Yehuda Bauer


The Meaning of Hitler
This provocative consideration of the lasting influence and draw of Hitler provides insight into the resurgence of white supremacy, antisemitism, and the weaponization of history.
Vida Activa: O Espírito de Hannah Arendt
Self - Historian
A vida e obra da filósofa política alemã de ascendência judaica Hannah Arendt (1906-75), que causou um alvoroço quando cunhou um conceito subversivo, a banalidade do mal, em seu livro de 1963 sobre o julgamento do criminoso de guerra nazista Adolph Eichmann (1906-62), realizado em Israel em 1961, que ela cobriu para a revista New Yorker.
Escape from Auschwitz
The truth about the Auschwitz death camp was one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Third Reich. Prisoners who tried to escape were killed in public as an example to other inmates. Very few ever made it out alive. Escape From Auschwitz tells the incredible story of two young Slovak Jews, Rudolph Vrba and Alfred Wetzler, who managed to escape, determined to tell the world about the atrocities being committed by the Nazis at the camp, which resulted in the saving of thousands of lives.