Patrick Chesnais

Patrick Chesnais

Nascimento : 1947-03-18, La Garenne-Colombes, Hauts-de-Seine, France


Patrick Chesnais (born 18 March 1947) is a French actor, film director and screenwriter. Patrick Chesnais was born in La Garenne-Colombes, Hauts-de-Seine. He was educated at the Lycée Pierre Corneille in Rouen. In 1989, he won the César Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for his performance in the film La Lectrice directed by Michel Deville. In 1994, he starred in Harold Pinter's Le Retour, and in 1992, in La Belle Histoire by Claude Lelouch. He starred in Hany Tamba's Melodrama Habibi in 2008. He is married to fellow actor Josiane Stoléru. Source: Article "Patrick Chesnais" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Patrick Chesnais


Tous Inconnus
("Cinéma Cinémas" segment)
The three "Unknown" are back in this movie where they wake up in a world where they really are unknown! They'll eventually find out that their career, films, sketches & songs do exist but from someone else!
To avoid facing her heavy past, a young woman with a borderline personality tries to seduce her strange neighbor. A singular love story between these two lonely and wounded souls is born, but will it be enough to save them from themselves?
We are Red Star
The filmmaker sheds light on the history of the Red Star Football Club, founded by Jules Rimet in 1897, while several personalities share their experiences and testimonies.
Laval, le collaborateur
Várias vezes presidente do Conselho, Pierre Laval tornou-se, no final da década de 1930, um dos homens fortes do marechal Pétain e um fiel colaborador dos alemães. Detenções dos judeus, serviço de trabalho compulsório, caça aos combatentes da resistência... ele serviu Hitler até o fim.
Comme un coup de tonnerre
Père de Paul
Paul Vidal is a country doctor in a small town. A husband and father, he seems to have all he needs to be happy. Yet he suffers a serious nervous breakdown, making him unable to practise.
Lacking inspiration, a composer isolates himself at a desolate house, on a small island, in Brittany. There he finds an old piano and receives visits from people who won't let him rest.
When Granny Meets Grandpa
Everyone's favorite fun-loving Granny Aurore goes overboard while partying and has a little accident! She loses her memory and gets put in a nursing home. When her grandkids hear her mention a mysterious man named "Gerry", they put all seven of their heads together to figure out who he is: Aurore's first and only true love who just might turn out to be their long-lost grandfather, too! Hoping to trigger old memories that could snap her out of her amnesia, they join forces to sneak Aurore out of the nursing home and set out into the wilderness on a mission to find the legendary "Grandpa Gerry". But the adventure turns out to be a lot more than they bargained for!
Tant qu'il y a de l'amour
Meu Bebê
Héloïse é uma francesa que vê seu mundo virar do avesso quando sua filha mais nova, Jade, diz que foi aceita numa universidade no Canadá. Sofrendo com a mudança, a matriarca vive momentos saudosistas, enquanto tenta absorver a ideia de que o tempo passou e seu "bebê" já anda com as próprias pernas.
Adopt a Daddy
Damien is a pawn in a primary school, and leads a quiet life. To rescue one of his young students, Bahzad, and his mother from imminent expulsion from the land, Damien reconnects with his parents' militant past and convinces his sister Mélanie, who has become a formidable business lawyer, her best friend Rudy and a bunch of unlikely pals to accompany him in his new fight. Together, they will break the law by solidarity. And very quickly to be completely exceeded.
O Imperador de Paris
Sob o reinado de Napoleão, François Vidocq, o único homem que escapou da maior colônia penal do país, é uma lenda do fundo parisiense. Deixado para morrer depois de sua última fuga espetacular, o ex-prisioneiro da colônia penal tenta fazê-lo esquecer sob as características de um único operador.
My Mother Is Crazy
A road trip comedy about a crazy mother who has a tense relationship with her son.
School Is Over
Agathe Langlois, Parisian until the end of the nails well varnishes, is delighted: she is going to be confirmed as a professor of English. The happiness of the good news will not last as she learns that she is deployed to the countryside.
Me and El Che
GO is not just an aging college teacher. He still is the young 18 year-old idealist who dared to engaged in social and political action to defend his principles. As a matter of fact, he was one of El Che’s last companions. It was somewhere over there, in Bolivia, in 1967. At least, that’s what he tells everyone...
