Para Sarah Wilder(Alanna Ubach), fazer um filme em Hollywood parecia fácil. Com a ajuda de seu tio e roteirista(Michael Lerner), essa sexy aspirante a diretora de filmes embarca em uma jornada selvagem pelo mundo do cinema, encontrando pela frente: executivos malucos, produtores insanos, além de gângsters quem concordarão em financiar seu filme... Mas tudo tem um preço. Em um esforço para encontrar a verdade sobre filmes, sexo e vida, Sarah se depara com um grande elenco de trapalhões(Mike Myers, Janeane Garofalo,Richard Kind, Kristen Johnston, Fred Willard, Ben Stiller, Robert Englund, Virginia Madsen e Wayne Rogers) e para sua surpresa descobre que...NINGUÉM SABE TUDO
Bob Vinton
A group of CNN reporters wrestle with journalistic ethics and the life-and-death perils of reporting during the Gulf War.A Directors Guild Award-winning movie for director Mick Jackson, starring Michael Keaton and Helena Bonham Carter. In 1990, CNN was a 24-hour news network in search of a 24-hour story. They were about to find it in Baghdad. Veteran CNN producer Robert Wiener and his longtime producing partner Ingrid Formanek find themselves in Iraq on the eve of war. Up against the big three networks, Weiner and his team are rebels with a cause, willing to take risks to get the biggest stories and - unlike their rivals - take them live at a moment's notice. As Baghdad becomes an inevitable US target, one by one the networks pull out of the city until only the crew from CNN remains. With a full-scale war soon to be launched all around them, and CNN ready to broadcast whatever happens 24 hours a day, Wiener and Formanek are about to risk their lives for the story of a lifetime.
Gov. Rob McCallum
Pessoas sem qualquer ligação começam a ter visões que preveem acontecimentos catastróficos. De alguma forma, essas visões podem estar conectadas à morte da mulher de um jornalista, e fazer parte de um evento maior e destruidor.
The Stories Behind the Making of The Blues Brothers is an hour- long documentary featuring every participant from the film. Star and co-writer Dan Aykroyd explains how a joke that he and best friend John Belushi shared with friends evolved from a Saturday Night Live skit to a best-selling album and then to a film. Director John Landis covers the difficult production, from the outrageous stunts to Belushi's disappearances from the set.
Himself (archive footage)
Writer Tom Davis hosts a Blues Brothers retrospective that tells the whole truth about the legendary band's early days and righteous ways. The Blues Brothers were an unforgettable part of Saturday Night Live's golden era, making their musical debut in bee costumes singing "I'm a King Bee," and becoming an overnight sensation. Switching to hats and shades inspired by John Lee Hooker, they combined classic Chicago Blues with Stax-Volt R&B to create a sound all their own. Their first album, Briefcase Full of Blues, went double-platinum and led quickly to their hit movie and milestone soundtrack album. The rest is history, and it's all here in a music-filled, memory-blasting account of a band that will always be on a mission from God.
Additional Voices (voice)
Chicago. Em uma firma que trabalha com venda de imóveis os tempos estão difíceis para os corretores Shelley Levene (Jack Lemmon), Ricky Roma (Al Pacino), Dave Moss (Ed Harris) e George Aaronow (Alan Arkin). Eles são fortemente pressionados por Blake (Alec Baldwin), que agora chefia as vendas e promete um Cadillac Eldorado para o melhor vendedor, para o 2º colocado o prêmio será um conjunto de seis facas para churrasco e o 3º prêmio é o olho da rua, pois não lá há lugar para fracassados. Quem tiver desempenho mais satisfatório vai receber as boas dicas para conseguir ir bem nas vendas, mas o roubo delas deixa a situação tensa.
Theater Manager
O detetive Danny prende perigoso assassino. Três anos depois, o criminoso foge da prisão, mas sofre acidente de automóvel e a polícia o dá como morto. Mas certos crimes fazem Danny suspeitar que o assassino está vivo e que eles vão se reencontrar em breve
Three friends decide to date the same man.
Adam Lawrence (John Travolta) é um repórter de uma revista que começa a investigar a moda das academias de ginástica em Los Angeles e acaba se envolvendo com uma das "trainers" de aeróbica.
Mr. Kurtz
Four teens on the run from an orphanage spring a fellow orphan recently adopted by a rich family, then trash the whole house.
Leon Lane
This is a splendid little sleeper of a movie. Ernie Kovacs was one of the giants of early television. I think he would be pleased with the way Jeff Goldbloom captures his wonky personality. Melody Anderson also distills that of Edie Adams. There is a very basic heart tugging story about the search for Kovacs' two abducted daughters. But at the same time the film is funny --- Cloris Leachman is a hoot as Kovacs impossible mom --- and has many of the offbeat and innovative qualities of the old Kovacs show itself.
Comedy short.
Public Defender
John Bourgignon, a drummer-chauffeur engaged to the daughter of a United States senator, encounters a sleazy film director, the leader of an aerobics cult, and other crazed characters in the days leading up to his wedding.
