1900. From Montmartre to Belleville, Paris is in the hands of ultra-violent gangs that reign terror on the capital: the Apaches. Ready to do anything to avenge the death of her brother, a young woman joins a gang. But the closer she gets to the man she wants to eliminate, the more fascinated she becomes by him.
André Lavelle
An aeronautical engineer at Ariane Espace, Jim has devoted himself for years to a secret project: building his own rocket and accomplishing the first manned space flight as an amateur. But to realize his dream, he must learn to share it.
The red moon threatens our existence on earth. Our only hope is the enigmatic Paul WR, the most talented astronaut of its generation. But few hours before the start of the mission, Paul disappears.
Two simple-minded friends discover a giant fly in the trunk of a car and decide to domesticate it to earn money with it.
Nos anos 80, um verão na Normandia marca o começo da idade adulta para Aléxis, que tem no melhor amigo o primeiro contato com o amor e, quando este não é correspondido, o destino pode se mostrar imprevisível.
The small port of Port-Vendres, rich of 280 municipal employees, is shaken by a rumor: the mayor, with the help of his head of department, enarque and Parisian, have a black design to reduce the number.
Margot, Jeremy, Salome, Caesar, Sonia - They are between 18 and 50 years old. Everything separates them except the urgency to rebuild and restore the relationship to the other that the addiction has destroyed. Solidary, they have as rules, sharing, honesty, authenticity, sincerity, humanity. An incredible band of living people who are screaming loudly that we are doing better than others alone.
Alain Lambert
Reims, France, 1969. Paul Coutard is a 30-year-old sports journalist at daily newspaper Le Champenois. Charming, childish and a womanizer, he does exactly what he pleases. Then one day, his boss forces him to plan the newspaper’s annual fair together with Emmanuelle Bruno, the discreet and beautiful executive assistant. Paul has the crazy idea to organize a women’s football match for the first time. With Emmanuelle’s help, the project grows to unexpected proportions, as does their romance.
Jérôme has killed Driss, of Moroccan ancestry, who used to be his best friend. Is it an accident, a drama caused by jealousy or a racist murder? The story of Jérôme's long drift is discovered as the police carry out its investigation.
Job Kervanec
Julia, Vadim, Nestor, Timothée e Samuel são cinco amigos de infância que sempre sonharam em morar juntos. Quando Samuel se oferece para pagar metade do aluguel, os outros quatro não pensam duas vezes e resolvem se mudar para um apartamento onde os cinco possam habitar. No entanto, assim que eles terminam a mudança, Samuel fica sem um tostão no bolso, informação que ele decide não partilhar.
Le pompiste
The red moon threatens our existence on earth. Our only hope is the the most talented astronaut of his generation, the enigmatic Paul W.R. But a few hours before the start of the Great Mission, Paul disappears.
A soulful examination of two defeated middle-aged characters who aren't sure that life holds the possibility of a second act.
M. Leguano
Termina o ano letivo. Nicolau, seus pais e a avó viajam para o litoral com o objetivo de aproveitar ao máximo o verão. Na praia o menino faz novos amigos e conhece uma garota, Isabelle, que ele acredita ser sua futura esposa.
Immigration Officer
Romain Faubert is a 39 year old, single, medical photographer... and a raging hypochondriac. His doctor and only friend Dr. Dimitri Zvenka thinks he knows the cure for Romain: dating! But with the arrival of freedom fighter Anton Miroslav, everyone might get more then they bargained for...
Turner (voice)
Plant loving Hilda, has created a museum where she preserves endangered and rare plants from all over the world. Meanwhile Attilem, a new genetically modified cereal, is launched on the market. Growing with little water and fertilizer while generating high crop field Attilem looks like an ideal solution to eradicate starvation and provide an alternative to diminishing oil reserves. But nothing is at it seems...
Gérard de Nerval
Momo has one dream buried for years: become a petanque champion. When an international tournament is announced, he drops his ordinary life to win the first prize and fulfill his dreams.
Pierre Bojean
François (Clovis Cornillac) é um homem apaixonado pelo Tour de France. Após ser demitido pelo patrão e abandonado pela esposa, ele decide encarar o desafio de fazer a "Grande Volta", saindo com um dia de vantagem em relação aos atletas profissionais. A proeza de François vira notícia e os organizadores do Tour ficam enfurecidos. Alguém precisa detê-lo.
Willy, bus driver
Die-hard fans of the 1980s, Vincent and Antoine run a company that supplies doubles of faded stars throughout the whole of France. What starts out as a promising business venture ends up as a calamity when Vincent and Antoine have over forty engagements booked but no one to attend them. They then have a brainwave. Why not get in touch with the real stars of the 1980s and persuade them to make a comeback? Why make do with an imitation when you can have the real McCoy?
