Robert J. Avrech


Within These Walls
Female prisoners train dogs to aid people with disabilities in a program started by a nun (Laura Dern).
Within These Walls
Female prisoners train dogs to aid people with disabilities in a program started by a nun (Laura Dern).
Brotherhood of Murder
Set against the backdrop of the true story of the largest cash robbery in the history of the USA.
Matemática do Diabo
Hannah Stern (Kirsten Dunst) é uma jovem de origem judaica, que não dá a devida importância para suas raízes. Tudo muda quando, misteriosamente, ela volta no tempo e vai parar em 1941, na Polônia, quando o país foi invadido pelo nazistas. Sem entender direito o que está acontecendo, ela acaba sendo presa e mandada para um campo de concentração. Apesar de nunca ter dado a devida atenção, ela sabe que seis milhões de judeus morrerão nos próximos anos.
Max Q: Pouso de Emergência
A shuttle is launched into space to release a new satellite. When an explosion occurs the crew has to think of a way to get back to Earth without atmospheric pressure (max q) crushing the damaged shuttle.
Dois grupos de montanhistas amadores resolvem escalar o Everest e chegar ao ponto mais alto do mundo. Eles não conseguem escapar da fúria da montanha e são pegos por uma violenta tempestade. A aventura se transforma numa terrível luta para sobreviver.
Running Delilah
Top agent Delilah dies in a risky mission against weapon dealer Kercharian. But she's revived with high-tech medicine and artificial body parts. As invincible superwoman she returns and continues her fight against Kercherian, who's newest deal includes Plutonium from Russia.
Uma Estranha entre Nós
A detetive Emily Eden é uma policial cuja fama de durona roda as delegacias de Nova York. Quando ela é designada para a investigação de um misterioso assassinato, terá de agir disfarçada pelas ruas - uma oportunidade para mergulhar na profunda engenharia do crime da cidade.
Uma Estranha entre Nós
A detetive Emily Eden é uma policial cuja fama de durona roda as delegacias de Nova York. Quando ela é designada para a investigação de um misterioso assassinato, terá de agir disfarçada pelas ruas - uma oportunidade para mergulhar na profunda engenharia do crime da cidade.
Flying Saucers Over Hollywood: The 'Plan 9' Companion
Executive Producer
A documentary detailing the making of the cult favorite "Plan 9 from Outer Space," featuring interviews with cast members and prominent filmmakers about the film, its lasting legacy, and its creator, Edward D. Wood Jr.
The Secret Life of Ian Fleming
The Secret Life of Ian Fleming follows the exciting life of a dashing young Ian Fleming, the mastermind behind the highly successful James Bond books and movies.
Scandal in a Small Town
Leda Beth Vincent lives in the small town of Shiloh and works as a cocktail waitress there. She is not too well thought of as she is nothing of a blushing virgin. But she is far from a whore and brings up her daughter Julie, a high school student, as a loving responsible mother. So, when she becomes aware that Julie's very popular history teacher, Mr Baker, spreads antisemitic ideas among his pupils, Leda Beth decides to ask Mr Baker for an explanation. But she comes up against a wall. Nobody in town - Julie less than all others - wants to support her and it looks as if she will have to bring the Board of Education to court. The trouble is that a school dropout and a tramp of her kind does not count for much compared to the holders of knowledge and of morality.
Dark Tower
A partially under construction office tower is being haunted by a deadly presence which seems to target the building's architect.
Dark Tower
A partially under construction office tower is being haunted by a deadly presence which seems to target the building's architect.
Dublê de Corpo
Após flagrar a namorada com outro homem, Jake Scully (Craig Wasson) precisa encontrar um novo lugar para morar. Em sua nova casa, o jovem ator descobre uma vizinha que tira a roupa, em frente a janela, todas as noites. Jake fica cada vez mais obcecado pela misteriosa mulher e começa a investigar a sua vida, se envolvendo em uma trama perigosa.
Blood Bride
The somewhat frigid Marie falls in love with a man who, as it turns out, seems to have an unhealthy obsession with nuns. Could a childhood trauma have something to do with it?
Blood Bride
The somewhat frigid Marie falls in love with a man who, as it turns out, seems to have an unhealthy obsession with nuns. Could a childhood trauma have something to do with it?