Eve and Adam meet in Eden. It soon becomes apparent that they don’t find each other particularly attractive. But do they have a choice? Writing helps. They each start keeping a diary about this first encounter between two human beings — from very different perspectives, as one might imagine. And as they get on each other’s nerves and recount terrible things about each other, they discover an unexpected new emotion: love.
Transposing Mark Twain's immortal anti-racist novel to 2017, "Huckleberry Finn: A Close Place" depicts the friendship that develops between a poor Missouri boy and an undocumented African immigrant as they drift down the Mississippi River on a makeshift raft in pursuit of freedom.
Tom Sawyer e Huck Finn são homens adultos, ainda procurando o tesouro escondido que os ilude desde a infância. Nessa busca os dois acabam aprendendo muito mais do que pensavam. Nessa jornada, eles se deparam com Joe Harper e Becky Thatcher.
Tom Sawyer e Huck Finn são homens adultos, ainda procurando o tesouro escondido que os ilude desde a infância. Nessa busca os dois acabam aprendendo muito mais do que pensavam. Nessa jornada, eles se deparam com Joe Harper e Becky Thatcher.
Tom Sawyer and his pal Huckleberry Finn have great adventures on the Mississippi River, pretending to be pirates, attending their own funeral and witnessing a murder.
Huckleberry Finn, a rambunctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.
The story of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, placed in the years right after the Second World War in Germany. A tale about friendship and courage.
Tom Sawyer has a head full of pranks and drives when he invents is not just a new adventure, preferably around with his best buddy Huck Finn - much to the chagrin of his Aunt Polly with Tom and his half-brother Sid in the town of St. Petersburg on the Mississippi river.
Writers' Assistant
Barbie interpreta Anneliese e sua melhor amiga Teresa interpreta Érika. Ambas sonham em serem livres, pois Anneliese está sendo obrigada a se casar com o rei Dominic para impedir que o reino fique muito pobre e Érika é uma costureira presa por um contrato. As duas são muito parecidas, o rosto e o corpo é praticamente igual exceto a cor dos cabelos e uma “marca de nascença real” que Anneliese possui e Érika nâo. Porém, logo após de se conhecerem na aldeia, o invejoso conselheiro da rainha, Preminger, manda seus assistentes sequestrarem Anneliese e a levarem para uma cholpana na floresta. Pela manhã, a rainha encontra um bilhete de Anneliese, que na verdade era de Preminger, no qual ela conta que fugiu para não se casar com o rei Dominic.
A teenaged Mark Twain travels to the American West during the "Gold Rush" days in search of fortune and his destiny.
The Hunter family has hit the jackpot--scoring a winning 50 million dollar lottery ticket! But when the ticket is lost on the way to cashing it in, the Hunters face overwhelming obstacles in chasing down the ticket before it is stolen by some unsavory characters in this madcap action comedy.
An adaptation of the classic, "The Prince and the Pauper" is the retelling of Edward Tudor and young Thomas Canty, two amazing look-alikes caught up in imperial intrigue and scandal. In fleeing from his violent father, Tom stumbles into the palace courtyard, and is seen by young Prince Edward, who takes him in. Each desiring to see what the other's life is like, the boys impulsively switch identities... little knowing what disaster lies ahead at this fault of thought. And soon Thomas becomes a pawn in the hands of Edward's malicious and greedy uncle, who would have the kingdom for himself.
The classic Twain story "The Prince and the Pauper" gets a modern slant when Prince Edward of Gelfland switches places with Southern California surfer Cash Canty. Both discover a new world of romance, danger, and adventure beyond their wildest dreams.
Uma cientista bem-humorada obtém sucesso com uma de suas invenções mais ousadas: ela consegue viajar através do tempo e vai parar na Inglaterra da Idade Média. Lá, se mete em muitas confusões e ainda conhece Merlin e o rei Artur.
Eddie is a 10-year-old girl who runs away from home with her best friend Ava, a 2-ton circus elephant. They are pursued by everyone from the police to the circus' owner
O travesso Tom Sawyer é testemunha de um assassinato cometido pelo malvado Injun Joe. Quando um inocente é culpado pelo crime, Tom e seu rebelde amigo Huck Finn começam uma busca pelo mapa de piratas para poder absolvê-lo. Baseado no clássico livro de Mark Twain.
Um arqueólogo workoholic encontra o lugar onde o famoso explorador Coronado foi preso e por causa de como ele leva os ossos do famoso explorador para um museu o seu espirito desperta, fazendo com que ele selecione o filho do arqueólogo para ajudá-lo a enterrar seus ossos em um lugar sagrado. Durante o tempo em que o pai do garoto está ocupado com o trabalho, seu filho tem problemas com um valentão e cada vez o fantasma o ajuda, seu pai não entende nada do que está acontecendo até que o fantasma aparece diante dele, quando ele e seu filho estão em um cemitério com os ossos do fantasma.
