Jacques Jouanneau

Jacques Jouanneau

Nascimento : 1926-10-03, Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France

Morte : 2011-07-19


Jacques Jouanneau


Should Not!...
le père de Constance
Bernard, an executive for a big company, tries to get home in time for his wedding but is caught in the middle of a mass suicide. He saves a sect member who then follows him like a puppy, and is chased by the sect leaders, two over-the-top crooks with bloated egos and a craving for money.
Prêcheur en eau trouble
Simon, an itinerant "new age" preacher, picks up Gael in his camper, without knowing that the young man is wanted by the police for having freed animals destined for vivisection. And, as if that wasn't enough, Charlotte, a young single mother, and Lucas, her baby, wanted by gangsters, are hiding in his vehicle.
Room Service
Viscount Louis
The countess and her son, irresponsible but sweet viscount Louis, own the castle Montverdier, which is falling apart. Fernand Castanier is the baker in the neighboring town Mussy-sur-Ploute.
A lawyer defending once successful computer programmer against her prosecuting lawyer boyfriend becomes romantically involved with his client.
Robert Pujol
Suzanne Pujol is the submissive wife of a rich industrialist who is as unpleasant with his family as with his workers. Following a strike in the company, Suzanne takes the place of her husband, who is disowned by his staff. She proves to be a woman of leadership and action, which provokes the anger of her husband and her former lover, a communist deputy...
Celles qu'on n'a pas eues
The husband of the dead
In a train compartment, 6 people who do not know each other tell the story of their troubles in love. Only one of those seems to be a positive one.
We'll Grow Thin Together
Victor is a screenwriter whose last work about the Marechal Pétain is refused by his producer. To add insult to injury, he tells Victor he is paunchy. The unfortunate man becomes obsessed by his weight. He goes out of his way to lose pounds, abetted by his wife, Corinne, who puts him on a reducing diet. He must also go to a health center where he takes exercise. Nothing really works. And one day, in a brewery, he cannot withstand his diet anymore and he has a gastronomic meal. Desperate, he tries his luck at a weight watchers reunion.
Sadsacks In the Boarding School
1978, France. Young recruits are secretly digging an underground tunnel to get to the boarding school for girls, located in front of their barracks. Sexual girls are digging a tunnel towards...
Rene the Cane
"René la Canne" was the second collaboration between Francis Girod and Ennio Morricone, coming after "Le Trio Infernal" (1974) and before "La Banquière" (1980). His film is an adaptation of a story by Roger Borniche about the gangster René Girier and relates the fantastic adventures of a flamboyant mobster (René/Gérard Depardieu) and a maverick police inspector (Fernand la Sournoise/Michel Piccoli), through the 1940s.
Folle Amanda
A former music hall singer, Amanda lives day by day while remaining optimistic. Short of money, she wants to publish her memoirs. But her ex-husband Philippe, minister-in-office, wants to dissuade her ...
Le Permis de conduire
Bastien, beau-frère de Michel
Two Big Girls in Pyjamas
A French man invites two Sweden girls to spend time with him after his wife left for vacation.
Par ici la monnaie
A group of con-artists set up their own toll road.
As Petroleiras
Duas famílias de criminosos disputam a liderança de Bougival Junction. A família de Marie comanda a cidade até aparecerem os filhos do lendário criminoso Frenchie King. Liderados por Louise, eles querem assumir o rancho que receberam de herança.
Daisy Town
Jack Dalton (voice)
Nesta engraçada aventura, que mostra o nascimento, o auge e o desaparecimento de uma cidade do Velho Oeste, o sortudo cowboy Lucky Luke vai parar na simpática Daisy Town. Ele é chamado para livrar a cidade dos bandidos que estão prestes a dominá-la. No início, tudo parecia sob controle, até que o herói se vê obrigado a enfrentar seus arquiinimigos, os irmãos Dalton, e,clogo depois, os temíveis índios.
S.O.S. homme seul
Le Misanthrope
Domicílio Conjugal
Antoine se casou com sua namorada de infância Christine, e os dois vivem uma vida aconchegante vendendo flores e dando aulas de violino enquanto Antoine trabalha no seu romance de longa data. Christine está grávida do primeiro filho do casal e Antoine inicia um romance com uma bela jovem japonesa.
Adieu Berthe
Hervé Matignon
Tin Tin e o Templo do Sol
Additional voices (voice)
Quando sete arqueólogos encontram um antigo templo Inca, tornam-se vítimas de uma antiga maldição. Uma vez de volta à Europa, caem um a um num sono profundo e apenas uma vez por dia, todos ao mesmo tempo, acordam durante alguns minutos e experimentam alucinações onde aparece a sinistra múmia viva de Rascar Capac.
Les gros malins
Paul Blanc
Asterix e Cleópatra
Assurancetourix (voice)
No Egito, Júlio César insulta Cleópatra ao dizer que sua nação está condenada a viver sob o regime de semiescravidão dos romanos. Decidida a provar que seu povo não está decadente, Cleópatra diz que construirá um magnífico palácio em Alexandria, em apenas 3 meses. Sem saber o que fazer, o engenheiro da obra decide contactar o druida Panoramix, para que ele possa ajudá-lo disponibilizando um pouco da poção mágica que dá força sobrehumana a quem a bebe.
For a Distant Love
