Imogen Kogge

Imogen Kogge

Nascimento : 1957-02-08, Berlin, Germany


Imogen Kogge
Imogen Kogge


A Zona de Interesse
Hedwig's Mother
O comandante de Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, e a sua mulher, Hedwig, tentam construir uma vida de sonho para a sua família numa casa com jardim junto ao campo. Baseado no livro homónimo de Martin Amis.
The Theory of Everything
Anna Leinert
Johannes, a doctor of physics, travels with his doctoral supervisor to a scientific congress in the Alps. A series of mysterious incidents occur on site. He meets Karin, a mysterious jazz pianist who seems to know more about him than she can know. Suddenly, mysterious deaths begin to pile up and Johannes tries to uncover the secret under the mountain.
The Girl With the Golden Hands
East Germany, in autumn 1999. Gudrun Pfaff is about to turn sixty when she finds out that the orphanage she grew up in is being sold to turn into a hotel, and she is willing to do anything to stop it.
Monday um Zehn
Merkel: Anatomy of a Crisis
Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel's decision in autumn 2015 to open the borders for refugees split the country - some praised the moral stance, others criticized the surrender of sovereignty. Yet what would appear to be well-planned activity is in reality a policy of muddling along, chance, trial and error. The Driven Ones is a chronicle of the refugee crisis which shows that the political actors are being driven along, crushed between self-imposed constraints and events that have spun out of control.
Axel the Hero
Tante Vera
Axel lives in a poor village where people work days at the chicken farm and gamble their last pennies at night. It's made Manne, the farm and casino owner, a very powerful man. Axel's debts are so great he has to do whatever Manne says. So he works in Manne's villa but can at least see his childhood love Jenny, who is now Manne's girlfriend. Axel seeks refuge in his imagination. He has rebuilt the entire village as a model in his cottage. Here, he is king, his word is law. Here, he saves Jenny from Manne and sends him running. One day Axel finds a friend, his neighbor Heiner, a strange guy who constantly quotes Karl May and talks happily with his chicken. Only by joining forces will they bring Manne's empire crashing down.
So weit das Meer
Agnes Harms
Sieben Stunden
Vera Ehrles
She has her life firmly under control - but then the unbelievable happens. For seven hours, Hanna, who works as a psychotherapist in a Bavarian high-security prison, is taken hostage in her office by one of her patients. She is at the mercy of her tormentor, whom she has recently made a positive prognosis, and is raped several times. While the SEK Hanna, who is standing in front of the door, looks to safety, a convicted rapist destroys the life of a wife, mother and self-confident, cheerful woman. After the fact, nothing is as it was.
Keiner schiebt uns weg
Gerda Rapp
Ich war eine glückliche Frau
Sylvia Blok
50 years ago, 600,000 people worked in coal mines of Germany. The last active pit Prosper Haniel will close in 2018. Armin Kobzcik has been a produd miner all his life. But now he is forced to quit his beloved job as the last cole mine in Germany closes. Armin is not just losing his job, but his identity. A working-class hero only defining himself over his ability to work wants his life to be of value one last time.
Sozinhos em Berlim
Frau Busch
Na Alemanha, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, na década de 1940, o casal de operários Otto (Brendan Gleeson) e Anna (Emma Thompson) recebem a notícia de que seu filho único foi morto em combate. Inconformados com o fato, eles decidem tomar providências contra os nazistas e resistir da sua forma, mas, logo eles caem na mira da Gestapo. No coração do terror a resistência é uma questão de honra. Baseado em fatos reais.
Alles muss raus
Ingrid Faber
Nelly Lenz é uma sobrevivente de um campo de concentração que ficou seriamente desfigurada. Lene Winter, que trabalha para uma agência judaica, leva-a para Berlim. Após a cirurgia de reconstrução, Nelly inicia a procura do seu marido Johnny. Quando finalmente o encontra, este não a reconhece. Ainda assim ele aborda-a com uma proposta: uma vez que ela se parece com a sua mulher, que ele acredita estar morta, pede-lhe que esta o ajude a reclamar a considerável fortuna que ela deixou. Nelly concorda, e torna-se a sua própria doppelgänger — ela precisa de saber se Johnny alguma vez a amou, ou se a traiu.
