Claus Nissen

Claus Nissen

Nascimento : 1938-07-28, Denmark

Morte : 2008-04-29


Claus Nissen


As Cinco Obstruções
The Perfect Man - from 'Det perfekte menneske' 1967
Em 1967, Jorgen Leth realizou um curta-metragem de 12 minutos chamado The Perfect Human. Fã incondicional desse curta, Lars Von Trier desafiou o veterano diretor a produzir cinco remakes desse mesmo filme. Sempre no comando da situação, Von Trier coloca todo tipo de obstáculo, com o intento deliberado de tornar as coisas difíceis, e num dos episódios ele manda o sexagenário Leth até Cuba, para filmar em condições muito adversas. Em outro momento, ele ordena que um dos remakes seja feito em desenho animado. Exercício de estilo e poder, o documentário tenta desvendar as concessões e as limitações que os realizadores enfrentam para viabilizarem suas produções.
The Blue Monk
The waitresses at a Copenhagen bar find themselves listening to and advising various clients who wander in to unburden their current problems. The Blue Monk is so named because its jukebox constantly plays music by jazz musician Thelonius Monk. ...The Blue Monk
O Reino 2
A série acontece na enfermaria de neurocirurgia do hospital "Rigshospitalet" de Copenhagen, o principal hospital da cidade e do país, apelidado de "Riget". "Riget" significa "o reino" ou "o reino" e leva alguém a pensar em "dødsriget", o reino dos mortos.
O Reino
Pouco tempo após o Dr. Helmer chegar ao hospital dinamarquês Reino, acontecimentos estranhos surgem repentinamente - uma ambulância fantasma surge durante a noite, vozes são ouvidas no elevador, fetos desenvolvem-se de forma sobrenatural, uma loja maçônica realiza seus cultos ali, entre outros casos - abalando qualquer fé na ciência. E pacientes, médicos e funcionários terão de conviver e trabalhar nesse ambiente sinistro e totalmente incompreensível.
Family Matters
The Taxidriver
Jan thinks he is Swedish-Danish, but after his mother's death he discovers he was adopted. As his world begins to fall apart, he decides to find his birth parents. The hunt leads him to Portugal - in a taxi - where more surprises await him.
Russian Pizza Blues
Four parallel stories about a Russian and his daughter trying to get to his wife's Russian Pizza House in New York, but they are stranded in Copenhagen. A girl getting married. A man finding his brother and starting a new life in the city. Two men working at a bridge. And it's all happening the same night.
Notes on Love
Forfatteren / The Writer
Poet-filmmaker Jørgen Leth taps his own earliest inspirational veins by free-floating through a camera/microscope-enhanced set of poems with love as their first and final subject. For example, how a tropical island woman prepares for a meeting with her lover. The film was shot partly in the South Pacific with more than a nod to social anthropoliogist B. Malinowski's historical work The Sexual Life of Savages.
After librarian Isolde attempts suicide, she leaves her politician husband for a younger student with a dark past. Isolde's former husband, however, has something else in mind for the young man.
The Fight For The Red Cow
Walter and Carlo, Part II, Yes, It's Daddy
Coffee has been outlawed and an organization of retired people smuggle coffee from the Swedish mafia, while Walter pursues his new love interest and Carlo deals with a midlife crisis after being dumped by his girlfriend.
Barndommens gade
I en lille 2-værelses baggårdslejlighed, på Vesterbro i København, bor den 14 årige Ester (Sofie Gråbøl) sammen med faderen (Torben Jensen), moderen (Vigga Bro) og storebroderen Carl (Carl Quist Møller). Det er tidens typiske arbejderkvarter og lejligheden er uden nogen form for moderne bekvemmeligheder. Koks skal hentes i en mørk kælder, hvor hjemløse har søgt ly og logi for natten. Ester er en drømmer. Hendes ønske er at blive forfatter og hun skriver digte i det skjulte. Hun glemmer ofte tid og sted, når hendes tanker går på langfart.
Take It Easy
Two Danish youngsters see action in the USSR as volunteers in a special legion under German command in 1944-45. Returned to a camp in their native country, they go AWOL, having first killed a couple of officers. They are now being chased through a wintry Denmark by the German Army, Danish Quislings and the Danish freedom fighters. Love crosses their path when they take a Jewish girl as hostage.
