Heike Makatsch

Heike Makatsch

Nascimento : 1971-08-13, Düsseldorf, Germany


Heike Makatsch é uma atriz e cantora alemã conhecida por seus papéis nos filmes Resident Evil (2002), Love Actually (2003) e The Book Thief (2013).


Heike Makatsch
Heike Makatsch
Heike Makatsch


Zero - Sie wissen, was Du tust
Cynthia Bonsant
Berlin in the near future: A secret meeting takes place between a board member of the dominant internet company "Freemee" and members of the government. Camera drones film it unauthorized and document the events live on the Internet. The anonymous net activist group "Zero" is publicly committed to the media attack. Online journalist Cynthia Bonsant, widow and single mother, has been asked to do background research on "Zero" by the head of the online magazine "Daily". The group is classified as a terrorist organization, but according to their own statements they fight the excessive influence on the population through the so-called "Act App", which contoles the lives of users. When a friend of Cynthia's 17-year-old daughter Viola is shot dead in a hunt for a criminal, "Zero" contacts her and tries to recruit her for their own purposes. In the meantime, Cynthia has bad suspicions during her research, because soon a new version of the app will be released that will change everything.
Deus, como você é babaca!
Eva Pape
Na Alemanha, uma garota jovem é diagnosticada com um câncer logo após terminar o ensino médio. Para não passar os dias que lhe restam num hospital, ela decide aproveitar o tempo numa aventura com um companheiro inesperado de viagem.
9 Dias Acordado
Liane Stehfest
Eric com 14 anos usa sua primeira metanfetamina. Cresceu com sua mãe Liane e seu amigo Tilo em uma pequena cidade. Suas noites passa sempre nas baladas. Ele está roubando e brigando. Ele está sendo julgado pelo menos uma vez por ano - até conhecer Anja. Ele quer ficar limpo com ela e os dois vão juntos para Berlim. Lá, Eric começa a estudar teatro e parece estar controlando sua vida. Mas então Anja quebra seu coração.
Zielfahnder: Blutiger Tango
Gisela Tezloff
LKA-Zielfahnderin Hanna Landauer and her new colleague Röwer travel to Montevideo to provide the couple Tezlaff. It once kidnapped an industrialist and extorted 10 million ransom. The money has since disappeared.
I've Never Been to New York
Lisa Wartberg
In the life of TV presenter Lisa, everything revolves around her talk show, celebrities and the ratings. There is just as little room for love as there is for her mother Maria. When the 66-year-old loses her memory after a fall in her apartment and wakes up in the hospital, she can only remember that she has never been to New York and sets off immediately. Lisa goes in search of Maria with her makeup artist Fred. She struck gold on a cruise ship that was just leaving for New York. As stowaways, the three have no choice but to earn the passage. While Fred is hired as an assistant by the Greek on-board magician Costa, Lisa and Maria have to work in room service. The crossing soon takes surprising turns for mother and daughter: Maria falls in love with the charming dancer Otto, who supposedly knows her from before, and Lisa takes a liking to the widowed statistician Axel Staudach, who is traveling with his son Florian.
Benjamin o Elefante
Zora Zack
Benjamim é um elefante bonacheirão que vive feliz num jardim zoológico. Tem amigos de todas as espécies, mas o seu preferido é Otto, um rapaz de dez anos que o vem visitar sempre que pode. Tudo seria perfeito não fosse a pouco escrupulosa e gananciosa Zora Zack, que está determinada a fazer grandes mudanças no zoo. Sob o pretexto de fazer melhoramentos, tem um plano que pode arruinar a vida de todos os que ali vivem: construir um condomínio de luxo que promete render-lhe milhões de dólares.
