Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Depois que uma tempestade de inverno prende cinco amigos em uma cabana remota sem energia e com pouca comida, a desorientação lentamente reivindica sua sanidade enquanto cada um deles sucumbe ao medo de que a própria neve possa estar contaminada ou de alguma forma maligna.
Music Supervisor
Um thriller de crime noir ambientado em Detroit sobre três pequenos ladrões que roubam um penhorista da vizinhança de sua valiosa coleção de cartões de beisebol, apenas para descobrir que eles desencadearam algo muito mais sinistro.
Sound Designer
Um thriller de crime noir ambientado em Detroit sobre três pequenos ladrões que roubam um penhorista da vizinhança de sua valiosa coleção de cartões de beisebol, apenas para descobrir que eles desencadearam algo muito mais sinistro.
Um thriller de crime noir ambientado em Detroit sobre três pequenos ladrões que roubam um penhorista da vizinhança de sua valiosa coleção de cartões de beisebol, apenas para descobrir que eles desencadearam algo muito mais sinistro.
No longer recognizable, Amy returns to her hometown and becomes the wedding planner for her first love with her mind set on getting him back no matter what the cost.
Nove contos de terror entrelaçam a história de cidadãos isolados ao redor do mundo enquanto eles enfrentam seus medos mais sombrios em uma tentativa de sobreviver a uma epidemia cada vez mais mortal.
Supervising Sound Editor
A woman falls for a handsome firefighter after he rescues her from a suspicious car crash. But her life spins into tragedy after his seemingly overprotective behavior burns through her life.
Sound Designer
A woman falls for a handsome firefighter after he rescues her from a suspicious car crash. But her life spins into tragedy after his seemingly overprotective behavior burns through her life.
Foley Artist
A woman falls for a handsome firefighter after he rescues her from a suspicious car crash. But her life spins into tragedy after his seemingly overprotective behavior burns through her life.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A woman falls for a handsome firefighter after he rescues her from a suspicious car crash. But her life spins into tragedy after his seemingly overprotective behavior burns through her life.
Music Editor
A doctors life is turned upside down when her lawyer husband is found dead.
Supervising Sound Editor
A doctors life is turned upside down when her lawyer husband is found dead.
Original Music Composer
A doctors life is turned upside down when her lawyer husband is found dead.
Supervising Sound Editor
Uma brincadeira inocente entre duas amigas de infância terá consequências aterradoras. Quando um homem obcecado começa a perseguí-las uma série de tragédias passam a acontecer. Ninguém está a salvo!
Uma brincadeira inocente entre duas amigas de infância terá consequências aterradoras. Quando um homem obcecado começa a perseguí-las uma série de tragédias passam a acontecer. Ninguém está a salvo!
Supervising Sound Editor
Recovering from the trauma of being kidnapped last Halloween by the Blue Skeleton - a group who take "extreme haunt" to another level - five friends decide they must face their fears in order to move on. Heading back out on the road to visit more haunted house attractions, signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again and a new terror begins.
Recovering from the trauma of being kidnapped last Halloween by the Blue Skeleton - a group who take "extreme haunt" to another level - five friends decide they must face their fears in order to move on. Heading back out on the road to visit more haunted house attractions, signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again and a new terror begins.
Dialogue Editor
Recovering from the trauma of being kidnapped last Halloween by the Blue Skeleton - a group who take "extreme haunt" to another level - five friends decide they must face their fears in order to move on. Heading back out on the road to visit more haunted house attractions, signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again and a new terror begins.
ADR Editor
Recovering from the trauma of being kidnapped last Halloween by the Blue Skeleton - a group who take "extreme haunt" to another level - five friends decide they must face their fears in order to move on. Heading back out on the road to visit more haunted house attractions, signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again and a new terror begins.
Recovering from the trauma of being kidnapped last Halloween by the Blue Skeleton - a group who take "extreme haunt" to another level - five friends decide they must face their fears in order to move on. Heading back out on the road to visit more haunted house attractions, signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again and a new terror begins.
Original Music Composer
A resentful 14-year-old girl is drawn into a seemingly innocent friendship with an older man, but the relationship turns sinister.
