Tom Lau Moon-Tong


Director of Photography
Ma Wing Jing and his older brother Ma Tai Chueng arrive in Shanghai to make their fortune at the end of the Qin Dynasty. Be-friending a powerful mobster Wing Jing is given his nightclub in return for saving Tam Sei's life. Unfortunately, another Gangster wants the territory a well. Corruption and violence rule the streets as Wing Jing and Tam Sei must battle not only the rival gangs but the corrupt police officials as well.
Em Busca da Escritura Sagrada
Director of Photography
A lenda diz que aquele que conseguir penetrar no mundo da eternidade e tomar posse da Escritura Sagrada, terá o incrível poder de mudar o mundo! No início do século XX, surgiu um misterioso boato que a tão procurada preciosidade reapareceu! Entra em cena Jet Li como Dr. Wai, um destemido professor de arqueologia, convocado para capturar a escritura. Só que ele não é o único a querer colocar as mãos neste tesouro. Os japoneses e a máfia também estão nesta caçada. Começa, então, uma corrida maluca em busca do texto sagrado! No melhor estilo de Indiana Jones, usando e abusando de truques geniais e de uma coragem de dar inveja, Dr. Wai vai viver uma aventura espetacular repleta de ação, suspense e humor!
Máscara da Morte
Director of Photography
Depois do assassinato de sua família, há dois anos, Lee, largou a força policial e foi trabalhar como guarda-costas e dublê de um conhecido astro de cinema. Mas seu desejo de morrer e unir-se à sua família será em breve substituído por um sentimento maior: a sede de vingança. Ao acompanhar seu famoso patrão a uma exposição de valiosas joias em um hotel, Lee, se depara com uma gangue de criminosos que domina o local para tomar posse das joias. Acontece que o líder da gangue é o mesmo homem que matou sua família…
O Justiceiro
Director of Photography
Mestre em artes marciais e lutador, Kung Wei, vive numa casa humilde, com a esposa que está muito doente e com Johnny, seu filho que o adora e segue seus ensinamentos morais e de artes marciais. Kung Wei, é "recrutado" sigilosamente pela polícia, para disfarçado, desmantelar uma quadrilha em Hong Kong. Enquanto trabalhava com outra identidade, seu filho sofria com seus colegas que chamavam o pai de "bandido"; pois, a ele imputavam um crime. Neste meio tempo, sua esposa morre. Antes de morrer, ela confia a guarda do pequeno Johnny, ao policial que "investigava" Kung, supondo que se marido fosse um bandido perigoso. O mestre Kung Wei, terá que lutar muito nessa missão!
Mestres da Luta
O mestre Wong, monta milícia de lutadores peritos em artes marciais para impedir que vândalos saqueiem a costa sul da China.
O Guarda-Costas em Ação
Director of Photography
Hui Ching, é um guarda-costas contratado para proteger a linda, porém mimada Michelle, uma testemunha chave em um julgamento envolvendo um poderoso gangster. Hui, instala um verdadeiro arsenal de equipamentos eletrônicos, desde câmeras de segurança até detectores de bombas. Porém, ela não concorda com essas precauções, mas sabe de todo o real perigo em que se encontra. Hui, terá que enfrentar Wong Kin-Kwan, que está obcecado pelo desejo de vingança, em um explosivo ataque final.
Em Nome da Honra
Director of Photography
Um jovem pai e seu filho são cercados por forças do mal e da corrupção. Eles vagam pela China, mantendo seu senso de honra e protegendo os fracos. Quando são forçados ao combate, seguem-se sequências espetaculares e hilariantes de kung fu em movimento rápido. No final, eles devem usar todas as suas habilidades em uma batalha real, para tentar derrotar um homem-monstro sobrenatural ou morrer tentando.
Batalha de Honra
Director of Photography
Junbao (Jet Li), um jovem monge que estuda Kung fu num templo Shaolin, ao lado de seu melhor e inseparável amigo, Tienbao (Siu-hou Chin). Ao participarem de um torneio, são acusados de trapacearem usando armas não permitidas e são expulsos do templo. Seguindo, cada qual, seu próprio destino. Tienbao torna-se um guerreiro mercenário e Junbao une-se a um grupo de rebeldes liderados por Siu Lin (Michelle Yeoh), que luta contra as arbitrariedades do governo chinês. Por dinheiro, Tienbao acaba traindo e entregando seu amigo aos rebeldes. Porém, Junbao, mesmo gravemente ferido, consegue escapar com vida, e enquanto se recupera, desenvolve um novo estilo de luta, muito mais agressivo e mortal, para se vingar. Com um final surpreendente, este é mais um filme indispensável aos amantes das artes marciais.
The Magic Crane
Director of Photography
On his way to a congress of kung fu masters, an initiate falls from a high cliff, only to be rescued by lovely Tien Lam (Anita Mui), who rides a huge crane. The rest of the movie features a battle between warring martial arts factions, an equally fierce rivalry between the two daughters of the Crane Master, the accidental empowerment of an unprincipled master after having eaten half of a secret scroll, a battle with an immense tortoise whose spleeny vapors save a group of poisoned swordsmen, lots of great aerial fights against nearly invincible villains, and the usual blood spurting from assorted mouths.
