Linda Kuk


Fervura Máxima
Em Hong Kong, Yuen (Chow Yun-Fat), um inspetor de polícia que é normalmente conhecido como Tequila, fica transtornado quando seu parceiro morre em um tiroteio com gângsters em uma casa de chá. Tequila então se une a Alan, um assassino profissional, para vingar o amigo e impedir que esta quadrilha mate gente inocente.
Now You See Love... Now You Don't
This is a screwball-comedy in Hong Kong style. Chow Yun Fat plays the spoiled village hetman of a tiny village in Hong Kong. The plot revolves around his love interest who has run off to work in downtown Hong Kong and many culture clashes between the peasants and urban life are highlighted.
Rajadas de Fogo
Sob a proteção de um experiente criminoso, três órfãos se tornam sofisticados ladrões internacionais. Anos mais tarde, escalados pelo pai adotivo para roubar um valioso quadro, eles executam o trabalho com perfeição, mas acabam vítimas de uma trapaça. Chegou a hora de combinarem seus talentos, para realizarem o mais ousado plano de suas carreiras: dar o troco em quem os traiu, roubando de volta o tal quadro para deixar claro quem são os melhores profissionais do métier.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World II
After losing their lottery winnings during the bank's closure, the Biu family's luck changes again as Bill's job promotion and daughters' education and work careers sent them and the entire family to lead their new lives in Canada, where new misadventures await.
Consulting Producer
Chik (Philip Chan), Lucky (Michael Wong), Chi-to (Waise Lee), and his ex-girlfriend Ngao (Carrie Ng) who he is still sweet on but is married to Lucky now, are aiming to make a score on a deal with a Taiwan triad when things take a turn for the BLOODY because Chi-to's cousin, who arranged the deal, set them up.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World
Bill, a TV news reporter, tries to make ends meet to support himself, his wife and three daughters in urban Hong Kong. In the mist of the misadventures of Bill and his family, their luck and lives ultimately change when Bill's wife suddenly wins the lottery.
Sede de Vingança
Traído por um amigo, rapaz é condenado à prisão por crime que não cometeu. Uma vez solto, ele descobre que seu ex-amigo é agora um poderoso chefão da máfia e, mesmo assim, resolve partir em busca de vingança.
Production Manager
Liu and Keung are competent constables and good partners. But Keung is fired just because of a minor mistake. Gradually falling into a financial crisis, Keung is forced to commit crimes. Liu wants to help but he himself is trapped and has to face internal investigations. As his young brother Raymond is assigned to arrest Keung's gang, Liu is put in a dilemma. Finally, Keung promises Liu he'll give himself up. But the gang won't let them stay alive for long.