M. Watanabe Milmore


One with the Whale
Modern technology confronts ancient ritual in this profound and moving documentary. Teenager Chris Apassingok and his Yupik family live in Gambell, Alaska, a tiny village on St. Lawrence island in the Bering Sea. Life there differs vastly from the rest of the US – for one, hunting whales holds the key to the islanders’ survival. Conflict emerges after Chris kills a whale that will feed Gambell’s townspeople for months – and news of the successful hunt reaches the outside world. Facebook trolls and animal-rights activists attack from afar, captured in Pete Chelkowski and environmental journalist Jim Wickens’ captivating film that delves into environmental issues, cultural and generational challenges, and cyberspace hysteria
One with the Whale
Modern technology confronts ancient ritual in this profound and moving documentary. Teenager Chris Apassingok and his Yupik family live in Gambell, Alaska, a tiny village on St. Lawrence island in the Bering Sea. Life there differs vastly from the rest of the US – for one, hunting whales holds the key to the islanders’ survival. Conflict emerges after Chris kills a whale that will feed Gambell’s townspeople for months – and news of the successful hunt reaches the outside world. Facebook trolls and animal-rights activists attack from afar, captured in Pete Chelkowski and environmental journalist Jim Wickens’ captivating film that delves into environmental issues, cultural and generational challenges, and cyberspace hysteria
Lift shines a spotlight on the invisible story of homelessness in America through the eyes of a group of young homeless and home-insecure ballet dancers in New York City and the mentor that inspires them.
Paradise Incêndios na Califórnia
"Paradise Incêndios na Califórnia", de Ron Howard, acompanha a comunidade de Paradise um ano após os incêndios devastadores de 2018 no esforço de recuperar o que foi perdido.
There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane
Filmmaker Liz Garbus investigates the mysterious tragedy of Diane Schuler in an effort to understand what went wrong.
Metallica: Some Kind of Monster
O documentário se inicia em 2001, quando o Metallica vai para um estúdio em San Francisco gravar seu novo álbum. No início das filmagens o baixista Jason Newsted deixa a banda, após 14 anos. Como a dinâmica entre os demais membros não é das melhores, o empresário contrata um terapeuta para ajudá-los. Apesar do auxílio profissional, o vocalista James Hetfield continua se desentendendo com o baterista Lars Ulrich, com Hetfield se internando numa clínica para tratamento de alcoolismo. Ele volta um ano depois, e só então o Metallica consegue finalizar o novo álbum.
The Virtual Corpse
Documentary about the first human to donate his body to science so that it could be studied in the form of a 3D database of the entire anatomy that is available to view online. Convicted killer Joseph Paul Jernigan donated his body to science shortly before he was executed in 1993 and this documentary examines what took place after his death by lethal injection.
Paraíso Perdido 2: Revelações
Em 1994 três adolescentes são acusados do homicído de três crianças, numa caso marcado por suspeitas de preconceito, dúvida e controvérsia.