São poucas as estrelas icônicas do futebol que são constantemente admiradas em todo o mundo por sua arte em manusear a bola e controlar o jogo, conquistando basicamente todos os títulos relevantes. Há alguns jogadores assim em cada geração e Toni Kroos é um deles. O documentário KROOS, produzido pelo vencedor do Emmy Award Leopold Hoesch, acompanha Toni desde a pequena cidade de Greifswald, no leste da Alemanha, até o Real Madrid, capital mundial do futebol. O filme fornece imagens inéditas da vida desse excepcional atleta e realmente especial indivíduo. Vemos Kroos e seus times conquistando basicamente todos os possíveis títulos de futebol várias vezes, incluindo quatro vezes a Liga dos Campeões da UEFA, a Copa do Mundo da FIFA, La Liga (Primera División da Liga de Fútbol Profesional), Copa Del Rey (La Copa) e Die Bundesliga (Liga Federal de Futebol da Alemanha).
A Garota Mais Linda do Mundo
Frau Reimann
17-year-old Cyril is funny, smart and an all-round good guy. Just his somewhat overlarge nose spoils the picture. On a school trip to Berlin with Roxy, a stunning new classmate, Cyril is not the only one taken with her. Benno, the class Casanova has his eye on the girl too and makes a nasty wager. Roxy is more interested in the introverted Rick, who is not only shy but also slow. Cyril hastens with his spoken word skills to Rick's aid, and falls head over heels in love with Roxy himself. So whose brave heart will win the fair lady?
Das Pubertier - Der Film
Sara Wenger
Strange Daughter
Seventeen-year-old Lena meets 19-year-old Farid, a young Muslim. She has a clear-cut attitude towards his culture and religion: utter rejection. Despite their differences – or perhaps because of them – they fall in love.
The Pasta Detectives 3
O velho Fitzke morreu e deixou para Rico sua amada coleção de pedras. Rico e Oskar descobrem que a pedra mais valiosa da coleção foi roubada e seus instintos de detetive são imediatamente despertados! Por sorte, a mãe de Rico acabou de voar para o Sri Lanka, então os dois meninos espertos seguem a pedra roubada até o Mar Báltico.
Zweimal zweites Leben
Ännie Borchert
About a Girl
Charleen is 15, melodramatic, mega depressed, and Kurt Cobain’s biggest fan. Her best friend Isa is getting really boring, her dad is out of the picture, and her mom has hooked up with her biology teacher. Even though she has an apprenticeship preparing bodies for funerals, which is pretty cool, her musical idols are all dead. It’s about time Charleen was, too.
Everything is Love
Follows the lives of different couples in dealing with their love lives in various loosely interrelated tales all set during a frantic few days before Christmas in Frankfurt, Germany.
Wir machen durch bis morgen früh
Melanie Struttmann
Ali misses the lavish party nights in Hamburg's Kiez: Ms. Melanie, Baby Bobby and the family's tile company have been his everyday life since he became a father. How can he make it clear to the young mother that there is still life next to the baby? Melanie can be persuaded to a wellness weekend with the friends, but only if Ali takes his father's role seriously.
A Menina que Roubava Livros
Liesel's mother
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, uma jovem garota chamada Liesel Meminger (Sophie Nélisse) sobrevive fora de Munique através dos livros que ela rouba. Ajudada por seu pai adotivo (Geoffrey Rush), ela aprende a ler e partilhar livros com seus amigos, incluindo um homem judeu (Ben Schnetzer) que vive na clandestinidade em sua casa. Enquanto não está lendo ou estudando, ela realiza algumas tarefas para a mãe (Emily Watson) e brinca com a amigo Rudy (Nico Liersch).
Back on Track
Birgit Averhoff
A former Olympic champion wants to compete in the Berlin Marathon one last time.
The Adventures of Huck Finn
Tante Polly
Huckleberry Finn, a rambunctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.
