Grigorij Efimovic Rasputin (1869-1916) the mystic and self-proclaimed holy man. The saint-demon and the simple peasant. About the plot against Rasputin, hated and feared at the highest levels of government because of his surreal influence on the Tsar.
This two-parter is about as insightful and plausible as one of those "Histories Mysteries" specials, or that weekly John Edwards "Coast to Coast" baloney. A stream of real-life spook experts, ghost story writers and scientist types are interviewed. They try to convince (usually with little real proof) of the existence of the kind of paranormal activity seen in 'Poltergeist.'
A filmed biography of Issei Sagawa, the Japanese student who shot his Dutch girlfriend, cut her up with a meat carver and boiled the remains. He then ate her. Several months later he was declared insane. While in a psychiatric hospital in France he wrote an account of his crime `In the Fog' which sold 200,000 copies. The French released him in 1984 on the condition that he remained in a mental hospital in Japan. One year later the Japanese hospital released him. Since then he has written five books on crime and is a minor celebrity lionised by the avant garde. Sagawa speaks extensively in the programme and reads passages from his books.
Tudo começa quando a tripulação de um ônibus espacial descobre, na cauda do cometa, uma espaçonave contendo alienígenas fossilizados, a maior parte semelhantes a grandes morcegos. Três dos alienígenas, em forma humana, são trazidos à Terra, revivem e, ao se alimentarem da força vital de suas vítimas, transformam as pessoas em um tipo de vampiro. As vítimas continuam o ciclo, e em breve todo o planeta está em perigo. O único sobrevivente do ônibus espacial segue em busca da líder dos vampiros do espaço.
Documentary on Nicolas Roeg