The Olsen Gang Long Gone
Bodyguard (uncredited)
Criminal genius Egon Olsen presents his accomplices Benny and Keld with yet another infallible plan that can only end badly. The booty is a red suitcase containing values ​​worth five million. The sinister mastermind Bang-Johansen carries the suitcase. The Olsen Gang follows him to Paris, where they put their cunning and carefully organized plan into motion.
Stepping Out
Individually divorced and disillusioned, Jens and Karen meet and are drawn towards each other, but how does one go about courtship in a natural way, let alone a tangible relationship, in a time and age of general wisdom on every bookshelf? Surrounded by marital misfits and ex-partners, Jens and Karen give love a half-chance nonetheless.
Jeppe på Bjerget
Peder Hammer Lakaj
Jeppe på bjerget is a 1981 Danish film directed by Kaspar Rostrup and based on a play by Ludvig Holberg. It won three Bodil Awards : Best Film, Best Actor (for Buster Larsen) and Best Supporting Actor (for Kurt Ravn).
Little Virgil and Freddy Frogface
Mr. Strong
Little Virgil lives in a henhouse with his best friend Oscar, a one-legged rooster. Virgil's worst enemy is Orla, the local bully-boy. When a circus comes to town, Virgil hires on as the Human Cannonball's apprentice. The role is a perfect fit, and ugly, evil Orla finally gets his comeuppance.
Holidays in jail
Fængslende feriedage is a 1978 Danish family film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Jørgen Ryg. It was also Dirch Passer's final film.
The Olsen Gang Goes to War
Man at Beer Machine (uncredited)
Some criminal EU ministers plan to turn Denmark into a gigantic fair ground and holiday paradise. Egon gets his hand at some important documents which could both make him rich and take care of Denmark's future.
Girls at Sea
Women have joined the military in Denmark but may still not serve in the navy. This makes the lives of the sailors difficult when three women get trapped on board of a navy vessel do to an surprise exercise at sea. Trying to hide the three women leads to comical situations.
The Olsen Gang Sees Red
Mathias Gali
Egon and the gang are hired to stage a robbery of an antique Chinese vase for an economically challenged baron. Naturally they fooled, which infuriates Egon. The gang tries to get back at the baron by switching the vase with a cheap Hong Kong copy. One attempt is made during the barons hunting party, where Egon ends up being bricked up in the catacombs. In another attempt, the gang has to coordinate breaking through several walls at The Royal Theater in Copenhagen with the "Elverhøj" overture.
Dummy Partner
The last part of the trilogy about the Vesterbro Root Per, which differs from "The Flight" (1973) and "Per" (1975) by being more comedy. Per has become socially adapted, he gets married and gets permanent work. In his rise live two originals, Kasper and his blind friend Holger, who are busy revealing housing fraud in the neighborhood.
Den dobbelte mand
Hjerter er trumf
Bejleren - en jysk røverhistorie
Good and Evil
Jørgen Leth can squeeze poetry from a stone and wit from dust, and he can find love where the milk of human kindness runs dry. In a series of tableaux of Life in Denmark, he carries absurdism to a happy extreme. To act out his minuscule non-dramas, he uses a motley crew of professional actors like Ghita Nørby and Claus Nissen, writer Dan Turéll plus a snake charmer, a bicycle racer and a circus queen.
The Son from Vingaarden
Søren Pallesen
Vingården står foran nedrivning. Det er nu 30 år siden onkel Olsen døde og gården må efter 30 år sælges, hvis ingen i familien Martin ønsker at købe den. Da der ankommer en dansk-amerikaner til den lille by, sætter Jacobsen Nicoline til at undersøge den fremmedes værelse. Erik Hein, født Martin, forsøger at købe Vingården men forhindres. I stedet køber han Sophienberg. Eriks far har for mange år siden skrevet under på en tilståelse om underslæb mod Vingården. Erik tror på sin fars uskyld og får hjælp til at bevise farens uskyld af nogle af byens retskafne beboere.
Me, Too, in the Mafia
Mafiaen, det er osse mig er en dansk komediefilm fra 1974 og en fortsættelse af Mig og Mafiaen. Filmen har manuskript af Lise Nørgaard og er instrueret af Henning Ørnbak.
Syg og Munter
Mand på værtshus
The Hour of Parting
