Graham Greene

Graham Greene

Nascimento : 1952-06-22, Ohsweken, Ontario, Canada


Graham Greene (Ohsweken, Ontário, 22 de junho de 1952) é um actor ameríndio, do povo Oneida. Graduou-se em teatro pelo "Centre for Indigenous Theatre's Native Theatre School", em 1974. O seu envolvimento com o cinema começou com a sua participação em 2 filmes de realizadores ameríndios: Running brave (1983) e Powwow Highway (1989). Alcançou fama internacional ao participar no filme "Danças com lobos, 1990" de Kevin Costner, papel pelo qual foi nomeado para o Óscar para melhor ator secundário. Participou também em filmes como Maverick (1994), Thunderheart (1992), The Green Mile e The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009).


Graham Greene
Graham Greene


A dark yet spiritual drama that follows the journey of a man who's been abandoned in the frozen north for thirty years after his death.
Bones of Crows
Officer Casey Murphy
Cree matriarch Aline Spears survives a childhood in Canada’s residential school system to continue her family’s generational fight in the face of systemic starvation, racism, and sexual abuse. She uses her uncanny ability to understand and translate codes into working for a special division of the Canadian Air Force as a Cree code talker in World War II. The story unfolds over 100 years with a cumulative force that propels us into the future.
V para Vingança
Emma e Scarlett vão atrás de sua irmã, após ela ser sequestrada por um grupo de vampiros. Depois do resgate, elas juram vingança aos que fizeram mal a sua família.
Espíritos Obscuros
Warren Stokes
Uma jovem professora descobre que o pai e irmão mais novo do seu aluno problemático escondem um segredo sobre-humano mortal. Tendo decidido tomar conta do menino, ela deve lutar pela sobrevivência dos dois contra horrores além da imaginação.
O Lobo E O Leão
Um filhote de lobo e um filhote de leão perdidos são resgatados por uma garota no coração do deserto canadense. A amizade deles mudará suas vidas para sempre.
Defining Moments
Dr. Kelly
A touching story of eight very different people who are at a crossroads in life and must make decisions that will forever change who they are. Jack must decide to spend the rest of his life with his girlfriend Terri. Marina must reconnect with her aging father. Laurel must embrace her new pregnancy and come to terms with her father’s early Alzheimer's. And Dave must learn why life is worth living.
A Dark Foe
The Cradle
Um agente do FBI cheio de culpa, preso na dolorosa memória do sequestro de sua irmã, sofre de uma condição rara conhecida como Nyctophobia, um medo irracional do escuro, e terá que enfrentar o astuto serial killer que a levou longe.
The Weekend Fix
After an overdose, a young man's father sets up a rehab in their isolated mansion on a lake. An eccentric team of hired professionals attempt to "fix" him in this coming-of-age dark comedy taking place over one weekend.
Blue Ridge
Cliff McGrath
Um assassinato em uma cidade adormecida no coração das Montanhas Blue Ridge choca a comunidade e reabastece uma rivalidade de longa data entre duas famílias.
Homeless Man/Carl
In the murky depths of Los Angeles' world-famous La Brea Tar Pits there lies an ancient secret - a creature that, awakened by underground construction, turns a night of somber packing for Barry Greenwood and his co-workers into a desperate fight for survival.
The Water Walker
A documentary following young Anishinaabe water activist Autumn Peltier as she travels to the UN to preserve the future of Indigenous communities.
Astronauta: Um Sonho Extraordinário
Nesta história inspiradora, um viúvo solitário entra em um concurso para ganhar uma viagem à lua. Com a ajuda do neto, ele enfrentará os problemas de saúde e a incredulidade da família para realizar seu sonho.
Shadow Wolves
A rogue NSA agent joins an elite group of Native American trackers who call themselves the Shadow Wolves as they engage in missions to protect justice in America and abroad.
Through Black Spruce
The disappearance of a young Cree woman in Toronto traumatizes her Northern Ontario family, and sends her twin sister on a journey south to find her.
Vidas Entrelaçadas
Após sua morte, Francesca volta ao mundo dos vivos e passa a encontrar desconhecidos em momentos-chave, enviando suas vidas em um caminho melhor para a felicidade ou então levando-os em direção a um trágico fim. Enquanto as vidas dessas pessoas se entrelaçam e se conectam, em segredo Francesca procura por uma amado de quem ela nunca teve a chance de se despedir.
