Director of Photography
Os animais moradores da Granja do Solar, cansados dos maus tratos rotineiros, se rebelam contra o dono do local, o beberrão Sr. Jones. Após o expulsarem, os bichos se organizam e instauram novas regras, formando uma comunidade democrática, livre do domínio dos humanos. Os inteligentes porcos, no entanto, logo tratam de impor suas idéias e um novo reinado do terror ganha forma.
Camera Operator
A BAFTA award nominated animation looking at the development of oil prospecting techniques since the 19th century.
Camera Operator
A BAFTA award nominated film made for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company charting the history of aviation from Daedalus to jets.
Camera Operator
A BAFTA award nominated animation tracing the development of the motor car from the original horseless carriage common in the late 19th century to the 1950s streamlined, massed produced, designs.
A poem of unrequited love: the studio's first puppet production. Based on a poem by Cosbie Garstin, the film tells the story of a carved wooden saint who is painted to look like a soldier and used as a figurehead on a sailing ship. The ship sinks and the figurehead is saved by a beautiful mermaid who falls in love with him. Her love is not returned because despite his dashing looks he has the wooden heart of a saint.