Krzysztof Wodziński

Krzysztof Wodziński

Nascimento : 1938-03-28, Pabianice, Polska


Krzysztof Wodziński


A Ferro e Fogo
Uma história épica sobre a revolta ucraniana contra magnatas da República Polaco-Lituana, no século XVII
Tear of the Prince of Darkness
Tallinn, Estonia, days before outbreak of World War II. Hotel detective and Polish writer team up to find Tear of the Prince of Darkness, a legendary ring which can bring Satan’s rule over the world.
In nineteenth century Poland, Kacper Wosinski is cursed by his wife Maryna on her deathbed. Her evil spirit then haunts him in the form of a she-wolf.
Tender Spots
The year is 1998 and the world is in an ecological cataclysm: there is shortage of water, environment is polluted and being outside brings high risks. The main character is a tv technician, Jan, an individualist, who is harassed by the conformists. Jan loves Ewa, a ballet student, who in turn is in a liaison with Allan, a successful and powerful man.
The Fog
Post-war movie
Terra Prometida
Sound Designer
The Polish film based on the book of the same name by Wladyslaw Reymont. Taking place in the nineteenth century town of Łódź, Poland, three friends want to make a lot of money by building and investing in a textile factory. An exceptional portrait of rapid industrial expansion shown through the eyes of one Polish town.
The Finger of God
The main hero obsessively wants to become an actor. The would-be actor fails two entrance exams to the state acting school and has a nervous breakdown. Eventually he commits himself to the mental institution where patients are rehabilitated by doing some artwork. He refuses to paint but does some acting. He participates in a play where a lead, playing Oedipus, actually blinds himself. Out of the institution he has dreams of killing his father, but finally seems to be ready to start over again and either act without the state license or take another job.