The Performance
An actor returns to give a one-man show at the location of his inaugural performance.
Te Ata
Douglas Johnston
The extraordinary life of Chickasaw Nation citizen Mary Thompson Fisher is given a heartfelt tribute in this moving look at a culture in transition, and the way one woman used her voice to keep Native traditions and stories alive. Raised in Indian Territory, Fisher left home to pursue her dream of becoming an actress, only to find that her true calling was at home all along. From Chautauquas to Broadway and even the White House, Fisher traveled the world performing Native American songs and stories for heads of state, American presidents, and European royalty. Featuring Chickasaw citizens both in front of and be-hind the camera, this touching portrait starring Q’orianka Kilcher (“The New World”) and Graham Greene honors a woman whose own story was the most inspiring one she never told. -TCFF database
A Grande Jogada
Judge Foxman
Após perder a chance de participar dos Jogos Olímpicos, a esquiadora Molly Bloom decide tirar um ano de folga dos estudos e ir trabalhar como garçonete em Los Angeles. Através de circunstâncias curiosas, ela acaba se tornando milionária e famosa por organizar os mais exclusivos jogos de pôquer da região.
As You Like It
A modern-day, all-male re telling of Shakespeare’s comedy classic about lovelorn lads, vengeful men, shameless hussies and mind games. Set in the contemporary American west, with original language.
Terra Selvagem
Cory (Jeremy Renner), caçador de coiotes e predadores traumatizado pela morte da filha adolescente, encontra o corpo congelado de uma menina em meio ao nada e inicia uma investigação sobre o crime com o auxílio de uma agente novata do FBI (Elizabeth Olsen) que desconhece a região.
A Cabana
Male Papa
Este drama, baseado na obra do escritor William Paul Young, centra-se na história de um homem que recebe um misterioso bilhete a convocá-lo para regresse à cabana onde foram encontradas as roupas ensanguentadas da sua filha, dada como desaparecida uns anos antes e provavelmente assassinada. O que ele lá vai descobrir, mudará a sua vida para sempre…
Out of the Darkness
Eli is a man in his twenties with a calling on his life from a young age, but he's been running from that calling - a modern day Jonah. After being fired by his father, arguing with his girlfriend in front of their daughter, and then a visit to the local pub, Eli decides to get out of town. On a lonely mountain highway Eli misses a turn and careens over an embankment, landing deep in the forest. It is a place of mystery with no way out, but it is there where God works on his heart. Satan is not far behind of course, working to convince Eli to take a different path. In the end Eli is faced with a choice that will have repercussions on generations as his destiny is to be the Billy Graham of his time.
A Fera
Uma fotógrafa e seu grupo partem para a região selvagem do Alaska no auge do inverno, para tirar proveito da limitada, porém bela luz do dia. Eles são interceptados por um caçador experiente e proprietário da hospedaria local, que inspira o medo no grupo, ao contar sobre a lenda do Maneater (comedor de homens), um urso que tem presas e garras mais afiadas do que o metal feito pelo homem. Este conto épico rapidamente se torna um verdadeiro pesadelo vivo para o grupo enquanto eles permanecem inconscientes de uma experiência com um urso que saiu errado. A empresa de bioengenharia, Clobirch Industries, alterou geneticamente um urso polar para que ele possa sobreviver às alterações climáticas, mas o resultado final é um, mortal máquina devoradora de homens implacável. Caberá ao nosso proprietário de hospedaria e seu guia nativo manter o grupo a salvo, mas este urso prova ser mais do que ele, ou qualquer outra pessoa, poderia esperar.
Corner Gas: The Movie
Fishing Guide
It’s been a few years, and there’s still not a lot going on 40 kilometers from nowhere. But that’s all about to change as the fine folks of Dog River, Saskatchewan face their biggest crisis ever. Brent and the gang discover that the town’s been badly mismanaged, leaving residents with little choice but to pack up and leave. As residents make one last rally to save Dog River as they know it, they discover a devious plan by a corporate chain that would change life for Dog Riverites forever.
Um Conto do Destino
Humpstone John
Baseado no livro de Mark Helprin. Durante um inverno rigoroso, o mecânico e larápio Peter Lake (Colin Farrell) invade uma mansão. Ele pensa que não há ninguém em casa, mas a filha do dono, uma jovem que tem pouco tempo de vida (Jessica Brown Findlay), o surpreende em plena ação, e os dois se apaixonam.
