Reathel Bean

Reathel Bean

Nascimento : 1942-08-24, Missouri, USA


Reathel Bean


Inga is a mother with the soul of a poet at a crossroads. Her estranged husband Hermann is bereft of emotional support for her in the wake of her recovery from breast cancer, let alone her passion for buying and restoring and house that reminds her of her childhood home. She shares a close bond with her eight-year-old daughter, and though she is troubled by her decaying marriage, she retains a strong spirit of optimism, as expressed in her own writing.
O Diário de Uma Babá
A universitária Annie Braddock é contratada para trabalhar como babá do filho de um casal rico e desestruturado. Ela precisa encontrar uma maneira de se organizar entre os estudos, o novo namorado e o filho mimado de seus patrões.
O Bom Pastor
'Dame' Bonesman
Marcado pelo suicídio do pai, jovem ingressa em sociedade secreta na universidade e depois vira agente de inteligência do governo americano. Mas, para obter sucesso no trabalho, acaba sacrificando a vida pessoal e a família.
Our Town
Man In The Auditorium
Our Town is a three-act play by American playwright Thornton Wilder. It is a character story about an average town's citizens in the early twentieth century as depicted through their everyday lives. Using metatheatrical devices, Wilder sets the play in a 1930s theater. He uses the actions of the Stage Manager to create the town of Grover's Corners for the audience. Scenes from its history between the years of 1901 and 1913 play out. Originally broadcast on the Showtime Network, then as part of the PBS series "Masterpiece Theatre" (season 33, episode 1).
Revolution #9
Henry Jackson
A handsome and successful young man with a lovely fiancée, James Jackson seems to have everything going for him, but his life begins to unravel when he develops an acute sense of paranoia. At first, he notices little things at his office that he takes as signs that people are out to get him, but soon things escalate, with Jackson convinced that a perfume ad on television holds sinister messages aimed at him. Is Jackson losing his mind, or are the threats real?
Dead Dog
Tom and Perri are a successful couple residing in New York City with their dog, a Golden Retriever named Sophie. Tom is crushed when Sophie is hit and killed by a car while Perri is walking her, and angered that someone would drive away from the scene without any apparent remorse. As time passes, Tom's anger becomes an obsession to make the hit and run driver pay for his crime.
Dançando no Escuro
Selma Jezkova (Björk) é uma mãe-solteira tcheca que foi morar nos Estados Unidos. Ela tem uma doença hereditária que a faz perder a visão, algo que também deverá acontecer um dia a seu filho Gene (Vladan Kostig), um garoto de doze anos. Entretanto, em virtude de saber que existem médicos nos Estados Unidos que podem operar seu filho isto foi o suficiente para fazê-la imigrar para o país. Ela trabalha muito duro e guarda tudo o que ganha para a cirurgia do filho. Bill (David Morse) e Linda (Cara Seymour), seus vizinhos, juntamente com Kathy (Catherine Deneuve), uma colega de fábrica, a ajudam no que é possível, mas quando Bill se vê em dificuldades financeiras rouba o dinheiro que Selma tinha economizado duramente. Este roubo é o ponto de partida para trágicos acontecimentos.
Um Agente como a Gente
Senator Farwood
Set in the 1960's, a school teacher pretends to be a CIA spy to get his nagging wife off his back. He helps a Russian ballet dancer defect and is then sent to Cuba to locate "Agent X" for the CIA.
Apenas uma Vez
Nelson Hannibal
Quando a noiva de um bombeiro relutantemente concorda em participar de um ménage à trois com outra mulher, ela o faz na condição dele retribuir o favor com outro homem, que finalmente coloca seu casamento em perigo iminente.
A Caixa do Luar
Luvven Coddle
Em plena crise de meia-idade e à beira de um colapso, o engenheiro Al Fountaine viaja em busca de memórias da infância e conhece Kid, um rapaz que mora no bosque e que lhe apresenta uma nova perspectiva da vida com sua atitude desprendida.
Um Perigo de Mulher
Bob Barnes
Uma bibliotecária tímida tenta fazer da vida mais interessante ao se responsabilizar por um crime.
Flodder Does Manhattan!
The mayor of Sunny Dale see a chance to get rid of the Flodder family: They send the asocial bunch for an international exchange to New York. There they get confused with a Russian delegation of medical doctors while the street worker Werner who accompanies them becomes imprisoned.
The Boy Who Cried Bitch
Dr. Goldstein
Divorced rich bitch Candice Love has three sons at boarding school. The eldest, 12 year-old Dan, is totally unmanageable and aggressive, a bad influence on his brothers. When attempts to 'socialise' him fail, his mother takes him back home, where he gradually progresses into psychosis.
Após deixar o exército, Brian Flanagan, um jovem ambicioso, tenta um emprego em Nova York, mas inicialmente nada consegue por não ser formado. Então começa a estudar e trabalhar, se tornando um bartender de sucesso graças às dicas dadas por Doug Coughlin, um exímio e veterano profissional. Mas sua ambição abala o relacionamento com Jordan Mooney, sua namorada, e entra em atrito com Doug, que ensinou a ele os macetes da vida noturna.
Lt. Arnold Goodson
For her upcoming exhibition, "Apology," Lily, a New York conceptual artist, is designing a sound and sculpture installation inspired by the testimony of anonymous phone callers who, after responding to a public advert inviting them to spill their guts, leave messages on her answering machine. When one caller confesses to a murder, Lily begins to suspect that the mystery man may be intending a little "performance" of his own: her death.
Going in Style
FBI Agent
Three senior citizens in their 70s who live together are slowly decaying in endless days with nothing to do but feed the birds. One of them comes up with an idea - rob a bank. They certainly could use the money if they get away with it and if they are caught, what could happen to three old men?
FBI Agent
Arthouse portraiture of a disestablishmentarian during his six-year draft dodge.