William R. Moses

William R. Moses

Nascimento : 1959-11-17, Los Angeles, California, USA


William R. Moses
William R. Moses
William R. Moses


Blood & Oil
A small village in Nigeria without drinkable water, sustainable farming and fishing has one resource: oil. This story is based on true events; the violent havoc that ensued between the militants and government due to the oil corporations' greed, which had a ripple effect throughout the global oil industry.
Canal Street
Bill Sudermill
A Chicago lawyer embraces his undying faith when his teenage son is accused of murdering a classmate.
Um Amor no Mar
Wes Jameson
A planejadora de eventos Olivia tem uma grande oportunidade de organizar um evento em um cruzeiro de luxo. Ela encontra um par no charmoso Tony, que está sendo testado como Diretor de Cruzeiro, mas eles devem trabalhar juntos para fazer do evento um sucesso.
This action thriller narrates the tale of Gunpowder (RMD) and Timipre (Olu Jacobs), two natives of Oloibiri, the town where oil was first discovered in commercial quantity in Nigeria. Gunpowder engages in violent struggle in protest to the squalid living conditions in his community despite their oil wealth; accusing Timipre’s generation of doing nothing whilst their land was exploited and plundered. (Amarachukwu Iwuala)
Matando o Papai
George Ross
When Cassie's father finds himself vulnerable and bedridden, she believes she has the perfect revenge for her mother's death.
Operation Cupcake
General Brown
When Army Colonel Griff Carson (Dean Cain) returns home from Germany on a two-month leave, he considers retiring if he doesn't get promoted to General. Being away on deployment has been hard on Griff, separating him from his wife Janet (Kristy Swanson) and two teenagers, Kim (Galadriel Stineman) and Ollie (Alec Gray).
Nós Temos Seu Marido
Cal Wimberly
A americana Jayne e seu marido Eduardo, filho de um lendário editor de jornais mexicano, vivem uma vida tranquila em uma cidadezinha no México. A vida calma do casal se transforma em pesadelo quando Eduardo é emboscado e sequestrado.
Falsa Amizade
Richard Dunnfield
Carrie Remington não parece ser mais que uma camareira que atravessa um momento ruim, agravado pelo seu recente divórcio. No entanto, as coisas parecem melhorar quando ela passa a morar com Ashley Dunnfield, uma jovem advinda de uma família rica que tenta traçar seu próprio caminho sem a ajuda do pai, Richard. Ashley se entusiasma quando Carrie a ajuda a persuadir seu pai, mas tudo muda quando Carrie começa a sair com Richard e Ashley descobre a história sinistra de sua companheira de quarto.
Accused at 17
Michael Werner
A teenager is accused of murdering a classmate and claims that she was framed by her best friend. Her mother must try to find the truth.
Jane Doe: Beleza Traiçoeira
Jack Davis
Cathy, ex-agente do governo, investiga roubo de valioso quadro de Vermeer. O caso se complica quando Frank, seu parceiro, apaixona-se pela investigadora da seguradora que ela acredita ser a culpada.
Enquanto as Crianças Dormem
Carter Eastman
Um casal contrata uma babá, que vai entrando cada vez mais na rotina e na vida da família. Então, amigos do casal começam a sofrer misteriosos acidentes como parte do plano dela de substituir a mãe, inclusive através de assassinato.
Jane Doe: Como Demitir Seu Chefe
Jack Davis
A agente secreta Kathy Davis é chamada para investigar um assassinato cometido por um colega agente, que matou seu mentor a sangue frio e depois não se lembrou de nada.
Jane Doe: Amores Que Matam
Jack Davis
Os investigadores Frank e Cathy tentam provar que chefe executivo de grande empresa não é culpado de assassinato, mas sim, um sósia. Na empreitada, lutam contra o ceticismo geral.
Like Mother, Like Daughter
When her daughter vanishes, Dawna takes it upon herself to locate her.
