Edward Anhalt

Edward Anhalt

Nascimento : 1914-03-28,

Morte : 2000-09-03


Edward Anhalt


The Take
An ex-Miami cop just back from prison for corruption gets caught up in the Florida drug trade.
O Documento Holcroft
A man who was a confidant of Adolf Hitler dies and leaves a fortune to make amends for his Nazi past—but his son has to search the world to find it.
Os Eleitos: Onde o Futuro Começa
Grand Designer
O livro de Tom Wolfe que conta a história do programa espacial norte-americano foi escrito como um romance, e o filme tem a mesma qualidade ficcional. Ele cobre desde a quebra da barreira do som por Chuck Yeager até aos astronautas da Mercury 7, mostrando que ninguém tinha a menor ideia de como executar um programa espacial ou como selecionar as pessoas para participarem. Os sete eleitos são Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Gordon Cooper, Gus Grissom, Scott Carpenter, Wally Schirra e Deke Slayton. Emocionante, engraçado, charmoso e eletrizante ao mesmo tempo.
Green Ice
He wanted adventure...She craved revenge...Emeralds held the answer.
Madame X
Thrown out of her home by a jealous husband, a woman sinks into degradation. Twenty years later, she is charged with killing a man bent on harming her daughter. The daughter, unaware of who the woman is, takes the assignment to defend her in court.
Madame X
Thrown out of her home by a jealous husband, a woman sinks into degradation. Twenty years later, she is charged with killing a man bent on harming her daughter. The daughter, unaware of who the woman is, takes the assignment to defend her in court.
The Day Christ Died
A dramatization of the events from the Last Supper through the arrest and trial of Jesus to the Crucifixion.
Fuga para Athena
During the World War II, the prisoners of a German camp in a Greek island are trying to escape. They not only want their freedom, but also seek an ineffable treasure hidden in a monastery at the summit of the island's mountain.
Contrato Para Matar
A policeman devises an unorthodox plan for bringing criminals to justice after his partner is brutally gunned down.
Nowhere to Hide
A special unit of the U.S. Marshal's Service is assigned to protect a syndicate hitman who is to testify against his former bosses, who have put out a contract on his life.
Nowhere to Hide
A special unit of the U.S. Marshal's Service is assigned to protect a syndicate hitman who is to testify against his former bosses, who have put out a contract on his life.
Nowhere to Hide
Alberto Amarici
A special unit of the U.S. Marshal's Service is assigned to protect a syndicate hitman who is to testify against his former bosses, who have put out a contract on his life.
Tail Gunner Joe
Sen. Herbert Lehman
Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin accuses prominent people of Communist sympathies in order to give him a national power base when he later planned to run for President.
The Man in the Glass Booth
Arthur Goldman is a rich Jewish industrialist, living in luxury in a Manhattan high-rise. He banters with his assistant Charlie, often shocking Charlie with his outrageousness and irreverence about aspects of Jewish life. Nonetheless, Charlie is astonished when, one day, Israeli secret agents burst in and arrest Goldman for being not a Jewish businessman but a Nazi war criminal. Whisked to Israel for trial, Goldman forces his accusers to face not only his presumed guilt--but their own.
One sixteenth-century clergyman's view breaks the Catholic Church apart.
Mais Forte que a Vingança
Jeremiah Johnson é um homem da montanha que quer viver a vida de um eremita e se torna a contragosto objeto de uma longa e interminável vingança dos índios. Acaba se revelando um verdadeiro desafio para os guerreiros no combate mano-a-mano lá na distante fronteira do noroeste.
The Salzburg Connection
An American lawyer on vacation in Europe is asked by a book publisher to stop by the Austrian town of Salzburg to see a photographer who's taking pictures for a book on picturesque Austrian lakes. Upon his arrival he senses that something is wrong when the photographer seems to have vanished, leaving a near panic-stricken wife and a sinister, secretive brother. Before he knows it, the lawyer finds himself mixed up with spies, assassins, and the hunt for a list made up by the Nazis during World War II of people who collaborated with them.
A Louca de Chaillot
An eccentric Parisian woman's optimistic perception of life begins to sound more rational than the rather traditional beliefs of others.
O Homem Que Odiava as Mulheres
Por que 13 mulheres voluntariamente abrem suas portas para o Estrangulador de Boston? Boston está sendo atacada por um serial-killer que já matou 13 mulheres. Até que a polícia captura Albert DeSalvo (Tony Curtis), um encanador que por não lembrar dos acontecimentos, dificulta as investigações da polícia. Baseado em fatos reais.
