam a comida feita pelo novo chef. Para piorar, sua namorada resolveu se mudar para Xangai e uma terrível dor nas costas o atormenta. Zinos decide ir atrás da amada mas, para isso, precisa deixar o comando do restaurante nas mãos do irmão, que acaba de sair da prisão.
Germany ’09 – 13 Short Films About the State of the Nation
Dr. Roth (segment "Krankes Haus")
Thirteen German directors present short films exploring the state of their country.
Trama Internacional
Em Trama Internacional, um suspense arrebatador, Louis Salinger (Clive Owen), agente da Interpol e Eleanor Whitman (Naomi Watts), Promotora de Justiça de Manhattan, estão decididos a levar um dos bancos mais poderosos do mundo à justiça. Revelando inúmeras atividades ilegais repreensíveis, Salinger e Whitman rastreiam o dinheiro de Berlim a Milão, de Nova York a Istambul. Ao correrem grandes riscos pelo mundo, sua tenacidade implacável põe suas próprias vidas em jogo, já que nada detém seus alvos - nem assassinatos, de continuar a financiar o terror e a guerra.
Entre a Vida e a Morte
Male Tech
Dallas, Texas. Ben Garvey (Paul Walker) leva uma vida simples ao lado de sua esposa Lisa (Piper Perabo) e a filha Katie (Garvey Brooklyn). Ele trabalha duro no Fort Garry Brewery Company, mas ainda está em período de experiência. É quando recebe a visita de seu irmão Ricky (Shawn Hatosy), que acabou de deixar a prisão. Ele oferece a Ben a oportunidade de participar do roubo de 12 kg de ouro em pó, pertencentes a um laboratório. Ben inicialmente recusa a proposta, mas após ser demitido volta atrás e a aceita. Só que tudo dá errado, já que Ricky, seu parceiro Phelps (Alex Sol) e um segurança são mortos. Ben é condenado pelas mortes, sendo sentenciado à morte por uma injeção letal. Após a execução, Ben subitamente desperta em uma comunidade localizada em Dundee, no Oregon. O responsável pelo feito é o padre Ezra (Bob Gunton), que lhe diz que sua vida anterior é passado e agora tem em mãos uma segunda chance.
Die Schimmelreiter
Robert Zimmermann Is Tangled Up in Love
Karsten Darkness
Staatssekretär Büchner
GG 19 – Deutschland in 19 Artikeln
Zuschauer, Art.18
X-Men: Darktide
Professor X (Voice)
X-Men Unite! From an abandoned oil rig, Magneto, Mystique and Juggernaut prepare to unleash a weapon that will destroy all human life! Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Beast and Archangel race to save Storm from their clutches, but first, they'll have to stop the rampaging giant Sentinels programmed to destroy them!
Der Mann im Strom
Mark Iversen
The Runaway
Walter Dahlmann
Ausreißer [The Runaway] is a 2004 German short film directed by Ulrike Grote, with Peter Jordan and Maximilian Werner. It follows Walter, an unemployed architect, who is getting ready to go for an interview. But just as he is about to leave his flat, an eight-year-old boy, Yuri, approaches him at the door, claiming to be his son. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Das verflixte 17. Jahr