Julian Mitchell

Nascimento : 1935-05-01,


Consenting Adults
Fifty years ago, a Home Office committee chaired by Wolfenden, then vice-chancellor of Reading University, recommended the decriminalization of homosexuality. But behind the scenes of what was to become a turning point in British social history, there was an even more extraordinary story. Jack's son Jeremy, then a brilliant undergraduate at Oxford, was himself gay, something his father could not bring himself to acknowledge.
Simply Wilde
A história de Oscar Wilde, gênio, poeta, dramaturgo e o Primeiro Homem Moderno. A auto-realização de sua homossexualidade causou enorme tormento a Wilde, ao manipular casamento, paternidade e responsabilidade com seu amor obsessivo por lorde Alfred Douglas.
Outono de Paixões
Set in 1890s North Wales over a long, hot August weekend, the Victorian calm of a household is suddenly upset with the arrival of a London couple who impose their city ways and thoughts on the more rurally based family. An adaptation of Anton Chekhov's play, "Uncle Vanya."
Van Gogh - Vida e Obra de um Gênio
The tragic story of Vincent van Gogh broadened by focusing as well on his brother Theodore, who helped support Vincent. Based on the letters written between the two.
Survival of the Fittest
Molly Cowper is a wilful 80-year-old widow who firmly believes the world is there for her convenience. Her mild-mannered son Geoffrey does his best to help her keep her independence, but Molly keeps trampling on people.
Memórias de Um Espião
Theatre Play
Guy Bennet e Tommy Judd são dois estranhos na escola de elite que frequentam. Bennet por ser homossexual, Judd por ser marxista. Cada um com seu motivo, eles evitam participar da esnobe e excludente hierarquia social de seu meio, vivendo em relativa paz, até que um acontecimento na escola coloca a vida de todo o corpo estudantil sob meticulosa vigilância.
Memórias de Um Espião
Guy Bennet e Tommy Judd são dois estranhos na escola de elite que frequentam. Bennet por ser homossexual, Judd por ser marxista. Cada um com seu motivo, eles evitam participar da esnobe e excludente hierarquia social de seu meio, vivendo em relativa paz, até que um acontecimento na escola coloca a vida de todo o corpo estudantil sob meticulosa vigilância.
The Weather in the Streets
Passion comes calling when a man suffering through an unhappy marriage in 1920s England runs into first love.
The Mysterious Stranger
The film version of the same-titled book by Mark Twain. A young printer's apprentice imagines himself back in the days of Guttenberg, helping him to print the Bible. The next thing he knows he has conjured up a young spirit from the future who casts spells over striking printers and causes general mischief.
The Good Soldier
A romantic tragedy about two turn-of-the-century couples - one American, one British - who regularly vacation together at a spa in Germany.
Staying On
A british colonel and his wife decide to remain in India after the departure of the British raj in the 1940s.
Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill
Lee Remick stars as Jennie Jerome, born in the United States in 1845, who eventually became Lady Randolph Churchill, and gave birth to Sir Winston Churchill in this seven-part, seven-hour biographical mini-series.
História de intriga internacional envolvendo um professor universitário, um primeiro-ministro árabe, um homem de negócios impiedoso, uma bela espiã, e hieróglifos.