Conrad von Molo


The Defector
An American scientist is sent by the CIA to East Germany to retrieve a secret microfilm from a Soviet scientist interested in defecting to the West but the Stasi secret police's surveillance complicates matters.
Cupido Não Tem Bandeira
Production Supervisor
Berlim, logo após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. CR MacNamara preside a filial da Coca -Cola da Alemanha. Ele está trabalhando duro e tenta dar o seu melhor para impressionar a sede em Atlanta, uma vez que ele já ouviu falar que a sede europeia em Londres em breve estará vaga e estão à procura de um novo chefe. Porém o Sr. Hazeltine, Vice Presidente da Coca-Cola, pede a MacNamara para cuidar de sua filha Scarlett, quem vai fazer uma viagem pela Europa. Scarlett, no entanto, não se comporta da maneira que uma menina jovem respeitável de sua idade deveria. E começa a confusão.
The Magnificent Rogue
Executive Producer
Ich suche Dich
The young, religious Dr. Francoise Maurer comes from Alsace in "Good Hope" Sanatorium and plans after a short time to leave the sanatorium and go to Indochina to help out in a hospital for the poorest ones.
Ludwig II
Life and death of King Ludwig II of Bavaria.
This Nazi propaganda film details the exploits of a group of German Luftwaffe pilots flying Stukas--fighter-bombers--in the Battle of France in the early days of World War II.
Unser Fräulein Doktor
Assistant Director
Unser Fräulein Doktor
Jump for Glory
A London cat burglar falls for the girlfriend of a stockbroker who used to be his partner.
Tony and his dance partner/wife Gaby headline a Paris musical. Tony becomes the unwilling target for the attentions of performer Yvette. She is later murdered with the dagger used by Tony and his wife in their act, and Gaby is accused of the crime.
Crime Over London
With the police on their tail, a gang of New York criminals decided to relocate to London where they plan a major robbery on a department store.
The Amateur Gentleman
A former boxing champion, now an innkeeper, is accused of stealing a watch from a party of guests at his inn, who happen to be members of English royalty. The old man is arrested and thrown in prison. His son, knowing that his father didn't steal the watch and suspecting a frame-up, follows the royal party to London, where he poses as a wealthy "gentleman" and insinuates himself into the English court in an effort to find out who framed his father and why.
O Testamento do Dr. Mabuse
Sound Editor
Inspetor de polícia de Berlim investiga um caso em que todas as pistas levam a um homem que está internado num hospital para doentes mentais há muitos anos, o Dr. Mabuse.
O Testamento do Dr. Mabuse
Inspetor de polícia de Berlim investiga um caso em que todas as pistas levam a um homem que está internado num hospital para doentes mentais há muitos anos, o Dr. Mabuse.