Garras de Aço
Director of Photography
Jovem é acusado de ser o responsável pelo desaparecimento de algumas garotas e descobre que foi usado por uma quadrilha especializada em tráfico de escravas brancas, agora ele precisa levar os culpados à justiça para provar a sua inocência.
Heroic Trio
Hong Kong, futuro recente. Um eunuco com poderes sobrenaturais rapta bebês recém-nascidos, escolhidos a dedo para criar um exército de zumbis obedientes. É quando entram em cena essas heroínas: Mulher Maravilha, a verdadeira defensora dos fracos e oprimidos, Mulher Invisível, que aprendeu com o mesmo mestre de Tung. Porém, as duas perderam o contato quando ainda crianças. Mulher Invisível foi seduzida pelo lado negro, trabalhando para o diabólico Chan. Já Justiceira libertou-se há algum tempo da influência de Chan, atuando como caçadora de cabeças e prendendo criminosos em troca da recompensa.
Heroic Trio
Director of Photography
Hong Kong, futuro recente. Um eunuco com poderes sobrenaturais rapta bebês recém-nascidos, escolhidos a dedo para criar um exército de zumbis obedientes. É quando entram em cena essas heroínas: Mulher Maravilha, a verdadeira defensora dos fracos e oprimidos, Mulher Invisível, que aprendeu com o mesmo mestre de Tung. Porém, as duas perderam o contato quando ainda crianças. Mulher Invisível foi seduzida pelo lado negro, trabalhando para o diabólico Chan. Já Justiceira libertou-se há algum tempo da influência de Chan, atuando como caçadora de cabeças e prendendo criminosos em troca da recompensa.
Pom Pom And Hot Hot
Shin (Jacky Cheung) and Chiang (Stephen Tung Wai) are happy-go-lucky partners investigating a particularly notorious crime syndicate. Unfortunately, Shin's Mainland relatives -- Cha Chiang (Alfred Cheung Kin-ting) and his beautiful sibling Cha Shi (Loletta Lee Lai-chun) -- decide to drop by. While Chiang insists on accompanying his cousin on the job, Shin starts to make eyes with Shi. Meanwhile, Chiang runs into his ex-girlfriend Nancy (Bonnie Fu Yuk-ching). When Nancy witnesses a gangland hit, she and everyone around her are threatened by the mob.
A Chinese Ghost Story III
Having slept for a century, the monstrous Tree Devil is now awaken and starts finding lost souls again. One stormy night, a wise High Priest and his student Fong pass by the Orchid Temple and realize that it is haunted. Fong encounters two evil spirits, the seductive Lotus and her hated sister Butterfly in the temple. Although Fong knows his master wants to capture them, he finds himself being attracted by them so he sets them free. The monks stay at the temple has to be prolonged since Fong carelessly loses the valuable Gold Buddha. Later on, they come to a corrupt local town, while the High Priest meets Yin by chance and a series of misunderstandings evolve. Meanwhile, Fong encounters Lotus again and finds himself falling in love with her.
She Shoots Straight
Hong Kong police officer Mina Kao marries Huang Tsung-Pao, who is a member of a law enforcement dynasty. His father and his many sisters are also officers, and the eldest sister Chia-Ling is one of the highest ranking women in the police department. When a Vietnamese gang begins a rampage through the city, the women must overcome their suspicion of one another to bring the criminals to justice.
Return Engagement
Director of Photography
A well-known gangster is released from prison, and decides look for his daughter with the help of a troubled young woman.
Encounters of the Spooky Kind II
Impoverished teahouse worker (and martial-arts student) Abao is engaged to his boss' daughter, Little Chu, and fights to protect her from the lecherous advances of the wealthy but repulsive Master Shi. The two men's romantic rivalry escalates into full-scale supernatural warfare after Shi enlists the aid of a wicked sorcerer, and Abao encounters a benevolent female ghost.
Vampire Buster
Director of Photography
In ancient China, a demon was defeated in a fierce battle with a priest, who sealed it's evil spirit in a vase. Centuries later, during the cultural revolution, rebels attempted to gain possession of the vessel from the priest's descendant; however, he threw it into the ocean to keep it from being tampered. The vase was recovered years later in Hong Kong and was auctioned off to a councilman. The demon, unfortunately, escaped and took control of the councilman's body, beginning a spree of terror in the city.
18 Times
Director of Photography
The gorgeous Cherie Chung is a cursed bride in the hilarious romantic comedy 18 Times! Gigi (Cherie Chung) is a young woman with no shortage of potential husbands to choose from. The big problem: every single one of her husbands dies after becoming wealthy! As a result, Gigi is obscenely rich, but she can't seem to find a "Mr. Right" that won't die! Numbers one through seventeen all get shuffled off the mortal coil, making Gigi promise to never love again. But when charming Jack Wong (Kenny Bee) shows up, will Gigi risk love for the eighteenth time? Director Joe Cheung creates laughs and hijinks aplenty, and a full cast of Hong Kong cinema stars - including Teresa Carpio, Sing Fui On, and John Sham, Eric Tsang, and Lowell Lo as three of Gigi's doomed husbands - turn in hilarious, self-effacing performances. Cherie Chung and Kenny Bee risk his death for their love in 18 Times!
