Don Diamond

Don Diamond

Nascimento : 1921-06-04, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Morte : 2011-06-19


Brooklyn-born Don Diamond's most famous role is probably that of the scheming and ambitious, but inept and somewhat cowardly, underling Crazy Cat to Frank DeKova's Chief Wild Eagle in the cult western comedy series F Troop (1965). By the time he got that role he had been an actor for quite some time, starting out in radio in the early 1940s, where he discovered that he had a knack for picking up dialects, especially Spanish. He became so proficient in it that many believed he was actually Spanish or Mexican, when in reality his family came from Russia. His facility in that dialect got him the role as the Mexican sidekick of Kit Carson in the early TV series The Adventures of Kit Carson (1951). He also landed a recurring part as a Spanish corporal in the Disney TV series Zorro (1957). In addition to his TV and film work, he did much voice-over work in both cartoons and commercials.


Don Diamond


A Última Cruzada do Fusca
Local #2
Durante o transporte de Herbie de Puerto Vallarta para uma corrida no Brasil, as coisas se complicam com um passageiro clandestino no porta-malas, um órfão que roubou um mapa do tesouro inca de um criminoso numa perseguição frenética. Contém cenas com fumantes.
This Year's Blonde
Lacey's Captain
First he seduced her. Then he made her a star. He was Johnny Hyde, 52-year-old agent, friend, lover. She was an unemployed starlet — destined to be America's greatest sex goddess. Theirs was a sizzling romance — torrid, touching, tragic.
Noites de Terror
Sgt. Cameron
No one is safe when a killer, wielding the deadly contents of his toolbox, methodically stalks his prey.
Shell Game
A convicted con artist sets out to expose the head of a charity fund who has been embezzling money to cover his huge gambling losses.
Interlúdio de Amor
Maitre 'D
Breezy é uma adolescente hippie com um grande coração. Depois de pegar uma carona com um homem que só quer sexo, Breezy consegue escapar. Ela corre para se esconder em uma propriedade isolada: a casa de Frank Harmon, um homem de meia-idade, divorciado. Frank reluta em aceitar Breezy, mas termina se apaixonando por ela.
Hit Man
Nano Zito
Tyrone Tackett volta à sua cidade-natal ao descobrir que o irmão morreu. Mas começa a desconfiar de que ele foi assassinado, e parte para uma violenta investigação que o levará ao submundo da pornografia e do crime organizado. Remake blaxploitation de "Get Carter" (no Brasil, "Carter - O Vingador".
A Juíza
1st Workman
A retired lady judge runs a private detective agency with a charming ex-con as her leg man and various parolees helping in the day-to-day operation.
Flight to the Finish
Toro (voice)
Crazylegs Crane are chasing after Toro and Pancho, and the toads wind up in an abandoned shack. The Crane tries to disguise himself so he can trick the Toads to let him in, but all efforts fail. Last "Tijuana Toads" cartoon.
Frog Jog
Toro (voice)
Toro wants to lose weight to try to impress his girlfriend, so he (with Pancho's help) decides to work out.
Croakus Pocus
Toro (voice)
After waiting 400 years for a first kiss, the witch gets impatient and decides to make a brew that will make her attractive. She needs a hair of a frog to complete her brew, so Toro and Pancho is in the chase to avoid being caught by the witch.
Serape Happy
Toro (voice)
The toads want a grasshopper meal and fight over the creature. Unfortunately, the grasshopper violently outsmarts them at every turn.
What's a Nice Girl Like You...?
Duty Sergeant
A Bronx working girl is drawn into an elaborate extortion plot after being kidnapped by a gang of sophisticated con men who force her, because of her remarkable resemblance, to impersonate a wealthy socialite. Based on E.V. Cunningham's (Howard Fast's) novel, "Shirley."
How to Steal an Airplane
Two pilots are hired to reclaim a stolen jet from the son of a South American dictator.
A Leap in the Deep
Toro (voice)
After a big toad takes over Toro and Pancho's pond, they decided to move to an even bigger pond. However, they have to dodge Crazylegs Crane and a big fish, who both has an appetite for frogs.
Fastest Tongue in the West
Toro (voice)
Toro and Poncho watch the Sheriff's posse chase the Cactus Kid right into a showdown with Poncho at the Horny Toad Saloon for the fastest tongue in the west.
The Egg and Ay-Yi-Yi!
Toro (voice)
Proud parents Poncho and Toro "adopt" Crazylegs Crane when they "find" his egg.
Mud Squad
Toro (voice)
All is peaceful on the pond till Toro sends Pancho out to bring back lunch. Pancho finds some alligator eggs, and he brings just one back. Our Tijuana Toads heroes' choice backfires when an angry mother comes looking for the egg. By then, little Georgie is hatched. Georgie has a great appetite, and he will eat anything in sight... especially frogs. Georgie's mother helps him with his lunch.
Two Jumps and a Chump
Toro (voice)
The Crane from "Go For Croak" and "A Snake in the Gracias" returns to eat the toads, but of course, his plans backfire.
