Ricardo Bartis

Ricardo Bartis

Nascimento : 1949-10-15, Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina


Ricardo Bartis


Cabeza de pescado
A taxidermist living with his wife and son who suffers from a virus which is mutating himself into another being, then he meets a woman who will tragically change his life
Vendedor de libros
Enrique is 37 years old, 12 years of living with his wife and two children. Sick with jealousy, he has just separated from his wife once more. Luis, 40 years old, has just finished a passionate relationship with a very hysterical TV journalist that he was madly in love with, and left him for another. One comes from the horror of jealousy and weariness, and the other from a passion that swept him away, and finally left him alone. As Enrique has nowhere to go, Luis invites him to live in his house, temporarily ...
El astillero
Dinheiro Queimado
Angel (Eduardo Noriega) e Nene (Leonardo Sbaraglia) são dois matadores inseparáveis conhecidos no meio como “os gêmeos”. Até que Fontana (Ricardo Bartis) lhes propõe um novo golpe: assaltar o caminhão que transporta os pagamentos da cidade de San Fernando, que transporta 7 milhões. Tanto Angel quanto Nene aceitam a proposta, para fugir do tédio e superar a crise que existe entre eles naquele momento. Porém, o que parecia ser um trabalho fácil acaba se tornando um verdadeiro massacre. Fontana, Angel e Nene decidem fugir para o Uruguai, para evitar que sejam mortos pelos policiais argentinos, que estão sedentos por vingança. Lá eles se escondem em um apartamento emprestado por Losardo (Héctor Alterio), um mafioso local, onde esperam a chegada de novos documentos fraudados que permitam que eles viajem para o Brasil. Mas quanto mais os documentos demoram a chegar mais a tensão entre os três cresce, chegando a níveis insuportáveis.
Winter Land
Valdivia is a notorious drunk in a Patagonian dead-end town. His current job is to deliver a golden sheep for the mysterios Sr. Ramenfort.
A Viagem
A young man living in a cold southern village in South America, decides to start a trip looking for his father. By doing this he discovers unexpected facts about his Latin American essence.
Vivir mata
A diplomat is sent to Wallachia late nineteenth century. There he meets a young princess. Back in Buenos Aires, and a century later and turned into a vampire, he meets another woman.
Sinfín (La muerte no es ninguna solución)
Sentimientos: Mirta, de Liniers a Estambul
El infierno tan temido
A journalist begins to receive envelopes containing erotic pictures, which he connects to a relationship he once had with an actress.
Chau, papá