Chips Rafferty

Chips Rafferty

Nascimento : 1909-03-26, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia

Morte : 1971-05-27


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Chips Rafferty MBE (26 March 1909 – 27 May 1971) was an iconic Australian actor. Called "the living symbol of the typical Australian", Rafferty's career stretched from the 1940s until his death in 1971, and during this time he performed regularly in major Australian feature films as well as appearing in British and American productions. He appeared in commercials in Britain during the late 1950s, encouraging British emigration to Australia. Description above from the Wikipedia article Chips Rafferty, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.​


Chips Rafferty


Pelos Caminhos do Inferno
Jock Crawford
Depois de uma aposta ruim num jogo, um professor é abandonado em uma cidade cheia de homens loucos, bêbados, violentos, que ameaçam transformá-lo também em louco, bêbado, e violento. Pelos Caminhos do Inferno (Wake in Fright) é a história de John Grant, um professor endividado que chega em Bundanyabba, uma agreste cidade mineira do interior, onde planeja permanecer durante a noite antes de pegar o avião para Sydney. Mas essa uma noite se estende para cinco e ele mergulha de cabeça em direção a sua própria destruição. Quando a névoa induzida pelo álcool se evapora, o bem educado John Grant já não é mais tão bem educado. Em vez disso, temos um homem que se odeia, em uma terra desolada, sujo, de olhos vermelhos, sentado embaixo de uma árvore e olhando para um rifle com uma bala. e 16.
Father 'Pop' Dillingham
An expedition into the interior of Papua New Guinea comes across a tribe of ape-like people who may or may not be ancestors of early man.
Kona Coast
Charlie Lightfoot
Sam Moran is a Honolulu charter-boat captain who leads fishing expeditions in the tropical paradise. When his daughter is found murdered at the party of a wealthy young playboy, he seeks the truth about the murder. Convinced the playboy is guilty, he enlists the help of his friend Kittibelle, who runs an alcohol abuse treatment center. Sam runs into a wall of silence obviously built by hush money and islanders fearful of reprisals from the rich and powerful family. The determined dad fights to uncover the information that will land the murderer in jail as he avenges the death of his daughter.
Canções e Confusões
Archie Brown
Guy Lambert decide levar seu show de Londres para Bruxelas. O que ele não sabe é que também está levando duas beldades, que o seguem secretamente. Uma (Annette Day) é uma herdeira apaixonada, a outra (Yvonne Romain) uma enigmática tentação. Uma é pouco, mas duas podem ser demais para o desencanado Guy. Comédia, mistério e caos se combinam em Canções e Confusões. Elvis Presley interpreta Guy, nesse filme que mistura o desaparecimento de pedras preciosas, detetives de sobretudo e mais. E no meio de tudo isso, um homem tem que fazer o que um homem tem que fazer: interpretar uma fantástica trilha que inclui Double Trouble, City By Night, Could I Fall in Love?, Long-Legged Girl e There s So Much World to See. Com Elvis Presley, até os confusões são pura diversão.
They're a Weird Mob
Harry Kelly
Nino Culotta is an Italian immigrant, newly arrived in Australia, and attempts to understand the aspirational values and social rituals of everyday urban Australians of the 1950s and '60s.... and assimilate.
O Grande Motim
Michael Byrne
O Bounty sai de Portsmouth em 1787. Seu destino: navegar para Tahiti e pegar uma carga de fruta pão. O capitão Bligh fará qualquer coisa para chegar o mais rápido possível, usando qualquer meio para manter uma disciplina rigorosa. Quando chegam a Tahiti, é como um paraíso para a tripulação, algo completamente diferente do inferno que vivem à bordo do navio. No caminho de volta para a Inglaterra, quando voltam a disciplina e os castigos, o oficial Fletcher Christian se torna o líder de um motim. 2 versões de montagem: 178 min = Lançamento 185 min = Na Inglaterra
O Pior Calhambeque do Mundo
O Tenente Rip Crandall é enganado para assumir o comando do "Pior Calhambeque do Mundo" - um lixo de barco com uma tripulação de desajustados que não sabem a diferença entre popa e proa. O que nenhum deles sabe, incluindo Crandall, é que este barco tem uma muito importante missão secreta para cumprir em águas patrulhadas pela frota japonesa. Sua missão será salvar centenas de vidas aliadas - só eles podem chegar até lá inteiros.
Peregrino da Esperança
No Outback Australiano, a família Carmody - Paddy, Ida e seu filho adolescente Sean - levam uma vida nômade, são tropeiros de ovelhas, sempre em movimento. Ida e Sean querem sossegar e comprar uma fazenda. Mas Paddy quer se manter em movimento. Um concurso de tosquia de ovelhas, o nascimento de uma criança, bebidas, jogos e um cavalo de corrida terão um papel na decisão final.
Dust in the Sun