Romantic comedy about an honest Mexican immigrant who struggles without a green card by selling oranges on a street corner. One day a limousine pulls up and he is handed a check for $1,000,000 with instructions that he is to give the check back in 30 days. Initially he uses the check to convince people to extend credit to him. In the meantime he also attracts a woman who is in a dead end relationship with a bossy businessman. At the end of the 30 days, he finds his life in turmoil, the things he got on credit are repossessed, and he is being evicted from his dwelling and being sent back to Mexico.
Taking place in the 1990's, Huck and his card shark friend, Jim, travel from California to Nevada searching for Huck's long-lost grandpa. Along the way, a deceived card player chases the two across the states with his two, less intelligent, sidekicks.
O corajoso menino Huck Finn finge a sua própria morte para escapar de seu pai, que está atrás da herança que sua mãe lhe havia deixado. Finn encontra o amigo Jim, um escravo fugitivo. Juntos, eles embarcam numa jornada ao longo do rio Mississipi em rumo à liberdade, vivendo aventuras fantásticas.
Em um reino muito distante, dois garotos muito parecidos se encontram por acaso e decidem trocar de papéis: um mendigo conhecido como Mickey, que sonha com uma vida luxuosa e um Príncipe que sonha em ser livre como seus súditos. Cada um experimenta os desafios de seu novo personagem e juntos terão que encontrar a forma de salvar o reino de um malvado capitão, que quer o trono para si.
After a horse accident, Karen wakes up to find herself in past Britain, close to Camelot, the famous castle of King Arthur.
A story based on "The Mysterious Stranger" novel by Mark Twain.
The plane of the American pilot Hank Morgan got lost in time. The pilot falls into temporary loop and finds himself at the era of the glorious King Arthur. Here he is destined to meet the legendary knights of the Round Table and the insidious Queen Morgana - the sister of the king, the beautiful Sandy and the wise Wizard. He will find himself in the rags of a slave and in knightly armor, to witness the greatness and death of the kingdom.
Adventurous Huck Finn prefers rafting on the Mississippi River rather than being a part of civilization.
In the 1840s, two boys get mixed up with an Indian accused of stealing money and rescue a pretty girl who is trapped in a cave.
O filme se desenvolve em pequenas estórias, todas narradas a partir de conceitos filosóficos expressos por Mark Twain. Arrepelações contrapondo os conceitos e idéias daquilo que se julga verdade absoluta sobre certos temas um tanto nocivos, e ainda assim, muito moralista como: O céu, o inferno, o bem e mal e a importância da vida.
Without a book about the adventures of Tom and his friends Huckleberry Finn and Becky Thatcher, one can not imagine the childhood of a child! The small but brave heroes Tom and Huck search for the treasure, become "pirates", enter into a dangerous battle with the Indian Joe.
The adventures of a teen-aged boy and his friend, a runaway slave, as they float down the Mississippi River on a raft.
The film version of the same-titled book by Mark Twain. A young printer's apprentice imagines himself back in the days of Guttenberg, helping him to print the Bible. The next thing he knows he has conjured up a young spirit from the future who casts spells over striking printers and causes general mischief.
The adventures and misadventures of Tom and Huck on the Mississippi River in Missouri with their involvement when they fall in with a gang of con artists, take up with a ragtag circus, help a freed slave buy his sister's freedom, and then see a dastardly villain get her.
The escapades of Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, and the runaway slave, Jim, drifting down the Mississippi on a homemade raft, and their encounter with the Duke and his cohort, Dauphin.
Most mid-19th-century Mississippi River boys dreamed of occupying that pinnacle of power and glamour, the pilot house of a riverboat. In a riot of local color, this film tells how, unlike many, Sam's dream comes true. A callow teenager, he talks the tough but consummate Horace Bixby into making him his apprentice on the "Paul Jones," eventually following him to the much finer "Aleck Scott." Meanwhile, he is already spinning fantastic yarns to everyone from awe-struck lads ashore, to fellow "cub pilots", to young lady passengers who catch his eye. Things temporarily take a turn for the worse when Bixby must attend a meeting and leave Sam to work under Brown, a dour tyrant with a grudge against him.
A mysterious stranger descends on the small town of Hadleyburg to teach its deceitful residents a lesson
A modern-day scientist gets teleported to Medieval England in King Arthur's Court! He has to adapt to the current times and tries to make improvements as they come.
