"Horror" film about the harsh lives of the children living in an outwardly prosperous orphanage. When a young boy dies during a clandestine mutual drug-taking session, his accomplices unsuccessfully try to hide his corpse to evade punishment, and then the orphanage management tries to hush up the whole affair to keep up appearances.
At the beginning of the 1941 war, a young talented artist Igor and his theater were evacuated to Tashkent. Here he meets music teacher Olga, who is seriously ill with malaria. Igor understands that only treatment in the capital will save the girl. But they are allowed into Moscow only on special passes. And then Igor almost by force drags Olga to the registry office. Feeling responsible for the girl, Igor begins to patronize her more and more...
A good girl, Luda, under the patronage of her father, works in a trade mission and studies in absentia at the Faculty of Economics of a Siberian university.
A group of people setting out to find a previously assumed land and upon reaching it, not knowing how to deal with the customs of the place, have to deal with all the consequences.