Laura Eichhorn
A young couple moves to a gated community (named Sechzehneichen), where soon the creative wife (a photographer) gets bored and the husband joins a secret mens' club. All the other wives seem strangely conservative and shallow. Basically a thinly veiled take on the Stepford Wives, just without any bit of humor or atmosphere, but instead filled with the sterile, unflinching and dry seriousness that makes watching a lot of our German films such a drag and a miserable experience.
Katarina Endriss
August Staudenmeyer returns after thirty years absence as a wealthy man in his hometown Gerbersau. First, the successful businessman is received with open arms. But when he stands up for the outlawed widow Katharina Entriss, he gets sidelined. August realizes that the narrow-mindedness of the Gerbersauer has by no means changed. Richer for an experience and a love, he leaves home a second time.
Tom Sawyer
Tante Polly
Tom Sawyer has a head full of pranks and drives when he invents is not just a new adventure, preferably around with his best buddy Huck Finn - much to the chagrin of his Aunt Polly with Tom and his half-brother Sid in the town of St. Petersburg on the Mississippi river.
A Porta
David vive atormentado desde que sua pequena filha caiu na piscina e ele não conseguiu salvá-la. Agora, surge a oportunidade de voltar no tempo e evitar a tragédia para manter a menina viva, mas as coisas não saem como se esperava.
Dr. Hope
Hope Bridges Adams
Historical Bio-Pic, based on the life of Hope Bridges Adams-Lehmann, being the first female physician and member of womens-lib movement in Germany at the end of 19th century.
Hildegard Knef
A biography of Hildegard Knef, one of Germany's biggest post-war stars.
Schade um das schöne Geld
Mirabel Blinker
In einem kleinen Dorf an der Küste, wo sich Robbe und Hering Gute Nacht sagen, geht alles seinen friesischen Gang: Der Himmel hängt tief, die Träume hoch, und das Leben schippert irgendwo dazwischen. Bis die örtliche Tippgemeinschaft den 50 Millionen-Jackpot im Lotto knackt. Genug Geld für alle, sollte man meinen. Doch weit gefehlt! Es beginnt das große Hauen und Stechen um die Beute: zwischen der alleinerziehenden und trickreichen Schichtarbeiterin Mirabel, dem Fischfabrikanten Klaas Jonkers, dem Bademeister und der Surflegende Menno, Mennos Freundin Gloria, dem Busfahrer Bruno, Mirabels Brüdern Jimmy und Piet, dem Bürgermeister Zotebier und dem Lottoladen-Chef Arie Tammen. Raffiniert weiß die kluge Mirabel ihre Gewinnteilhaber zu überlisten und sich ihr Stück vom Glück zu sichern. Doch auch ihre Brüder verschaffen sich, ebenso planlos wie effektiv, ihren Platz an der Sonne – in einem friesisch-herben Showdown.
Mrs. Ratcliffe's Revolution
Frau Unger
Based on a true story, Mrs. Ratcliffe's Revolution is the tale of a family from Bingley in Yorkshire, who defect to East Germany. Here they find a nightmare of rationing, censorship and the most spied upon people in history rather than the Marxist utopia they were expecting. But if they thought getting in was difficult wait until they try to get out.
Hui Buh, um Fantasma Atrapalhado
Leonora Gräfin zu Etepetete
Estamos em 1399. Em uma sexta-feira 13. Baldovino, durante uma disputa com seus adversários, é atingido por um raio. Deste dia em diante ele é obrigado a viver como um fantasma no castelo onde sempre habitou. Muitos séculos depois, o castelo é herdado pelo Rei Julius, que impõe mudanças que vão bagunçar a rotina de Baldovino. Ele feliz e não sabia.
Margarete Steiff
Margarete Steiff
Based on the life of German toymaker Margarete Steiff, the movie shows her long way from a 10-year-old girl, confined to a wheelchair, to one of the first and most successful creators of toy stuffed animals.
Keine Lieder über Liebe
As Tobias, a young director, supposes that his girl-friend Ellen had an affair with his brother Markus, front man of "Hansen", one year ago, he decides to shoot a documentary about the band's next tour. When Ellen joins the project, everybody's emotions boil over, although they are observed all the time.