Em uma família francesa, o pai envelheceu antes do tempo, a mãe é perturbada e tirânica, a irmã desapareceu há quatro anos e Erell filma tudo o tempo todo. Uma noite, a irmã desaparecida, Sarah, ressurge. Os pedaços de Ellie começam a se juntar...
Marcel Planche
Com o advento da União Europeia, dois agentes da alfândega têm seu postos suprimidos. Francófono zeloso, Ruben é obrigado a inaugurar a primeira brigada móvel franco-belga ao lado de Mathias, seu eterno inimigo.
Bastion, le voisin
When the mother they have never known dies, three half brothers aged 8, 15 and 17 respectively, who were all brought up in different ways, meet for the very first time. They spend the long summer holidays with Nonna, their grandmother, and start sharing secrets and rabbits, polenta and mean tricks, adventures and first time experiences, together. At last their once solitary lives take a new direction.
Le délégué CGT
A housewife takes over her husband's umbrella business after his illness.
Le VRP au restaurant
Serge Pilardosse has just turned 60. He has worked since the age of 16, never unemployed, never sick. But the hour of retirement has come, and it is disillusionment: he is missing points, some employers having forgotten to declare it! Pushed by Catherine, his wife, he gets on his old motorcycle from the 70s, a "Mammut" which earned him his nickname, and sets off in search of his pay slips. During his journey, he rediscovers his past and his quest for administrative documents soon becomes incidental...
Henry can't control himself : he's got to cheat, con, plot. It's not his fault, it's his nature ! Underhand deals, compromise, lies, and betrayals are the daily lot of this guitarist for provincial village dances. And he has no qualms about anything : getting his depressed sister committed, ripping off his mother who's grief-stricken after the death of her companion, compromising himself with an extreme right-wing party.
1947. Aos 11 anos de idade, Roger, uma criança criada sem amor, é mandado como interno na escola de Mumu, a professora mais severa da região. Tendo já sido expulso de várias escolas, esta é a sua útlima chance de escapar do reformatório. Mas a severa Mumu revela ter também um grande coração...
Separated at the birth of his mother who has only time to entrust to a member of his family, Guillaume de Villon, when he should have been killed, François will as well go to the ill-known taverns of the Latin Quarter that the Court of the Duke of Orleans, passing by the benches of the university. This marvelous poet at the same time as a scoundrel of morality will have a life where fights, robberies, imprisonments and final banishment will be linked. Leaving Paris, Villon will disappear.
Emile is a 70-ish former horticulturalist who once raised bonsai trees "because they don't take up too much room." Indeed, his whole existence is safe and uneventful to a fault, somewhat juiced by friendship with raucous fishing companion Edmond. Still, they trade pleasantries rather than confidences -- so Emile is shocked when it turns out his elderly pal watches porn, paints nudes and shags women who are his contemporaries that he meets online.
Collègue de Jean 1
Véronique Chambon (Sandrine Kiberlain), a single schoolteacher and Jean (Vincent Lindon), discover an unexpected bond that causes them to question the direction of their lives. They move in different social circles but their relationship develops and their lives begin gradually to unravel.
Yann, un SDF
Desperate to break free from the poverty of his homeland, Elias boards a ramshackle people-smuggling trawler to France. But when the boat is raided by police, Elias leaps into the ocean, eventually finding himself washed up on a Mediterranean beach resort called Eden. So begins Elias odyssesy across Western Europe to Paris, where wondrous promise, helpful new friends and perilous dangers await him every step of the way.
Louis Souchon, un des deux policiers qui enlèvent Ben Barka
Na extremidade de uma galáxia, encontra-se Dante 01, a prisão espacial que reúne os piores criminosos da humanidade. Num dos últimos transportes chega um novo prisioneiro, que sobreviveu a um encontro com seres extraterrestres, e uma médica para realizar experiências pouco éticas com os presos. Com o tempo, este novo detento começa a revelar estranhos poderes que vão mergulhar a estação no caos e na rebelião, onde cada um dos habitantes será confrontado com os seus limites e os seus maiores medos.
Quando o argelino Slimani é despedido depois de anos de trabalho em um cais de embarque, ele corre atrás do seu sonho de abrir um restaurante no porto. Um drama agitado sobre as alegrias e dificuldades diárias de uma família franco-árabe.
The brewery regular
Once upon a time, somewhere... a homeless guy finds a policeman's uniform...
The Father
Os irmãos Marc, Christophe e Olivier vivem com o pai, recém-viúvo, lidando cada um deles com suas frustações. Marc volta as dívidas com traficantes, planeja uma vingança e aguarda o irmão mais velho, Christophe, sair da cadeia para ajudá-lo. Olivier, o mais sensível dos três, lida com a questão da sua descoberta: a de que ama um jovem de origem africana, lutador de capoeira.
