Maria Ehrich

Maria Ehrich

Nascimento : 1993-02-26, Erfurt, Germany


Maria Ehrich (born 26 February 1993) is a German actress. She appeared in more than twenty films since 2003 including her role as Gwendolyn "Gwen" Shepard in the Ruby Red film series based on the book.


Maria Ehrich
Maria Ehrich
Maria Ehrich


Caça Invisível
Uma despedida de solteiro na floresta torna-se mortal quando cinco amigos ficam sob a mira de um caçador invisível e implacável.
Schneewittchen am See
Smilla Witte
Smilla Witte (Maria Ehrich) always dreamed of working as a cook in her parents' excursion restaurant "Schneewittchen am See". But after the sudden death of her mother, Smilla literally fled from home ten years ago. After a long time Smilla wants to spend time in her old home again. But she can't last long at home without getting into an argument with her father Heinrich (Jürgen Tarrach). Of course, as so often, this revolves around Heinrich's new wife Regina (Andrea Sawatzki). Without further ado, Smilla stays with her friend Hedi (Hanna Plaß) earlier than planned. She lives together with her brother Victor (Jochen Schropp), his husband Lorenz (Lucas Reiber) as well as two mini pigs and two chickens on the "dwarf farm".
Leaving the Frame
Camera Operator
Leaving the Frame
Leaving the Frame
Leaving the Frame
Chaos-Queens - Ehebrecher und andere Unschuldslämmer
Die Glasbläserin
Marie Steinmann
Emerald Green
Gwendolyn Shepherd
Mesmo após a confissão de amor do rapaz, Gwendolyn (Maria Ehrich) sente que Gideon (Jannis Niewöhner) a traiu ao, tecnicamente, apoiar o Conde St. Germain (Peter Simonischek). Em meio a tribulações, os viajantes do tempo embarcarão em diversos acontecimentos e aventuras, tanto no presente quanto no passado.
Twilight Over Burma
The U.S. scholarships Austrian student Inge and young mining student from Burma Sao Kya Seng fall in love. But it's only at the lavish wedding ceremony that Inge discovers her husband is the ruling prince of the Shan state of Burma. After a coup staged by the Burmese military, Sao is imprisoned. Inge does everything she can to free him. Base on the true story of Inge Sargent.
Götz von Berlichingen
Maria von Berlichingen
Sie heißt jetzt Lotte!
The deep friendship between young theater actresses Maria and her Jewish friend Lea gradually starts to break as Marias husband Hans goes from being a young adventurer to a high ranking SS officer. But on that day of the Jewish deportations in Munich, Maria comes to a momentous decision which proves what friendship really means to her. She takes on Leas child Charlotte to save her from being deported to the concentration camp, thereby risking her own life and ultimately loosing Hans. Marias story shows that in the end friendship can triumph over terror and death. The film is inspired by the childhood of Charlotte Knobloch, Vice President of the World Jewish Congress and supports our project.
Sapphire Blue
Gwendolyn Shepherd
O círculo dos doze dispõe de sua última viajante no tempo, e esta é Gwendolyn Shepherd (Maria Ehrich). Gwen agora precisa lidar com contínuas viagens ao passado, seu relacionamento com o encantador Gideon (Jannis Niewöhner) e alguns mistérios envolvendo o círculo.
Die kleine Meerjungfrau
Prinzessin Anneline
Undine rescues a prince from drowning, and leaves him unconscious on shore, where he can be found, but she has already fallen in love with him. Unable to enjoy life below the waves, the mermaid makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. The mermaid must also give her voice as payment. And her humanity is only conditional: if she can make the prince fall in love with her and marry her, she can gain a share in his soul and be truly human, but if he marries another, she will die at the next sunrise. It turns out that the witch only made her believe she would die if the prince married another as a Secret Test of Character: by refusing to kill the prince even to save her own life, she proves that she already has a soul. So she remains human, gets her voice back, and sets out to explore the world.