Almost Heaven - Ein Cowgirl auf Jamaika
Helen Schuster
O Som do Trovão
Alicia Wallenbeck
Um novo esporte é uma febre entre ricos executivos: viajar no tempo para caçar dinossauros. Trata-se de um esporte caro, que envolve milhões e que possui uma regra básica: o passado jamais deve ser violado. Desta forma é proibido trazer do passado qualquer objeto ou animal, esteja ele vivo ou morto, já que isto pode gerar uma série de reações que modifique drasticamente o presente. Até que um acidente misterioso faz com que Travis Ryan, líder de um grupo, precise retornar ao passado para devolver a ordem das coisas ao seu lugar.
Vidas Trocadas
Duas mulheres trocam de casa durante o verão e aprendem muito vivendo uma no mundo da outra. Ria vive em Dublin com os seus dois filhos e o marido, mas certo dia ele decide sair de casa e ir morar com a namorada já grávida. Marilyn, de Nova Inglaterra, perdeu o filho e acabou por se separar do marido. Por acaso, elas conversam pelo telefone e decidem trocar de casa durante o verão. Elas vão aprender muito vivendo uma no mundo da outra...
Familie auf Bestellung
Anatomia 2
Um estudante de medicina é aceito numa conceituada instituição. Lá, passa a integrar a equipe que desenvolveu um procedimento para aumentar a capacidade física dos pacientes. Mas por trás de tudo isso, há um obscuro segredo.
Das Wunder von Lengede
Renate Reger
O Amor Acontece
O amor paira em Londres. Há um casal que se casa. Há um padrinho de casamento que se apaixona. Há um viúvo que tenta ajudar o enteado a expressar os seus sentimentos por uma rapariga. Uma mãe devota que procura o amor que já não existe. Há amores secretos e outros nem tanto. Em plena quadra natalícia, oito casais têm de lidar com o amor.
Nackt is the story of three couples, one of which just broke up, one that seems to be about to and one perfectly okay. They are all friends and from time to time they gather to talk about everything.One time they gather for dinner at the second couple's "mansion" - the husband became rich with his business. We see each couple as they prepare themselves for the party and learn a lot about their relationships.At the dinner they get to talking about recognizing each other's peer with closed eyes and decide to try it (thus the title "Nackt"=naked in German).
Resident Evil: O Hóspede Maldito
Dr. Lisa Addison
Uma equipe de comando militar composta por civis deve lutar contra mortos-vivos carnívoros, cães mutantes e defesas mortíferas de um super computador, antes que um vírus solto consuma a humanidade, nesta adaptação do sucesso da série de vídeo-games!
Nachts im Park
Katharina Lumis
Late Night Shopping
Four friends Sean, Vincent, Lenny and Jody find themselves at something of a deadend. Trapped in a twilight world of permanent night shift work, they hang out together in the local cafe, drinking coffee and entertaining themselves by observing Vincent's unwavering success in pulling women. There seems to be little prospect of change...until Vincent accidently sleeps with Sean's girlfriend.
A Goddamn Job
Katinka Sirena
Gripsholm - Tempo de Amar
Kurt and Lydia are planning a relaxed vacation at the Gripsholm castle in Sweden . What Lydia does not know is that for Kurt, a well-known publicist, the journey is actually a flight from encroaching fascism and a direct threat from the Nazis.
