Liz May Brice

Liz May Brice

Nascimento : 1975-01-01,


Actress / Performance.


Liz May Brice
Liz May Brice


The story of a talented teenage skater girl who, in a bid to escape her overbearing alcoholic mother, reaches out to a charismatic drug dealer. But his affection isn’t all it seems.
This gripping drama explores loneliness, anger and mental health. It also entails the importance of self care and how toxic use of social media can have a devastating knock-on effect on a group of young school friends.
Martha Walker
A disillusioned young woman becomes a serial killer who targets wealthy land-owners, and a brilliant detective must use his unusual neurological condition to track her down.
Hard Boiled Sweets
Eddie (Paul Freeman) é um criminoso insignificante que manda e desmanda em Southend-sea. A chegada repentina de seu chefe, Jimmy (Peter Wight), na cidade para coletar uma maleta cheia de dinheiro sujo, traz o caos em seu rastro. Cheio de reviravoltas, traições e assassinatos, Hard Boiled Sweets é um thriller inspirado no bem sucedido curtametragem internacional,"A Girl and a Gun".
Make it New John
Make it new John tells the story of the DeLorean car, its creator John DeLorean and the workers of the Belfast-based car plant who built it. The film deftly contrasts the DeLorean dream with its spectacular downfall during a critical period in Northern Ireland's history, and the canonisation of the car - the DMC12 - as a symbol of the American myth of mobility. As with the earlier works such as Bernadette (2008) and Falls Burns Malone Fiddles (2003), in Make it New John, Campbell fuses a documentary aesthetic with fictive moments, using existing archive news and documentary footage from the 1980s as well as new 16mm footage which imagines conversations between DeLorean factory workers. Campbell questions the documentary genre and reflects here on broader existential themes and narrative drives.
Alien vs. Predador
Uma pirâmide até então desconhecida é encontrada na Antártica através de satélites, fazendo com que uma equipe de cientistas e aventureiros seja enviada para investigar o local. Porém lá eles fazem uma descoberta atra: a pirâmide serve de abrigo para duas raças alienígenas extremamente violentas, que estão em guerra.
Resident Evil: O Hóspede Maldito
Uma equipe de comando militar composta por civis deve lutar contra mortos-vivos carnívoros, cães mutantes e defesas mortíferas de um super computador, antes que um vírus solto consuma a humanidade, nesta adaptação do sucesso da série de vídeo-games!
O Último Minuto
O mundo do jovem que os paparazzi nomearam como a última grande sensação da noite londrina, acaba abruptamente destruído após perder a fama e mergulha cada vez mais no submundo da capital britânica.
A Fortaleza 2
Elena Rivera
Brennick e sua família ainda estão fugindo de seus perseguidores. Um grupo de rebeldes pede a ajuda de Brennick, mas ele decide não se juntar a eles. Porém, todos são capturados e mandados para uma fortaleza de onde tentarão escapar.
The Stalker's Apprentice
Heather Brazier-Young
When an absorbing new manuscript finds its way across his desk, Marcus Walwyn (Gideon Turner), an impressionable young publisher, befriends the book's author (Peter Davison) and suddenly has trouble leaving his work at the office. Intrigued by the volume's step-by-step instructions on how to stalk and murder an unsuspecting victim, Marcus grows obsessed with becoming an expert. This made-for-television drama is based on the book by M.S. Power.
The Worst Witch
Zoe Chant-Vestry
Mildred is one of the young girls at a prestigious witch academy. She can't seem to do anything right and is picked on by classmates and teachers. The headmistress of the school, Miss Cackle, has an evil twin sister who plans to destroy the school. Can Mildred foil the plan before the Grand Wizard comes to the Academy for a Halloween celebration you'll never forget?!!