Turid Øversveen


A Espiã
Sonja Wigert é uma diva e estrela em Estocolmo quando estourou a 2ª Guerra Mundial, recebendo rapidamente a atenção do oficial nazista Josef Terboven. Ela então é recrutada pela inteligência sueca como espiã, mas Terboven a faz espionar os suecos.
Cavalos Roubados
Em 1999, Trond Sander espera a chegada do novo milênio isolado em uma pequena vila, no leste da Noruega. Lá, ele reconhece Lars, um amigo antigo. O reencontro faz com que Trond tenha lembranças de 1948, quando era adolescente e passou o verão na mesma região com o pai. Na época, o jovem precisou lidar com a traição e o abandono do patriarca, que fugiu com a mulher por quem Trond estava interessado.
Framing Mom
In the middle of her wedding reception, the doubtful bride Unn Tove finds a new born baby girl abandoned in the hotel restroom. She turns her over to Child Services. 16 years later, a young and energetic girl shows up at her door step. It’s Rosemari, the baby from the wedding. Together they start investigating the cicumstances leading to Rosemari’s’s birth. They unravel a story about a young couple’s unrestrained love, an exentric ex-boxer with a taste for erotics, and a mother covering up her life’s biggest secret. “Framing Mom” is a touching and funny story about how sex, lies and biology created a beautiful flower, Rosemari.
Grand Hotel
Executive Producer
A pompous, aging alcoholic and a tourettes-inflicted ten-year-old boy are forced to spend a week together at a high-end hotel. The only thing these two have in common is that they are both difficult to like. The hotel serves as their shared escape from the outside world and the problems it presents.
90 Minutes
Executive Producer
Director Eva Sørhaug (Cold Lunch) reveals the rage and violence lurking beneath seemingly tranquil domesticity in her bold and uncompromising sophomore feature.
Babá Eletrônica
Oslo, Norway. After living a traumatic experience, Anna and her son Anders move into a huge apartment building. Feeling constantly terrified and insecure, Anna buys a babycall to monitor Anders while he sleeps.
Curling King
Executive Producer
Once a great curling star, Truls Paulsen is diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and banned from competition. But when he learns that his old friend and coach Gordon is on his deathbed, Truls, heavily-medicated decides to compete again, in the hopes of winning money for Gordon to have an operation in the US. Truls stops taking the meds and tries to convince his old team mates that he is mentally stable enough to lead them to victory in the Norwegian Curling Championship. But, is it a good sign that he obsessively insists his teammates pull their zippers all the way up before they can play?
Inferno na Ilha
Executive Producer
Noruega, início do século 20. Na Ilha de Bastoy existe um reformatório para jovens delinquentes. No entanto, em vez de reabilitar os meninos, os guardas e o diretor abusam mental e fisicamente deles, os usando como mão de obra barata. Earling, de 17 anos, chega a instituição com um plano: escapar da ilha. Após um trágico incidente, ele lidera a rebelião dos meninos de Bastoy. Mas terá de descobrir: até onde ele está disposto a ir pela liberdade?
The Liverpool Goalie
Executive Producer
Jo (13) is a smart thinker with a vivid imagination, but is bothered by classmates, and is a rather hopeless soccer goalie. He does what he has to survive this difficult time in life whilst every kid in the street is trying to get hold of a football-card with the goalie of Liverpool.
Executive Producer
A teenager relocates to a new environment but can't quite escape the reach of his traumatic past, in Yatzy, a haunting coming of age saga from Norwegian director Katja Jacobsen. At the age of 15, Daggi has fallen in love with the wrong girl, and has experienced horrors so extreme that circumstances force him to move out and take up a new residence in the country with new parents.
Cold Lunch
Executive Producer
Bird droppings on a work shirt lead to extreme unintended consequences.
Kurdish refugee, Renas, is living in the very north of Norway. In a remote desolate house. In the middle of snowy nowhere. But soon his special princess, Fermesk, will be joining him. Though the couple has never met, they have already fallen in love from looking at each other's photographs and talking on the phone. Their families have performed a wedding ceremony back home in Iraq, and Fermesk is put on a plane. The first encounter at the airport does not live up to their expectations, however. Neither looks very much like their flattering photos would indicate. Fermesk is now a much bigger woman, and Renas isn't quite the handsome young man anymore.
Começar de Novo
Executive Producer
Erik e Philip são os melhores amigos desde a infância e ambos querem ser escritores. Enquanto o manuscrito de Erik é recusado pelos editores, Philip é avidamente recebido e, da noite para o dia, torna-se uma jovem estrela na cena literária norueguesa. Logo, seus sonhos encontrarão a realidade.
Algumas Portas Nunca Deviam Ser Abertas
John, um tipo normalissímo à volta dos 30 anos, acaba de ser abandonado pela namorada. Pouco depois da ex ir buscar as suas coisas lá a casa, é contactado pelas vizinhas, jeitosas, para as ajudar a arrastar um móvel. E aí entra num mundo de jogos e fantasias muito pouco saudável...
Anos 30, Dogville, um lugarejo nas Montanhas Rochosas. Grace (Nicole Kidman), uma bela desconhecida, aparece no lugar ao tentar fugir de gângsters. Com o apoio de Tom Edison (Paul Bettany), o auto-designado porta-voz da pequena comunidade, Grace é escondida pela pequena cidade e, em troca, trabalhará para eles. Fica acertado que após duas semanas ocorrerá uma votação para decidir se ela fica. Após este "período de testes" Grace é aprovada por unanimidade, mas quando a procura por ela se intensifica os moradores exigem algo mais em troca do risco de escondê-la. É quando ela descobre de modo duro que nesta cidade a bondade é algo bem relativo, pois Dogville começa a mostrar seus dentes. No entanto Grace carrega um segredo, que pode ser muito perigoso para a cidade.
You Really Got Me
Jan's fastfood-business is going bankrupt, his girlfriend has left him, and he is being exploited by his live-in father. Therefore, he has nothing to lose when he gets mixed up in the kidnapping of famous rock star Iver Mo. But Jan has never been able to do anything right his whole life, and there are others who want to get their hands on the ransom money.