A delicious love story has been taken place in Rio.
Asterix, o Gaulês
Assurancetourix / Caligulaminus (voice) (uncredited)
No ano 50 a.C. a Gália é ocupada pelos romanos. Mas, a pequena vila de Asterix e seus amigos ainda resiste com a ajuda de uma poção mágica, que lhes dá uma força sobre-humana. Desesperado para descobrir a poção secreta dos gauleses, um centurião romano passa a espionar a vila. O objetivo é se tornar invencível e acabar com qualquer obstáculo entre ele e o trono de César. Mas, Panoramix, o druida da vila prepara uma poção especial para ele. Nosso herói Asterix dá a ele a mistura: um tônico poderoso que faz seu cabelo crescer, crescer...
La Queue du Diable
Jérôme Lahutte
Les pieds nickelés
Un coup dans l'aile
Alfred Cocantin
Georges Franju's Judex is an arch, playful tribute to the serials of the influential silent filmmaker Louis Feuillade. Franju shuffles through the plot of Feuillade's lengthy serial of the same name, about an adventurer named Judex (Channing Pollock) whose revenge against the corrupt banker Favraux (Michel Vitold) unleashes a complicated series of schemes.
O Cabo Ardiloso
The story serves as a companion piece to Renoir's 1937 film, Grand Illusion, once more bringing together men from across the broad social spectrum of French society to depict one man's Sisyphean efforts to escape captivity in a German POW camp.
Braços Vazios
Two French paras who had lived through deadly situations in Algeria, meet again in civil life. Frapier is a newspaper reporter, and one day finds his friend Porte - surrounded by the police after a car theft, and an accidental killing of a police officer. He helps him escape, and provides shelter with the complicity of his girlfriend Vera. Later, Frapier will have doubts about Vera's love, and lives a passionate night with beautiful Arabelle. However, he finds himself playing a game of life and death both with Vera, and Porte. It will end in sadness for one, and death for another.
Witness in the City
Le loueur de voitures
Industrialist Pierre Verdier kills his mistress Jeanne Ancelin by throwing her off a train. Her husband, Ancelin, decides to take revenge on his wife's murderer, who has been acquitted by justice.
Édgar / Léon
Bobosse is increasingly immersing himself into the world of theater and experiencing his role as an actor more intensively. He plays in a piece where a man is abandoned by his wife and processes this philosophically. When his wife actually abandons him, he becomes embarrassed and plans to kill her.
Suivez-moi jeune homme
Le tombeur
Yes, Doudou (or, more respectfully, Edouard Doucin) is both heir to a big sugar refinery and its managing director but he is also an incorrigibly bashful bachelor, which just exasperates his aunt Agatha. Summoned to marry as soon as possible, Doudou is fortunate enough to meet Babette , an elegant young lady who wishes to introduce him to her parents. When he comes to visit them, he mistakes the floor out of nervousness. In fact,he finds himself at the Lautiers' not the Olivaros'. Now, chance has it that this couple of shopkeepers also have a marriageable daughter. And as Poupette is romantic, passionate and adorable, Doudou can't find the nerve to disappoint her. As a result the young man gets engaged...twice ! How the devil will he cope ?
L'amour est en jeu
Le coin tranquille
Dédé la Matraque
Crazy in the Noodle
Pierre Cousin, a depressive compositor, wants to die. After five vain attempts at committing suicide, he decides to hire professional hit men to do the job on him. But as he's waiting for death, he accidentally saves a suicidal young woman's life... and falls in love. Having suddenly found a reason to live, he now fears the killers he himself hired. Is there still time to call off his contract?
Le colonel est de la revue
Van Molpen
Paris, Palace Hotel
Le laquais de l'entrée
On Christmas Eve, Françoise, a manicurist at the Paris-Palace-Hotel, is invited to celebrate by Henri Delormel, an attractive fifty-something man. She later meets Gérard driving a Cadillac, and passes herself off as the wealthy Delormel's daughter. For his part, the young garage employee claims to own the vehicle.
Estranhas Coisas de Paris
Eugène Martin-Michaud
A delirante comédia romântica de Jean Renoir é estrelada por Ingrid Bergman em seu papel mais sensual como uma bela, mas pobre empobrecida princesa polonesa que leva homens de todas as estações a um amor desesperado.
The Three from the Filling Station
Three young men working at a filling station fall in love with the same woman.
French Cancan
Em 1890, o Cancan ainda está na moda, mas nem os shows da dançarina Lola ajudam o Café Le Paravent Chinois a sair da decadência. Henri, amante de Lola e dono do Café, tem a idéia de popularizar a dança no bairro boêmio de Montmarte. Ele conhece Nini, uma lavadeira com o dom natural da dança. Os problemas começam quando Lola fica enciumada com Nini.
Joseph Delmar
A small-town policeman is informed that "naked women" are dancing in a revue at a local variety theater. Being the guardian of public morals that he is, he decides to stroll on down there and check it out for himself.
The Scheming Women
le reporter photographe
The renowned theatre manager, Paul Rémy, is accused by his general secretary Andrieux of having killed his partner. On the advice of his wife Mona, Paul goes into hiding in a psychiatric hospital to escape from the police. But Andrieux seduces Mona who then turns against her husband.