Tom Canty is a poor English boy who bears a remarkable resemblance to Edward, Prince of Wales and son of King Henry VIII. The two boys meet and decide to play a joke on the court by dressing in each other's clothes, but the plan goes awry when they are separated and each must live the other's life.
Three friends - Tomás, Hubert and Jozka - are boys growing up in a little town. Tomás lives with his aunt Apolena and uncle Václav. Tomás is a boy with lots of ideas that often end up getting him into trouble not only with his teachers and aunt, but with the other inhabitants of the town as well. He has a crush on his schoolmate Blanka and for her sake he decides to try to get the prize for the best pupil in the school.
Original Story
Huck is kidnapped by his father but manages to fake his own death and escape to Jackson's Island, where he coincidentally meets up with Jim, a slave of the Widow Douglas' sister, Miss Watson. Jim is running for freedom because he has found out that Miss Watson plans to "sell him South" for $800. Together they construct a raft and travel on the Mississippi River, Jim hoping for freedom from slavery, and Huck searching freedom from his drunk father and controlling foster parent.
Huckleberry Finn, a rambuctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.
Versão musical do livro de Mark Twain sobre as aventuras de um menino que vive às margens do rio Mississipi.
Soviet adventure comedy film based on Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, two friends in a Mississippi River town, have one adventure after another - including attending their own funeral and being pursued by a murderer.
No Missouri de 1850, Tom Sawyer é um menino que vive com a Tia Polly, e seu meio irmão Sid. Tom faz todas as estrepolias que se espera de uma criança e até se apaixona por Betty Thatcher, que acabou de chegar à cidade. Depois, junto com Huck Finn, filho do vagabundo Pap Finn, ele testemunha Injun Joe matar o Doutor Robinson no cemitério. Com medo de Injun Joe, os dois fogem para uma ilha, mas retornam quando são dados como mortos. Quando tem início o julgamento pelo assassinato do doutor, em que o réu é Muff Potter, eles incriminam Injun Joe. Em seguida, Tom resolve fazer um piquenique com Betty nas famosas Cavernas McDougal, onde são perseguidos por Injun Joe, que fugira da corte...
1972 animated adaptation of the classic Mark Twain tale
A poor boy named Tom Canty and the Prince of Wales exchange identities but events force the pair to experience each other's lives as well.
Adaptation of the adventures of Tom Sawyer, played by actor Juliancito Bravo.
The film is a continuation of the story of Tom Sawyer and his friends, the second part of the Romanian screenplay after the famous novel by Mark Twain. The three friends Tom, Huck and Becky continue their adventures full of puzzles and suspense.
A TV movie about Huckleberry Finn, directed by Marcel Cravenne and released in France back in 1967.
A stranger shows up in an American town, promising a reward for the person who once helped him out of trouble.
Interesting and sometimes funny adaptation of a Mark Twain short story. Hatfield is a carpetbagger who marries the daughter of a prominent plantation owner in order to humiliate him. He mistreats his wife, but she stoically refuses to complain to her father.
Short Story
Original Story
Na Londres de 1537, dois garotos idênticos se encontram acidentalmente e trocam "papéis" por um curto período. Depois de muitas aventuras, o príncipe recupera sua identidade legítima e graciosamente torna seu "gêmeo" protegido pela corte.
From chicken thief to cabin boy, riverboat pilot to circus performer, Huck Finn outsmarts everyone on his way down the muddy Mississippi.
This made-for-TV production originally aired on the "Climax!" show and opened up its second season. Huck and his buddy Tom Sawyer become blood brothers right before Huck takes off down the Mississippi River to try and get away from his abusive father. Along his journey Huck comes across a wide range of characters including The Duke.
An impoverished American sailor is fortunate enough to be passing the house of two rich gentlemen who have conceived the crazy idea of distributing a note worth one million pounds. The sailor finds that whenever he tries to use the note to buy something, people treat him like a king and let him have whatever he likes for free. Ultimately, the money proves to be more troublesome than it is worth when it almost costs him his dignity and the woman he loves.
A bump on the head sends Hank Martin, 1912 mechanic, to Arthurian Britain, 528 A.D., where he is befriended by Sir Sagramore le Desirous and gains power by judicious use of technology. He and Alisande, the King's niece, fall in love at first sight, which draws unwelcome attention from her fiancée Sir Lancelot; but worse trouble befalls when Hank meddles in the kingdom's politics.
Jim Smiley has a frog that can jump further than anyone else's frog, and Jim becomes obsessed with entering the frog in all of the local jumping-frog contests, not realizing that his obsession is about to cost him his marriage.
Two look-alike boys, one a poor street kid and the other a prince, exchange places to see what the other's life is like.
