Paul Higgins

Paul Higgins

Nascimento : , Scotland, UK


Paul Higgins is a Scottish actor, best known for appearing in the British television series The Thick of It, Utopia and Line of Duty. Higgins was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland. He was raised as a Roman Catholic, but now he considers himself a lapsed Catholic. As a teenager, he trained to be a priest, but gave his training up aged 17 when he began dating. Higgins has appeared onstage in Paul and Black Watch, and in the film Complicity. He played Alan in Staying Alive, a hospital drama on ITV. He has also played Jamie McDonald, an aggressive press officer, in the BBC show The Thick of It and its spin-off feature-length film, In the Loop. In 2009, he appeared as Gil Cameron on the BBC drama Hope Springs. He played Michael Dugdale in Channel 4's acclaimed conspiracy thriller Utopia. In 2013 he appeared in series 1 of the BBC series Line of Duty and returned for season 4 in 2017. He wrote a play titled Nobody Will Ever Forgive Us, which was performed at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh in a co-production with the National Theatre of Scotland in November 2008.


Paul Higgins


The story centers on three brothers and their violent father who live in a remote forest. ‘The brothers attempt to kill their father while on a hunting expedition but this instead begins a deadly game of cat-and-mouse.
Greed: A Indústria da Moda
Jim McBride
O aniversário do proprietário de lojas de roupas da moda está chegando. Ele é um homem influente e sua fortuna é medida em bilhões. Ele conseguiu ficar rico pelo fato de não hesitar em fazer algo que nem sempre era correto em relação à força de trabalho, que pagava centavos, e também transformou todos os tipos de assuntos aventureiros. E planeja comemorar seu sexagésimo aniversário em uma ilha grega. Toda a elite da moda chegará a Mykonos. Os convidados estão ansiosos pelo alcance do evento, mas não têm idéia do que as surpresas que o anfitrião do banquete preparou para eles. E uma pessoa dotada de cinismo dará vazão à imaginação.
The Party's Just Beginning
Luisaidh's Dad
In a bleak Inverness midwinter, Luisaidh is careening off the rails after the suicide of her best friend. She medicates her misery with joyless sex, chips and a belief in the power of positive drinking. Surrounded by bittersweet memories, she struggles to find someone to talk to or some reason to make life worthwhile at the most stressful time of the year.
Um homem misterioso viaja para uma ilha remota em busca de sua irmã desaparecida. Ele tenta resgatar sua irmã depois que ela foi sequestrada por um culto religioso, que está exigindo um resgate por seu retorno. Mas logo se torna claro que o culto vai lamentar o dia que ceifou este homem, que escava cada vez mais profundamente nos segredos e mentiras sobre os quais a comunidade está construída.
Victoria e Abdul: O Confidente da Rainha
Dr. James Reid
A extraordinária história real de uma amizade inesperada nos últimos anos da Rainha Vitória. Quando Abdul Karim, um jovem empregado, viaja da Índia para participar do Jubileu de ouro da rainha, ele é surpreendido ao encontrar a própria rainha. Como a rainha questiona as constrições de sua posição de longa data, os dois forjam uma aliança improvável e dedicada com uma lealdade um ao outro que seu círculo doméstico e interno todos tentam destruir. Quando a amizade se aprofunda, a rainha começa a ver um mundo em mudança com novos olhos e com alegria recupera sua humanidade.
Couple in a Hole
A middle-aged couple who have renounced civilization to live in a cave in the woods are befriended by a local farmer with mysterious ulterior motives.
Hangar 10
33 years after the infamous Rendlesham Forest UFO incident, three metal detector enthusiasts hunting for Saxon gold in the same region, capture incredible footage of UFO's whilst filming their expedition. As night falls and with their navigation equipment failing, they find themselves facing a terrifying encounter with an unforgiving alien presence.
Simon Harding
From the cells in the basement to the judge's chambers, Lawless offers a backstage pass to the inner workings of a modern court. Suranne Jones stars as a brand new judge battling to keep her head above the water in the murky depths of the justice system.
New Town
Starry architects Purves and Pekkala are offered the chance to redesign a Georgian church, but when the head of Scottish Heritage falls from the church tower in a mysterious accident, it becomes a question of whether he fell or was pushed.
Conversa Truncada
Jamie McDonald
O Presidente dos Estados Unidos e o Primeiro Ministro do Reino Unido querem começar uma guerra, porém nem todos acreditam que esta seja a melhor alternativa. O general americano Miller e o Secretário de Estado para Assuntos internacionais Britânico Simon Foster são contra a guerra. Quando Foster deixa escapar em uma entrevista que o governo está apoiando a guerra, a mídia transforma o fato em um conflito internacional, e o atrapalhado secretário é enviado aos EUA para resolver a situação.
The Salesman
A roadside movie about a teenage girl who feels trapped by her life in a remote petrol station in the Scottish Highlands.
Spinners and Losers
Peter Mannion's speech on immigration, leaking the PM's policy, did not have the effect Tucker desired and now the PM is resigning, leaving the way clear for the Nutters and their leader Tom. Ollie has been promised a job by young Nutter Ben Swain, Tucker's assistant has encouraged Hugh's predecessor Cliff to stand as a stalking horse and Glenn is keen to keep Hugh in the frame whilst his boss is in Australia. Fortunately Tom has a dark secret which is just what Tucker is looking for but will it be enough?