Conflito Mortal
Second Unit Cinematographer
Wah acaba de receber uma visista inesperada. Sua prima Ngor, uma delicada garota que chega para mudar sua rotina de líder de gangue, cuja maior preocupação é salvar o amigo, e quase irmão, Mosca, sempre endividado e fugindo de agiotas. Wah se apaixona por Ngor e resolve largar as ruas e mudar de cidade. Mas os rolos armados por Mosca levam Wah a topar de frente com o poderoso chefe de uma gangue rival. Violentos e sem piedade, eles batem com prazer de machucar. Agora Wah está em um dilema: viver em paz ao lado de Ngor ou arriscar sua vida.
Uma História Chinesa de Fantasmas
Director of Photography
É uma história de fantasmas que também é uma história de amor, um conto de espadas e magia e ainda uma comédia.
Na Beira do Abismo
Director of Photography
Jason Chan, a Hong Kong lawyer, is angry at the way the law protects criminals and decides to take the law into his own hands, dishing out vigilante justice when a key witness and his entire family are murdered. But hotshot cop Cindy Si is soon on Chan's case, and the situation unravels into a fight that only a few will survive.
Director of Photography
Hsia and Lei Kung are two bumbling cops assigned to protect the gorgeous Rosa, girlfriend to a missing informer named Lee. But Rosa's wanted by more than just the law - the bad guys want her for leverage, and Lei Kung just wants her to be his girlfriend! Meanwhile, Hsia attempts to romance Lei Kung's sister, and the bad guys prepare for a final blow-out fight sequence!
Sweet Surrender
Director of Photography
The owner of a hairdressing salon is pursued by a group of girls, and is harassed by his father.
The Millionaires Express
What happens when a glamorous express, with high government officials, wealthy merchants, concubines and a gang of brigands on board, speeds towards the small town of Hanshui, where escaping bank robbers, corrupt officials, and gamblers await? Well, let's just say the Titanic had a smoother maiden voyage.
Puppy Love
Director of Photography
Story is about a couple of girls named Ching (Lam San San) and An An (Pak Wan Yin) who have been rivals ever since they were little kids. The main gist of the story, besides trying to go one up on each other, deals with the girls’ hot pursuit of super jock, Paul (Chan Chun Kwok). Ching is the first one to gain Paul’s attention while An An is busy toying with geeky looking Michael’s (Dicky Cheung) love for her. Eventually, Paul gets tired of Ching and Michael wakes up and realizes that An An is playing him and to rub salt in their wounds, Paul decides that An An is the one for him! Next thing you, kiddy hijinks ensue as Michael and Ching feign suicide to make Paul and An An feel guilty, but when the latter believes that the suicide is for real, they too (half heartedly) decide to take their own lives. Michael and Ching must rush to save them from death, but during the whole near explosive melee, they come to the conclusion that they were made for each other.
Silent Romance
Director of Photography
Dumb Boy, a deaf and dumb, yet a brilliant and undiscovered cartoonist whose current publication has been gradually ignored by his readers. Consequently, the drop of the sale has promptly provoked his superior urging him to adopt a new style. During the midst of a mental struggle for new subjects, Cactus, a night club hostess, walked into his life, he silently and secretly falls in love with her. However, nurturing with an instinctive inferiority complex that had been fostered by his shortcomings all his life. Dumb Boy had not been able to get together his courage to reveal his love to Cactus.....
The Siamese Twins
The spirit of a deceased conjoined twin haunts her unknowing sister.
The Rape After
The figure of an evil genie is stolen by a photographer. At night the genie comes to life and rapes his girlfriend while both of them are drunk.
The Rape After
The figure of an evil genie is stolen by a photographer. At night the genie comes to life and rapes his girlfriend while both of them are drunk.
Rolls, Rolls, I Love You
A teenager and a tycoon gets into an early morning road altercation that eventually lead to a bet: if the teenager can steal his beloved Rolls Royce car from him, the youngster will get to keep it. However, if the teenager fails to do that in the alloted time given, he will need to pay the tycoon HK$40,000.
Revenge in Hong Kong
Director of Photography
A housewife witnesses the depraved son of a wealthy businessmen killing a woman and testifies against him in court, triggering a chain of brutal revenge.
The Power of the Market
Camera Operator
America’s freedom and prosperity derive from the combination of the idea of human liberty in America’s Declaration of Independence with the idea of economic freedom in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Friedman explains how markets and voluntary exchange organize activity and enable people to improve their lives. He also explains the price system. Friedman visits Hong Kong, U.S. and Scotland.
Without a Promised Land
Director of Photography
A group of Vietnamese refugees are brought to Hong Kong as a previous step to be transported to another country in order to start a new life. In the Hong Kong refugee camp they will have to learn how to survive in order not to be despised by other fellow countrymen or even by Hong Kong citizens.