A Northern Territory policeman, is given the job of taking an Aboriginal prisoner Emu Foot, to Alice Springs to be tried for a tribal killing. Bayard is wounded during a revenge attack by tribesmen, and Emu Foot helps him get to a remote cattle station. But there Bayard gets involved in a domestic crisis involving Julie Kirkbride, the neurotic, bored wife of the station owner, and is tempted by the head stockman's daughter Chris Palady.
Smiley Gets a Gun
Sergeant Flaxman
The happy-go-lucky young Smiley gets into more strife as he attempts to prove himself a responsible citizen by helping others - all so he can earn a new gun from Sergeant Flaxman.
Walk Into Paradise
Steve MacAllister
Steve McAllister, an Australian official for The New Guinea Administration, gets orders to investigate an oil discovery by Ned 'Shark-Eye' Kelly in the interior. He selects his native policeman, Sergeant-Major Towalaka, to accompany him on his "walk into hell" and then finds that a French lady doctor, Louise Dumurcet, is to go with them part of the journey. They find the malaria-stricken Jeff Clayton in a deserted village and he joins the trek. They are captured by jungle-natives but are released after Dr. Dumurcet cures the fever-stricken children of the chief.
Bring Out a Briton
‘Bring Out a Briton’ was a short appeal for Australians to help the Immigration Department in its plan to form and assist a ‘Bring Out a Briton’ Committee in each district. It featured popular Australian actor Chips Rafferty as the spokesman for the campaign. Aimed at the Australian public rather than the prospective immigrants it was designed to allay a perceived anxiety amongst the public about non-British European migration.
Sgt. Flaxman
Smiley Greevins is a cheeky, mischievous, imaginative little boy who lives in the small town of Murrumbilla in the Australian outback. His father Bill is a poor drover who is often away from home. Much to the exasperation of his overworked wife, Ma Greevins, Bill is also very fond of the drink. Smiley is determined to buy himself a push bike and so he takes on odd jobs in an effort to save up enough money. But Smiley always seems to get caught up in some sort of misadventure. Smiley is a classic Australian film that will delight audiences of all ages.
King of the Coral Sea
Ted King
Companhia marítima.
King of the Coral Sea
Companhia marítima.
Operation Malaya
Self - Commentator
Docudrama recreating events in the Malayan Emergency
The Phantom Stockman
The Sundowner
Kim Marsden inherits a cattle station near Alice Springs after the death of her father. Kim becomes convinced her father was murdered. She sends for a legendary local bushman called the Sundowner, who was one of her father's best friends.
Ratos do Deserto
Sgt. "Blue" Smith
In North Africa, German Field Marshal Rommel and his troops have successfully fended off British forces, and now intend to take Tobruk, an important port city. A ramshackle group of Australian reinforcements sent to combat the Germans is put under the command of British Captain MacRoberts. The unruly Aussies immediately clash with MacRoberts, a gruff, strict disciplinarian, however this unorthodox team must band together to protect Tobruk from the German forces.
Trooper 'Len' Leonard
In turn-of-the-century Australia, two criminals ingratiate themselves with a rancher in order to swindle him. However, the two partners become rivals for the affection of the rancher's beautiful daughter.
Bitter Springs
Wally King
A family buy land set around a water hole in a remote location, that is occupied by native Australians. The two groups clash.
Eureka Stockade
Peter Lalor
Spectacular account of the infamous Eureka Stockade, and the events leading up to it.
Bush Christmas
Long Bill
In Australia, five children pursue horse thieves through the mountains.
The Loves of Joanna Godden
Joanna Godden falls heir to a farm when her father dies.
The Overlanders
Dan McAlpine
It's the start of WWII in Northern Australia. The Japanese are getting close. People are evacuating and burning everything in a "scorched earth" policy. Rather than kill all their cattle, a disparate group decides to drive them overland half way across the continent, from Wyndham in Western Australia through the Northern Territory outback of Australia to pastures north of Brisbane, Queensland.
Os Ratos de Tobruk
Milo Trent
Conta a história de três homens - Bluey, um rústico vaqueiro (Taylor), Milo, um lacônico caçador de dingos (Rafferty), e Pete, um intelectual Inglês boa praça (Finch). Juntos, eles servem no norte da África, lutando contra as forças de Rommel no que agora se tornou uma das maiores lendas do tempo de guerra da Austrália - Os Ratos de Tobruk.
Forty Thousand Horsemen
Charles Chauvel's 1940 cinematic tribute to the mounted troops of the Australian Light Horse regiments is a rousing call to arms, giving life to the heroic tales of mateship during the Great War.