Rudi Fehr

Rudi Fehr

Nascimento : 1911-07-06, Berlin, Germany

Morte : 1999-04-16


Rudolf "Rudi" Fehr, A.C.E. (July 6, 1911 – April 16, 1999) was a German-born, American film editor and studio executive. He had more than thirty credits as an editor of feature films including Key Largo (1946), Dial M for Murder (1954), and Prizzi's Honor (1985). He worked for more than forty years for the Warner Brothers film studio, where he was the Head of Post-production from 1955 through 1976. Fehr was instrumental in establishing the 1967 "sister city" connection between Los Angeles and Berlin, which he had fled in the 1930s. Description above from the Wikipedia article Rudi Fehr licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Rudi Fehr


Cineastas em Exílio: Do Terceiro Reich a Hollywood
Himself (archive footage)
Eight hundred German filmmakers (cast and crew) fled the Nazis in the 1930s. The film uses voice-overs, archival footage, and film clips to examine Berlin's vital filmmaking in the 1920s; then it follows a producer, directors, composers, editors, writers, and actors to Hollywood: some succeeded and many found no work. Among those profiled are Erich Pommer, Joseph May, Ernst Lubitsch, Fritz Lang, Billy Wilder, and Peter Lorre. Once in Hollywood, these exiles helped each other, housed new arrivals, and raised money so others could escape. Some worked on anti-Nazi films, like Casablanca. The themes and lighting of German Expressionism gave rise in Hollywood to film noir.
More Loverly Than Ever: The Making of 'My Fair Lady'
Self (as Rudy Fehr)
This 30th anniversary documentary treats film fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of "My Fair Lady," the classic musical about a poor young girl transformed into a woman of society through the tutoring of Prof. Henry Higgins. Includes footage of the filming process, as well as discussion by modern film critics about the impact movie had on later films.
A Honra do Poderoso Prizzi
Charley Partanna (Jack Nicholson) é um perigoso e respeitado mafioso, que trabalha como matador para a família Prizzi, a mais tradicional de Nova York. Irene Walker (Kathleen Turner) é uma assassina de aluguel, que foi contratada para matar um homem dos próprios Prizzi, que possivelmente os roubou. Logo que se conhecem Charley e Irene se apaixonam, mesmo sem ele saber qual é a profissão dela. Entretanto a mulher de um policial morre em um trabalho realizado por Charley, o que faz com que o relacionamento entre os policiais e as famílias de mafiosos seja abalado. Sedentos por vingança, os policiais pressionam para que os mafiosos entreguem o assassino.
O Fundo do Coração
Em Las Vegas, Franny (uma agente de viagens em Fremont Street) sonha em viajar para os locais exóticos para onde envia seus clientes. Enquanto isso, seu marido Hank está preocupado com a compra de uma casa espaçosa que está em mau estado, pensando não ser um bom investimento.
Disque M para Matar
Em Londres, um ex-tenista profissional decide matar sua mulher, para poder herdar seu dinheiro e também como vingança por ela ter tido um affair um ano antes, com um escritor que vivia nos Estados Unidos mas que no momento está na cidade. Ele chantageia um colega de faculdade para estrangulá-la, dando a entender que o crime teria sido cometido por um ladrão. Mas quando algo sai muito errado, ele vê uma maneira de dar um rumo aos acontecimentos em proveito próprio.
Alma de Renegado
When a stagecoach guard tries to warn a town of an imminent raid by a band of outlaws, the people mistake him for one of the gang
Canção do Sheik
Shiek Yousseff, poses as a friend of the French while secretly plotting to overthrow them. Apposing Yousseff are the Riffs, whose secret leader, The Red Shadow, is Paul Bonnard, a professor who is studying the desert, and whose attacks on the supply trains intended for Yousseff keep the Riff villages in food. Foreign Legion General Birabeau arrives to conduct an investigation, accompanied by his daughter, Margot. Birabeau hires Bonnard to tutor her, and she is attracted to a Legionaire captain, Claud Fontaine. While the general, Bonnard and Fontaine pay a visit to Yousseff, an American newspaper man, Benji Kidd, discovers a secret way in and out of Yousseff's palace, with the aid of Azuri, a dancing girl in love with Bonnard. The latter is forced to resume his role as the Riffs leader, and kidnap Margot until he can convince her of Yousseff's treachery. But Yousseff's men attack the Riff camp and take Margot prisoner.