In Enemy Country
Wartime secret agents are on a mission to destroy a deadly new type of torpedo, hidden in a Nazi stronghold in France.
A Hora da Pistola
As armas não sossegam por muito tempo quando os justiceiros Wyatt Earp e Doc Holliday enfrentam foras-da-lei no velho Oeste. James Garner (Maverick) e Jason Robards * (ganhador do Oscar®, Todos os Homens do Presidente) são os lendários pistoleiros desta eletrizante história baseada em fatos, considerada "o mais próximo que alguém já chegou de contar a verdadeira história do tiroteio de OK Corral" (segundo o L.A. Herald-Examiner). A poeira nem teve tempo de baixar em OK Corral, e os famosos irmãos Clanton estão em busca de vingança. Um a um, eles matam os irmãos de Wyatt Earp - mas não darão o último tiro desta história. Com a autoridade da sua estrela de xerife e Doc Holliday (Robards) como braço direito, Earp (Garner) prepara o ato de vingança que o Oeste nunca mais vai esquecer.
Boeing Boeing
Bernard Lawrence (Tony Curtis) é um jornalista americano que vive em Paris. Ele elaborou um esquema no qual mantém três aeromoças da Lufthansa, Air France e British United como noivas simultaneamente. Tudo funciona muito bem por um longo perí­odo, mas a chegada de jatos mais modernos altera o horário dos vôos fazendo as três estarem em Paris ao mesmo tempo. Para piorar a situação, Robert Reed (Jerry Lewis), um outro jornalista com quem Bernard tinha se desentendido, chega na cidade. Esta confusão tem de ser controlada por Bertha (Thelma Ritter), a empregada de Bernard, que conhece as armações do patrão.
O Mundo Marcha Para o Fim
A US government germ warfare lab has had an accident. The first theory is that one of the germs has been released and killed several scientists. The big fear is that a more virulent strain, named The Satan Bug because all life can be killed off by it should it escape, may have been stolen.
O Arcebisto de Canterbury (Felix Aylmer), grande opositor do Estado inglês, morre, e o Rei Henrique II nomeia um seu antigo amigo de festas para o cargo tentando evitar qualquer tipo de oposição. Mas o que Henrique II não contava era que Becket, seu antigo amigo, fosse ser mais rígido que qualquer outro antecessor. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Wives and Lovers
Husband and wife Bill (Van Johnson) and Bertie Austin (Janet Leigh) and their daughter live in a low-rent apartment. He's a struggling writer, at least until agent Lucinda Ford breaks the news that she's sold his book to a publisher, including the rights to turn it into a Broadway play. A new house in Connecticut is the first way to celebrate. But during the long hours Bill is away working on the play, Bertie befriends hard-drinking neighbor Fran Cabrell and her boyfriend Wylie, who plant seeds of suspicion in Bertie's mind that Bill and his beautiful agent might be more than just business partners. Bertie jealously retaliates by flirting with Gar Aldrich, an actor who will be in her husband's play. Bill goes to Connecticut for a heart-to-heart talk, finds Gar there and punches him.
A Girl Named Tamiko
A photographer based in Tokyo, who's in love with local beauty Tamiko, begins to court an embassy official so she can help him gain entry into the United States.
Garotas! Garotas! Garotas!
O guia de pesca Ross Carpenter (Elvis Presley) tem duas paixões... o mar e Garotas! Garotas! Garotas! Sonhando em ter seu próprio barco algum dia, o carismático pescador trabalha também como cantor de um hotel para ganhar dinheiro. No placo ele atrai a atenção de todos e os olhares de mais de uma garota. Dividido entre a festiva atração principal da boate (Stella Stevens) e a charmosa socialite, que posa de moça trabalhadora (Laurel Goodwin), Ross tem que decidir qual será a garota de sorte que vai fazer seu coração cantar.
Juventude Selvagem
Um menino cego porto-riquenho é assassinado por uma gang de adolescentes na Itália. Do grupo, três jovens são pegos e vão à júri, onde são acusados intensamente pelo promotor. O advogado resolve então investigar mais profundamente o caso e acaba descobrindo que a história não era como ele pensava. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Um Raio em Céu Sereno
Enquanto o regime nazista subjuga as nações europeias, no Congo Belga, a Dra. Rachel Cade tenta curar a população local. O coronel Derode se apaixona por ela, mas um jovem piloto americano ferido atrapalha seus planos.
The Restless Years
A pretty, sheltered teenager falls for a boy from the wrong side of town.
In Love and War
