Rosario Prestopino


Paura: Lucio Fulci Remembered - Volume 1
This documentary examines the life and legacy of controversial Italian filmmaker Lucio Fulci through interviews with his colleagues, each of whom answers the question, "What is your fondest memory of Lucio Fulci?". The responses are as varied as the people who knew the late writer-director, providing a nuanced look at the man behind such gory grindhouse classics as City of the Living Dead and The House by the Cemetery.
Moscati - O Doutor que Virou Santo
Makeup Department Head
O filme conta a história de Giuseppe Moscati, um médico ainda muito admirado na Itália pelo trabalho que fez com os pobres no final do século XIX e inicio do século XX e um dos poucos leigos a ser canonizado pela Igreja Católica, que reconheceu sua santidade em 1987. O filme mostrasua trajetória e sua ajuda no tratamento de pessoas necessitadas em pela epidemia do Cólera, das que sofreram da erupção do vulcão Vesúvio e na condução das investigações que levaram a descoberta da insulina como cura para a diabetes.
La Sceneggiatura
Special Effects Coordinator
Amore Estremo
Special Effects Coordinator
Building a Better Zombi: Retrospective of Zombi 2
Documentary about Fulci's "Zombi 2".
Zora la vampira
Makeup Artist
Count Dracula trades Transylvania for Italy in search of fresh blood and Western standards of living, but finds instead his ancient love Zora, reincarnated as a young graffiti artist from the Roman hip-hop scene.
Monna Lisa
Makeup Artist
A David di Donatello-winning short film about a junkyard keeper, in love with the portrait of the Mona Lisa, who is charged with teaching a young Slavic girl the tools of a much less honourable trade...
Pasolini, un delitto italiano
Makeup Artist
Filme de investigação que dá destaque à figura de Giuseppe Pelosi, assassino de Pier Paolo Pasolini. Mais do que uma memória do diretor e escritor, uma análise da pista alternativa sobre o caso Pasolini não teria sido um crime passional entre os homossexuais, mas o último ato de uma conspiração chocado por o poder de eliminar uma voz estranha, crítico em o governo. Mas no filme, a questão permanece, é claro, não resolvido.
A Filha do Demônio
Special Effects
This stylishly photographed horror movie centers upon a beautiful, good-hearted schoolteacher whose life becomes a living hell after she is chosen to bear the son of Satan. Her horrible ordeal begins when an ancient enigmatic traveller places an ancient, supposedly extinct, insect up her nose. It crawls into her brain. She soon begins having terrifying dreams and more. When she learns the awful truth about her relationship with the Dark Master things get even worse. Still the baby is born and the poor woman faces a terrible and, genre-wise, surprising choice.
A Filha do Demônio
Makeup Artist
This stylishly photographed horror movie centers upon a beautiful, good-hearted schoolteacher whose life becomes a living hell after she is chosen to bear the son of Satan. Her horrible ordeal begins when an ancient enigmatic traveller places an ancient, supposedly extinct, insect up her nose. It crawls into her brain. She soon begins having terrifying dreams and more. When she learns the awful truth about her relationship with the Dark Master things get even worse. Still the baby is born and the poor woman faces a terrible and, genre-wise, surprising choice.
Makeup Artist
After her father’s death, Catherine returns to her family’s gothic castle in Italy and gets caught in the web of a mysterious love triangle.
Paganini Horror
Makeup Effects Designer
Quase dois séculos depois, a casa do famoso violinista Paganini - onde ele supostamente vendeu sua alma ao diabo - torna-se palco para a gravação do videoclipe de um grupo de rock. A banda resolve tocar uma versão roqueira de uma partitura inédita do músico, que acaba desencadeando forças tenebrosas no interior do casarão.
A Catedral
Makeup Artist
Na era medieval, uma catedral é construída para abrigar e esconder corpos de pessoas consideradas possuídas por demônios. Séculos depois, um jovem bibliotecário libera o mal que está sob a construção ao remover uma pedra nas catacumbas. Ao redor, uma série de eventos macabros começa a acontecer e o padre Gus parece ser o único a não estar possuído. Portanto, cabe a ele a tarefa de evitar o caos na cidade.
American Rickshaw
Makeup Effects
After a stripper tricks him into filming a sex tape, Scott Edwards (Olympic Gold Medalist Mitch Gaylord), a Miami rickshaw runner, becomes embroiled in the murder of a televangelist's son when he inadvertently takes the wrong videotape. With the help of the stripper and an Asian witch, Edwards sets out to clear his name while avoiding the assassin dead-set on retrieving the tape.
American Rickshaw
Makeup Artist
After a stripper tricks him into filming a sex tape, Scott Edwards (Olympic Gold Medalist Mitch Gaylord), a Miami rickshaw runner, becomes embroiled in the murder of a televangelist's son when he inadvertently takes the wrong videotape. With the help of the stripper and an Asian witch, Edwards sets out to clear his name while avoiding the assassin dead-set on retrieving the tape.
Terror na Ópera
Key Makeup Artist
A young opera singer is stalked by a deranged fan bent on killing the people associated with her to claim her for himself.