A man is fired from his office job and at the same time he has a suspicion that his wife is cheating on him. The movie follows the desperate and dramatic reactions that the man makes up in his mind.
The Olsen Gang Runs Amok
Policeman (uncredited)
When Egon Olsen gets out of Vridlose State Prision once again, his friends Benny and Kjeld do not want to know about his new ingenious plan: they are actually WORKING in a shop! Thus, he has to think of something else to get his hands on the money of some international gangster.
In Your Dad's Pocket
Stine is now eleven and her life and world in a Copenhagen suburb's modern social housing is portrayed in episodes around her family, friends and school.
Præsten i Vejlby
The Mind Snatchers
Army Psychiatrist
A German scientist works on a way of quelling overly aggressive soldiers by developing implants that directly stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain.
É Proibido Procriar
Em um futuro não muito distante, um governo terrestre muito poluído e superpovoado torna ilegal ter filhos por uma geração. Um casal, insatisfeito com seu bebê robô substituto, quebra as regras e se envolve em muitos problemas. Z.P.G. é o acrônimo de "Crescimento Populacional Zero".
How to Behave in a Fourposter Bed
A police lieutenant woman goes undercover into a mansion where a couple maintains a school to teach young women how to catch a man... Especially if they are rich and into marriage. The courses include a number of disciplines, including judo and strip-tease.
Nikolaisen, pengeafpresser
Audun’s son is killed in an accident while the mother is in bed with her lover. Ten years later is Audun on the road living as a salesman and on the lone women that he meet and steal money from.
Collective Marriage
A married couple is having sexual difficulties. The husband acquiesces in his wife's having a lover who visits her every Friday. The lover participates in a collective living arrangement, where sex as well as household chores are shared. Thinking that they will benefit from a similar scheme, the couple starts their own collective. However, the wife dislikes it when her husband begins to spend time with a younger woman in the collective, and the collective frowns on her having an outside relationship (her Friday lover).
A terrifying drama about what might happen in a disaster situation. An airplane loaded with bacteriological weapons crashes in the south of Sweden, causing an epidemic.
Young Maria lives her upper class life in the shadow of her husband Carl, and gets pregnant. She doubts her value as a wife, and is drawn to a couple of other less respectable men., which leads to a crisis.
Ska' vi lege skjul?
The Only Way
Lassens assistent
In April 1940, the armies of Nazi Germany invaded Denmark. The Danish government promised peaceful cooperation on the condition that Denmark s Jews remain free. The Nazi s agreed. In October, 1943, the agreement was broken...This is the true and magnificent saga of Denmark s valorous actions to save Danish Jews from Nazi extermination at peril of death!
Smil Emil
Helle for Lykke
We Are All Demons
Asthor Asbjörnsen
A veteran sea captain abducts his niece for what he believes is his last chance at love. As the sad demon of the ocean Klabautermanden watches the passing of doomed ships, the niece awakens in her uncle's cabin. She makes him marry her but never allows the tyrannical captain to ever touch her. For eight years, the ship never docks as the malnourished crew wishes for death.
The Olsen Gang
Polizist auf Motorrad (2. von links in der Scheune) (uncredited)
The first of 14 Olsen Gang films presents us with Egon Olsen, head of the gang, and his friends Benny and Kjeld, who want to become the best known gang in Denmark and eventually Europe by stealing a famous Bavarian work of art currently displayed in a Copenhagen museum. Although Egon's plan works out fine, there is only trouble ahead for the little gang.
Det var en lørdag aften
O Humano Perfeito
The Perfect Man
um filme extremamente minimalista: uma sala branca vazia, dois atores e uma voz que vai indicar pontos de perfeições dos personagens. "Assim, um salto humano", "e cai", "esta é uma orelha", "esses são dois joelhos" e "o que o homem está pensando?" são algumas das frases que aprova a dissertação de Leth. Amplamente 13 minutos na mais pura essência do gênero.
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