From Above
Mr. Mountain
Two souls are so deeply in love with one another that they are entangled beyond life itself.
The Birder
A mild mannered birder seeks revenge on a younger rival, after losing the highly coveted Head of Ornithology position at the National Park.
Maïna is the daughter of the Innu leader Mishtenapuu, who attends a bloody confrontation between his clan and the clan of "Men of the Land of Ice." Following this confrontation, Maïna chooses a mission that will change her life. To fulfill the promise that she has made to her friend Matsii on her deathbed, she embarked on the trail of their enemies to deliver Nipki, a 11 year old boy that the Inuit have captured. But she was also taken as prisoner by Natak, the leader of the Inuit group, and forcibly taken to the Land of Ice.
Círculo de Monstros
General Hadley
Criaturas surgem das profundezas do Oceano Atlântico dispostas a acabar com a vida na Terra. A última esperança da humanidade está em robôs gigantes projetados para combater os terríveis monstros.
Seattle's Loch Ness: The Lake Washington Sea Monster
Seattle's Loch Ness: The Lake Washington Sea Monster For hundreds of years the Wonkatilla tribe of the Northwestern United States has worshipped a giant sea creature they call Willatuk, God of Ocean, after it saved their lives during the great earthquake and blizzard of 1736. But now, scientists and hunters are tracking Willatuk to study the creature and possibly kill it. Can Chief Clamintile and his tribe save their "God of Ocean" from the guns and chains of modern man, or is it too late? Learn the answers by watching Willatuk: The Legend of Seattle's Sea Serpent.
Running Mates
Dilton Harper
When the beloved mayor of Shoulder announces his retirement, ambitious Archie Fenton returns to his quirky hometown to run for office. Unfortunately, tow truck driver Reg also wants the job, pitting the former childhood friends against each other.
Valley of the Sun
Turquoise Jack
Andy Taggert set out for Hollywood to pursue acting, but years later finds himself working in adult films. Disillusioned and trapped, Andy walks off the set and lands himself in a mental hospital. His estranged parents pick him up and take him to their Arizona retirement community where Andy’s troubles seemingly all but disappear until his past unexpectedly comes back to haunt him.
A Lenda da Passagem Secreta
Granpa (voice)
A lenda da Passagem Secreta é um encantador filme de animação CGI inspirado na mitologia do índio americano
O Super Lobista
Bernie Sprague
Jack Abramoff (Kevin Spacey) é um conhecido lobista que atua frequentemente em Washington, capital dos Estados Unidos. Sua função é influenciar a política do país, de forma que ele e seus clientes sejam beneficiados, em especial donos de cassino. Quando é acusado de corrupção e assassinato, Jack usa seus contatos para conseguir escapar dos tribunais.
Two Dogs
O filme “Gunless” traz-nos a história de uma comunidade tranquila e pacífica do Canadá, que é abalada pela chegada de um cowboy americano ferido, conhecido simplesmente como “The Kid Montana”, suspeito de assassinar sete homens. Um esclarecimento posterior revela que seu nome verdadeiro é Sean Rafferty, e ele admite ter matado, não sete, mas onze pessoas… O que será verdade?
The Wild Girl
Ned Giles, an aspiring news photographer, joins the 1932 Great Apache Expedition on the search for a young boy, the son of a wealthy Mexican land owner who was kidnapped by wild Apaches. Ned finds himself on an unexpected and perilous journey through rugged terrain, when a captured wild Apache girl must be exchanged for the kidnapped boy.
Reel Injun
The evolution of the depiction of Native Americans in film, from the silent era until today, featuring clips from hundreds of movies and candid interviews with famous directors, writers and actors, Native and non-Native: how their image on the screen transforms the way to understand their history and culture.
A Saga Twilight: Lua Nova
Harry Clearwater
A seguir à fatídica festa do 18º aniversário de Bella, Edward Cullen e a sua família abandonam a cidade de Forks, Washington, na tentativa de a proteger dos perigos inerentes ao seu mundo. Quando a destroçada Bella vagueia pelo último ano do secundário, paralisada de medo e sozinha, descobre que a imagem de Edward regressa quando ela se encontra em apuros. O desejo de estar com ele a qualquer custo, leva-a a expor-se a riscos cada vez maiores. Com a ajuda do seu amigo de infância Jacob Black, Bella renova a sua velha mota para a acompanhar nas suas aventuras.