Irmãs Por Acaso
Le notaire
Com estilos de vida bem diferentes, Lauren, Olivia e Salma são completas desconhecidas aparentemente sem nada em comum: enquanto Lauren tenta fazer sucesso como blogueira, Olivia luta para salvar uma fábrica de chocolate e Salma dá aula de história. Apesar disso, o destino faz com que o caminho desse trio se cruze quando elas descobrem que herdaram um belo apartamento juntas.
Noir Enigma
Commissaire Rousseau
Uma estudante é abatida na entrada de uma confeitaria famosa. Nenhuma arma, nenhum suspeito. Nada na vida ou no passado da vítima que pudesse servir como pista para uma linha de investigação. Crime perfeito? Paralelamente, Rousseau continua a investigar o desaparecimento do filho...
Os Ex
Paris é também a cidade dos ex! Antoine não se compromete; Didier arrepende-se pela ex-mulher; o padre Laurent celebra o casamento da ex; Serge é assediado pela ex e Greg consola-se com o cão…do ex! Adoramos odiá-los, mas é impossível esquecer os ex!
The Summer of All My Parents
Michel Lanoy
After attempting to set a mailbox on fire, Pimpette, 14, and her elder sister, Joséphine, 18, spend their summer holidays shuttling between their secretly pregnant mom and bachelor father. But when Joséphine gets involved with the wrong crowd, little Pimpette turns out to be more responsible than the grown-ups who spend their time educating her.
Lost in Armenia
Casa Compartilhada
Le voisin excentrique
Este vai ser um inverno muito duro e o governo francês exige que os cidadãos mais ricos acolham em suas casas as pessoas que não têm onde morar. Neste inverno a convivência será uma loucura inimaginável do início ao fim!
Où es-tu maintenant ?
le commandant Brosky
A Lista dos Meus Desejos
Le père de Jocelyne
Até que ponto o dinheiro traz felicidade? Jocelyne é uma mulher de meia-idade que sempre teve uma vida modesta e pacata. Mora há décadas numa pequena cidade francesa com o marido, tem um armarinho e escreve um blog sobre costura que, sem suspeitar, é cada dia mais lido. Um dia, pressionada por amigas, Jo decide apostar na loteria e ganha, sozinha, 18 milhões de euros, podendo comprar tudo o que deseja. Com isso, surge um medo: perder sua vida de prazeres simples, que ela preza acima de tudo. É o início de uma reviravolta em sua vida.
La Braconne
Driss, a menos de vinte anos, vive pequenas raquetes e inteligência. Ele cruza o caminho de Danny, ladrão cansado que perambula pelas áreas comerciais dirigindo seu velho Merco. Sob a liderança de Danny, o jovem Driss, show-off e ingênuo, suas aulas e aprendi alguns truques. O mundo violento em que leva gradualmente o antigo mafioso irá pôr fim ao jovem imprudente ...
Bleu Catacombes
Commissaire Rousseau
Comissário Rousseau, a partir da divisão criminal, e seu jovem assistente Mariella de Luca, conduzir a investigação de um caso de uma cabeça encontrada nas catacumbas de Paris.
60 Going On 12
Charles and Pierrot are inseparable. When Charles takes early retirement, it seems the world is their oyster. They can spend even more time together. Their motto is simple: "Make the most of life and have fun!». They fill their days with abundant imagination, under the tender and sometimes worried gaze of the women in their lives…
Os Belos Dias
Ao se aposentar, Caroline não sabe como ocupar o seu tempo livre. Quando ela conhece o jovem Julien, eles iniciam um relacionamento amoroso apesar da diferença de idade. Mas ela é casada, e seu marido, Philippe, fará o que for necessário para recuperar sua esposa e o amor dela.
Les Enfoirés 2013 - La Boîte à Musique des Enfoirés
Welcome Aboard
Despite his fame, Taillandier has suddenly stopped painting. Deeply depressed, the sixty-year-old decides to go away. He has no clear goal and explains nothing to his close friends. During his travels, he has a strange encounter with Marylou, a wild teenager who was rejected by her mother. The lost girl and the man at the end of his tether will travel together awhile. Finally living like a father and daughter, at peace.
Hiver rouge
Commissaire Rousseau
You Will Be My Son
François Amelot
Paul de Marseul, a prestigious wine-maker and owner of a renowned chateau and vineyard in Saint-Emilion, is disheartened by the notion of his son Martin taking over the family business. Martin does not seem to have inherited the qualities that Paul esteems in a wine-maker: persistence, creative insight and technical prowess matched with passion for the job and the product, and Paul frequently reminds him of this, whether explicitly or in subtle gestures. When Philippe, the son of his manager, appears at the vineyard, Paul leaps at the chance to name him as his successor, neglecting the wishes of his own son...
