William Miller
Nascimento : 1978-09-09, Windsor, England, UK
A spiritual medium leads a paranormal investigative TV crew to a haunted home only to discover that the evil spirit she’s facing holds the key to her troubled past.
Officer Benitez
After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip through Baja with his uncle in order to reconnect with his Mexican roots and find himself.
García Serrano
Em 1921, anarquistas e a polícia se confrontam em Barcelona. E um policial faz jogo duplo para descobrir quem roubou armas que poderiam desencadear uma guerra civil.
Anna's father
Anna lives in a retro-futuristic dystopia where intellectual property doesn't exist: there's no creativity, no R&D, no innovation and no diversity. Tired of the reality surrounding her, she starts the search of the only original song she remembers.
Recon Guy #1
Megan Leavey é uma especialista da marinha americana em treinamento de cães para detectar bombas. Ela é enviada ao Iraque, onde forma uma boa parceria com o cão Rex. Mas Megan é ferida e afastada do campo de batalha. Enquanto isso, o cão permanece em atividade, e ela espera a aposentadoria do animal para poder adotá-lo. Antes desse prazo, no entanto, a ex-militar descobre que o cachorro sofrerá uma eutanásia e luta para reverter a decisão.
Many immigrants, when they arrived in Spain, thought they had found paradise, soon thwarted all their dreams of prosperity. Many of them then decided to return to their land, but not so simple. In a pension match various immigrants end up discovering that deportation is the only way to return to his country.
Capitán inglés
Começo do século XVII. Um encontro entre representantes da França, Inglaterra, Portugal e os homens do Papa acontece na Espanha, terra do herói mascarado conhecido como Águia Vermelha. Os países estão reunidos para encontrar uma solução definitiva para o conflito entre Espanha e Portugal – mas o objetivo oculto desta reunião, na verdade, é empreender um ataque direto ao reino espanhol. A Marquesa de Santillana, uma das líderes da conspiração, contratou um assassino para acabar com o Águia Vermelha, como forma de garantir a continuidade de seu plano. Todo o reino parece à mercê destes traidores, mas o Águia Vermelha não está disposto a desistir tão fácil.
1936. Somewhere in Andalusian countryside, a patrol of Spanish Republican soldiers cross the enemy lines to destroy a very important railroad for enemies communications.
Dante travels across a desolate, futuristic Spain in search of his girlfriend, Ula. He is pursued by a bloodthirsty, cybernetic Rottweiler.
A man is diagnosed terminally ill and having only a limited time to live he decides to inflict pain and suffering on an ex-girlfriend in an attempt to teach her the value of life.
Tempus Fugit explores the effects of being able to travel back and forth in time in boring and insignificant installments – half-day to 6-7 days, at a stretch. But the point is, much like Butterfly Effect (the film – the wikipedia definition!), small, utterly insignificant, initial variations can/ may lead to large changes in the long term. This fascinating theory is clubbed along with an average-nobody’s seemingly inconsequential every day act becoming significant enough to save the world – to an incredible effect.