Christophe volta regenerado e disposto a começar a trabalhar em uma fábrica, lutando contra o seu passado. Marc, arriscando-se cada vez mais, entra no perigoso submundo das drogas. E Olivier encontra em Hichman uma história de paixão.
Noël is a different kind of man. He has maintained a state of innocence. His apparent non-conformism springs from his intuition, sensuality and, above all, his deep attachment to nature and its elements. People treat him like the village idiot and his one source of refuge and understanding is a little girl. Even Olivia, the local teacher with whom he falls in love, has trouble understanding and accepting his behavior which she considers primitive.
In a state of despair about living in a world where there is no longer a place for the animal reign, Noël winds up committing an irreversible act...
Ludwig Boehm
While playing football, two children stumble across the grave of a French WWI infantryman who died in the trenches in 1918. His name was Pierre Delpeuch and in the last days of his life he and his comrades shared an extraordinary human adventure. Exhausted, cut off from the front, huddled in their trench, Pierre and four others bravely stood firm. Facing them was another trench containing five similar exhausted and determined Germans. Their only aim was to resist, whatever the cost, until reinforcements arrived.
In 1936, French workers discover the happiness of paid vacations. Mado and her best friend Gaby decide to take advantage of it by going on vacation without their husbands. They meet new people. Gaby then sets her sights on a photographer.
Like a Candide dreaming of Eldorado, Jallel lands in France, hoping to try his luck. From encounter to encounter, hostel to social welfare group, Jallel will make his way through a Paris of outcasts. Although failing to achieve his hopes, he discovers and shares in the solidarity felt by the destitute. –uniFrance
Le plombier
Olivia, Irina and Masha are improving their acting skills. They no longer believe in Prince Charming, and their career is waning. Olivia works at the front desk at the airport and offers a wonderful plan: he would do so that friends will be aboard the Paris - New York plane and will sit next to wealthy men. Their task is to seduce the rich and pull them out of money. But the fraudsters do not suspect that Comissaire Bayard and his young assistant are closely watching them...
Gabriel, dit Le Poulpe (The Octopus) is a laid-back private investigator who works on cases for his own pleasure. He is drawn to the fictional Loire Valley port of Angerneau, with his lover Clotilde who has been summoned by the police concerning the defacement of a deceased relative's grave. Since Angernau is her home town, she wants to leave it as soon as possible to avoid old acquaintances, but Gabriel stumbles on intriguing events concerning the cargo of a ship in port.
A group of French tourists goes on an organized trip to visit the American West. A dream trip from California to Las Vegas, passing through national parks and grandiose sites immortalized by the western.
Independent Parisian doctor Annie finds herself in an emotional tangle when she tries to help single-minded HIV-positive patient Laurent and embarks on a brief affair with conceited actor Richard.
Philippe meets the beautiful Oksana during a long layover in Moscow. Unfortunately, Oksana is the granddaughter of a murderous mafia don looking to trap a French speaking man to pull off a massive con.
l'inspecteur Cambois
An aviation magnate takes desperate measures to regain custody of his kids after he is granted minimal visitation rights by a harsh female judge. It's true that Manu Barnes is free-spirited and for much of his twelve year marriage to Mathilde that he has been too centered on his career, but he does love his kids and believes he should see them more often than one weekend a month. The judge called him irresponsible and he decides to disprove her words by kidnapping Chloe, the judge's strong-willed adolescent daughter. He takes the girl to a remote, snow-bound mountain cabin. Unfortunately, she thinks Manu is sexually attracted to her. A disaster nearly occurs there, but Chloe manages to get back to Paris. Though he knows a private detective is trailing him, the determined Manu decides to abduct his kids and take them out of the country.
French prison guard
Beaumarchais the Scoundrel is a biopic film based on the life of the French playwright, financier and spy Pierre Beaumarchais depicting his activities during the American War of Independence and his authorship of the Figaro trilogy of plays.
Lucien Hastier, known as "Lulu", is a locksmith in La Courneuve and a communist activist. He had never known his parents and had been raised by the public assistance, a notary comes to announce that his father died and left him an extraordinary inheritance: a castle, a title of duke and a royal filiation. But problems arise, the deceased duke has left heavy debts and suitors to the title.
le patron du PMU
Three half-brothers are reunited at their mother's funeral. After being told of their inheritance they quickly spend the money, only to find out that they will not receive it after all. The men grow closer while deciding how to proceed.
Théodore Vetter
Directed by Amar Arhab, Fabrice Michelin. With Christian Sinniger, Viviane Marcenaro, Marius Colucci, Sibylle Blanc.