Museu de Cera
Henry Jarrod (Vincent Price) é um escultor que faz imagens magníficas para o seu museu de cera. Jarrod luta com seu sócio, Matthew Burke (Roy Roberts), quando este começa a incendiar o museu para receber US$ 25 mil do seguro. Jarrod tenta detê-lo em vão, sendo que logo o local todo se incendeia e é seguido por uma explosão, com Jarrod sendo considerado morto. Algum tempo depois, Matthew recebe o dinheiro do seguro e planeja viajar com Cathy Gray (Carolyn Jones), mas é morto por uma pessoa disforme, que na realidade é o próprio Jarrod, que simula o assassinato como se fosse suicídio. Pouco tempo depois, Jarrod mata Cathy Gray e rouba seu corpo do necrotério. Depois de algum tempo ele reaparece, dizendo que escapou por milagre. Quando Sue Allen (Phyllis Kirk), a colega de quarto de Cathy, vê a imagem de Joana D'Arc no museu, começa a suspeitar que é o corpo de Cathy coberto com cera.
A Tortura do Silêncio
Em A Tortura do Silêncio, o padre Michael Logan (Montgomery Clift), aparentemente um modelo da piedade religiosa, ouve a confissão de um assassino. Testemunhar o ocorrido a partir do ponto de vista do matador e as normas da igreja impedem Logan de falar - mesmo que seja em sua própria defesa - quando evidências circunstanciais apontam o padre como o principal suspeito!
Goodbye, My Fancy
Agatha has fond memories of her romance with college president Dr. James Merrill, when she was a student and he was her professor, and wants to see if there is still a spark between them.
Olhando a Morte de Frente
Guerra Civil, grupo de soldados sulistas, inadvertidamente iniciam um conflito indigena, quando sua missão era tentar aliá-los a causa sulista.
Os Desgraçados Não Choram
Fed up with her small-town marriage, a woman goes after the big time and gets mixed up with the mob.
Inspetor Geral
An illiterate stooge in a traveling medicine show wanders into a strange town and is picked up on a vagrancy charge. The town's corrupt officials mistake him for the inspector general whom they think is traveling in disguise. Fearing he will discover they've been pocketing tax money, they make several bungled attempts to kill him.
A Filha de Satanás
Rosa, the self-serving wife of a small-town doctor, gets a better offer when a wealthy big-city man insists she get a divorce and marry him instead. Soon she demonstrates she is capable of rather deplorable acts -- including murder.
Paixões em Fúria
Frank McCloud viaja para um hotel decadente em Key Largo para honrar a memória de um amigo que morreu bravamente em sua unidade durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. A viúva de seu amigo, Nora Temple, e seu pai James Temple que está preso numa cadeira de rodas, administram o hotel e o recebem calorosamente. Mas os três logo se veem virtualmente presos quando o hotel é tomado por um grupo de bandidos liderados por Johnny Rocco que se refugiam lá para aguardar a passagem de um furacão. Mr. Temple insulta fortemente Rocco que, porque está sozinho, só pode confrontá-lo verbalmente. Como ficou desiludido pela violência da guerra, Frank está relutante em agir, mas, o tratamento degradante que Rocco dá a sua alcoólatra amante Gaye Dawn, o envolvimento do grupo de Rocco na morte de alguns inocentes índios Seminole e um vice-xerife, Frank McCloud começa a superar sua inação Hamletiana. e10.
Romance em Alto-Mar
Desentendimentos românticas abundam quando os cônjuges suspeitam um do outro e uma cantora de boate vai num cruzeiro sob identidade falsa. A socialite Elvira Kent (Janis Paige) desconfia de seu marido Michael Kent (Don DeFore) está paquerando outras mulheres. Quando ele anuncia que não pode acompanhá-la em sua programada viagem de cruzeiro, ela contrata a cantora de boate Georgia Garrett (Doris Day), para fingir ser ela no cruzeiro. Elvira fica em um hotel perto de casa para que possa espionar seu marido. No entanto ela não sabe que seu marido contratou um detetive, Peter Virgil (Jack Carson), para ficar de olho nela no mar. Claro que Peter não percebe que a Geórgia não é a Sra. Kent e aí...
The Voice of the Turtle
An aspiring Broadway actress falls in love with a soldier on leave during a weekend in New York City.
Fogueira de Paixão