The Red Green Story: We're All in This Together
Edgar Montrose
This behind-the-scenes special features cast members musing over public television's beloved "The Red Green Show," the wacky sketch series revolving around the wit and wisdom of outdoors-man, handyman and populist philosopher Red Green (Steve Smith). Backstage anecdotes, rare outtakes and cast commentary shed light on the smart writing and spot-on acting that helped make this unlikely show such a long-running success.
Uma Família Bem Diferente
Bud Wilson
Eric vive para o hóquei. Agora, na faixa dos trinta, ele deixou sua carreira de jogador profissional para se tornar comentarista de esportes na TV. É uma vida de sonho! Mas quando o namorado de Eric, Sam, avisa que eles terão que cuidar temporariamente de um menino, o confortável mundo de Eric desmonta. Chega Scot, recém-órfão, um menino afeminado de 11 anos e o oposto exato de Eric. Assustados com a alegria de viver de Scot, Eric e Sam gentilmente afastam Scot dos perfumados cremes das mãos e de tudo o que for cor-de-rosa, buscando um passatempo mais “aceitável”: o hóquei.
All Hat
Jim Burns
An ex-con returns to his rural Ontario roots and outwits a corrupt and wealthy thoroughbred owner trying to take over a slew of local farms. Ray Dokes, a charming ex-ballplayer, returns from jail to discover the rural landscape of his childhood transformed by urban development. Determined to stay out of trouble, Ray heads to the farm of his old friend Pete Culpepper, a crusty Texas cowboy who trains losing racehorses and whose debts are growing faster than his corn.
Um Negócio de Morte
Henry Sanipass
Oliver tem uma vida monótona até o dia em que ele e seu irmão Jackie vão à cidade para assistir ao funeral de seu pai. Para espanto de todos, Oliver herda de seu pai uma casa funerária. Em uma conversa com o caseiro Henry ele descobre que a casa está à beira da falência. Naquela noite, sua vida fica cada vez mais complicada, quando ele pega o carro da funerária, e junto com a sedutora embalsamadora Roberta, acabam atropelando um andarilho. Roberta sabiamente disfarça a fatalidade como acidente, proporcionando a Oliver o seu primeiro cliente. A dupla começa então uma matança impiedosa, fazendo tudo parecer acidente. À medida que os dois lutam para permanecer fora da prisão e manter a casa funerária funcionando, a contagem de corpos aumenta vertiginosamente e as suas vítimas morrem em acidentes cada vez mais bizarros. Com o seu negócio prosperando, Oliver ganha confiança até perceber que cavou uma “cova” para si mesmo. O jeito agora é encarar a nova vida que leva.
Luna: Spirit of the Whale
Bill Louis
When a government representative announces that he intends to reunite an orphaned orca with his pod by transporting him hundreds of miles over dry land, the Mowachaht-Muchalaht First Nations Band, which believes that the spirit of their late chief resides in the majestic ocean mammal, does everything within their power to thwart the controversial plan. As the community grows increasingly divided over how to handle the situation, a young aboriginal boy wrestles with his own identity and new Band chief Mike Maquinna prepares for the trial by fire that could shape his entire future.
When I Find the Ocean
A little girl leaves home with her pet dog and rabbit to escape abuse and find the ocean in the hopes of feeling closer to her father who has passed away.
A Lobster Tale
Cody Brewer, a quiet New England fisherman isn't doing too well for himself. His wife feels neglected, and his son keeps getting picked on by the school bully. While out collecting his lobster traps one day, Cody finds a strange green moss that holds magical powers. Once word gets out about the magical moss, the entire town suddenly becomes Cody's best friend, all hoping to get a piece of it. With the townspeople clamoring for some moss and the already delicate state of the Brewer family, Cody has a tough time figuring out exactly what to do.
Calvin Many Goats
Após anos na fila por uma operação de mudança de sexo, a travesti Bree vê sua oportunidade se perdendo após receber a ligação de um jovem que supostamente seria seu filho, quando sua psicóloga acompanhante afirma que só autorizará sua operação depois que encontrar-se com o rapaz. Bree decide enganar o jovem e levá-lo até alguém que possa cuidar dele, mas vários acontecimentos e uma longa viagem pelos EUA farão com que os sentimentos familiares entre os dois comecem a se despertar.