O Casamento Perfeito
Richard Danforth
Apaixonada, Annie é convencida pelo sedutor Brent a assassinar seu marido com uma injeção letal de cloreto de potássio e dividir a bolada do seguro. Quatro anos depois, usando o nome de Marriane, a bela mulher volta a se casar. Desta vez com Richard, um rico herdeiro. Tudo vai bem e ela vive um conto da princesa até que Brent volta à sua vida cobrando mais dinheiro. Marriane tem que dar um fim nas chantagens de Brent e tentar brecar as investigações de Carrie, secretária de Richard, que desconfiada dos passos suspeitos da mulher.
Jane Doe: Uma Forte Queda
Jack Davis
Uma companhia de alimentos mundialmente famosa é acusada de envenenar alimentos destinados a países pobres. No meio da investigação, seu presidente morre vítima de um acidente, e uma agente secreta tenta desvendar o crime.
Jane Doe: Sim, Me Lembro Perfeitamente
Jack Davis
Uma mãe que tornou-se agente do governo tem uma missão difícil em suas mãos: ela tem que encontrar um agente britânico desaparecido, que tem, em sua memória, os nomes e endereços de cada agente britânico no Oriente Médio. Não se sabe se ele foi sequestrado ou se planejou seu próprio desaparecimento.
Amor e Traição
Kyle / James
Psicóloga que trabalha em uma estação de rádio atende mulher vítima de violência doméstica. Ela pensa em aconselhá-la a se separar do marido, o que talvez não seja possível, já que ele está a cada dia mais violento.
Alma de Campeão
Jim McCardle
Patrick McCardle é um garoto de quinze anos, filho de um ex-jogador de beisebol, que não sabe o que fazer de sua vida até que Houston Jones, um treinador de cavalos solitário e incompreendido, abre as portas do mundo das corridas de cavalo. Embora a reputação de Houston preocupe sua família, Patríck convence seus pais a darem uma chance para que ele treine com Houston e participe de uma famosa corrida. Porém, além de todas os dificuldades e desafios do treinamento, Patríck e Houston precisam enfrentar o mal-intencionado Randy Adams, o valentão da cidade e pentacampeão da corrida. Randy vai fazer de tudo para manter seu título e impedir que Patrick ganhe a corrida e o coração de Jill, a nova garota da cidade. Será que Patrick conseguirá vencer todas as adversidades e se tornar um campeão? Será que ele terá forças para seguir atrás de seu sonho? A resposta está no coração de um garoto com alma de campeão.
Jane Doe: A Pessoa Errada
Jack Davis
Quando a esposa de um advogado importante é sequestrada, a ex-agente secreta Cathy Davis (Lea Thompson), codinome Jane doe, é convocada para trabalhar novamente. Porém, um desprezível proprietário de uma companhia de construção cria dificuldades, e Cathy acaba enfrentando um dos quebra-cabeças mais complicados de sua carreira.
Jane Doe: Til Death Do Us Part
Jack Davis
When a ruthless arms Kingpin stages an ingenious escape from prison, Jane Doe and Frank Darnell, NSA head, realize he's bent on a vengeance killin. Who the prospective victim is remains to be seen.
Jane Doe: Agora o Vê Agora Não o Vê
Jack Davis
Enquanto seu marido tem problemas de adaptação no emprego, em mais uma missão secreta a agente e dona de casa Kathy Davis precisa recuperar a Declaração de Independência dos Estados Unidos, roubada em exposição num banco em Los Angeles.
Jane Doe: Desaparição
Jack Davis
A dona de casa Kathy Davis, que depois de se afastar da vida de agente secreta por 18 anos é reconvocada pela Agência de Segurança Nacional para tentar encontrar um arquivo desaparecido.
