Xiaonan Pei


Shen Tou Lu Cheng
Pei Pei
In the Underworld of Shanghai, Shadow Lee is considered the modern king of thieves. When a ruthless crime lord hires him to kidnap the daughter of a rival business man, Shadow must face his greatest challenge yet. Kidnap the girl and condemn her to certain death by the hands of his employer or save her life. The choice is made and now Shadow must fight the backlash of his betrayal, but his fists are fast and his kicks have no mercy. For Shadow that's all he need.
Temptress Moon
Set in the decadent 1920s, Temptress Moon tells the very complicated story of a wealthy family living on the outskirts of Shanghai. Their youngest daughter, Ruyi, is brought up as a servant to her opium-addicted father and brother. Meanwhile, her brother-in-law Zhongliang has a successful, if illegal, career seducing and blackmailing married women in the city. When he comes to Ruyi's home the two fall in love, and trouble ensues.
Adeus, Minha Concubina
Na Pequim de 1925, a academia “Toda Sorte e Felicidade” ensina a arte da interpretação a meninos pobres e sem lar. Um deles, Douzi (Mingwey Ma), é filho de uma prostituta. O garoto Shitou (Yang Fei) o protege e se torna seu amigo. É um lugar com um sistema de aprendizado puxado, dirigido pelo mestre Guan Jinfa (Lu Qi). Por seus traços femininos, Douzi é treinado a fazer papéis de mulher, enquanto Shitou, um tipo mais rude, papéis masculinos. Os anos passam, Douzi e Shitou aprofundam seus estudos e se tornam atores famosos da Ópera de Pequim. Cheng Dieyi (Leslie Cheung) e Duan Xiaolou (Zhang Fengyi), nomes que adotam na vida artística, continuam amigos e interpretam a peça Adeus Minha Concubina. Quando Xiaolou se apaixona pela prostituta Juxiam (Gong Li), a amizade começa a se desfazer e eles param de trabalhar juntos. É o momento para decidir se prevalecerá a amizade de Dieyi e Xiaolou ou o amor de Juxian e Xiaolou.
Life on a String
Two blind men pursue ephemeral and unlikely hopes. One is an aged master, a wandering troubador venerated as a saint, in physical decline, waiting to break his 1,000th banjo string, an event his own master promised years before would bring him sight. The other is his apprentice, Shidou, who longs for a woman's love and is enchanted with the radiant and spirited Lanxiu. The two men are encamped outside Lanxiu's village, the saint using his energy and voice to bring peace between warring factions. Does sight await the saint when the 1000th string breaks? Can Shidou's strength of character overcome provincial prejudice to win the hand of Lanxiu and a place in the village?