Three Marines take shore leave in San Francisco during World War II. Frankie O'Neill visits his lower-class dysfunctional family; Nico Kantaylis visits his pregnant fiancée; and the upper-class Alan Newcombe visits his high-living playgirl girlfriend. Each must decide whether to make the best of his situation or break out of it. O'Neill drowns his troubles in alcohol, losing the respect of a potential lover; Kantaylis marries his fiancée, but realizes he may not survive the war to see his child; while Newcombe sheds his decadent girlfriend for a pure-hearted Hawaiian nurse. Later, in battle, a heroic act costs one of the Marines his life.
Os Deuses Vencidos
O destino de três soldados durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O oficial alemão Christian Diestl aprova cada vez menos a guerra. O judeu-americano Noah Ackerman lida com o anti-semitismo em casa e no exército. E o entertainer Michael Whiteacre se transforma de Playboy em Herói.
Orgulho e Paixão
Durante as Guerras Napoleônicas, quando os franceses ocuparam a Espanha, alguns guerrilheiros espanhóis vão mover um grande canhão pela Espanha para ajudar os britânicos a derrotar os franceses. Um oficial britânico está lá para acompanhar os espanhóis e ao longo do caminho, ele se apaixona pela garota do líder.
Não Serás um Estranho
Lucas Marsh, an intern bent upon becoming a first-class doctor, not merely a successful one. He courts and marries the warm-hearted Kristina, not out of love but because she is highly knowledgeable in the skills of the operating room and because she has frugally put aside her savings through the years. She will be, as he shrewdly knows, a supportive wife in every way. She helps make him the success he wants to be and cheerfully moves with him to the small town in which he starts his practice. But as much as he tries to be a good husband to the undemanding Kristina, Marsh easily falls into the arms of a local siren and the patience of the long-sorrowing Kristina wears thin.
Three Lives
A short film made for the United Jewish Appeal, reuniting the main players behind The Sniper, writers Edna and Edward Anhalt, director Edward Dmytryk, and star Arthur Franz.
Cruel Desengano
Associate Producer
Tomboy, Frances 'Frankie' Addams, dreams of running away with her brother and new fiancée away from the Deep South.
Cruel Desengano
Tomboy, Frances 'Frankie' Addams, dreams of running away with her brother and new fiancée away from the Deep South.
Eight Iron Men
Associate Producer
During the World War II in Italy, Sergeant Joe Mooney is leading his small squad on the front-lines but is ordered to avoid rescuing a soldier trapped in no man's land.
Volúpia de Matar
Eddie Miller struggles with his hatred of women, he's especially bothered by seeing women with their lovers. He starts a killing spree as a sniper by shooting women from far distances. In an attempt to get caught, he writes an anonymous letter to the police begging them to stop him.
Meus Seis Criminosos
Associate Producer
A psychologist takes on the daunting task of getting into the mind of prisoners. He must gain the trust and cooperation from a group of men who have no reason to help him and who might enjoy killing him.
Pânico nas Ruas
Um médico e um policial em Nova Orleans têm apenas 48 horas para localizar um assassino infectado com peste pneumônica. Uma noite nas favelas de Nova Orleans, Blackie e seus amigos matam um imigrante ilegal que ganhou demais em um jogo de cartas. Na manhã seguinte, o Ten. Dr. Clint Reed, do Serviço de Saúde Pública, confirmou que o homem morto tinha peste pneumônica. Para evitar uma epidemia catastrófica, Clint deve encontrar e inocular os assassinos e seus associados, com a ajuda relutante do capitão da polícia Tom Warren, apesar do ceticismo oficial, e em total sigilo, para que o pânico não não se espalhe pela cidade. Pode um médico virar detetive? Ele tem 48 horas para tentar.
The Crime Doctor's Diary
A criminal psychologist tries to clear his patient of arson charges.
The Crime Doctor's Diary
A criminal psychologist tries to clear his patient of arson charges.
The Gentleman from Nowhere
Security guard, wounded in a robbery of furs, arouses the suspicions of an insurance investigator.
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back
Captain Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond investigates the murder of the C.I.D. man who had been tracing validity of rival claims to a large estate.
Strange Voyage
A group of men go on an expedition seeking sunken treasure, and wind up battling bad weather, rough seas and each other.
Two T-men track a tax evader and his money to an Idaho ski resort, where a raven tends bar.
Men and Dust
Assistant Editor
This labor advocacy film is about diseases plaguing miners in Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. Sponsored by the Tri-State Survey Committee, "Men and Dust" is a stylistically innovative documentary and a valuable ecological record of landscapes radically transformed by extractive industry.
The City
Assistant Camera
Polemic documentary extolling the virtues of suburban life and leaving cities as a place of industry.