Respostas do Passado
Jack Davenport
Jack é um jornalista de uma grande revista que está à procura de respostas. Após o falecimento de seu pai adotivo, ele encontra um cofre com alguns segredos de seu passado: papéis e fotos sobre sua infância. Perdido e sem rumo, vivendo um conflito com sua esposa Meg, ele viaja para uma pequena cidade onde procura respostas sobre seus pais biológicos. Em sua busca, Jack encontra arquivos confidenciais, mortes inexplicáveis e um policial ciumento que o coloca na cadeia. Essa é uma história de respostas, respostas de amor e fé. Baseado no livro "Christmas Cross", de Max Lucado.
A Maldição da Forca
Coach Marquardt
Abel Frye era um rapaz tímido. Até o dia em que foi humilhado por uma garota. Enfurecido, ele brutamente assassinou a menina e em seguida se enforcou em plena escola. Agora seu fantasma atormenta e enlouquece os alunos da Roger's High School. Pelo menos esta é a história contada nos corredores da escola, pelos próprios alunos. Uma lenda difícil de acreditar, mas que ganha proporções assustadoras quando três jogadores do time de futebol americano da Roger's entram em coma após serem assombrados por apavorantes visões. Para investigar o caso é acionada a experiente equipe do Projeto Veritas, uma organização secreta que tem por finalidade buscar a verdade absoluta dos mais estranhos e escabrosos crimes cometidos por todo país.
Uma Mulher Misteriosa
Lt. Robert Hawke
A famous writer is found hanged in his office. At first, all police investigations conclude that it was suicide, but when Samantha Kinsey, owner of Seller 'Mystery Woman' starts his own investigation, he discovers that there is chance that has been committed murder. The film is the first in a long series of American TV movies called" Mystery Woman", in which Samantha Kinsey, the owner of a bookshop specializing in thrillers and suspense is involved in the resolution of real cases.
Her Best Friend's Husband
Will Roberts
Would you betray your best friend for your own happiness? This is the moral dilemma one woman faces after she is called upon to help save her best friend's marriage, and the unthinkable happens. She and the husband find themselves falling in love.
The Perfect Wife
Dr. Brad Steward
When Leah's brother dies in a car accident, she vows revenge on the doc who failed to save him.
A Mother's Testimony
Ian Matthews
An ex-convict's mother's worst suspicions about her son are confirmed when he is implicated in a murder
Missing Pieces
Atticus (James Coburn) goes to the small Mexican town where his estranged son (Paul Kersey) was a resident to discover how he died.
Living in Fear
A man returning to his childhood home for the reading of a will is met with hostility. Do the townsfolk know more about him than his new wife?
The Cactus Kid
When Jack discovers that his 10-year old son Georgie is dying, he makes a promise to fulfill all of his dreams before their time together runs out. Georgie tells his dad that he wants to rob a bank, just like the heroes in his favorite comic book "The Cactus Kid". Wanting nothing more than to grant his son his dying wish, Jack and Georgie find themselves emulating the role s of the comic book heroes in an unforgettable father/son Wild West asventure!
Alone with a Stranger
James / Max
Max never had the good things in life. A life of crime was his only legacy. So when he discovers an unknown brother, to whom fortune has granted all that is missing in Max's life, he decides to do anything to get what should have been his theft, kidnapping, murder, anything! Now all Max wants is his brother's money, his power and especially his beautiful wife!
Stolen from the Heart
Cody Ravetch
A former prostitute kidnaps a baby boy at birth to satisfy her drug-dealing husband, who has told her that he is going to divorce her and put her out on the streets if she cannot produce him a son. Obviously the real mother becomes emotionally wrought and determined to get her baby back. Barbara Mandrell gets thrown into all of this mess as the mother's mother, who just happens to be beset with heart problems.
75 Degrees in July
Jed Colburn
Sibling rivalry and other conflicts are revealed as one daughter, now a successful modern artist living in New York, returns to visit her Texas family.
Emma's Wish
Brian Bookman
A lonely retirement home resident obtains a magical ring on her 75th birthday which grants her wish to again be young. Awakening the next morning she finds herself to be 40 years old again. She leaves the home and takes a position as a housekeeper for her daughter, who does not recognize her.