Spirit Bear: The Simon Jackson Story
A teenage boy fights to save the Spirit Bear.
Sonhando com Búfalos
John Blackhorse
Um menino recém-chegado ao Novo México começa a trabalhar em uma reserva de búfalos para ganhar dinheiro e montar a sua bicicleta. Lá, além de quebrar barreiras culturais para fazer amizade com os moradores da reserva, terá que enfrentar o arruaceiro local em uma competição de mountain bike.
Phil the Alien
Phil the Alien crashes to Earth and find himself alone in the wilds of northern Canada. In the process of going home he goes from drunk to christian rock singer to mass murder.
A Thief Of Time
Slick Nakai
Officers Leaphorn and Chee search for a missing anthropologist suspected of stealing artifacts from a burial site.
Coyote Waits
Slick Nakai
A Navajo shaman is the prime suspect in a murder case in this drama from PBS. But as Officer Jim Chee investigates the case he discovers some unusual events that perplex the veteran lawman, leading to an intriguing climax.
Declaration of Independence
Famous actors and actresses read the declaration of independence of the USA.
Dances with Wolves: The Creation of an Epic
A documentary of the making of Dances with Wolves told through interviews with cast and crew. It describes the financial and production details, scouting locations, the buffalo hunt, the Lakota Sioux, and the recognition and success the film achieved.
Big Spender
Orphan Eddie Burton is not bad, but too many screw-ups land him repeatedly in jail, so his 8-year old son Will, simply abandoned by his 'mother', has nobody else then Eddie's granny. When he hears about a program for convicts working an a foundation's farm for retired race horses, Eddie signs up and proves his talent with Big Spender, who was found completely run down. He nurses the horse back to health, and convinces Jake Cotter, the man in charge, to try a stunt: train him for an new career in jumping, which is a success when his dedicated race jockey Mel Tennant volunteers to ride him again. If he does really well, he may even get a certificate opening the perspective of a real job, which he desperately needs when grandma dies after having him swear he'll get out: the nightmare alternative is to leave Will lingering in the very home that did Eddie no good
Mogie Yellow Lodge
An inspirational tale about the relationship between two Sioux Indian brothers living on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation.
Neve pra Cachorro
Peter Yellowbear
Ted Jones (Cuba Gooding Jr.) é um dentista que vive em Miami. Após receber um comunicado de que é o único herdeiro de uma herança Ted imediatamente viaja para o Alasca, acreditando que se tornará rico. Entretanto, ao chegar ao local descobre que sua herança são oito cães de corrida de trenó, que atendem pelos nomes de Diesel, Nana, Demon, Scooper, Yodel, Sniff, Mack e Ducches. Eles estavam sob os cuidados de Thunder Jack (James Coburn), que não vê a hora de entregá-los a Ted para poder viajar para terras mais quentes. Com isso, Ted é obrigado não apenas a aprender a pilotar trenós como também a cuidar de seus mais novos animais.
Assunto de Meninas
Joe Menzies
Mary "Mouse" Bedford é enviada ao colégio interno "Perkins Girls" pelo seu pai e sua madrasta quando sua mãe morre. É uma menina tímida, mas rapidamente é aceita pelas suas duas colegas de quarto, Paulie e Tory, conhecidas como as garotas perdidas do colégio. As três formam um laço de amizade muito forte e tornam-se inseparáveis. Apesar da amizade entre elas, Mouse fica confusa acerca da proximidade do relacionamento entre Paulie e Tory. Rapidamente descobre-se que a sua partilha vai para além da simples amizade. Sem justificativa, Tory cede à pressão de sua família e distancia-se de Paulie, que recusa-se a aceitar este afastamento. Mouse divide-se entre as duas amigas, Paulie se vê sem saida e faz de tudo para recuperar o amor de Tory, que tenta provar a heterosexualidade namorando garotos. Paulie se vê desesperada diante da situação e não se conforma em perder o amor de Tory, lutando cada vez mais para recuperar o amor dela.
Christmas in the Clouds
A classic comedy of mistaken identity and romance set during the holiday season at a ski resort that is owned and operated by a Native American Nation. Shot on location at The Sundance Resort in Utah, this is the first contemporary romantic comedy to feature an almost entirely American Indian cast. The film was featured at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival.
An affair between a pianist and a teacher begins to disintegrate when girls from her school turn up missing.