The Great Restaurant II
The prostitute costumer
The great restaurant reopens with new extravagent costumers and the same beloved manager.
Je vous ai compris : De Gaulle, 1958-1962
Général de Gaulle
In Gold We Trust
A group of adventurers make off with 600 kilograms of gold in Guyana, but when their helicopter crashes in the jungle, gold fever takes over.
Vieilles canailles
All Girls Cry
Romantic drama in which a young woman must learn to live with her past in order to finally move forward.
A young director will make his first film, about the deportation of Jews during World War II. With a diva in the lead role.
Blame It on Mum
Henry Celliers
Mady Celliers, an attractive housewife of 60, he spends his life speaking ill of her two daughters and her husband, a man who shows a strange behavior since has retired. Antoine, the eldest son, company director, is unable to make a success of a business: out of a bankruptcy to get into another, her sister Alice madonnas obsessively paints sad. Annabelle, a nurse in an intensive care unit, tries desperately to save his family pronosticándole the future. When Alice meets by chance Jacques, a lonely police pessimistic explode all family neurosis.
Change of Plans
Os chamados amigos em um jantar acabam agindo como uma família disfuncional.
Home Sweet Home
A family’s secret, it’s a time bomb ! Despite their fundamentally opposite characters, Albert and Gédéon, former participants of the May 1968 protest movement, share the same house since the disappearance of the woman of Albert. When Claire, the Albert’s daughter, come back to home, secrets of their past « Flower Power » reappear …
Melodrama Habibi
Bruno Caprice
Dans les années 70 Bruno Caprice a connu un succès éphémère avec "Quand tu t'en vas", son premier et unique 45 tours. Aujourd'hui oublié, il gagne sa vie comme réceptionniste dans un grand hôtel parisien. Mais un coup de fil inattendu va changer le cours de sa vie...
The Maiden and the Wolves
Léon Amblard
Not long before World War I, in a French Alpine town near the Italian border, a pack of slaughtered wolves is delivered to local taxidermist Leon (Patrick Chesnais). A surviving black cub comes down from the mountains looking for his family, and is saved from discovery and certain death by Leon’s young daughter Angele, who releases him back into the wild. The Great War comes and goes, making local foundry owners the Garcins rich. Family patriarch Albert Garcin (Michel Galabru), who happens to be Angele’s godfather, has given a free lifetime’s lease of a shack in the hills to a gypsy woman (played in flashbacks by Elisa Tovati in which she’s seen, literally, having dances with wolves on stage). Her son Guiseppe (Stefano Accorsi), who appears to be slightly mentally handicapped, guards the wolves he’s befriended up there, especially the black pack leader he calls Carbone.
Clovis Costa
A comedian kidnaps a singer and keeps him in his apartment.
O Escafandro e a Borboleta
Dr. Lepage
Jean-Dominique Bauby (Mathieu Amalric) tem 43 anos, é editor da revista Elle e um apaixonado pela vida. Mas, subitamente, tem um derrame cerebral. Vinte dias depois, ele acorda. Ainda está lúcido, mas sofre de uma rara paralisia: o único movimento que lhe resta no corpo é o do olho esquerdo. Bauby se recusa a aceitar seu destino. Aprende a se comunicar piscando letras do alfabeto, e forma palavras, frases e até parágrafos. Cria um mundo próprio, contando com aquilo que não se paralisou: sua imaginação e sua memória.
The Price to Pay
Jean-Pierre, a wealthy businessman, is lonely. He still desires his wife but she only seems interested in shopping and the beauty salon. Tired of lunching alone every day, one day he decides to invite his chauffeur to join him, and a relationship quickly develops as the two find they have much in common. Are they just cash machines for their wives? Don't they deserve some love in return? Jean-Pierre confiscates his wife's credit card, but things don't turn out exactly the way he'd hoped...
J'invente rien
Paul has no specific life goal, and Mathilde, who provides for their household, despairs that he can find one. If he continues like this, she may well drop him. So Paul thinks he's got to invent something.
On va s'aimer
le détective
Laurent loves Camille but he can’t bring himself to marry her. Then he meets Elodie and discovers what love really is – not the mild cozy affection he has for Camille but a cataclysmic, thunderous all-consuming earthquake of the soul. The only problem is that Elodie is the girlfriend of Laurent’s best friend, François...