Original Music Composer
Broad satire and buffoonery presented as a series of movie trailers. Among the titles and subjects are: "The Howard Huge Story", "Skate-boarders from Hell", "The Invasion of the Penis Snatchers", Woody Allen (pre-Mia), movie trailer come-ons, Charlie Chaplin, war movies, Billy Jack. The source of the title is presented about an hour into the film.
Broad satire and buffoonery presented as a series of movie trailers. Among the titles and subjects are: "The Howard Huge Story", "Skate-boarders from Hell", "The Invasion of the Penis Snatchers", Woody Allen (pre-Mia), movie trailer come-ons, Charlie Chaplin, war movies, Billy Jack. The source of the title is presented about an hour into the film.
Tough, White G.I.
Broad satire and buffoonery presented as a series of movie trailers. Among the titles and subjects are: "The Howard Huge Story", "Skate-boarders from Hell", "The Invasion of the Penis Snatchers", Woody Allen (pre-Mia), movie trailer come-ons, Charlie Chaplin, war movies, Billy Jack. The source of the title is presented about an hour into the film.
Murphy 'Murph' Dunne
Após deixar a cadeia Jake reencontra seu irmão Elwood e juntos vão para o orfanato onde foram criados. Lá eles descobrem que o local será fechado se uma dívida de US$ 5 mil com a prefeitura não for paga. Como a freira que dirige o orfanato não aceita de forma alguma dinheiro ganho desonestamente, Jake e Elwood decidem por retomar a The Blues Brothers Band, na intenção de realizar um grande show e arrecadar a quantia necessária para pagar a dívida.
Dr. Schallert
Os amigos de Jeff e Mari estão todos se divorciando. Sabendo disso, eles passam a questionar o próprio relacionamento. Jeff começa um caso com outra mulher e Mari decide também ter outras experiências.
Hillary Kramer, successful Perfume magnate awakes one morning to find that her accountant has robbed her blind and left for South America. Going through all of her remaining assets she finds a boxer, purchased as a tax write off. She decides to take Kid Natural, (Eddie Scanlon) who is much more at home giving driving lessons, into the ring and use him as her key to riches. Eddie thinks this will only get him killed and resists.
Bloodshot Band Member
When her marriage falls apart, a psychiatrist seeks out those of her former boyfriends who left the biggest impact on her life, mostly in a bad way.
The full unedited performance recorded on December 31, 1978, when the Blues Brothers opened for the Grateful Dead on the monumental closing night of Winterland.
Dr. Burnett
Peeping Times is a comedy special that aired on NBC on January 25, 1978. Co-produced, written and directed by Rudy De Luca and Barry Levinson, the special featured an early broadcast network appearance of David Letterman. David Frost was co-executive producer. The show was a spoof of TV news magazine programs.
Piano Player
Richard Thorndyke chega ao Instituto Neuro-Psiquiátrico Para os Muito, Muito Nervosos para tornar-se seu diretor. Mas suas novas funções vão muito além de garantir que tudo funcione da forma correta: ele foi chamado principalmente para descobrir a origem de falcatruas que andam acontecendo lá dentro. Tudo complica ainda mais quando ele próprio é ameaçado de morte, por saber demais, o que traz a tona seu próprio problema psicológico: ele sofre de alta ansiedade! O filme faz homenagem explícita as obras de Alfred Hitchcock. Algumas sequências trazem paródias de cenas famosas de filmes como Os Pássaros, Psicose e Um Corpo que Cai.
Court Stenographer
Tarzana, Califórnia. Jerry Landers (John Denver), o subgerente de um supermercado, é escolhido por Deus (George Burns) para disseminar Sua palavra, pois Deus está insatisfeito com várias coisas que estão acontecendo no mundo. Inicialmente Jerry achou que era uma brincadeira, mas logo se convence que está falando e vendo Deus, que se faz aparentar por um velho. Bobbie (Teri Garr), a esposa de Jerry, questiona a sanidade do marido, mas aos poucos Jerry é ouvido, fazendo representantes de várias igrejas se unirem para propôr um teste que Jerry não teria a menor chance de responder.
Tommy Joyce
Um professor e seu assistente constroem o primeiro ônibus movido a energia nuclear, apesar da oposição que representa interesses contrários. Entretanto quando uma bomba é colocada no ônibus cria diversos tumultos em sua primeira viagem.
Dr. Holcomb
A committee investigating TV's first uncensored network examines a typical day's programming, which includes shows, commercials, news programs, you name it. What they discover will surely crack you up! This outrageous and irreverent spoof of television launched the careers of some of the greatest comedians of all time.
A committee investigating TV's first uncensored network examines a typical day's programming, which includes shows, commercials, news programs, you name it. What they discover will surely crack you up! This outrageous and irreverent spoof of television launched the careers of some of the greatest comedians of all time.
Monitor Driver
Earthlings chafe at the peace established by a benevolent alien race and set about to rebel.