Após uma série de desastres naturais sem precedentes ameaçam o planeta, líderes mundiais se reúnem para criar um sistema de satélites capaz de controlar o clima e manter todos a salvo. Mas alguma coisa dá errado, e o sistema criado para proteger a Terra na verdade está atacando-a. Assim começa uma corrida contra o relógio para descobrir a real ameaça antes que uma tempestade mundial acabe com tudo.
An astonishing breakthrough is taking shape on the planet Caprica. The rapidly evolving spheres of human and mechanical engineering have collided, along with the fates of two families. Joined by tragedy in an explosive instant of terror, two rival clans led by powerful patriarchs, Joseph Adama (Esai Morales, Jericho) and Daniel Graystone (Eric Stoltz, The Butterfly Effect) duel in an era of questionable ethics, corporate machinations and unbridled personal ambition as the final war for humanity looms. The latest phenomenon from the executive producers of Battlestar Galactica (Ronald D. Moore and David Eick), set in a time over 50 years earlier, Caprica is entirely its own world - provocative, thrilling and startlingly relevant to our own.
O filme segue no alistamento, treinamento e experiências de combate de um grupo de jovens americanos que se voluntariaram para se tornarem pilotos de caça da Esquadrilha Lafayette, o 124 º esquadrão aéreo, formada pelos franceses em 1916. O esquadrão foi composta por 5 oficiais franceses e 38 voluntários americanos que queria voar e combater na I Guerra Mundial, durante os anos do conflito principal, 1914-1917, antes dos Estados Unidos se juntar à guerra contra as Potências Centrais.
A tranqüila vida de Flynn é transformada quando ele é escolhido para integrar uma ordem secreta responsável por manter em sigilo alguns dos grandes segredos da humanidade. Designado a proteger uma suposta coleção de artefatos místicos ele é surpreendido por inimigos de uma irmandade que roubam um dos três fragmentos da Lança Sagrada. Sem saída, Flynn, com a ajuda da sexy Nicole parte para a América do Sul com o objetivo de encontrar o primeiro fragmento sagrado antes de seus inimigos. Mas, com o rapto de Nicole, Flynn logo perceberá que essa é uma missão que ele deverá realizar sozinho e só então descobrir se realmente é a pessoa certa para ser o guardião.
Seeking the excitement that was once part of their married lives, Bruce and Michael slip out one night to a gentleman's club. When their wives, Dana and Brit, discover this boys-night-out activity, the husbands are booted from their homes. In the men's ensuing efforts to get back into their wives' good graces, their previously unspoken views about marriage and women begin to surface to disturbing effect for their wives.
A young man journeys to the estate of rich family in Santa Barbara, California, to visit his mother, who works there as a maid and whom he hasn't seen in many years. He winds up getting involved in adultery and a murder plot and uncovering some long-hidden secrets that no one in the family wants revealed.
Renegade cops are videotaped murdering a motorist and the witnesses are in danger of being their next victims.
In this youthful drama, Tom, a 14- year-old who's parents have just divorced, is abruptly uprooted from his wealthy Chicago home and sent to the strange land of LA to live in the far-out beach bungalow of his aunt, an aging hippie still stuck in a by-gone era. He is unhappy with the new arrangement and finds his new bohemian lifestyle strange and the activities of his new peers, stupid. His life begins to change a bit when he befriends a young surfer named Fin. At first he thinks of the fun-loving Fin as a real dolt, but later he admits he was wrong. Like the Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn characters on which they are loosely based, the two new friends soon find themselves having a series of adventures, some of them dangerous; by the summer's end, Tom finds himself wiser, accustomed to California, and a lot more grown up.