Edward L. Montoro


Dark Friday
Executive Producer
Tells the story of two young women who accidentally meet three young people of the high society. The two men and their female friend lure the unsuspecting girls into a house by the sea, where they start to play a mean game with hem by first irritating them before terrorizing and attack them. Meanwhile, the boyfriend of one of the girls starts searching for them.
Executive Producer
A happy marriage turns sour when the husband becomes addicted to cocaine.
Alley Cat
Executive Producer
A skilled martial artist tries to get revenge on the thugs who stole her tires and attacked her grandparents.
The Power
Executive Producer
A man comes into possession of an ancient Aztec doll. However, the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, which takes over his body.
Extraterrestrial Visitors
Executive Producer
After a meteor-like object lands in the woods, poachers unearth a cave filled with alien eggs. As they attempt to destroy the eggs, one of them is killed by an unseen creature, leaving one egg intact. A young boy named Tommy finds the remaining egg and brings it home to hatch. As more murders occur around town, Tommy learns that his new pet alien, who he names Trumpy, possesses telekinetic powers.
Executive Producer
Christie Parson has constant nightmares of her father's death whom died in a swimming pool. Christie's mother thinks it was an accident, but Christie believes it was murder. Christie then sees an unknown figure dressed in a cape following her and harassing her. But still nobody believes her, until her boyfriend sees the figure himself. The figure hides in the town mortuary which is owned by Hank Andrews and his demented son, Paul. Both are trying to form rituals to bring back Dr. Parson's spirit. But, who is this figure and why is he harassing Christie?
Os Vigilantes
Executive Producer
New York City factory worker Eddie Marino is a solid citizen and regular guy, until the day a sadistic street gang brutally assaults his wife and murders his child. When a corrupt judge sets the thugs free, Eddie goes berserk and vows revenge.
Executive Producer
Born in a tribe of fierce warrior women, Hundra has been raised to despise the influence of men. An archer, fighter and sword fighter, Hundra is superior to any male. Hundra finds her family slain and takes a vow of revenge until one day she meets her match.
O Último Tubarão
Executive Producer
"O Último Tubarão" extrapola qualquer falsa sutileza e copia, praticamente na íntegra, o enredo de "Tubarão", o sucesso mundial de Steven Spielberg. Como o nível de picaretagem estava mais alto que o de costume (tanto que no Brasil o filme saiu como um produto da franquia "Tubarão") - e esse filme estava dando mais lucro que "Tubarão 2" -, Spielberg e cia. decidiram processar os italianos por plágio. Como o roteiro é praticamente igual ao da obra de Spielberg, não vamos perder tempo esmiuçando a trama e similares, vamos pra parte que interessa: todo o sangue que a versão americana escondia, esse aqui mostra; se Spielberg (espertamente) quase não mostra o peixão pra criar suspense, aqui - mesmo não tendo 10% dos recursos - Castellari mostra o tubarão e todos seus dentes (de plástico) à cada ataque, mesmo que não tenha efeitos eficientes o suficiente pra isso (mais disso adiante).
Executive Producer
Tourists take a boat to a remote island, where they find that most of the people have disappeared, and something is stalking them. They find a hidden room in the big mansion on a hill, and an ancient diary, which gives them clues to the source of the terror.
As Chamas do Inferno
Executive Producer
Quando criança, Donald foi atormentado por sua mãe, que usou o fogo como punição. Agora, um adulto enlouquecido, Donald persegue mulheres em clubes, depois as leva para casa, onde as mata com um lança-chamas.
Terror em Los Angeles
Alguém está matando e mutilando pessoas durante a noite. Frustrado pela ineficiência da polícia, o pai da primeira vítima está procurando respostas, não importa o quão distantes elas estejam.
The Visitor
Executive Producer
An ancient intergalactic warrior arrives on Earth to put a stop to a demonic child's plot to reproduce Satan's next generation of evil.
Day of the Animals
The depletion of the earth's ozone layer causes animals above the altitude of 5000 feet to run amok, which is very unfortunate for a group of hikers who get dropped off up there by helicopter just before the quarantine is announced.
Day of the Animals
The depletion of the earth's ozone layer causes animals above the altitude of 5000 feet to run amok, which is very unfortunate for a group of hikers who get dropped off up there by helicopter just before the quarantine is announced.
Grizzly, A Força Assassina
Executive Producer
Um urso pardo dezoito pés descobre que os seres humanos fazem para um deleite saboroso. Como um parque ranger tenta mobilizar seus homens para trazer a captura ou destruição do urso, seus esforços são frustrados pela introdução de dezenas de caçadores bêbados na área.
Espírito Malígno
Jessica Barrett, wife and mother of two young children, begins to show signs of demonic possession while pregnant with her third child. As she seeks help from her husband and doctor, a mysterious man approaches her and seems to have some answers.
Executive Producer
Fresh out of the joint, young Ricco is eager to get home to see his family. He was cut loose a year early for good behavior, but it certainly wasn't good behavior that got him in the big house in the first place. Two years prior, Ricco took it upon himself to go after Don Avito, the man who killed his pappy and took his girlfriend. Yet Ricco came out of prison a changed man. He had a lot of time to think, and the anger and thirst for revenge is no longer there, much to his mother's chagrin. She is quite upset that her son is not interested in paying back Don Avito for his deeds, and she needles Ricco relentlessly until he reluctantly gives in to her demands.
Getting Into Heaven
Miss Heaven wishes very much to get into films, but first she must meet Sin through Salacity, that is, have all sorts of sex on a producer's couch.
Getting Into Heaven
Miss Heaven wishes very much to get into films, but first she must meet Sin through Salacity, that is, have all sorts of sex on a producer's couch.
Getting Into Heaven
Miss Heaven wishes very much to get into films, but first she must meet Sin through Salacity, that is, have all sorts of sex on a producer's couch.
A Colina dos Homens Maus
Executive Producer
Honey Fisher se tornou um homem poderoso em uma pequena cidade do Oeste, que cresceu em uma rica região de exploração de ouro. Fisher e sua gangue controlam o dinheiro e a área das minas de ouro através de trapaças, assassinatos e terror. A comunidade oprimida chama Cat Stevens (Terence Hill) para ajudá-los. Cat sabe que não conseguirá derrotar a gangue sozinho e chama seu parceiro Hutch Bessy (Bud Spencer) e Tom, um artista de circo que tem bons motivos para querer se vingar dos criminosos.
Platinum Pussycat
Dena and the Baron battle gangsters on the streets of downtown Cleveland in a quest for $100,000, leading to many murders, double crosses and a final foot chase.
Platinum Pussycat
Dena and the Baron battle gangsters on the streets of downtown Cleveland in a quest for $100,000, leading to many murders, double crosses and a final foot chase.