The Announcement
A film about friendship and familiarity masking major secrets. When protagonists Beth and Ross gather all of their best friends together for an unruly drink and drug-fuelled party, the event is like many such evenings. That is, until Beth and Ross make an announcement. They tell those assembled that they have secretly married. The impact is not as simple as they had expected. We then track the events of the evening as the news affects each person in turn. Instead of the absolute approval Ross and Beth had hoped for, the news throws a harsh spotlight on everyone's relationship and notions of marriage. The film explores the confused attitudes of a generation whose model of love and romance is complex and demanding. The evening degenerates into a rash of revelations and discoveries about all of the friends, but most dramatically it unravels Ross and Beth's relationship in a way neither of them could have foreseen. This is no fairytale
Queen Charlotte
No século 18, depois de muitos desastres marítimos devido a erros de navegação por não conseguirem determinar a Longitude, o Parlamento Britânico estabeleceu um prêmio substancial para quem encontrasse uma solução. A história principal do filme é a do artesão John Harrison que construiu um relógio que faria o trabalho, o que agora chamaríamos de cronômetro marinho. Mas o Conselho de Longitude foi tendencioso contra essa solução e alegou que o prêmio não era uma questão tão simples. Em paralelo é contada a história do século 20 de Rupert Gould, para quem restaurar o funcionamento normal dos relógios de Harrison tornou-se primeiro um hobby e depois uma obsessão, o que ameaçava destruir sua vida. Duas versões de duração: - 200 min = USA - 250 min = Em 2 partes
Tails You Win, Heads You Lose
Two beautiful young women kill men in a villa in Tuscany: Maya and Cora have been friends since childhood. Maya has an alcoholic artist father who deserted the family, a mentally disturbed mother and a violent brother, Carlo. Cora is from a wealthy middle-class family. Cora helps Maya to poison Carlo's friend Detlef, who is threatening to blackmail her. They then kill Carlo when he tries to rape Cora. Cora's family takes Maya in, and a happy time begins for her, particularly when they spend the summer in Italy.
Männer und andere Katastrophen
Judith Kern
The somewhat awkward student Judith is pursued by bankruptcies, bad luck and mishaps. The failed baby sitting with her sister Rebecca ends with a ruined apartment and the destroyed paintings of her father. In addition, she also loses her job and her friend Holger. In this chaos, she does not notice that the charming neighbor Leo is madly in love with her. But Leo proves to be a true guardian angel and brings a desperate Judith a fairytale surprise. - Heike Makatsch and Dominic Raacke play the leading roles in this enchanting and sensitive love comedy about a modern Cinderella.
Aimée & Jaguar
Em plena Segunda Guerra, a judia Felice Schragenheim resolve permancer em Berlim, mesmo havendo o perigo de ser capturada a qualquer momento pelos soldados nazistas. Tudo por causa de seu grande amor, Lilly Wust.
Das Gelbe vom Ei
Floris Blinker
Dort, wo unsere Geschichte spielt, wissen nur die Hühner, was Stress bedeutet. Ansonsten geht es auf dem Lande ruhig zu, und so ist es kein Wunder, dass die jährliche “Hengst-Auktion” den Höhepunkt des kulturellen Lebens bildet – eine Veranstaltung, bei der die meistbietenden Damen ein Rendezvous mit den ansehnlichsten Jungbauern ersteigern können.
Love Your Female Neighbor!
Two young and attractive social workers/nuns bring fresh air into a city missionary station, but are also challenged by lust and money, offered by a millionaire.
Am I Beautiful?
German people having trouble with love and identity.
Miriam Auerbach
Two men become entangled in a torrid love affair with the same woman. Pierre is Miriam's longtime lover. John is desperately searching for clues about his past when he and Miriam have a fateful encounter in a Berlin train station. The allure of forbidden love becomes irresistible, and an intense love triangle is ignited. Who will Miriam choose? Who will walk away? For two men who desperately adore the same woman and for the woman who loves them equally...there is no easy way out.
Maren Krummsieg
Ein Förderprogramm bringt die beiden Kanckis Gerd und Steinbock in die Obhut von Frauen. Dort sollen sie beweisen, dass sie in der Lage sind sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Nun bringt Gerd dummerweise einen Barbesitzer um. Damit hat der Ausflug in die Freiheit vorlaeufig ein Ende.