Delirium: Photo of Gioia
Makeup Artist
Gioia is a buxom centerfold working for Pussycat magazine. In such a profession, having an admirer or two is expected, but Gioia's admirer is a vicious killer! He murders her fellow magazine models one at a time, using a variety of twisted implements of death. Gioia is the lucky recipient of a collection of photos, each with murdered bodies arranged around posters of her.
Os Bárbaros
Makeup Department Head
Kutchek (Peter Paul) e Gore (David Paul) foram adotados pela tribo dos Ragnicks, repleta de pessoas excêntricas. O grupo é liderado pela rainha Canário (Virginia Bryant), que usa um poderoso rubi encantado para governar. Quando o cruel Kadar (Richard Lynch) tramar para roubar o rubi, Kutcher e Gore vão entrar em ação para salvar seus companheiros.
Demons 2 - Eles Voltaram
Makeup Effects
Um grupo de pessoas se vê encurralado dentro de um prédio de segurança máximo quando Sally (Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni), que está fazendo 16 anos, no décimo andar, é possuída por um demônio que sai da televisão de seu quarto. Hannah (Nancy Brilli), que está quatro andares abaixo, não sabe o que lhe espera porque os demônios, sedentos por sangue humano, começam a se libertar e ganhar vida.
Demons: Filhos das Trevas
Makeup Effects
Berlim Ocidental, Hanna e Kathy, duas jovens, vão à uma sessão de cinema de terror. No entanto, uma misteriosa máscara contamina parte dos espectadores, tornando o filme real. Os zumbis, saídos do filme, começam a perseguir os contaminados em busca de carne humana, tornando a sessão um pesadelo.
Holocausto Canibal 2: A Historia de Catherine Miles
Assistant Makeup Artist
Catherine Miles, uma jovem de 18 anos, faz uma viagem com seus pais para a Amazônia. Em um passeio de barco, seus pais são brutalmente assassinados por uma tribo de canibais e ela é feita prisioneira. Para sobreviver, ela adota os costumes da tribo com a ajuda de um guerreiro que se apaixonou por ela.
The Kid From Ebalus
Makeup Artist
During the Years of Lead in Italy, a student approaches extra-parliamentary terrorist groups, but comes to realize that he has to get away from those circles as he's hunted by both his former comrades and the police.
Master of the World
Makeup Department Head
Conqueror of the World, a thrilling and explosive story of violence...of human drama, of a rare man, strong and primitive. Set two hundred thousand years ago, when the human race had to adapt to their brutal, savage environment or disappear into oblivion.
Makeup Artist
A tale that takes place at the dawn of history. The movie tells the story of a tribe that discovers how to fashion weapons out of iron and use them for their own survival. However, the creation of iron also causes the tribe to battle for possession of the new weapons.
Satan's Baby Doll
Makeup Artist
In the crypt of the remote castle of the Aguilars lies the recently-deceased body of Maria. Her husband Antonio is a jealous bully, his mute brother Ignazio is in a wheelchair peeping on his caretaker Sol, a novice. Also present are Miria, the couple's virginal daughter, and Isidro, a factotum who fears Satan's power. A frequent visitor is Juan Suarez, a doctor who wants Miria in a sanatorium for a month. She doesn't want to go. Isidro tries to exorcize the castle's evil spirits. Bodies pile up. Is Miria's mother truly dead, and who is Satan's tool?
O Estripador de Nova York
Assistant Makeup Artist
A burned-out New York police detective teams up with a college psychoanalyst to track down a vicious serial killer randomly stalking and killing various young women around the city.
Special Effects
Italian movie
The Black Cat
Assistant Makeup Artist
When a young couple goes missing in a sleepy English village, Scotland Yard Inspector Gorley is brought in to assist on the case. But what starts off as routine investigation turns into a murder inquiry when the couple are found dead in mysterious circumstances.
Patrick Still Lives
Makeup Artist
A group of strangers are summoned to the secluded home of Patrick, a young man rendered comatose after a freak accident, but soon find themselves falling victim to Patrick's mysterious psychic powers and murderous rage.
Zombie Holocaust
Makeup Artist
After Malukan immigrants engage in a string of corpse mutilations at various New York City hospitals, a doctor and a morgue assistant travel to the Maluku Islands to investigate.
Lo scoiattolo
Key Makeup Artist
Assistant Makeup Artist
Calígula é uma das mais polêmicas produções do cinema, o único que mostra o show de perversões que o Império Romano escondia. Este filme conta a história de Calígula, o mais louco dos imperadores, que mantinha um bizarro caso sexual com sua irmã e era casado com a mais infame das prostitutas. Ao mesmo tempo que Calígula vivia cercado de bajuladores, tinha também inimigos perigosos, loucos para vê-lo longe do poder.
Il solco di pesca
A former priest has become bored to the point of impotence by the easy availability of beautiful women. He misses the shame of the priesthood which made sex more enjoyable, and this leads to his strange fascination with photographing asses. He gets involved with a sexy married woman, but he is more interested in her virginal maid.