Jean-Claude Delsart, a 50 years-old bailiff, with his worn-out smile and heart, abandoned a long time ago the idea that life could give him pleasures. Until the day, he dares to push the doors of a tango lesson...
J'irai cracher sur vos tongs
Micha, 38 years old, Russian, spends his days in the Bois de Vincennes, talking to himself. Charles, 20 years old, works for a real estate agency and is given a camera to film apartments. Not knowing how to use it, he practices one weekend and of course, he falls on Micha. Charles' camera becomes an audience for Micha's rantings, which finally finds a docile and amused spectator.
Tu vas rire, mais je te quitte
The complicated life of a wannabe actress who meets an older writer in the midst of a crisis.
Mariage mixte
Jean-Yves Dupreux
A woman seeks the blessing of her wealthy father when she becomes engaged.
Totally Nuts
Diane, a young woman in search of a child, is looking for money to go to the sperm bank. She crosses paths with Arthur, a bank robber.
Totally Nuts
Lieutenant Lescaro
Diane, a young woman in search of a child, is looking for money to go to the sperm bank. She crosses paths with Arthur, a bank robber.
Le ventre de Juliette
The 20-year-old Juliette tries to come to terms with an unexpected pregnancy, despite a lack of support from the father of the child and from her mother.
The Landlords
Directed by Rémi Waterhouse, Mille Millièmes is centered around an eccentric ensemble of apartment residents. Kindness is noticeably absent among their quarters, as demonstrated by a dating pair of neighbors whose request to have their apartments connected was flatly denied. To make matters worse, beggars gathering at a charity event are cruelly tormented by various tenants during the Christmas season. Last but not least is the Portuguese concierge whose services are in danger of being replaced by a more cost-effective alternative, and a widow whose recent loss earns her no sympathy from the rent-demanding landlords.
Sexes très opposés
Ideally, a love story should last for life… But this is often not the case. Does this indicate that men and women are meant to fall in love several times over? Why do people tire of each other? What events lead to a break-up? If they could be identified, could we then eradicate them? Four stories delve, by way of personal accounts and illustration, into relationships that went astray before they should have. Men and women of different ages and social conditions recount their stories. Four couples, four break-ups, four attempts at an explanation – combined with the ambitious aim to amuse!
Irène is a beautiful girl working in Paris, she soon meets a manager and hopes a love story with him. But he tells a lie, so she falls in love with a house painter.
Jeu de cons
Commissaire Aguerre
Mikael, Skip and P'tit Louis are planning a big job. In his car, Michael pulls out his hair by making P'tit Louis repeat the insults that he will have to utter to Perron's secretary. Perron (Miki Manojlovic) is the producer they have come to bully for ignoring their script seven times in a row. The three guys have a grudge against the entire film industry. What they are looking for is a minimum of interest in their plot, a deign to read their script. So they take the producer and his daughter hostage, then demand a TV crew to make their demands known.
Te quiero
Jean and Sylvia left France with a stolen diamond to start a new life in South America. They land in Lima to live their passion. But the diamond is not easy to sell. They meet a French couple and hope to sell them the stolen diamond.
Charming Fellow
Octave and his friends, Achille and Hector, wander around at night in the grocery stores, the regulars' restaurants and the creepy bars. Octave meets Esther by chance. These two people have diametrically opposed characters. She is beautiful, cultured, free, creative, while he is rude, violent and whiny. The latter falls in love with her. The game is going to be difficult.
Charming Fellow
Octave and his friends, Achille and Hector, wander around at night in the grocery stores, the regulars' restaurants and the creepy bars. Octave meets Esther by chance. These two people have diametrically opposed characters. She is beautiful, cultured, free, creative, while he is rude, violent and whiny. The latter falls in love with her. The game is going to be difficult.
Kennedy et moi
Paul Gurney
Comedy drama about an apathetic writer whose only interest is in his psychiatrist's watch which may have belonged to John F. Kennedy at the time of his assassination in 1963.
Os Filhos do Século
Gustave Planche
True tale of the tumultuous love affair between two French literary icons of the 19th Century, novelist George Sand and poet Alfred de Musset. But their affair falls apart during an excursion to Venice, Italy where Musset is distracted by drugs and Sand by a handsome doctor.
After Sex
Philippe Clovier
The end of an affair from the woman's point of view.
Julien Dessales
The gloomy life of a high school censor is turned upside down the day he meets an old classmate.
