Eric Allaman

Nascimento : 1959-12-16, Springfield, Missouri, USA


A Student's Obsession
Original Music Composer
High school teacher Stephanie breaks the cardinal rule of not getting romantically involved with one of her students. To make things worse, her handsome teenage lover James starts to demonstrate psychotic, obsessive behavior. When James starts stalking Stephanie and her family, Stephanie is forced to teach James the ultimate dangerous lesson.
Original Music Composer
Uma mãe solteira descovbre que sua filha desaparecida foi sequestrada por pessoas que desejam vendê-la no mercado negro internacional. Com outras jovens desaparecidas, o crime gera a comoção de uma dettetive, que decide ajudar a mãe solteira em sua busca.
During an all-night, drug-fueled party at an abandoned asylum known for the horrific treatment of its patients, a group of ordinary teens decide to experiment with the occult, mysteriously leading to a violent possession. In an effort to find help, the group rushes to escape, only to find themselves locked inside with no means of communication. Tempers flare, trusts are broken and in attempt to save one of their friends possessed by the demon, the amateurs try to perform an exorcism. Instead of solving the problem, and unbeknownst to them, they unleash an even more powerful and vengeful spirit, one with a distinct motive and which wants them all dead. The teen's only chance of survival is to uncover the asylum's deep mysteries and find a way out before it's too late.
Amor de Natal
Após enfurecer os anunciantes com uma de suas brincadeiras, o apresentador de rádio Pepper Sterling é transferido para a pitoresca cidade de Idyllwild, Colorado para as festas de Natal. Forçado a dividir um programa com o seu oposto, a psicóloga Sandy Love, Pepper descobre que encontrou sua cara metade. Logo, ele descobre que realmente existe a magia do Natal.
After living in hiding for 17 years, a woman faces new danger when her daughter's drug-dealing father locates them and expects her to repay the money she stole from him years earlier.
Lost After Dark
Original Music Composer
A group of teens sneak out of their high school dance to cruise around and have some unsupervised fun. When their car runs out of gas on a deserted road, they discover an old farmhouse and the cannibal killer living inside.
Fatal Acquittal
A woman accused of murdering her husband is found innocent, only to be terrorized by the real killer once she is set free.
Heat Wave
Original Music Composer
When a sudden, unexplained rise in local temperatures threatens to turn Los Angeles County into a parched, lifeless desert, one scientist must put her theories to the test in a desperate effort to prevent the catastrophe.
Dando Chance ao Amor
Columnist Peyton MacGruder befriends a reader who sent her a note that inspires Peyton to reconsider the choices she's made and her reluctance to accept her boyfriend's marriage proposal.
Fall of Hyperion
Original Music Composer
A NASA scientist discovers that a group meteorites is heading towards Earth. Along the way, they will collide with the space station Hyperion, whose 12 astronauts are trapped and inside which there is a thermonuclear heart.
A Mensagem
Original Music Composer
Depois de um trágico acidente de avião, uma colunista encontra na praia o bilhete de um passageiro para seu filho. Pensando em salvar sua carreira em declínio, embarca em uma jornada para entregar o bilhete ao destinatário desconhecido.
Louvado Seja
Los Angeles, Christian (Wes Ramsey) apenas queria sexo e diversão. Jamais imaginaria encontrar o Mormom Aaron (Steve Sandvess), por quem acabaria se apaixonando profundamente. O religioso acaba mostrando a Christian que o amor esta onde menos se espera. Eles se entregam um ao outro, mas acabando separados pela família de Aaron.
As Loucas Aventuras de Elvira
Original Music Composer
Elvira e a sua serva voltam a criar desacatos, dessa vez em uma mansão dominada por fantasmas. A história é ambientada em 1851, em Carpathia. Lá, ambas estão a caminho de um espetáculo da “Mistress of Dark”, mas, inadvertidamente, vão parar no sinistro castelo medieval do Lord Vladimere Hellsubus. Continuação do clássico de 1988, "Elvira, a Rainha das Trevas".
One Kill
A divorced female marine officer with two small children begins an affair with a senior officer.
Welcome to Luminarias-where hot spicy dish gets served up with a Latin twist by four successful friends from East LA...with very discriminating taste in men! When separated divorce attorney Andrea finds herself guilty of falling for her white and Jewish opposing council, her three single friends choose sides in the ongoing and often hilarious debate over race and sex. As they discover just how much negative stereotypes color their relationships with men-and even with each other-it becomes clear that the search for Mr. Right is not exactly black and white! Written by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
Coração Leal
Sam e Bonnie, um irmão e uma irmã sobrevivem a um acidente de avião e ficam perdidos no meio do deserto canadense. Eles são resgatados por Khonanesta, um nativo-americano que vive no meio da floresta apenas com a companhia de um urso. Ele os ensinará a viver de um modo selvagem e de como caçadores ilegais estão destruindo o local, enquanto buscam pelos seus pais.
Our Friend, Martin
Original Music Composer
Two teens are sent back in time to meet Martin Luther King Jr. at several points during his life.
Midnight Blue
Shortly before he moves from New York to Los Angeles a banker visits his Atlanta branch. One evening he is propositioned, by a high-class call girl. Their night of passion leaves him besotted, but he is unable to find her again even with the help of a private investigator. In L.A. he is introduced to his boss's wife and is sure she is his lady of the night. But she insists she isn't.
A Praia dos Desejos
Original Music Composer
Scotty perde a namorada, o emprego e a casa. Bêbado, vai dormir na rua e ganha uma lâmpada misteriosa que contém Jeannie, uma linda gênia que irá ajudá-lo. Logo, torna-se milionário e pede para se tornar um homem perfeito, a fim de reconquistar a ex.
Sherlock Holmes: Incident at Victoria Falls
Original Music Composer
King Edward asks Sherlock Holmes to perform one more task before his retirement: to safeguard the Star of Africa on a trip to Cape Town. Soon the fabled jewel is stolen and several people end up being murdered.
Anjo da Vingança
Original Music Composer
Ex-prostituta e agora fotógrafa, Angel reencontra sua mãe depois de anos. Esta lhe conta que sua irmã corre perigo e morre assassinada logo depois. Para tirar a irmã das mãos de traficantes de escravas brancas, Angel volta à vida de prostituição.
Down Twisted
Original Music Composer
A naive, good-hearted Los Angeles waitress does not think twice about helping her troubled roommate. Unfortunately, her help lands her in Central America fleeing for her life with a grungy mercenary