Arnaud Giovaninetti

Arnaud Giovaninetti

Nascimento : 1967-07-03, Amiens, Somme, France

Morte : 2018-01-24


Arnaud Giovaninetti
Arnaud Giovaninetti


Rencontre avec un tueur
Stéphane Hermant
Mitterrand à Vichy
Antoine Mauduit
The dark years, those of war. This film, which combines fiction and archives, tells the story of the unusual trajectory of a young man from the provinces. Prisoner of war, escaped at the age of 24, he found himself in Vichy, capital of the French state. A convinced Pétainist, he will become a leading resistance fighter.
L'Affaire Ben Barka
« Chtouki »
Villa Jasmin
Serge Boccara
A compelling double love story about a French-Tunisian Jewish family. Henry returns to La Goulette, port of Tunisia, with his wife, in search of his family roots. The film explores his parent's history from the 1920s, and the impact of the Vichy Government under German Occupation in the 1940s.
Mort prématurée
Vincent Valenti
Vincenzo Giustiniani
The tumultuous and adventurous life of Michelangelo Merisi, controversial artist, called by Fate to become the immortal Caravaggio. A violent genius that will dare to defy the ideal vision of the world imposed by the Renaissance painters. A provoker that scandalized patrons and institutions, raising the altars the outcast figures he knew so well: drunkards, vagrants and prostitutes.
Bruno "Orlando" Gigliotti
The life story of famous singer and actress of Egiptian and Italian ancestry Iolanda Gigliotti known by her stage name Dalida.
Bad Spelling
At a French boarding school for troubled youth in the early 1970's, the Headmaster and his wife decide that their son Daniel, who is fifteen years old but looks younger, should finally go live in the dorm with all the other students, as they do not want it to seem Daniel is receiving any special treatment. Daniel is now faced with the challenge of earning the trust and respect of the other students, who all come from troubled backgrounds.
3 Rapazes, 1 Garota E 2 Casamentos
Com a idade de 25, Dan e Laurent são os melhores amigos do mundo. Eles vivem juntos e compartilham tudo, como um casal de velhos. Uma coisa que ainda os separa: Dan é um mulherengo, enquanto Laurent é gay e secretamente apaixonado com seu amigo. Esta situação pode durar anos, se Dan nunca tivesse conhecido a mulher da sua vida, Camille. Quando Dan decide ir morar com ela, a vida de Laurent quem entra em colapso, como se quebrou seu torque. Laurent fará todo o possível para sabotar o romance entre Dan e Camille. Doce, claro, porque aparentemente ele fingiu achar formidável. O pior é que é verdade: é muito bom.
Lovely Rita
Edgar Lamarck - an accountant and auditor is coming to the the shipyard on Cote d'Azur in order to check the statements. After completing his mission, he decides to relax and spend the night with the green-eyed blonde with a curvy shape who he met on a porn site. Coming to Rita, he discovers weedy brunette with a pistol in her hand, standing over a fresh corpse. It's not a girl Edgar was looking for but now it's too late to retreat...
Quatre copains
Bart Vernon
Marry Me
Oriane and Hadrian's couple is going through a crisis. Determined to save their marriage, Oriane visits a Gypsy fortune teller who foresees a dark future. But Oriane won't hear of anything but a happy ending and the psychic is forced to read another future which, unfortunately, also happens to end bitterly. Will the third reading satisfy the young woman?
Evocation of the life of Jesus Christ.
Os Filhos do Século
Alfred Tattet
True tale of the tumultuous love affair between two French literary icons of the 19th Century, novelist George Sand and poet Alfred de Musset. But their affair falls apart during an excursion to Venice, Italy where Musset is distracted by drugs and Sand by a handsome doctor.
Prague Stories
A four-story omnibus depicting different Czech slices-of-life from the titular city.
J'irai au paradis car l'enfer est ici
In this French gangster drama, a young hoodlum, new to his famed father's dubious profession, successfully completes his first hit but then finds himself trapped in between a brutal vendetta between rival gangs. To save himself, Francois joins forces with a motley gang of crooks, led by the emotionally unstable Rufin, and tries to wait the situation out while amusing himself with the affections of a nightclub chanteuse. Meanwhile, his colleagues are being killed off, one by one, leaving him to wonder whether or not his father will use his clout to save him.
The tumultuous affair between a young man and a woman twenty-five years his senior.
To Have (Or Not)
Alice, fired from her job on an assembly line, leaves her boyfriend and provincial home for an uncertain new life in Lyon. There she encounters Bruno, a construction worker who's just been dumped and is severely depressed. Romantic possibilities ensue.
Aqui D'El Rei!
At the end of the nineteenth century, an army force led by Major Mouzinho de Albuquerque, a cavalry officer, imprisoned in Mozambique the great regulative Governor Gungunhana, who had rebelled against Portuguese government and sovereignty
O Amante
The Elder Brother
Em 1929, quando o Vietnam era uma colônia francesa, uma garota francesa cuja família passa por dificuldades financeiras se envolve com um homem de negócios chinês, iniciando uma tórrida relação apesar das restrições sociais de ambas origens. Baseado no romance semi-autobiográfico de Maugerite Duras.
The Silent Woman
French thriller written by Jean-Claude Carriere.