Walking the Mile: The Making of The Green Mile
Self (uncredited)
Frank Darabont explains how this new project was introduced thru a phone call from Stephen King as "another prison tale" if he was interested to make it, the answer was not, King expose his concept idea in few words, however Frank asking to Stephen send the script to him firstly, when the first tale was finished and sent to Darabont, after reading such odd story, asking for more, so King replied "You must wait as anybody else", receiving later all other tales Frank wrote a screenplay on 8 weeks, so come up "the Green Mile"
Trial By Fire: A North of 60 Mystery
Walter Pearce
Blood may be thicker than water, but when RCMP officer Michelle Kenidi’s brother becomes a suspect in a deadly case of arson, only one thing matters – the truth. As the evidence against her brother continues to mount, Michelle tries to defend him – but gradually realizes that he has been lying to her. Torn between her sense of duty and her loyalty to her brother, she must trust her instincts to find out what Peter has been hiding – no matter what the cost.
À Espera de um Milagre
Arlen Bitterbuck
Milagres acontecem em lugares inesperados, mesmo no bloco de celas para o corredor da morte na Penitenciária Cold Mountain. Lá, John Coffey, um gentil e gigante prisioneiro com poderes sobrenaturais, traz um senso de espírito e humanidade aos seus guardas e colegas de cela.
Grey Owl
Jim Bernard
Archie Grey Owl is a trapper in Canada in the early 1930s when a young Iroquois woman from town asks him to teach her Indian ways. They live in the woods, where she is appalled at how trapped animals die. She adopts two orphaned beaver kits and helps Archie see his way to stop trapping. Instead, he works as a guide, a naturalist writer, and then the Canadian government hires him to save the beaver in a conserve by Lake Ajawaan in Prince Albert National Park. He writes a biography, which brings him attention in Canada and invitations to lecture in England. Before he leaves, he and Anahareo (Pony) marry. In England, his secret is revealed. Will Anahareo continue to love him?
Bad Money
George Baines
A black comedy revolving around the humiliating lengths that people will resort to in order to get by in an unstable financial world from applying for welfare to the compromise of personal ideals to all out robbery. The film follows four characters - two leftover punks from the 80s, a typical gray-suited businessman and a vegetarian idealist - in their desperate struggle to hold onto their respective stations in life. These deftly interwoven stories form a cautionary tale of how people deal with the search for quick cash. In desperate times, even good people turn to bad money.
A young man runs from the voices in his head into the arms of an elderly cowgirl.
Misery Harbour
A young writer named Espen Arnakke tells the story of his escape from the small Danish town of Jante. Espen boards a ship headed to Newfoundland, but the harsh conditions on board makes him jump ship, and he ends up in the little town of Misery Harbour. There he meets the girl of his dreams. But his passion shifts to jealousy when one of the men from the ship mysteriously appears in town, and sets out to make Espen's life a misery.
Imagem Destruída
Confusing realities surface in this paranoid film dealing with the fragile nature of a young woman recovering from rape and an apparent attempted suicide. In one reality, she is a killer destroyer of men. In another she is the new wife on a Jamaican honeymoon with her husband (William Baldwin), who is trying to help her recover. Which is real is the question as the story unfolds.
Stranger in Town
Eddie Lester
A 13-year-old boy, whose single mother moved her family from the big city to a small town, begins to suspect that a stranger who befriends his family is not who he initially appears to be. Harry Hamlin, Graham Green, Rebecca Jenkins and Trevor Blumas star.
Heart of the Sun
Depression era drama set in Alberta finds a farmer's wife who swears that her inability to have a child is a punishment from God. In fact, it is slowly revealed that her inability to have a child stems from an illicit relationship that she had with a local priest and a subsequent operation forced on her in a cover-up by the church and her family which left her infertile
A Educação de Pequena Árvore
Willow John
É a história de um menino que está crescendo e, como qualquer ser humano, procura seu lugar no mundo. Mas crescer, em qualquer época e sob qualquer circunstância, dói. Para Pequena Árvore, um menino cherokee – tribo índia dos Estados Unidos – de oito anos, essa tarefa não será nada fácil. Sua vida numa árida cidade mineradora, durante a Depressão americana – na década de 30 -, oferece-lhe poucos prazeres. Depois de perder os pais, ele vai morar com seus avós paternos numa floresta do Tennessee. Num ambiente mais carinhoso, ele reconhece, pela primeira vez, a beleza da natureza e a sabedoria da vida cherokee. A educação de Pequena Árvore está prestes a começar já que o futuro será recheado de descobertas e sofrimento.