Mais uma das primorosas versões feitas pelo cinema do livro de Mark Twain. Clássico.
O pequeno Tom Sawyer (Tommy Kelly) vive com sua tia Polly (May Ribson) numa pequena cidade do Mississipi. Ele e seu inseparável amigo Huckleberry Finn (Jackie Moran) adoram pescar, sonham com piratas e grandes tesouros e vivem pensando em Becky Thatcher (Ann Gillis), uma linda garota do colégio. Os dois vivem se metendo em aventuras e confusões até que um dia presenciam um assassinato, e juntos conseguem provar a inocência do homem injustamente acusado, esse fato faz com que Injun Joe (Victor Jory), o verdadeiro assassino, passe a caçá-los. Ao tentarem escapar de Joe, os dois vivem uma fantástica aventura nas águas do Rio Mississipi que os leva até cavernas misteriosas e ao esconderijo em que Injun Joe havia enterrado uma fortuna.
Two boys – the prince Edward and the pauper Tom – are born on the same day. Years later, when young teenage Tom sneaks into the palace garden, he meets the prince. They change clothes with one another before the guards discover them and throw out the prince thinking he's the urchin. No one believes them when they try to tell the truth about which is which. Soon after, the old king dies and the prince will inherit the throne.
A year after their former exploits, Tom Sawyer's puppy love of Becky Thatcher keeps him home while Huck Finn, chafing under "civilizing" influences like school and shoes, plans to run away. His scapegrace, abusive father intervenes; Tom and black Jim help him escape; and (departing from the novel) all three raft down the Mississippi, where they're joined by two likable rogues and meet pretty orphans Ella and Mary Jane. The latter may change Huck's mind about girls...
Making a delivery to a mysterious mansion in a rainstorm, radio salesman Hank Martin is knocked out when a suit of armor topples on him. Upon awakening, Hank finds himself in the time of King Arthur. At Camelot Castle, Hank uses a cigarette lighter and his skill with a lasso to save himself from being executed as a demon. Hank so impresses Arthur that the king orders him to joust with one of his knights to save the life of Princess Alisande.
The classic Mark Twain tale of a young boy and his friends on the Mississippi River. Tom and his pals Huckleberry Finn and Joe Harper have numerous adventures, including running away to be pirates and, being believed drowned, attending their own funeral. The boys also witness a murder and Tom and his friend Becky Thatcher are pursued by the vengeful murderer.
In 1921, a young man, having read Mark Twain's classic novel of the same title, dreams that he himself travels to King Arthur's court, where he has similar adventures and outwits his foes by means of very modern inventions including motorcycles and nitroglycerine.
Alexander Korda's early German adaptation of Mark Twain's historical fiction novel about two young boys who are born on the same day and identical in appearance but of very different origin: Edward the Prince of Wales son of Henry VIII and Tom Canty the son of an lowly pauper.
Huckleberry Finn, a rambuctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.
Silent version of the Twain tale, filmed in Pleasanton, California. A Missouri boy (Jack Pickford) encounters his first love (Clara Horton) and bucks responsibilities to find adventure with his friend, Huck Finn (Robert Gordon).
A lost film. Dr. Crawford and his wife with their little daughter, Elsie, are at home amusing themselves with the Scotch collie puppy, Imp, when another doctor is announced and he is shown an article in a newspaper which describes the providential rescue from drowning of the doctor's child by Lassie, the mother of Imp. Two more physician's arrive and announce that they have come to try an experiment with a newly discovered anesthetic. Dr. Crawford has a guinea pig, on which the experiment is to be tried, but it is discovered the animal has died, and the men of medicine are in a quandary. It is finally decided to use Imp, the puppy, for the experiment, despite the mild protest of Elsie.
A lost film. Dr. Crawford and his wife with their little daughter, Elsie, are at home amusing themselves with the Scotch collie puppy, Imp, when another doctor is announced and he is shown an article in a newspaper which describes the providential rescue from drowning of the doctor's child by Lassie, the mother of Imp. Two more physician's arrive and announce that they have come to try an experiment with a newly discovered anesthetic. Dr. Crawford has a guinea pig, on which the experiment is to be tried, but it is discovered the animal has died, and the men of medicine are in a quandary. It is finally decided to use Imp, the puppy, for the experiment, despite the mild protest of Elsie.
Documentary footage of the author and his two daughters at home.
(as Samuel Clemens)
Directed by J. Searle Dawley.
Directed by J. Searle Dawley.
“The story is GOONIES in tone, each told from a different character’s vantage point with flashback stories to their experiences with Tom, who is missing.” Upcoming Disney+ Project.