Ernesto Malbrán


Pós Morte
Arturo Puelma
No Chile, em 1973, durante os últimos dias da presidência de Salvador Allende, um funcionário do necrotério se apaixona por uma dançarina burlesca, que desaparece misteriosamente. Loucamente apaixonado e pertubado pela perda de sua potencial amante, Mario começa a sua busca frenética por Nancy.
La Recta Provincia
San German
This was a man. He lived with his mother. He cared a manor house in the countryside of Chile. One day the man found a bone in the garden. The bone was bored. That was a bone flute. The man with the flute music play. And music song became. The voice of the song begging to seek the other bones of his scattered body. The man and his mother were in those ways of God and hell, looking for the bones that make up the skeleton of that Christian. And give him a Christian burial. And they saw what they saw, they lived what they lived. Many stories lived. And although they did not tell anyone, others told them.
Father McEnroe
Chile, 1973. Gonzalo Infante (Matías Quer) é um garoto que estuda no Colégio Saint Patrick, o mais conceituado de Santiago. Gonzalo é de uma família de classe alta, morando em um bairro na área nobre da cidade com seus pais e sua irmã. O padre McEnroe (Ernesto Malbran), o diretor do colégio, inspirado no governo de Salvador Allende decide implementar uma política que faça com que alunos pobres também estudem no Saint Patrick. Um deles é Pedro Machuca (Ariel Mateluna) que, assim como os demais, fica deslocado em meio aos antigos alunos da escola. Provocado, Pedro é seguro por trás e um deles manda que Gonzalo o bata, que se recusa a fazer isto e ainda o ajuda a fugir. A partir de então nasce uma amizade entre os dois garotos, apesar do abismo de classe existente entre eles.
Mr. Davis
Lota, 1897. In the depths of the largest coal mine in the world, a great rebellion is brewing inside a man's heart.
Gracia y el Forastero
The fatal relationship between Gracia, the teenage daughter of a retired general officer and Gabriel, an outsider who has just come back to his home at the beach with his father, a leftist militant.
Mine Field
Caluga o Menta
Truck driver
Niki and his friends are members of the marginalised underclass living on the outskirts of Santiago. During Chile's transition from dictatorship to democracy (1988-1990), they forge a path from drug- and drink-fuelled nihilism and petty crime into the world of market-driven illegality and Niki begins a seemingly predestined relationship with the middle-class "loca", Manuela. Memorable episodes and characters, quotable dialogue and a mix of earthy national portrait and surrealistic flourish make this one of the key Chilean films of the Nineties.