Rod Stoneman


Uma Viagem ao Mundo das Fábulas
O jovem Brendan vive em uma vila medieval remota sob o cerco das invasões bárbaras, mas uma nova vida de aventuras surge quando um mestre iluminador chega de terras estrangeiras carregando um livro antigo inacabado e repleto de sabedoria secreta e poderes. Para ajudar a completar o livro mágico, Brendan tem que superar seus medos mais profundos em uma busca perigosa que o leva para a floresta encantada onde criaturas míticas se escondem. É aqui que ele encontra a fada Aisling, uma misteriosa jovem mulher-lobo, que o ajuda ao longo do caminho.
Dias Selvagens
Executive Producer
A partir do fim do relacionamento de John (Cillian Murphy) e Deirdre (Kelly Macdonald), o filme avança misturando amor, roubo a banco, sequestro e vingança. Surpreendente e imprevisível, "Dias Selvagens" foge do lugar comum e conquista o espectador por sua originalidade. Investigando o poder que cada um tem em interferir na vida dos outros, o filme é um passatempo inventivo e inquieto, qualidades que não costumam caminhar juntas.
The Actors
Executive Producer
During the run of a particularly awful interpretation of Richard III, the star, Anthony O'Malley, begins to frequent a rough pub to develop his character. He meets Barreller who he discovers owes someone he's never met a considerable sum of money. Seeing an opportunity to make some fast money, O'Malley convinces hapless extra, Tom, to meet Barreller as the debt collector.
As Mulheres de Adam
Executive Producer
Lucy Owen (Kate Hudson) é uma cantora que trabalha também como garçonete em um bar de Dublin, na Irlanda. Lucy nunca se apaixonou de verdade, apesar de já ter tido os mais diversos namorados. Até que ela conhece Adam (Stuart Townsend), um rapaz misterioso e aparentemente perfeito, por quem se apaixona. Mas o charme de Adam parece ser irresistível, já que as duas irmãs de Lucy, Laura (Frances O'Connor) e Alice (Charlotte Bradley), também se apaixonam pelo rapaz.
The Last September
Executive Producer
In 1920s Ireland, an elderly couple reside over a tired country estate. Living with them are their high-spirited niece, their Oxford student nephew, and married house guests, who are trying to cover up that they are presently homeless. The niece enjoys romantic frolics with a soldier and a hidden guerrilla fighter. All of the principals are thrown into turmoil when one more guest arrives with considerable wit and unwanted advice.
Um Criminoso Decente
Executive Producer
Michael Lynch (Kevin Spacey) é o mais famoso ladrão de Dublin, na Irlanda. Seus roubos fazem dele o pesadelo da polícia local e um herói entre os criminosos locais. Além disto, Lynch banca o chefe de sua família, que inclui suas duas esposas: as irmãs Christine (Linda Fiorentino) e Lisa (Helen Baxendale). Porém, enquanto elabora mais um sofisticado plano Lynch precisa se precaver contra o detetive Noel Quigley (Stephen Dillane), que está disposto a tudo para capturá-lo.
Executive Producer
An autocratic Director (Harold Pinter) and his Assistant (Rebecca Pidgeon) put the final touches to the last scene of some kind of dramatic presentation, which consists entirely of a man (John Gielgud) standing still onstage.
I Went Down
Executive Producer
Fresh out of prison, Git rescues a former best friend (now living with Git's girlfriend) from a beating at the hands of loan sharks. He's now in trouble with the mob boss, Tom French, who sends Git to Cork with another debtor, Bunny Kelly, to find a guy named Frank Grogan, and take him to a man with a friendly face at a shack across a bog. It's a tougher assignment than it seems: Git's a novice, Bunny's prone to rash acts, Frank doesn't want to be found (and once he's found, he has no money), and maybe Tom's planning to murder Frank, which puts Git in a moral dilemma. Then, there's the long-ago disappearance of Sonny Mulligan. What's a decent and stand-up lad to do?
The Disappearance of Finbar
Executive Producer
A dissatisfied teen disappears from his small town, leaving friends to wonder about his whereabouts.
Trojan Eddie
Executive Producer
Trojan Eddie sells stolen goods for John Power, aging godfather of a local network of Irish gypsies, known as "travelers." Having done time rather than inform on his partner in a failed burglary, Eddie now struggles to raise his two daughters alone. Power falls for and marries traveler girl Kathleen, but when she runs off with Power's nephew Dermot — and takes the $11,000 dowry with her — Eddie must track the couple down.
A now-rich woman returns to her poor desert hometown to propose a deal to the populace: her fortune, in exchange for the death of the man who years earlier abandoned her and left her with his child.
Blue Black Permanent
Executive Producer
In 1990s Edinburgh, Barbara Thorburn reflects on memories of her poet mother, Greta, and her tragic death.