Ben Christianson
A cul-de-sac in an oppressive suburb becomes a literal dead end for wife and mother Karen Christianson when she is brutally murdered in her own home. In the wake of the event, Karen's teenage daughter Ellie begins to exhibit bizarre behaviors as she slowly acquires her mother's demeanor and mannerisms. Meanwhile, Karen's husband Ben nurtures a less-than-innocent interest in the family's sultry live-in nanny, Lena.
Man of Her Dreams
After suspecting her husband is playing the field, a nervous woman finds a sympathetic ear in the form of a strange man. The drawback is that her sensitive new-found friend is an obsessive psychopath.
The Price of Kissing
Pauley Perrette plays Renee, a young woman discovering her own meaning of love. From childhood memories of her mother to her own experiences as a young woman, she struggles to find answers to life's greatest mystery. From a recommendation of a friend, she becomes the doorman at a local club. There she meets several friends who help her on her journey of discovery. Who will be there when it rains?
The Nurse
A traumatized nurse plots revenge against a catatonic businessman, whom she blames for the death of her family, by integrated herself as his personal nurse and plots revenge by killing off his family members one by one.
To Love, Honor and Deceive
Nicholas Bennett
Sydnee Carpenter (Vanessa Marcil) is a devoted mother to her young son, and is now accustomed to the puzzling existence of her mysterious, non-communicative husband, Matthew (Thomas Gibson). When her husband and son are suddenly killed in a boating accident, Sydnee's comfortable existence is shattered. Although she is overwhelmed by her grief, Sydnee cannot ignore the strange pieces from her husband's past that continue to make their way into the present. Before long, she suspects that her husband has masterminded an elaborate scheme in order to abandon her and kidnap their son. Unable to convince the authorities of her wild sounding speculations, Sydnee does catch the attention of detective Jim sanders (James Wilder), who may have his own hidden agenda for getting involved with her plight.
The Cold Equations
Adrian Cross
Lieutenant John Barton is sent on a special mission to deliver a special vaccine to a distant mining colony. He is infuriated to find Lee, a stowaway aboard his spacecraft. Barton has only enough fuel to carry himself and his precious cargo, and Lee's added weight insures that they will crash if she stays on board. They have gone too far to turn back, and Barton's superiors make it clear: the mission takes precedence and Lee has to be dumped into space. But she won't go quietly.
She Woke Up Pregnant
Tom Loftis
A sleazy dentist sexually assaults his patients while they are under heavy sedatives after he performs dental surgery on them. One woman gets impregnated from such an incident and decides to fight back.
Evil Has a Face
A talented young female police sketch artist uses her abilities to track down an evil child molester.
Circumstances Unknown
Tim Reuschel
Judd Nelson plays a psychopath whose obsession with the wife of his longtime friend leads to a string of brutal murders in this adaptation of Jonellen Heckler's 1993 suspense novel.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Jealous Jokester
Ken Malansky
Attorney Bill McKenzie takes the case when his niece is framed for the murder of a popular and demanding sitcom star.
The Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the SeaWorld Adventure
The twins investigate a mystery at Sea World in Florida.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Grimacing Governor
Ken Malansky
The alleged suicide of a gubernatorial candidate triggers a series of mysterious deaths leading to the governor's mansion, and "Wild" Bill McKenzie, a friend of Perry Mason, is on the case.
Hillary and Bonnie meet one morning by the side of the road. They become fast friends, share their secrets, and, on a rising wave of frenzy, later that afternoon, murder an old woman. They did it, they say later, for fun.
O Mistério de Seacliff Inn
Mark Enright
Susan e Mark, um jovem casal, querem comprar uma casa e transformá-la numa pousada. Compram uma casa que a dona havia morrido misteriosamente. Ao se mudarem para a tal casa coisas estranhas acontecem (porta abre e fecha sozinha, luz não acende, lareira apaga sozinha, cão preto ronda a casa), mas Mark acha tudo normal. Susan conversa com a vizinha "paranormal" que a faz descobrir espíritos aflitos que queriam usá-la para se comunicar.