The Hired Heart
A small-town, country doctor has been a widow for two years but is still in love with her dead husband, Michael. Despite the best efforts of her father in law to marry her off to the local eligible bachelors, she still remains so. The week-long county fair is approaching and her father in law traps her into an unfair deal involving the feeding of her bull and her attendance at the fair with a suitable escort. She decides to call his bluff by hiring a male escort to attend the fair as her lover. However, things don't go quite according to plan as he smells a rat and investigates the new boyfriend and even worse the escort starts to fall in love with her!
Dead Innocent
Detective Mike Salvatori
Suzanne, a single parent and succesful lawyer, returns home to find her daughter missing. About to call the police, she is confronted by a disembodied voice warning her that if she attempts to leave or seek help, her daughter will die. Suzanne discovers she is being monitored through surveillance cameras operated by the tyrannical voice. The voice informs her that in order for her daughter to live, Suzanne must commit suicide. In a race against time Suzanne must think of a scheme to get a message to the outside world...
Nick Rollins
After a grizzly-bear poacher named Hanaghan kills her fiance and fellow Fish & Wildlife Deptartment officer, Julie Clayton sets out to track the killer down and discover why the FBI is keeping its case secret from her. She is joined in her quest by Rollins, a police detective fresh out of alcohol-dependency rehabilitation.
Song of Hiawatha
O Kagh
This adaptation of an epic poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow tells the tale of Hiawatha (Litefoot), a brave Native American Indian, and his love for the beautiful Minehaha (Irene Bedard)
The Pathfinder
In this sequel to The Last of the Mohicans, the Pathfinder (Kevin Dillon) defends a British fort under siege during the French and Indian Wars. His Indian father, Chingachgook (Graham Greene), and the lovely Mabel Dunham (Laurie Holden) are swept up in the battle, and the Pathfinder finds himself forced to choose between his father and the woman he loves. The film is based on last of James Fenimore Cooper's "Leatherstocking Tales."
Nicholas Tollander
Presos no meio de uma complicada trama de traição, um ex-fuzileiro naval e uma agente do FBI precisam aprender a confiar um no outro para descobrir a identidade de um matador profissional ligado a atividades obscuras do Exército americano.
Heritage Minutes: Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull
Native American Chief Sitting Bull seeks refuge in Canada.
Duro de Matar: A Vingança
Joe Lambert
John McClane está separado da mulher e afastado da polícia. Mas um terrorista alemão começa a colocar bombas em lugares movimentados de Nova York e dá ao policial uma série de enigmas. Ele conta com a ajuda de Zeus para desvendar toda a trama e salvar muitas vidas.
Rugged Gold
A woman struggles to survive in the Alaskan frontier after separating from her family because of an earthquake.
Hunt Weller
Freda Lopez, an aspiring musician, travels with her husband to the beautiful beaches of Georgia where she befriends Camilla, an odd and exotic elderly woman who plays the violin. When the two embark on a journey together, Camilla reclaims a lost love and makes peace with herself and her son, while Freda discovers inner resources she never knew she had.
Savage Land
Two women and two kids are stranded in the Old West when bad guys (posing as Indians) try to snag the stagecoach's cargo. Pitted against nature, time, and the pursuing baddies, this unlikely team must trek over the mountains to reach safety.
Alaskan Dad
Eleven-year-old North has had it with his parents. They are always busy with their careers and don't give North the attention he needs, so he files a lawsuit against them. The judge rules that North should either find new parents or return to his own parents within two months. Thus North starts off on a journey around the world to find parents that really care about him.
Em meio à uma série de aventuras, o inveterado jogador de pôquer Bret Maverick (Mel Gibson) tenta arrumar os três mil dólares que lhe faltam para participar de um jogo milionário em uma barca do Mississipi, no qual o vencedor vai receber meio milhão de dólares. Para entrar neste jogo poderoso, ele vai juntar forças com uma interessante e misteriosa jogadora.
Huck and the King of Hearts
Taking place in the 1990's, Huck and his card shark friend, Jim, travel from California to Nevada searching for Huck's long-lost grandpa. Along the way, a deceived card player chases the two across the states with his two, less intelligent, sidekicks.
Elo Partido
Peace Maker (Spirit)
The true story of Iroquois warrior Thayendanegea participating in the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War.