Ein Sommer in Ungarn
Mona kriegt ein Baby
Direktorin Schmelcher
The 14-years old Mona becomes pregnant. Problems in the family are the result.
Der Heiratsschwindler und seine Frau
Sabine Klose
Frau Kaminer
Three young Russian friends, who move from Moscow to Berlin in a lucky wave of emigration right after the fall of the Berlin wall. They take their chance looking for a better life and find themselves involved in the tales of everyday lunacy on the streets of Berlin and its spirit of the early nineties.
Dreileben: One Minute of Darkness
Carola Kreil
An ailing police inspector (Stefan Kurt) hunts a dangerous criminal who escaped from custody.
Se Não Nós, Quem?
Rose Vesper
Alemanha Ocidental, início dos anos 60. Bernward Vesper (August Diehl) e Gudrun Ensslin (Lena Lauzemis) são colegas de faculdade que iniciam um relacionamento amoroso. Apaixonados pela palavra escrita, eles resolvem fundar uma editora. A primeira publicação é um antigo trabalho do pai de Bernward, um polêmico autor nazista. O livro logo é atacado, mas Bernward defende a habilidade como escritor do pai, mesmo com o peso de seu passado. Não demora muito para que ele passe a também questionar a participação do pai no Terceiro Reich de Adolf Hitler.
Der Uranberg
Elsa Meinel
Mein Mann, der Trinker
Dr. Ulrike Katzner
German television movie about an alcoholic university professor (Robert Atzorn).
Marianne Klingler
Michaela Klingler, protagonista de um fato real, cresceu sob rigorosos preceitos católicos no sul da Alemanha, durante os anos 70. Apesar de sofrer de epilepsia, convence sua família de que pode frequentar a universidade fora de seu vilarejo. Seu pai lhe dá apoio, mas a mãe extremamente protetora tem lá suas dúvidas de que a filha deva sair de casa e prosseguir nos estudos de magistério. As crises de Michaela começam a ficar cada vez mais fortes durante o primeiro ano da faculdade. Agora ela passa também a ouvir vozes. Desconfiada, ela decide procurar um sacerdote em sua cidade natal, que confirma tratar-se de um caso de possessão e lhe sugere um exorcismo.
The Wedding Party
Hannelore Walzer
In rural Westphalia, Franz Berger struggles to keep his inn open. On this day, a bluff, overbearing bully, Hermann Walzer, has booked the dining room for a wedding banquet for his son Mark. There's bad blood between Berger and Walzer, so when the first course, shrimp cocktail, is off, Hermann storms out with the wedding party vowing not to pay. Franz locks the loo door, taking prisoners of the bride and Hermann's wife while he also locks the estate's outer gates, leaving Hermann and the rest outside. Walzer, a pheasant hunter, lays siege; shotguns, rifles, grenades, a shovel, and other weapons leave no one safe. Will it take death to bring these men to their senses?
Dr. Blöchinger
A hedonistic bachelor - he is his rich family's black sheep - falls for a suicidal mental patient.
In einem anderen Leben
Krankenschwester Marlies
Die Versuchung
Doris Grothe
King of Thieves
Two amateur circus kids from a poor Ukrainian village, ten-year-old Barbu and his older sister Mimma, are sold to a circus artist called Caruso who promises them a career in the West.
King of Thieves
Two amateur circus kids from a poor Ukrainian village, ten-year-old Barbu and his older sister Mimma, are sold to a circus artist called Caruso who promises them a career in the West.
Die Geisel
Anna Wunder
Irene Weiss
Tödliche Schatten
Paula Werner
Night Shapes
The Pope is in town and the night of his stay is anything but heavenly for some of Berlin′s inhabitants. Rich and poor, down-and-outs and policemen, street kids and taxi drivers - in their search for a little bit of happiness, they all end up on an amusing and at times harrowing odyssey through the labyrinth of the big city.
Claudia Melzer
TV drama about a young girl who is sexually abused inside her own family
The Bed Queen
The story of a woman who goes on strike: in a fit of anarchic revolt she simply decides to stay in bed – and refuses, like some distaff Oblomov, to see to the thousand and one chores that await her.
Der einsame Weg