Life's Little Treasures
This movie is about love affairs, simple pleasures of a few men and women who will gather for a few days in a villa, around a piano and the music of Gottschalk who is perhaps the main actor.
Pas d'amour sans amour!
After her gynecologist tells her that her current involuntary celibacy could result in her being unable to enjoy sex in the future, Eva begins to consider ways that she could take active steps to get some action going in that area. Unfortunately, none of the men she currently knows are interested in going to bed with her, including her business partner, who just might be sexually attracted to trees but certainly isn't to her. That being the case, it is particularly galling that he gets jealous at the very notion of her having sex with business clients. Eva discusses these issues (and a great deal more) with her similarly forty-ish gal-pals.
Drôles d'oiseaux
Commissaire Voitot
The fire at the supermarket is a boon for a scrap dealer who has just killed his wife. According to Commissioner Voitot, the victim could be one of the unidentified bodies. But here is a landscaper claims that his wife has also disappeared.
The Beautiful Story
Pierre Lhermitte
A film with emphasis on visuals and music, the plot concerns characters who meet in present time, mainly the male gypsy Jesus, and the female thief and con-artist Odona, who share parallel experiences from lives 2000 years in the past. These stories are juxtaposed.
La pagaille
To a non-French speaker, the word La Pagaille looks charming, elegant, even tidy. However, it means "a mess," and a mess is just what the happily divorced Martin gets into when he and his ex-wife Brigitte, the mother of his children, rekindle their long-dormant relationship and announce that they intend to move back in together. Not only do the children find this whole thing confusing, but the husband's and the wife's lovers are equally befuddled. Add to that the need for Martin to meet Brigitte's lover and vice-versa, and you have the beginnings of a mess. When it begins to seem to Brigitte's former lover that he has offended the Muslims with a book he translated and he is slated for death, the whole thing grows yet more complicated. In this comedy, this list only scratches the surface of the messes these people must confront.
A lawyer defending once successful computer programmer against her prosecuting lawyer boyfriend becomes romantically involved with his client.
Netchaïev est de retour
Marc Leloy
Freshly landed in Paris, Daniel Laurençon, who calls himself Netchaïev, who was believed dead five years ago in Gibraltar, warns a commercial center of a bomb attack a few minutes before its completion.
Promotion canapé
Two women who want a raise, realize that they can easily get what they want, if they sleep with their boss.
Le sixième doigt
The Austrian
A woman is detained at La Conciergerie. She's 37 but her hair are already white. She's suffering from terrible haemorraghe. Her name is Marie-Antoinette of Lorraine, from Austria, and she's living her last four days.
Feu sur le candidat
Robert Cavaillon is the king of the pet food industry. After he sold the factory to his workers, he decided to run for office. His campaign in support of animal rights gives him a lead in the opinion polls - which worries the main political parties. Since his past is unassailable, his political opponents decide to give the job of getting rid of him to a bizarre couple - a professional killer called Jean and a high-class call girl named Clara. The pair has to ruin him with scandal and then eliminate him for good. Jean's first attempt at his task is a failure: instead of a killer he ends up looking like Cavaillon's savior and friend. Clara is forced to play the role of the killer's tender wife, because their victim sees them as a kindly pair not interested in using him for his position like everyone else. Between one bungled assassination attempt and the next, the three are enmeshed in an intense relationship in which their roles all change.
Tem Dias de Lua Cheia
Le docteur
How can moon and time affect human mood and fate? In the manner of a Greek tragedy , this movie shows how the chaos of life ineluctably propels its characters towards violence and alienation.
Thank You Satan
Alain Monnier
Nathalie Monnier is 14, her parents are splitting up, and what's worse, their apartment is going to be put up for sale. Just about everything in her life is about to be shattered. So it makes a bit of sense that she is receptive to the possibility of selling her soul for the chance to keep all this from happening. Just as her parents are (of course) getting back together, she wins the lottery and is able to buy their old apartment.
Kiss Me
Pierre - le père
The life of a twelve-year-old living with her mother is disrupted by the arrival of a very young man at home. While her feelings become confused and the dramas burst, the girl will try to find in his entourage someone able to listen and understand it, before the worst happens.
Les cigognes n'en font qu'à leur tête
Married to Jeremie, Marie wants desperately to have a child. She has a 20 year old daughter from a former marriage with the police commissioner. When the gynecologist confirms they are unable to conceive a child together, they opt for adoption. However, it is a very lengthy and difficult process. When her daughter meets Joanna, a pregnant teenager willing to give up her child for adoption, Marie is thrilled. And so Joanna moves in...