Spirit Rider
Jesse Threebears is a troubled Native-American teen who has been tossed from one foster home to the next since his mother died when he was an infant. Finally, he is taken in by his grandfather who, after a ten year stint in prison, is living on the reservation. With the help of his grandfather and several others who live on the reservation, Jesse begins to learn about his heritage and how to come to terms with his troubled life.
Rain Without Thunder
Author on History
This evocative faux documentary imagines a dystopian near future in which the government monitors every woman's sexual activity. At its center is Allison Golding (Ali Thomas), serving a life sentence for having an abortion. As politicians, journalists and other key figures discuss Allison's case, they reveal how American society reached this totalitarian state.
Raymond Maracle
A retired baseball player reflects on the mistakes and problems of the past 35 years when he is overlooked for induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Benefit of the Doubt
Twenty two years earlier, Karen helped convict her father, Frank, for the murder of her mother. With his new freedom, thanks to parole, Frank returns home to seek revenge. Having always pleaded his innocence, Frank soon works his way back into Karen's life.
Medicine River
A man returns to his home town after a long absence. Based on the book by Thomas King.
Coração de Trovão
Walter Crow Horse
Ray Levoi (Val Kilmer), um agente do FBI de ascendência indígena, é escalado para investigar um assassinato em uma reserva Sioux. As evidências apontam para William Dawes (Fred Dalton Thompson), um ativista radical, mas pouco a pouco Levoi monta as peças de um quebra-cabeças que mostra que o governo pode estar prestes a condenar um homem inocente.
O Último Selvagem
O que acontece quando o último remanescente de uma tribo indígena americana é obrigado a encarar sozinho o século 20? Na linha de Dança Com Lobos, este filme mostra a contrastante relação entre o último selvagem vivo da tribo Yahi e um antropólogo da Califórnia. Emocionantes lições de vida extraídas de um doloroso relato que registra a extinção de toda uma raça.
A Verdade de Um Sonho
A white lawyer finds his values shaken when he is paired with an angry Indigenous activist who insists on kidnapping the head of a logging company to teach him the price of his destruction.
The Making of 'Dances with Wolves'
A documentary about the making of director Kevin Costner's Academy Award-winning directorial debut, Dances With Wolves.
Where the Spirit Lives
Komi's Father
In 1937, a young First Nations (Canadian native) girl named Ashtecome is kidnapped along with several other children from a village as part of a deliberate Canadian policy to force First Nations children to abandon their culture in order to be assimilated into white Canadian/British society. She is taken to a boarding school where she is forced to adopt Western Euro-centric ways and learn English, often under brutal treatment. Only one sympathetic white teacher who is more and more repelled by this bigotry offers her any help from among the staff. That, with her force of will, Ashtecome (forced to take the name Amelia) is determined to hold on to her identity and that of her siblings, who were also abducted.
Dança com Lobos
Kicking Bird
Durante a Guerra Civil, um jovem soldado pratica uma ato ousado, é considerado herói e vai servir por sua escolha em um lugar com forte predominância do povo Sioux. Com o tempo, ele assimila os costumes dos nativos, acontecendo uma aculturação às avessas.
Lost in the Barrens
The story of two very different boys in the Canadian wilderness. They must learn to depend on each other in order to survive.
Uma Estrada Sem Limites
Vietnam Vet
Two Northern Cheyenne men take a road trip from Montana to New Mexico to bail out the sister of one of them who has been framed and arrested in Santa Fe. On the way, they begin to reconnect to their spiritual heritage.
Murder Sees the Light
Private detective Benny Cooperman is hired to keep an eye on a controversial preacher who is in hiding in a picturesque lake resort, but once he gets there Benny finds himself involved with murders, satanism, and unfriendly nature.
Século XVII. Tom Dobb se vê envolvido pela confusão gerada pela Guerra da Independência dos Estados Unidos. Ele e seu filho Ned procuram se manter alheios ao conflito, mas quando o jovem é convocado a lutar contra a Inglaterra o pai entra na guerra também.
Running Brave
Eddie Mills
A história de Billy Mills, o índio americano que veio da obscuridade, para ganhar a corrida a pé de longa distância de 10.000 metros nos Jogos Olímpicos de Tóquio.
The Great Salish Heist
Pic follows a down-on-his-luck First Nations archeologist seeking redemption.