Mrs. Pollifax — Spy
Mrs. Emily Pollifax of New Jersey goes to the CIA to volunteer for spy duty, being in her own opinion, expendable now that the children are grown and she's widowed. And being just what the department needed (someone who looks and acts completely unlike a spy), she's assigned to simple courier duty to pick up a book in Mexico City. But when the pickup doesn't go as planned, Mrs. Pollifax finds herself handcuffed to a handsome stranger on a plane bound for an Albanian prison. And it's up to her to get them out.
Snake in the Gracias
Toro (voice)
Crazylegs Crane gets an amnesia and Toro and Pancho tricks him into thinking he's a frog. They use him to guard them from the Blue Racer, the fastest snake in the west, who wants to have them for a meal.
A Dopey Hacienda
Toro (voice)
Toro and Pancho encounter a hungry cat who has a special taste for frogs.
Never on Thirsty
El Toro (voice)
Pancho and El Toro's lake has completely dried up, so they decide to take refuge in a nearby neighbor's swimming pool. They just have to get past the giant dog first...
Hop and Chop
Toro (voice)
Pancho and El Toro meet a friendly, singing Japanese beetle...the only one in Japan with a black belt in Karate. Toro tries to catch him for his supper, but is only given repeat lessons in the martial art.
The Froggy Froggy Duo
Toro (voice)
While Pancho and El Toro are vacationing in Acapulco, a nearby hotel cook is desperate to find some frog legs to cook for the visiting French ambassador. But where is he going to find frog legs in Acapulco?
Go for Croak
Toro (voice)
A clumsy bird named Crazylegs Crane is chasing Toro and Pancho for a meal. When the two frogs arrive to the room full of bottles containing nitroglycerine in the small house, the two frogs thought they could trick the bird by pretending to drink it by filling empty nitroglycerine bottle with water, but Pancho accidentally switched the bottle with real nitroglycerine, and the bird saw Toro drinking it and bird didn't want him to blow up, and let the the toads do what ever they want. The bird took frogs to Havanna, and bird went to Las Vegas after frogs arrived at Havanna. Two frogs happily danced, and blew up! The frogs, instead, arrived at Heaven!
A Pair of Greenbacks
Toro (voice)
When Pancho and Toro caught the El Kukaracha, they thought they would share it for breakfast tomorrow, but when they're asleep, one of them would sneak to the breakfast and eat it themselves.
Viva Max!
In order to prove his greatness to his unimpressed girlfriend, Mexican general Max takes a group of men across the border and recaptures the Alamo - international hijinks ensue!
Tijuana Toads
Toro (voice)
Poncho and Toro turn their hunger pangs toward a certain grasshopper with attitude who sounds just like John Wayne!
Swingin' Along
An amateur tunesmith and a con man pool their resources in order to win first prize in a songwriting contest.
A História de Rute
Ruth foi vendida quando criança a um grupo pagão e idolatrada como uma sacerdotisa. Ao crescer, conhece o hebreu Mahlon e é tocada por sua crença, mas o destino a obriga a embarcar em uma árdua jornada rumo a Jerusalém.
Zorro, the Avenger
Corporal Reyes
Masked crusader Zorro and his father, Don Alejandro, face off against mysterious despot The Eagle in a fight for control of old Spanish California.
Holiday for Lovers
Airplane steward
Clifton Webb as a strict, conservative father heads the cast of this 1959 comedy, about an American family vacationing in South America. Directed by Henry Levin, the film also features Jane Wyman, Jill St. John, Carol Lynley, Paul Henreid, Gary Crosby, Henny Backus, Wally Brown, Gardner McKay and Jose Greco.
O Velho e o Mar
Cafe Proprietor (uncredited)
Num lugarejo na costa cubana estava um velho (Spencer Tracy), que pescava sozinho num esquife. 84 dias se passaram sem que ele pegasse um mísero peixe. Nos primeiros 40 dias um menino (Felipe Pazos) ficou com ele, mas após tanto tempo sem peixe os pais do menino disseram que o velho era definitavamente um "salão", que é o pior tipo de azar. O menino, sob as ordens dos pais, foi para outro barco, que pegou três belos peixes já na primeira semana. O velho ensinara o menino a pescar e o menino o amava. O velho tinha cabelos alvos e era marcado por rugas, tinha grandes riscos na nuca e as mãos tinham cicatrizes fundas, por lutar com peixes pesados, mas nenhuma era recente. Tudo nele era velho, com exceção dos olhos, que eram alegres e incansáveis. O menino se entristecia ao ver o velho chegar com o esquife vazio. Ele sempre o ajudava a carregar as linhas, a carangueja, o arpão e a vela, que se enroscava em volta do mastro.
Cavaleiros em Luta
A villainous cavalry officer is trying to force the owner of a hacienda to give him his land when a courageous settler comes to the rescue.
Two undercover agents infiltrate a drug-smuggling ring in Mexico, thee find them selves falling in love with each other. Neither is aware of the other's identity As they decide to make a run for the border.