After being found wandering the streets of Los Angeles, a severely catatonic woman tells a doctor the complex story of how she wound up there.
Acordes do Coração
A classical musician from a working class background is sidetracked by his love for a wealthy, neurotic socialite.
A con artist falls for the rich widow he's trying to fleece.
Uma Vida Roubada
A twin takes her deceased sister's place as wife of the man they both love.
In Victorian England, literary siblings Emily and Charlotte Brontë vie for the affection of the Rev. Arthur Nicholls. Along with their sister Anne, Emily and Charlotte also try to help their tormented brother Branwell, a gifted artist whose life is being destroyed by alcohol.
The Conspirators
A guerilla leader falls in love with a mysterious woman in World War II Lisbon.
Between Two Worlds
Passengers on an ocean liner can't recall how they got onboard or where they are going. Soon it becomes apparent that they all have something in common.
Viveremos Outra Vez
It is early 1939 in Poland when Mrs. Bromley and Jennifer come to buy antiques for her business in London. Jennifer meets Count Stephen and they wine, dine and see the sights though out the city. He wishes to marry, but his family is against plain Jennifer. When she tries to leave, he catches her at the train station and they are married. To be self sufficient, they modernize the family farm with tractors and increase production, but then Germany starts the war.
Horas de Tormenta
Após 18 anos vivendo na Europa, o casal Sara e Kurt Muller vai visitar a mãe dela em Washington DC. Lá, um conde romeno descobre que a mala de Kurt está cheia de dinheiro e que ele trabalha para um grupo anti-nazista. O conde decide chantagea-lo, mas Kurt o mata. Agora o casal e os filhos precisam escapar.
Balas Contra a Gestapo
A vida tranquila de um pequeno grupo de mafiosos do Brooklin, chefiados por Gloves, toma um rumo inesperado quando um padeiro é assassinado. Eles se envolvem num grande complô gerido por nazistas dentro de Nova Iorque.
Million Dollar Baby
A sudden windfall has unexpected consequences on a working class girl during the Great Depression.
The Great Mr. Nobody
A publicity man promotes his newspaper, but finds his boss always steals the credit.
Honeymoon for Three
Noted writer Kenneth Bixby, in love with his witty secretary Anne Rogers, is on a book tour when he meets up with a former college fling with a loopy Danish girl which he barely remembers. She remembers him, very well.
My Love Came Back
Amelia is a gifted violinist who is in danger of quitting the Brissac Academy of Music. Julius arranges to have a scholarship given to her through his employee Tony so that Julius can escort Amelia to every musical event in the city. The trouble begins when he cannot meet her one night and Tony goes in his place. Tony believes that Julius and Amelia are a couple and then son Paul thinks that Tony and Amelia are a couple as he is sending her the money. The worst part is that Amelia might leave classical music for swing music with classmates Dusty, Joy and the band.
Alice in Movieland
In a U.S. town that could be anywhere, 18-year-old Alice Purdee wins a free trip to Hollywood. With the assistance of a cheerful porter, she takes the night train and dreams about her arrival. Instead of instant success, she meets disappointment after disappointment, and she needs the unexpected encouragement of her grandmother and an aging, former star whom she meets at a talent night. Finally, she gets a call to be an extra, and she's so hopeful that the regulars decide to make a fool of her. Is this the end of Alice's dream? Not if the porter has anything to say about it.
Assistant Editor
Vera Kowalska is put on trial for murdering concert pianist Michael Michailow. In court it is revealed that some years earlier Michael ruined Vera's life.
The Invader
A bumbling yachtsman sails to the South of Spain with a fiery seductress, only to become the pawn in her dangerous game of love.
Le Tunnel
An engineer is hired to plan and oversee the construction of a undersea tunnel between Europe and the US. However, certain interests don't want to see the tunnel built and use every means at their disposal, including sabotage and murder, to stop its construction. French-language version of the 1933 German DER TUNNEL, q.v.
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