Ruby Red
Gwendolyn Shepherd
Gwendolyn Shepherd is a normal 16-year-old, but her family holds a secret: A time-travel gene is expressed in the clan inherited, but not every member of the family is blessed with. Everyone is certain that Gwen's cousin Charlotte has the gene. However, someday Gwendolyn suddenly finds herself in London at the end of the 19th century and realizes that it is her, who was born a time traveler. While she is not very enthusiastic about it, she will do everything possible to solve the ancient mysteries of the red ruby.
Für Elise
15-year-old Elise is longing for a happy family life, but her mother Betty is weak and egocentric. She drowns her problems in alcohol. Everything seems to turn out good when they meet Ludwig. But he does not fall in love with Betty, he loves Elise.
Ausgerechnet Sex!
Viola Hausmann
Rock It!
Julia, de quinze anos, uma pianista extraordinária. Num campamento de música ela descobre a música rock e aos músicos. Ela deberá emcontrar seu próprio caminho entre a música clássica e o rock.
Ein Date fürs Leben
Paula Schubert
Die Frau vom Checkpoint Charlie
Silvia Bender
Based on a true story, Miguel Alexandre's two-part drama focuses on an East German woman and the fight for her children. Spring 1982: Sara Bender, living with her daughters Silvia and Sabine in the East German town of Erfurt, wants to marry her colleague Peter, but shortly before the wedding, her father is killed in a road accident. As the funeral takes place in West Germany, she isn't allowed to got there, so she starts planning to leave her communist home country forever. Trying to flee via Romania, she is caught by the secret service. After years in jail, Sara is ransomed by the West German government, but without her daughters. To draw the world's attention on her desperate situation, she starts demonstrating at the Berlin border crossing Checkpoint Charlie
Rudy - O Porquinho Corredor
O garoto Nickel e seu pai, Thomas, vivem muito bem juntos. Então, Nickel sai para uma excursão com a escola e, na volta, traz na sua bagagem o porquinho Rudy. Ao chegar em casa, ele faz uma terrível descoberta: seu pai tem uma namorada! O pior, ela já se mudou para sua casa e trouxe junto a filha, Felicitas. Nickel faz um acordo com seu pai: se as duas ficarem, o porquinho também fica. Quando a vida torna-se insuportável para Nickel, ele foge com Rudy para "Portland", seguido por Feli e perseguido por dois trapaceiros idiotas.
Eine Mutter für Anna
Anna Berger
Klaus Berger is a committed journalist who reports to the local department of the Erfurt daily newspaper. Since the death of his wife, Klaus alone is taking care of his eleven-year-old daughter Anna, so that he has his hands full with his job and child care. He does not have enough time for Anna. A woman who could take something away from him is missing in his life. But when Klaus falls in love with the attractive lawyer Judith Wagner, there is a not small problem: Anna can not stand the self-confident lawyer. The tide turns when the two "women" come closer thanks to their shared passion for sailing.
Meu Irmão Virou Um Cachorro
O que Marietta, uma garota de 10 anos, mais quer de presente de aniversário é um filhote de cachorro. Mas o que ela ganha no lugar? Uma estúpida e velha pedra. Mas esta pedra é especial: ela realiza os maiores desejos de seu dono. Numa manhã, Marietta acorda e encontra um filhote de cachorro esperando para brincar com ela. . Mas quando ela percebe que seu irmão de 4 anos, Tobias, sumiu, é que dá conta que ele foi trasnformado no cachorro! Com seus pais fora e a avó obcecada demais com a limpeza para perceber que algo está errado, Marietta começa a sentir-se solitária e faz de tudo para transformar Toby , o cão em Tobias , o menino, novamente. Mas Tobias aparentemente gosta de ser um cachorro, especialmente após uma equipe de filmagem descobrir seus talentos especiais e oferecem um super papel em uma produção.