James Hanlon

James Hanlon

Nascimento : , The Bronx, New York City, New York, USA


James Hanlon is an American actor, director and producer.


James Hanlon


9/11: Fifteen Years Later
Director of Photography
Go inside the chaos and courage of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in New York in "9/11", updated fifteen years later by the original filmmakers. As the only documentary footage from inside the Twin Towers, the film is a gripping minute-by-minute account of that harrowing day through the lens of French filmmakers and brothers, Gédéon and Jules Naudet, and firefighter James Hanlon. The 2016 edition features a new intro from Denis Leary, who is closely aligned with advocacy for first responders. The updated material focuses on the ongoing health issues that 9/11 firefighters have battled, and the inspiring stories of “legacy kids” — women and men who lost loved ones in the attack and have since become firefighters.
9/11: Fifteen Years Later
Executive Producer
Go inside the chaos and courage of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in New York in "9/11", updated fifteen years later by the original filmmakers. As the only documentary footage from inside the Twin Towers, the film is a gripping minute-by-minute account of that harrowing day through the lens of French filmmakers and brothers, Gédéon and Jules Naudet, and firefighter James Hanlon. The 2016 edition features a new intro from Denis Leary, who is closely aligned with advocacy for first responders. The updated material focuses on the ongoing health issues that 9/11 firefighters have battled, and the inspiring stories of “legacy kids” — women and men who lost loved ones in the attack and have since become firefighters.
9/11: Fifteen Years Later
Go inside the chaos and courage of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in New York in "9/11", updated fifteen years later by the original filmmakers. As the only documentary footage from inside the Twin Towers, the film is a gripping minute-by-minute account of that harrowing day through the lens of French filmmakers and brothers, Gédéon and Jules Naudet, and firefighter James Hanlon. The 2016 edition features a new intro from Denis Leary, who is closely aligned with advocacy for first responders. The updated material focuses on the ongoing health issues that 9/11 firefighters have battled, and the inspiring stories of “legacy kids” — women and men who lost loved ones in the attack and have since become firefighters.
9/11: Fifteen Years Later
Go inside the chaos and courage of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in New York in "9/11", updated fifteen years later by the original filmmakers. As the only documentary footage from inside the Twin Towers, the film is a gripping minute-by-minute account of that harrowing day through the lens of French filmmakers and brothers, Gédéon and Jules Naudet, and firefighter James Hanlon. The 2016 edition features a new intro from Denis Leary, who is closely aligned with advocacy for first responders. The updated material focuses on the ongoing health issues that 9/11 firefighters have battled, and the inspiring stories of “legacy kids” — women and men who lost loved ones in the attack and have since become firefighters.
Director of Photography
Filme documentário franco-estadunidense de 2002, sobre os ataques de 11 de Setembro de 2001 à cidade de Nova Iorque, dirigido por Jules Naudet, Gédéon Naudet e James Hanlon, e apresentado por Robert De Niro.
Filme documentário franco-estadunidense de 2002, sobre os ataques de 11 de Setembro de 2001 à cidade de Nova Iorque, dirigido por Jules Naudet, Gédéon Naudet e James Hanlon, e apresentado por Robert De Niro.
Executive Producer
Filme documentário franco-estadunidense de 2002, sobre os ataques de 11 de Setembro de 2001 à cidade de Nova Iorque, dirigido por Jules Naudet, Gédéon Naudet e James Hanlon, e apresentado por Robert De Niro.
Filme documentário franco-estadunidense de 2002, sobre os ataques de 11 de Setembro de 2001 à cidade de Nova Iorque, dirigido por Jules Naudet, Gédéon Naudet e James Hanlon, e apresentado por Robert De Niro.
Joe Gould's Secret
Mike, Cop at Coffee Shop
Around 1940, New Yorker staff writer Joe Mitchell meets Joe Gould, a Greenwich Village character who cadges meals, drinks, and contributions to the Joe Gould Fund and who is writing a voluminous Oral History of the World, a record of 20,000 conversations he's overheard. Mitchell is fascinated with this Harvard grad and writes a 1942 piece about him, "Professor Seagull," bringing Gould some celebrity and an invitation to join the Greenwich Village Ravens, a poetry club he's often crashed. Gould's touchy, querulous personality and his frequent dropping in on Mitchell for hours of chat lead to a breakup, but the two Joes stay in touch until Gould's death and Mitchell's unveiling of the secret.
Vivendo no Limite
Frank Pierce trabalha como motorista de ambulância em umas das áreas mais violentas de Nova York há anos e sofre com a pressão constante do trabalho. Ele e seus diferentes parceiros resgatam bêbados e traficantes, levando-as a hospitais superlotados e sem estrutura, onde a ordem de chegada determina quem morre e quem vive. Atormentado pela angústia, ele é assombrado pelos espíritos das pessoas que não conseguiu salvar. Frank quer deixar o emprego, mas algo o impede.