Tribunal Sob Suspeita
Paul Baker, Juror
Antes do julgamento de um mafioso, a principal testemunha da promotoria é assassinada. Como se isto não bastasse, um ex-policial que agora trabalha para o criminoso é encarregado de intimidar uma jurada, ameaçando a vida do seu filho.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Lethal Lifestyle
Ken Malansky
A former associate of Perry Mason returns to handle the defense of a world-class chess player accused of murdering a prominent TV personality.
Double Exposure
Detective Joiner
White collar crime, a crooked PI and a top notch homicide forensics team come together in this low-budget erotic thriller about a wife killed while in a hotel room with her lover.
Almost Dead
Jim Schneider
A woman psychologist, who specialises in research about twins, is haunted by her dead mothers ghost.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Wicked Wives
Ken Malansky
Anthony Caruso, an old friend of Perry Mason, comes to Denver on the request of Dee Morrison. She's married to famed photographer David Morrison, who wants to shoot a photo featuring his former models. The tricky thing is that all of his former models are also his former wives. But Dee knows Anthony can convince them to do it which he does. And David shoots them. Later Dee catches David it what appears to be in an inappropriate situation with his assistant. They have an argument and she leaves. Later David is found dead and she's arrested and Anthony defends her. And he suspects it could have been one of the wives
Perry Mason: The Case of the Killer Kiss
Ken Malansky
On the set of a popular daytime soap opera 'Mile High', actress Kris Buckner is being forced off by co-star Mark Stratton. When she says that she'll 'kill him before she leaves the show', she makes herself the prime suspect when Stratton is murdered by someone poisoning him. As an old friend, Perry Mason comes to the help of Kris and agrees to defend her. Meanwhile Ken goes in search of information with the help of fan of the show.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Telltale Talk Show Host
Ken Malansky
Dr Sheila Carlin is good friends with Della who calls Perry in when she is being pestered by someone. On the theory that it could be somebody that she works with at a radio stations she arranges Perry to be interviewed by Winslow Keene who is also the station's owner. Winslow enrages the rest of the talk show hosts on the station by informing them of changes that he is making to their time slots. That night, Winslow is shot by a hit man hired by someone at the station and Sheila is set up for the murder. She calls in Perry and as usual Perry, Della and Ken swing into action to find out who really did it.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal
Ken Malansky
The owner of a cosmetics company is unveiling a new cream which she claims she's been using. She's been keeping her age a secret and now reveals that she's 60 and owes her appearance to the cream. She's later killed and the formula missing. Her husband is arrested and Perry defends him.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Heartbroken Bride
Ken Malansky
Perry Mason is invited to the marriage of the daughter of an old friend of his. But after the ceremony the uncle of the bride is dead. Certainly this is a case for Perry Mason.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Reckless Romeo
Ken Malansky
Sleazy talk show host Ted Mayne writes a tell-all book, which enrages and embarrasses several very prominent women. One of them, actress Roxanne Shield, loses her composure during an interview and winds up making a televised death threat. Of course, when Ted is murdered, she is arrested. Witnesses claim they saw Roxanne outside his apartment that night and police later find the murder weapon in her car. Renowned defence attorney Perry Mason accepts the challenge of defending her in court.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Framing
Ken Malansky
A painter, believed to be dead, returns to make allegations that a gallery owner is selling counterfeits of his work. Later, the artist is murdered.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Fashion
Ken Malansky
Della's friend is accused of murdering a rival fashion magazine editor.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin
Ken Malansky
David Katz is a world famous magician and he comes to Denver with his group to perform for a charity gala for disabled children. Also there is Perry and Della as all three are supporters of the charity. Kate Ford, an assistant with an arrogant attitude, tells David that she is, from now on, going to do an illusion in which an assistant is raised in a glass coffin only to disappear when the coffin is opened up in the air (while the assistant climbs out before the coffin is raised.) After a one night stand with David, Kate is pregnant and she blackmails David with this. David and his wife Judy can't have children so that comes as a double blow to them. However Kate, with her attitude, creates much hatred at her from the rest of the group. At the gala, the glass coffin is raised but when it opens Kate's dead body falls to the ground - strangled.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Maligned Mobster
Ken Malansky
A gangster who has commited all kinds of crimes is accused to have killed his wife. As he was not the murderer in this case Perry Mason intents to find the killer...