La Lectrice
le P.D.G.
Constance é uma jovem que gosta de ler - e gosta de sonhar enquanto lê - para imaginar, criar imagens. Isto é o que ela faz para «La Lectrice», um romance que conta as aventuras de Marie, uma jovem que gosta tanto de ler que decide fazer uma profissão. Textos selecionados, Provence no inverno, diferentes bairros. Desvios da ficção, esquemas secretos. Um espaço imaginário penetra no espaço da cidade, cujas ruas Marie percorre, enquanto Constance devora a novela. O desconhecido está por trás de cada palavra.
Blanche and Marie
A little town in the north of France, 1941. Blanche has three children. She worries about her husband Victor, who often goes out at night. Actually, Victor belongs to the Resistance. Soon, Blanche will be a resistant too. In the network, there is also Germinal, the hairdresser. His daughter Marie knows everything and asks to be part of it... Chronicle of the occupation and of the resistance through the eyes of the women.
Les sacrifiés
Cap Canaille
Directors Jean-Henri Roger and Juliet Berto begin this thriller with sequences on the contemporary politics of southern France and the infiltration of organised crime into real estate development there: crime bosses were torching forest tracts to make way for their development schemes in the early 1980s. In the fictionalised story, Paula Barretto is caught in this underworld because her father was involved in the drug business, her brother is in the real estate scam, and her lover is an armed thief. Although she tries to get out of her corrupt and dangerous environment, it is not an easy task when even the police officers cannot be trusted, and the underworld has informants everywhere.
First inspector
This drama about a barmaid caught up in events beyond her control is the first film directed by Juliet Berto, and was also based on her own concept for the story. The barmaid, played by Berto, has been trying to take care of Bobby, a teenage drug pusher who is in over his head. Before she can put him back on track and get him out of the drug underworld, the young man is killed while being chased by a narcotics agent. Depressed by his death but not derailed, she finds herself trying to help out a gay user who depended on Bobby for his supply of drugs. She decides to procure some drugs for the desperate addict, and is trapped in the bathroom of a bar - with the drugs - when narcotics agents burst upon the scene. Her boyfriend rushes to help her but is killed by an agent who shoots first and thinks later. The barmaid does not face a very optimistic future as the narc arrests her - but releases a parish minister who had been helping her find a source for the drugs.
First Voyage
Yan Lambert
When her mother dies, a teenage girl decides to find her long-absent sailor father. Together with her five-year-old brother, she begins a long and dangerous quest, which will finally be rewarded.
The Imprint of Giants
Martial Dromner
The life of workers and their families in a construction site of a highway in 1965.
L'oeil du maître
Marc Dumas
A journalist very attached to freedom of information conflicts with the management of his channel.
Cocktail Molotov
"Cocktail Molotov" is the story of the adventures of this threesome, who reach Venice only to learn of the outbreak of the May 1968 disturbances at home. Once again, Anne, Frederic and Bruno realize that the important things of their time are happening somewhere where they are not. Swindled out of their car and virtually broke, they hitchhike back to Paris, hoping to arrive in time for some of the excitement.
Out of Whack
Jeffy / L'inspecteur Lujon / M. Poitronneau
Rien ne va plus is a series of comedy sketches of disparate quality, on the social, cultural, and political foibles that make the French, French. Various settings and character types are given a once-over, including pseudo-intellectuals, punk bikers, right-wingers, and patrons of a low-end cafe.
Dossier 51
French diplomat Dominique Auphal is put under surveillance by an unnamed secret service. They wish to find a weakness in his life in order to control him politically. Auphal becomes "File no. 51": his private life is spied, analysed and commented.
The Castaways of Turtle Island
Jean-Arthur has been working as a clerk in a travel agency. One day, he, along with his colleague comes to a brilliant idea: what if I offer tourists real extreme recreation? So the group of tourists land on a deserted island with no food, no shelter, nothing.
Monsieur Albert
In this poetic slice-of-life film that reveals the problems and needs of a group of lowlife characters, unwed mother Vivaine (Dominique Labourier) falls in love with working-class youth Francois (Patrick Chesnais) who has a shady past. Albert (Philippe Noiret), a no-good insurance con-artist, poses for many years as Francois' friend, but tragedy ensues when Albert comes between the lovers, and Francois and Albert resort to physical violence to settle their differences.
Planter les Choux