Original Music Composer
When Gary Emerson reconnects with his high school girlfriend Valerie over a kiss at their reunion, he has no idea that Valerie took that kiss as in invitation to rekindle their youthful romance and has followed him cross-country to fan the fire of their old flame. Gary makes it clear that he and his wife Jenna are working on their marriage and that he will never love Valerie. This is unacceptable to Valerie, and now Jenna and Gary must fight for their lives and the safety of their two children while Valerie seeks retribution in her reign of terror. Natasha Henstridge, Marguerite Moreau, Jason Gerhardt, Sammi Hanratty star. (2016)
Kate is a professional dancer on a hit TV show. One year after her sister’s murder, Kate's friend and the show's other lead dancer is also murdered. Kate's entire world is thrown into a spiral of fear.
Kate is a professional dancer on a hit TV show. One year after her sister’s murder, Kate's friend and the show's other lead dancer is also murdered. Kate's entire world is thrown into a spiral of fear.
When two female friends decide to try their hand at a storage locker auction, they unwittingly inherit a locker belonging to a dangerous serial killer. They soon find themselves in a desperate race to uncover the truth about the locker before the killer tracks them down.
Original Music Composer
On an isolated farm in Apartheid South Africa two lovers find themselves at risk of losing everything to a big city lawyer; they will stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing a dark family secret.
On an isolated farm in Apartheid South Africa two lovers find themselves at risk of losing everything to a big city lawyer; they will stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing a dark family secret.
Music Supervisor
On an isolated farm in Apartheid South Africa two lovers find themselves at risk of losing everything to a big city lawyer; they will stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing a dark family secret.
Supervising Sound Editor
On an isolated farm in Apartheid South Africa two lovers find themselves at risk of losing everything to a big city lawyer; they will stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing a dark family secret.
Sound Mixer
On an isolated farm in Apartheid South Africa two lovers find themselves at risk of losing everything to a big city lawyer; they will stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing a dark family secret.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
On an isolated farm in Apartheid South Africa two lovers find themselves at risk of losing everything to a big city lawyer; they will stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing a dark family secret.
Foley Artist
On an isolated farm in Apartheid South Africa two lovers find themselves at risk of losing everything to a big city lawyer; they will stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing a dark family secret.
Dialogue Editor
On an isolated farm in Apartheid South Africa two lovers find themselves at risk of losing everything to a big city lawyer; they will stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing a dark family secret.
On an isolated farm in Apartheid South Africa two lovers find themselves at risk of losing everything to a big city lawyer; they will stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing a dark family secret.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Um cientista que inventou uma técnica para assistir a mente das pessoas se encontra em uma situação perigosa, depois que ele é encarregado de entrar a mente de um viciado em heroína para ver se o homem cometeu um assassinato.
Um grupo de cinco, liderados por Julie montam o seu equipamento de filmagem no hotel da cidade abandonada de Goldfield, na esperança de capturar imagens do fantasma de Elisabeth Walker, uma empregada torturada e morta no quarto 109. Perturbada por visões, Julie descobre que o colar, dado a ela pela avó, tem de alguma forma conexão a esta tragédia.
Sound Designer
This story follows four friends transplanted from New York to Los Angeles to follow thier acting dreams. The four get distracted in four very different ways but all involve women. From obsession with the unreal to the older and wiser woman, to the how many beautiful ladies can their be in this town, and lets not forget the focus on will she ever come back to me syndrome. Trials and tribulations occur between their friendship and their relationships with very different women in this romantic comedy Written by Ellen N English
Original Music Composer
This story follows four friends transplanted from New York to Los Angeles to follow thier acting dreams. The four get distracted in four very different ways but all involve women. From obsession with the unreal to the older and wiser woman, to the how many beautiful ladies can their be in this town, and lets not forget the focus on will she ever come back to me syndrome. Trials and tribulations occur between their friendship and their relationships with very different women in this romantic comedy Written by Ellen N English
Jon 141 founds himself stuck in a world of out-of-control reality TV. Every week, he has to fight for higher ratings and his life. But now, the network wants more viewers, and sleazy producer Quinton McBride knows just how to do it. By destroying Earth along with Jon 141. Will he be able to battle evil and save Earth at the same time?
Original Music Composer
Police detective, Mitchell, investigating the death of a victim of a Nazi concentration camp discovers a nightclubbing playboy who has strange powers over women and is seemingly ageless.