Perry Mason: The Case of the Ruthless Reporter
Ken Malansky
Perry is at TV station "KGGY" to be interviewed but thanks to the interference of main anchor-person Brett Huston the interview is pulled. Mostly everybody hates Brett as Brett knows all the station workers secrets. He has also written a memo insulting all of the main station players - Vic St. John - the station manager, Twyla Cooper - the producer, Chuck Gilmore - the sports reporter, Gary Slate - the weatherman, Cassie Woodfield - the reporter and Gillian Pope. Brett is shot dead with Gillian's gun and therefore is arrested for the crime. Gillian calls in Perry, Della and Ken to investigate. As Della and Perry set out to solve the mystery, Ken gets close to Cassie but she is a suspect and when it appears that somebody is trying to kill her, the mystery deepens..
Perry Mason: The Case of the Defiant Daughter
Ken Malansky
A young woman from Las Vegas wants Perry Mason to defend her father.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Silenced Singer
Ken Malansky
Perry Mason defends the husband of a famous rock singer who was found being killed after having had a tremendous discussion with her husband and her manager.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Desperate Deception
Ken Malansky
Perry Mason ventures to Paris to defend a U.S. Marine Corps Captain accused of murdering a man suspected of being a Nazi SS Officer.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Poisoned Pen
Ken Malansky
The chief suspects in the murder of an author are the numerous colleagues whom he continuously plagiarized.
Rock Hudson
Marc Christian
Biography of actor Rock Hudson focuses on his struggle with his homosexuality. Based on the book by his ex-wife, Phyllis Gates, and on the court records from the civil suit brought by his former lover, Marc Christian.
Perry Mason: The Case of the All-Star Assassin
Ken Malansky
A hockey player of friend of Ken Malansky's is accused of murdering a team owner. Perry takes the case.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Musical Murder
Ken Malansky
A young theatre director is accused of killing a more famous Broadway director. Perry takes his case.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Lethal Lesson
Ken Malansky
Ken Malansky, a law student of Perry Mason's, is accused of murdering a fellow student. Perry is reluctant to take on his case as the victim was the son of a close friend.
Três Mulheres, Três Amores
Tim Travers
Para a sensual Daisy Araujo (Julia Roberts), sua sensata irmã Kat (Annabeth Gish) e sua debochada amiga Jojo (Lili Taylor), o verão após o término do Colegial torna-se inesquecível. Servindo pizza em um restaurante local, as três garotas compartilham as esperanças, sonhos e planos para escapar da cidadezinha onde moram. E quando Daisy fica enfeitiçada por um jovem ricaço chamado Charles, todas acham que ela tirou a sorte grande até as garotas descobrir que Charles não era o que elas pensavam.
Uma Estranha de Los Angeles
Guten 'Gus' Edway
O filme conta a história de Wanda, uma jovem desengonçada, sem mãe, rejeitada pelo pai e abandonada pelo namorado. Um dia, ela recebe uma carta e uma passagem aérea para visitar um senhor que teria informações importantes sobre seu pai. No entanto, durante a busca, ela cai em um buraco. O buraco é um caminho para uma civilização perdida, chamada Atlantis.
Escolha do Destino
Pat (as Billy Moses)
Um jovem tem problema parcial de surdez e por isso foi rejeitado ao tentar entrar no time de futebol do colégio, agora precisa provar para os professores e direção que é capaz de jogar na equipe.
The Mental State
Principal Mullins
In the heart of rural Kentucky, a high school senior and his family struggle to cope with the true identity and intentions of a dangerous town shooter.