The Rise of the Nutters
With Hugh in Australia and Glenn in Wales, Ollie is left in charge, feeding policies to junior minister Ben Swain. He is one of the 'Nutters', the group keen to take power when the P.M. resigns and keen to make a name for himself - which he does in the wrong sense when Jeremy Paxman skewers him on 'Newsnight'. This is music to Tucker's ears as it is in his interest for the P.M. to remain in power for as long as he can. Ollie's new girlfriend Emma is working for Shadow Minister Peter Mannion and hopes to impress by stealing one of Ollie's idea for use on their immigration policy though things do not go fully to plan.
Marcas da Vida
Jackie trabalha como segurança de uma firma que usa câmeras de vigilância para cuidar das ruas. Todo dia, ela toma conta daquele mesmo pedacinho do mundo. Até que em um momento, nas imagens das câmeras, surge um homem que ela esperava nunca mais rever. Ela decide segui-lo com as câmeras e também pelas ruas. Ganhador do prêmio do júri no Festival de Cannes de 2006, o filme é o primeiro do projeto "Advance Party", em que três diretores diferentes desenvolvem roteiros com os mesmos personagens.
Low Winter Sun
David Westwood
Frank Agnew is a police detective who kills for revenge and naively believes he's engineered the perfect crime.
Birthday Girl
A woman decides to celebrate her recovery from leukaemia by throwing a party. But before the big night, she discovers that the illness has returned. She decides to postpone telling everyone until the aprty is over, but during the evening she discovers that she is not the only one with a secret.
Lee Finch
Chris Maurer is killed the day after his 21st birthday and his grieving mother, Angela Maurer, is unable to come to grips with that fact. She is taken advantage of by a self-interested journalist who only cares about getting a front-page story and she is completely dissatisfied with the way the police are handling the case. A local shopkeeper tries to help her through these trying times, but to no avail. The police arrest Chris' friend Ryan McGuinness, after they learn Chris may have spent the night with Ryan's girlfriend but Chris also had a testy relationship with his brother-in-law. The Good Samaritan who found Chris bloodied and beaten on the sidewalk agrees to participate in a reconstruction of the crime. In the end, a simple slip of the tongue reveals the identity of the killer and then the motive for the murder.
Divinas Criaturas
Petula (Rachel Weisz) e Dorothy (Susan Lynch) são duas amigas que vivem em Glasgow. Ambas namoram gângsters e ambas também apanham deles. Até que um dia, quando Dorothy resolve reagir e atacar o namorado de Petula, que está batendo nela naquele momento, ela acidentalmente o mata. Desesperadas, as duas agora propõem um plano que faça parecer que uma delas foi sequestrada, para que o assassinato possa ser disfarçado de sequestro.
Local journalist, Cameron Colley writes articles that are idealistic, from the viewpoint of the underdog. A twisted serial killer seems to have some motives. His brutal murders are also committed on behalf of the underdog. The stories begin to merge and Cameron find himself inextricably and inextricably implicated by the brutal killer. The arms dealer that Cameron plans to expose is found literally 'disarmed' before he can put pen to paper. The brewery chief, loathed by Cameron, who sold up at the expense of his workers, finds himself permanently unemployable. The police are convened of Cameron's guilt and so are half his friends and colleagues. Cameron is forced to employ all his investigative skills to find the real killer and his motive.
Quartos e Corredores
Por sugestão de um amigo hétero, o gay Leo se junta a um grupo de homens, onde provoca alguns transtornos ao declarar sua atração por um de seus membros.
Ruas Violentas
Gang Member
O que acontece quando se coloca dois grandes astros do mundo da luta, o mestre em artes marciais Gary Daniels e o campeão de boxe Sugar Ray Leonard, num mesmo filme? Ação sem parar, é claro! Gary interpreta o agente SAS Shane Alcott, que, com a ajuda do Major Williams (Sugar Ray), combate não apenas as gangues das ruas de Las Vegas, mas também uma célula terrorista do IRA, que seqüestra a filha do embaixador britânico como isca para atrair e matar Shane.
Segredos da Vida
Cinco personagens, todos chamados Hector, atravessam a história buscando seu lugar no mundo. Seja no tempo das Cavernas, no Império Romano ou na moderna Nova York, a vontade é a mesma: viver o sentimento de pertencer a algum lugar buscando relacionamentos que deem sentido à vida.
The film centres on the experiences of Robert Lawrence MC (played by Colin Firth), an officer of the Scots Guards during the Falklands War of 1982. While fighting at the Battle of Mount Tumbledown, Lawrence is shot in the head by an Argentine sniper, and left paralysed on his left side. He then must learn to adjust to his new disability.
A Wholly Healthy Glasgow
Murdo Caldwell
A fresh-faced gym instructor, Murdo Caldwell, threatens the cosy lifestyle established in the seedy Adonis Health Club in Glasgow, where, up until now, sex ‘n’ sleaze have been the order of the day. Charley and Donald, who have established a comfortable living at the club, plot to get rid of Murdo and his ideals of creating “a wholly healthy Glasgow… a city of perfectly proportioned sinuous but not over-developed physiques.... a city of non-smoking non-drinking joggers ... a city of reposeful but alert minds.' But who will win the battle of minds rather than bodies?